آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2019-11-16
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Forty-Three
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Brother Rashid, Again!
Published in November 5, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … The former Sunnite man and today's convert to Christianity, Brother Rashid, who hosted you in his Christian TV show twice has recently declared something which, in my view, entails a response from you: he has declared a contest about 'composing' new verses to be added to the Quran! For sure, his intention is to ridicule and undermine the Holy Quran! What is your stance regarding this?! … Thank you …
Brother Rashid respects our own religious freedom especially regarding our criticism of Christianity; we, in our turn, respect his freedom regarding his criticism of our religion, as per the Quranic tenet of absolute religious freedom expressed in the Quranic Chapter 109. Thus, the best stance/response is non-response. All human beings will be gathered before the Almighty Dominant Lord God on the Day of Judgment and He will settle their differences and disputes concerning religion.
About Abou Bakr and other Caliphs, Again!
Published in November 5, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … How dare a historian like you accuse the holy four pre-Umayyad caliphs (Abou Bakr, Omar, Othman, and Ali) of being sinful men who were adamant in hypocrisy?! Abou Bakr was the man with the cave with Prophet Muhammad when he immigrated to Yathreb as per the Quranic verse 9:40! The three others were the in-laws of Prophet Muhammad who prayed with him as per the Quranic verse 73:20! You tend to believe in false historical narratives authored by some Jews who feigned a conversion to Islam with the intention to distort it! You randomly pick and choose the historical narratives to accept and the ones to reject as per your own whims! ................ How and why?! … Thank you …
The Quranic verse 9:40 does not mention the name of Abou Bakr or any other man; the names of companions and caliphs, deified by Sunnites like you, are never mentioned in the Quranic text. Cannot you see that?! The following Quranic verse applies to your lack of insight and reasoning: "And if you call them to guidance, they will not hear. And you see them looking at you, yet they do not see." (7:198). The Quranic verse 73:20 does not contain any names of any men who were contemporaries of Muhammad. Cannot you see that?! The only contemporary of Muhammad whose name is mentioned is his adopted son, Zaid, in 33:37. We advise you to purify your heart/soul from polytheism and deifying mortals and to repent when you have the chance; i.e., before your death, in order to avoid regret when it is too late. Please (re)read and ponder deeply on our book about the sinful caliphs titled "The Unspoken-of History of the Pre-Umayyad 'Righteous' Caliphs", found in English on this link:
About Lot and his People
Published in November 6, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … A foreign writer has written an article that Lot should have respected, as per democracy, the homosexual desire and practices of his people whose genes drove them to be gay; Lot should have respected their choice after his preaching them only once; his wife seemed to be open-minded......yet the Quran says God punished both Lot's wife and his people..... … Thank you …
The foreign writer of this article is an ignoramus who never understands the Quran. Let us remind our readers here of the Quranic facts about the people of Lot. Their homosexuality was not their only sin or corruption; their crimes included their being highwaymen who stole and raped; when Lot peacefully advised them to adhere to monotheistic belief and to chastity, they ridiculed him and requested from him, within mockery, to invoke the Lord God to torment them: "And Lot, when he said to his people, “You are committing an obscenity not perpetrated before you by anyone in the whole world. You approach men, and cut off the way, and commit lewdness in your gatherings.” But the only response from his people was to say, “Bring upon us God’s punishment, if you are truthful.” He said, “My Lord, help me against the people of corruption.”" (29:28-30). Despite the peaceful preaching of Lot, his people assumed that purification (of body and soul) was a 'crime' driving them to expel believers out of their town: "And his people's only answer was to say, “Expel them from your town; they are people who purify themselves!”" (7:82); "But the only response of his people was to say, “Expel the family of Lot from your town. They people who purify themselves!”" (27:56). The wife of Lot betrayed him and allied herself with her tribe of sinners against her husband; hence, she deserved to share their fate: "And We rained upon them a rain. Miserable was the rain of those forewarned." (27:58); "And We rained down on them a rain; note the consequences for the sinners." (7:84); "God illustrates an example of those who disbelieve: the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot. They were under two of Our righteous servants, but they betrayed them. They availed them nothing against God, and it was said, “Enter the Fire with those who are entering.”" (66:10). We infer from the Quran that when the sinning wife of Lot saw the guests of Lot (i.e., angels taking the male human form), she informed the in-laws of Lot who desired to rape these guests: "And when Our envoys came to Lot, he was anxious for them, and concerned for them. He said, “This is a dreadful day.” And his people came rushing towards him - they were in the habit of committing sins. He said, “O my people, these are my daughters; they are purer for you. So fear God, and do not embarrass me before my guests. Is there not one reasonable man among you?” They said, “You know well that we have no right to your daughters, and you know well what we want.” He said, “If only I had the strength to stop you, or could rely on some strong support.” They said, “O Lot, we are the envoys of your Lord; they will not reach you. So set out with your family during the cover of the night, and let none of you look back, except for your wife. She will be struck by what will strike them. Their appointed time is the morning. Is not the morning near?”" (11:77-81); "The people of Lot rejected the warnings. We unleashed upon them a shower of stones, except for the family of Lot; We rescued them at dawn. A blessing from Us. Thus We reward the thankful. He had warned them of Our onslaught, but they dismissed the warnings. They even lusted for his guest, so We obliterated their eyes. “So taste My torment and My warnings.”" (54:33-37). By the way, there is no penalty (exacted by people on other people) for homosexuals in the Quran except public insult/rebuke/admonishing for once and then to avoid them: "If two men among you commit it, rebuke them both. But if they repent and reform, leave them alone. God is Redeemer, Full of Mercy." (4:16).
About Goldziher!
Published in November 6, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I've read some ideas of the orientalist Goldziher (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ign%C3%A1c_Goldziher) about denying hadiths and rejection of deifying Muhammad and Sufi saints; you seem to be influenced by this orientalist, I presume! Aren't you?! … Thank you …
We never read any writings of this orientalist; in fact, we never heard of him before; we thus never know about the number of the books he authored to see if it exceeds that of our own books. We were an Azharite scholar and professor; on rare occasions, Al-Azhar University would witness thinkers (like our person) who think out of the box and reject the dominant religious thought/dogmas; in most cases, the uncreative cattle of Azharite sheikhs/clergymen and professors regurgitate the same ideas ad infinitum ad nauseam. We began our intellectual career with attacking and criticizing Sufism, proving that it contradicts Islam (i.e., the Quran itself). We have done the same when we proved that the Sunnite and Shiite religions contradict the Quran. We have converted to Quranism and we preach it all the time. This is a summary of our intellectual career as one of the Truth-seekers; we have realized the fact that the Quran is the Only Source of guidance in Islam. Please feel free to compare our books and writings to those of any other thinkers. By the way, our foes never accused our person of copying views of orientalists. Many views of orientalists are radically unsound regarding Islam because they do not believe in the Quran and because they assume wrongly that Sufism is part of Islam. By the way, the great late Egyptian thinker Taha Hussein was also accused of blindly following European orientalists. This accusation is never leveled against our person because we rely directly on the heritage books of traditions of the Sufi, Sunnite, and Shiite religions to prove they contradict the Quran. In this respect, we employ the Holy Quran as our Criterion to judge the history, fiqh, hadiths, and tenets of the Muhammadans. Lastly, we assert the fact that the Islamic thinkers Taha Hussein and Mohamed Abdou (both Azharites) and Ahmed Amin (a non-Azharite) made many mistakes in their writings simply because they never paid attention to the difference between Quranic terminology and the sets of terminology found in the revered books of the Sufi, Sunnite, and Shiite religions. Besides, they never made the necessary distinction between Islam as the Lord God's Religion and 'Muslims'/Muhammadans as human beings. The boundaries between both items were hazy in the writings of such Egyptian thinkers. Hence, researching history books and heritage/traditions books is never successful without understanding the unique Quranic terminology. By defining the Quranic terminology within our Quranist writings, we have provided unprecedented books to the library of Arabs; sadly, this is unheeded by most Arabs.
Suicide of Depressed Persons
Published in November 7, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … What is your Quranist view of someone who committed suicide because of depression and not mental illness? What is the fate of such a person in the Hereafter? Any ideas?! … Thank you …
We do not know. We cannot judge the mental state and the psychological circumstances of each case like the one you are talking about. This is left to the Omnipotent Lord God to judge; He knows if such a person committed suicide out of aggression and injustice or not: "...And do not kill yourselves, for God is Merciful towards you.Whoever does that, out of aggression and injustice, We will cast him into a Fire. And that would be easy for God." (4:29-30).
Symbol(ism) in the Quran!
Published in November 7, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I admire your great, unprecedented Quranist writings very much........... I am working on my MA thesis about symbols and symbolism inside the Quranic text; yet, I find no useful references except Sufi books of mythology which I cannot use......... Would you please help me with your invaluable pieces of advice? Please tell me about reliable sources and references which may of helpful............... … Thank you in advance …
You are welcome to our Quranist website. We advise you to change the title of your thesis; there are no symbols and symbolism in the Holy Quran; the Quran is not a vague, convoluted book of esoteric knowledge with symbols/codes to be deciphered. The Quranic Verses are clear and made easy to understand for those who seek guidance while being sincere and pious by dedicating their religion and acts of worship to their Lord God. The Shiite, Sufi, and Sunnite assumptions that the Quranic text has hidden meanings to be explored are very wrong; these assumptions were pretext to 'justify' the existence of many erroneous notions as part of 'Islam'. Each of the three terrestrial religions of the Muhammadans has its own sets of terminology. The Quran has its unique terminology understood from within the Quran itself and not from outside sources. Please read our scattered articles, in English, about Quranic terminology; we refer you to our book, in English, titled "Howto Understand the Holy Quran", found on this link:
This book is available in French under this title: "Comment Comprendre le Saint Coran", found on this link:
Putting A Jewish Tribe to Death!
Published in November 8, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … As a Quranist historian, is it true or not that Muhammad and his troops put a Jewish tribe to death in Yathreb? What do you think? … Thank you …
No. This is not true. A detailed answer and analysis of the false biography of Muhammad by Ibn Ishaq, using the Holy Quran as Criterion, will be provided in one of the books we are about to publish on our website. We refer you to our book about the inveterate liar Ibn Ishaq.
Do Not Criticize Preordained Fates
Published in November 8, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … The sheikh of our local mosque in village interferes and meddles in all affairs; he is a notorious, corrupt hypocrite; he is a hideous one-eyed monster to boot, and he is backbitten as such by the villagers though they fear him during his presence. Days ago, within a quarrel, I insulted this corrupt man by telling him he is a one-eyed short ape and he can verify this fact by looking at his reflection in a mirror .......... I am no hypocrite; all people say so about this sheikh behind his back; yet, everyone blamed me and said I committed a big mistake; they demanded that I must apologize to this odious man! I am unwilling to do so; what do you think? … Thank you …
You must apologize to him;do not criticize preordained fates (birth, death, facial and physical features, adversity/prosperity, and provisions); the Lord God has created this man that way; it is most unjust to insult him by things he cannot control. This sheikh can only control his own behavior within freedom accorded to human beings; you can criticize his behavior without insulting him and, of course, without committing the same mistakes/sins yourself. When you apologize to him for mocking his looks, assert to him that you aim to notify him about his misbehavior because you are no hypocrite; you should inform him that anyone can criticize any bad behavior of anyone else because pious believers encourage truth and recommend patience as per 103:3.
About Goldziher, Again!
Published in November 9, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … You've told me you never read the books of the orientalist Goldziher; yet, I'm very much surprised; his ideas and yours seemed identical in one of his books about worshiping saints by the Muhammadans! This is not to mention the ideas of Goldziher about undermining and casting doubt on the so-called hadiths! How come?! … Thank you …
It is never strange that some views of writers would be identical if the source/reference is one; i.e., the Holy Quran, and when pondering the Quran aims at reaching the Truth without following whims/desires. This shows that the Quran is the Book of guidance of those who seek it; it is the Criterion to judge tenets and practices of the Muhammadans. We refer you to our book, in English, titled "How to Understand the Holy Quran", found on this link:
The Quranic Chapter Six
Published in November 9, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Of course, I believe in the entire Quranic text as the Lord God's Word, but I find myself admiring and loving the Quranic Chapter Six (titled: "Livestock") the most; pondering it, one will find many verses which refute the claims of those who adhere to Sunnite traditions, esp. 6:19, 6:35, 6:38, 6:5-51, 6:68, 6:93, 6:112-114, 6:121, 6:145, & 6:151-152. Indeed, the Muhammadans are like animals/cattle/livestock because they never use the reasoning faculties of the mind........ The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "We have destined for Hell multitudes of jinn and humans. They have hearts with which they do not understand. They have eyes with which they do not see. They have ears with which they do not hear. These are like cattle. In fact, they are further astray. These are the heedless." (7:179). … Thank you …
May the Lord God bless you; you are welcome to join us as a writer on our Quranism website.
Impermissible Will & Testament
Published in November 10, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Before his death, my father left a written will and testament to donate LE 100000 to a mosque which houses a mausoleum of a Sufi 'saint'; my brothers desire to honor the wish of our late father, but I told them that the Sufi thieves of such a harmful mosque do not deserve such a donation; we should donate this sum to the poor and the needy, right? Fatwas of Al-Azhar told us to obey the written will and testament of my father! ......... What is to be done?! What do you think?! … Thank you …
The written will and testament in Islam (i.e., as per the Quran) is to include inheritors only; it is impermissible to make it include persons outside the circle of inheritors. Of course, with or without written will and testament, it is forbidden to offer money (or anything else) to deified tombs and their guardians; hence, you and your brothers will be sinners if you offer such money to a Sufi mosque. Of course, you should pay Zakat to the poor and the needy from your inheritance money and from your own income.
Keep Away from This Man
Published in November 10, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … My neighbor is also my closest friend since childhood; yet, I've decided to sever all ties with him; he caused me harm many times; the more helpful and charitable I am towards him, the more this ingrate would treacherously harm me and insult me! People would act as mediators to urge me to reconcile with him; this has been done several times; when I pardoned him, he betrayed me! I cannot stand it any longer; I will never kiss and make up with him ever again; yet, people say my stance is against Islam! Is my stance forbidden in Islam or not? Any ideas? … Thank you …
Not at all. Keep away from him; withdraw from him politely; forsake his company silently.
Prayers and the Flu
Published in November 11, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I suffer from flu and I sneeze a lot during my prayers; does this render them nullified or not? Any ideas? … Thank you …
Not at all. Your prayers are never nullified in that case. Try to adhere to concentration and piety as much as you can during prayers; of course, you must adhere to piety all the time between prayers.
You Cannot Guide Those You Love
Published in November 11, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I lived and worked for a while in the UAE; I was married there to an Egyptian woman and we have one daughter; we are divorced now; she was an unfaithful wife; I brought my daughter to Egypt and she lives with my parents. I immigrated to Sweden and after 5 years, I obtained the Swedish nationality; yet, I cannot bring my daughter to Sweden; I am jobless because of my severe ailments and I have no home and no money; sadly, the Swedish government assumes that all Arabs are deceitful hypocrites and liars; all my attempts to bring my daughter here have failed so far. Browsing the internet, I accidentally came across your great Quranism website; I've converted to Quranism as the Only True Islam. This made me realize many things; my father was a bad, unjust police officer (before his retirement) and he used to molest/harass girls and young women; now, he is a heartless old man. Sadly, the mother of my daughter (who still lives in the UAE) continues her sexual encounters with many men; she brags of this fact through her phone-calls with me; she tells me about her latest amorous conquests and adventures(!); I don't think she may repent one day; my 11-year-old daughter suffers maltreatment by her grandparents (my parents!). I do believe that my parents hate each other and they intentionally inflict harm on each other. My married sisters are extremist Sunnite Wahabis and they hate our parents and hate one another; I cannot send my daughter to any of them! I cannot send my daughter to her mother, of course, and I cannot find work inside or outside Sweden. What am I supposed to do?! I desire to end the suffering of my only daughter, but how?! ........... Any soothing words?! Any advice?! May the Lord God bless and reward you...... … Thank you …
We supplicate and implore to the Lord God to bless, heal, and guide you and to bestow His mercy on you. You should bear in mind that within such conditions, you have reached guidance (i.e., Qurnaism). This guidance may be reached also by your dear daughter one day. Life is a series of tests; some people choose misguidance and falsehoods, and some others choose guidance and the Truth. You cannot guidethose you love; the Lord God does not burden any soul beyond its capacity. You have to adhere to patience and prayers; we sincerely hope you will surmount your hardships, overcome your ordeal, and emerge as a winner. The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "...And whoever fears God within piety - He will make a way out for him. And will provide for him from where he never expected. Whoever relies on God - He will suffice him..." (65:2-3).
Negative Influence on my Son!
Published in November 12, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … My 7-year-old son is repeating (from school) the silly songs celebrating the birth of Muhammad the deity of Sunnites! I fear for my son; the negative influence of school will teach him to deify mortals; I desire my son to be a Quranist man like his father. I tried to explain to him, in simple terms, that good Muslims never make distinction among prophets/messengers of the Lord God as per the Holy Quran; yet, my son hardly pays attention to what I say! I need your advice! When am I supposed to teach Quranism to my son?! … Thank you …
Indeed, schools in the Arab world teach nothing but ignorance especially concerning religion. Reforming religious education is one of our aims; good education results in civilized human beings. Sadly, in the Arab countries where tyranny reigns supreme, clergymen of Satan control educational sectors and teach polytheism and sanctified ignorance. We advise you to narrate attractive stories to your son in simple ways he can understand; these stories should teach him about (1) the Lord God the Creator Whom we deify, sanctify, and worship alongside with no mortals or other deities at all, and (2) prophets/messengers of the Lord God as the best human beings who obeyed the Lord God.
Concentration and Reverence
Published in November 12, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … How should one feel when one adheres to concentration, reverence, and piety within prayers? Any ideas? … Thank you …
It is the case when you feel with your mind, heart, and soul the meanings of what you utter during prayers as you address the Lord God Himself within humility and in direct contact with Him. This is felt when you pray regularly and on time, never missing any prayers because this is your five daily appointments with the Lord Allah. Prayers are not to be deemed as cumbersome duty performed with a heavy heart; pious monotheists feel that adherence to prayers and patience achieve their peace of mind. The Lord Allah says the following in the Holy Quran: "Successful are the believers. Those who are humble in their prayers." (23:1-2); "And those who offer what they offer, while their hearts quake, knowing that to their Lord they will return." (23:60); "And seek help through patience and prayer. But it is difficult, except for the pious ones." (2:45).
Our Free PDF Books
Published in November 13, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I am preparing for my MA thesis and I need the following titles from your books in Arabic: ...,...,...,... preferably in paperbacks as references/sources; where can I purchase them in Egypt? … Thank you …
Our books are not available in paperbacks or hard-cover editions; the only versions you can find (for free) are the PDF ones:
Ferocious Hens!
Published in November 13, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … In our village, an old woman who was a loner died days ago and people did not discover her corpse until the stench of her decomposed body reeked..... We noticed that her hens ate bits of the skin of her arms and face; this unsightly scene did not prevent her relatives (who came later on to inherit her house and belongings) from consuming such hens as food (i.e., as fried chicken!). My father told me that consuming such ferocious hens who ate human flesh is impermissible or prohibited in Islam; what is our own view of this? … Thank you …
This is not true; such hens are permissible food (as chicken cooked in any way). No one has the right to add to the list of prohibited food items mentioned in the Holy Quran.
The Best Sign of Greatness of the Holy Quran
Published in November 14, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Within your own personal view, what is the best sign showing the greatness of the Lord God's Word: the Holy Quran? … Thank you …
It is found in the Quranic verses talking about the revelation/descent of the Quran and linking it equally to the creation of the universe: "Praise be to God, who revealed the Book to His servant, and allowed in it no distortion. Valuable..." (18:1-2); "Praise be to God, Who created the heavens and the earth, and made the darkness and the light. Yet those who disbelieve ascribe equals to their Lord." (6:1); "Blessed is He who sent down the Criterion upon His servant, to be a warning to humanity. He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, who took to Himself no son, who never had a partner in His kingship; who created everything and determined its measure." (25:1-2). Of course, the universe, with its (meta)physical levels, is created to test the human beings; sadly, few people appreciate the greatness of the Lord God's Word: the Holy Quran. For more details about the greatness of the Holy Quran, we refer you to our books, in English, found on the following links:
About Persecuted Rohingya in China
Published in November 15, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … As far as Quranism is concerned, do the people ofRohingya, persecuted severely in China, have the right to engage into military self-defense against their persecutors? What is your own view? Of course, you know from 2:246 that the Israelites were commanded to do so at one point in their history............... … Thank you …
There are preparation stages that must exist before engaging into military self-defense fighting; otherwise, fighting will be a form of willful suicide. The persecuted Rohingya are too weak to resist their tyrannical persecutors; they have other options: to immigrate and settle elsewhere or to practice Taqiyya (we refer you to our article, in English, titled "They Ask You about Taqiyya", found on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=17632). Of course, the early believers in Arabia left Mecca to flee from severe persecution and immigrated to Yathreb and settled there; they remained peaceful despite the military raids of the Qorayish Meccans against Yathreb until the Quranic command came to them to engage into military self-defense fighting after they became ready for it. In our own opinion, peaceful jihad is better in the case of the Rohingya; this entails patience; the weak party must show its weakness to the whole world as they face the unjust tyrants; this will bring them the sympathy of the international community. If they fight back, they will lose their case; they cannot face armed soldiers and might attack civilians; this is horrid terrorism; this will make them lose their rightful stance and lose the political support and sympathy of others.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5171 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,734,457 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,479 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,871 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
القاموس القرآنى عن ( الاستعجال )
الفصل الثانى : الاجتهاد فى التدبر القرآنى وفى الاسلام والكفر والعبادات
القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
دعوة للتبرع
عن قوم لوط: مقال جميل لا أعرف كاتبه وأنقل ه للفائ دة: ...
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الأسياد قوم فرعون: يبدو لي بأن كل افراد قوم فرعون كانوا فاسقي ن ،...
سؤالان : 1ـ عن ( الانس ان فى القرآ ن الكري م ) : ( فى...
ليس صحيحا : هل صحيح هذا القول ( محمد كان قرأنا يمشي على...