آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2018-05-30
Fatwas Part Eighty-Three
issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Sunnite Falsehoods about Ramadan
Published in May 19, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'd like to ask you about if it is true or not that Ramadan is the best lunar month within the Muslim calendar and if devils are indeed chained and fettered during Ramadan, as this is the favorite month by God during which He opens gates of Paradise and closes the gates of Hell and pardons the sins of sincere fasting people … Do people have the right to prefer a certain month and make this preference part of the religion of Islam?! … Thank you …
All such notions are mere Sunnite balderdash and nonsense, as they are derived from the lies and falsehoods of the so-called Sunna hadiths. God does not mention in the Quran that Ramadan is a favorite month or the best month; God ordains that we fast from dawn to sunset in Ramadan in order to attain piety. The Quranic text was given to Muhammad during the Night-Journey that took place during Ramadan on the Night of Decree at Mount Al-Tur in Sinai, Egypt (see our books in English about this topic: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=112/ http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=115). God says the following about the Night of Decree: "The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months." (97:3). This verse does not say that Ramadan is better than the rest of the months. Besides, the four months of pilgrimage (i.e., Zu Al-Hijja, Muharram, Saffar, Rabei Awwal) are not preferred as favorites or better months by God at all; God never mentions in the Quran that He prefers certain months over the rest of the other lunar months; the four months of pilgrimage are deemed as the period to attain piety, because only the pious ones among monotheists will enter into Paradise. Please do not get too much interested in Sunnite hadiths and notions; all of them are wrong sans exception. Thank you.
About The Verse 82:1
Published in May 19, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Would you please explain to me the meaning of this verse: "When the sky breaks apart." (82:1)? … Thank you …
God is the Creator and Originator of the heavens and the earth; i.e., the whole universe, and He created the universe out of nothing: "Praise be to God, Originator of the heavens and the earth, Maker of the angels messengers with wings-double, triple, and quadruple. He adds to creation as He wills. God is Able to do all things." (35:1). When the Hour takes place, this universe will be destroyed by God; it will return to nothingness which existed before the creation of the universe; a new eternal realm will be created by God on the Last Day. God says in the Quran: "When the sky breaks apart. When the planets are scattered. When the oceans are exploded. When the tombs are strewn around. Each soul will know what it has advanced, and what it has deferred." (82:1-5); "So how will you, if you persist in unbelief, save yourself from a Day which will turn the children gray-haired? The heaven will shatter thereby. His promise is always fulfilled." (73:17-18). Ascribing falsehoods to God the Dominant Lord and the Omnipotent Originator; e.g., that He has a son, is about to cause the destruction of the universe: "And they say, "The Dominant Lord has begotten a son." You have come up with something monstrous. At which the heavens almost rupture, and the earth splits, and the mountains fall and crumble. Because they attribute a son to the Dominant Lord." (19:88-91); "The heavens above them almost burst apart, while the angels glorify the praises of their Lord, and ask forgiveness for those on earth. God is indeed the Forgiver, the Merciful." (42:5). God's Majesty, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence are stressed further here: "It is He who shows you the lightening, causing fear and hope. And He produces the heavy clouds. The thunder praises His glory, and so do the angels, in awe of Him. And He sends the thunderbolts, striking with them whomever He wills. Yet they argue about God, while He is Tremendous in might." (13:12-13).
An Unclear Question of Inheritance
Published in May 20, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … The wealthy paternal uncle of my father died recently and my father has only two paternal uncles, one is dead and one is living, and the living one has 6 sons and 2 daughters, an my father has 2 sisters: one of them is dead and had three daughters and one has no progeny; my father has no progeny but myself … How inheritance shares are to be distributed as per Islamic sharia laws? … Thank you …
We beg you to rephrase your message in a clearer manner; dead persons and their living progeny have no shares, by the way. Please specify to us the number of living relations only.
Disbelievers among the Companions
Published in May 20, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … How come that those who "believed" did not "believe" as yet when this verse was revealed to tell them to adhere to the true faith: "O you who believe! Fear God, and believe in His Messenger: He will give you a double portion of His mercy, and will give you a light by which you walk, and will forgive you. God is Forgiving and Merciful." (57:28)?… Thank you …
We have written a lot before about the belief in terms of peaceful behavior and not in terms of religious faith inside one's heart, expressed in the phrase (O you who believe!) in the verse 57:28. The command to believe in this phrase (Fear God, and believe in His Messenger) in 57:28 refers to calling them to embrace the belief in the Quranic Message itself within their minds/souls/hearts. Hence, peaceful believers might be polytheists who reject the Quran but they adhere to peaceful demeanor. Many of the Yathreb city-state peaceful dwellers during Muhammad's lifetime worshiped mausoleums and idols and drank wine. God has repeatedly commanded them in many verses to stay away from these abominations of Satan; see 5:90-91. In the same Quranic Chapter 57, we read the following verses: "Believe in God and His Messenger, and spend from what He made you inherit. Those among you who believe and give will have a great reward. What is the matter with you that you do not believe in God, when the Messenger calls you to believe in your Lord, and He has received a pledge from you, if you are believers? It is He who sends down upon His servant clear revelations, to bring you out of darkness into the light. God is Gentle towards you, Most Compassionate. " (57:7-9). Please read a lot within our archive before posing repeated questions.
About The Verse 4:172
Published in May 20, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … God says in the Quran: "The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant - He will round them up to Himself altogether." (4:172) … Does this verse express the future using the present tense? Jesus Christ is dead, right? Of course, he is not still alive. Those polytheists among the Muhammadans who believe in the myth of the second coming of Jesus Christ use 4:172 to assume as if Jesus were alive until now! What do you think? …Thank you …
The context of verse 4:172 is linked to addressing some of the People of the Book who deify Christ: "O People of the Book! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, "Three." Refrain - it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him - that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector." (4:171). Hence, the verse 4:172 is using the present tense to talk about the future on the Last Day when Christ will disown those who worshiped him as a god/deity beside Allah and he will declare his being merely a servant of God; this is linked to this scene of the Last-Day events expressed in the verses 5:116-118 about Christ disowning his worshipers as he is a mortal human being and not a deity. You should bear in mind that the Quranic verses explain one another.
The Threat of Spreading of the Shiite Religion
Published in May 23, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I am writing this to express my deep admiration for your great books about the unspoken-of history of the four pre-Umayyad caliphs and about the death of Hussein … I should like that you write more on exposing, refuting, and debunking the cursed Shiite religion (which poses a veritable threat by Shiites who spread it in the Arab world now) in a similar way as you have done with the cursed Sunnite religion and the cursed Sufi religion … I take pride in being a Quranist Muslim man like you … Thank you …
The danger/threat of the Shiite religion has begun in 1979 when the Republic of Iran has emerged and used it in politics and in spreading violence, as Iran is now facing their Wahabi enemies in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen now. The Shiite Iran is the cause of the death of weak victims (Iraqis, Syrians, Lebanese, and Yemenis) in several wars. Thus, the Shiite theocracy of Iran is a veritable danger now; centuries-old Shiite attempts to infiltrate and change the tenets of the Sufi and the Sunnite religions (and also the religion of Sunnite Sufism) is a lengthy topic which we will discuss later on; we assert briefly here that Shiite tenets are included implicitly now within the Sufi-Sunnite religion, Sufism, and the Sunnite religion itself. This means that the Shiite religion is insidiously spreading among Sufis and Sunnites now. We sincerely hope to have the time to expose and debunk the Shiite religion in our writings later on. May the Lord God come to our aid.
A Message from the Same Shiite Chick
Published in May 23, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I like very much your article about exposing the one major myth among the Sunnite mythology, titled "The Sunnite Notion of the So-Called Followers and the Followers of these Followers" (found in English on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=18410). Even if you dislike my Shiite religion very much, I like your undermining the cursed Sunnite religion whose books have distorted Islam, and I apologize if my style of writing within my previous email message to you might have offended you or made you feel insulted; I'm sincerely sorry … Thank you …
We are against the three earthly, man-made, fabricated religions of the Muhammadans: the Sunnite, Sufi, and Shiite religions. We peacefully urge the Muhammadans to use the Quran as the only criterion in faith, so that they might be saved and spared from Hell on the Last Day. We urge you to read our series of articles about God's infliction of torment on sinners in this world and the next one. We aim by this series of articles to warn the Muhammadans who venerate, worship, and deify mortals and books as above God and the Quran. Quranists have their own religion and the Muhammadans have their own religions; the Dominant Lord God will settle our disputes and differences concerning religion on the Day of Judgment.
We Cannot Create An Account for you
Published in May 24, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … My name is...... & I was born in Damascus in 1995 and I reside currently in Turkey … I'd like to have an account on your great website; I define myself as a Muslim who follows no doctrines at all. I do not reject hadiths except the ones that contradict the Quran and the logical mind, regardless of Isnad (i.e., series of narrators); yet, I still believe in some hadiths; but the Quran is the main criterion for me … Thank you …
We cannot create an account for you on our website; we never accept members who believe in any hadiths/narratives besides the Quran. We consider your likes as among the polytheistic Muhammadans. Quranists believe only in the Quran as the Only Source of Islam and the Only Discourse in it; they disbelieve in any other narratives/discourses/hadiths.
The Night of Decree Is in Ramadan
Published in May 24, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is the Night of Decree an annual event every Ramadan? On which day? Or is it one day when Muhammad received the entire Quranic text into his heart? … Thank you …
The Night of Decree is repeated every Ramadan; its day is unknown; this is part of the unknown and the invisible pertaining to God only; Muhammad's Night-Journey to Mount al-Tur in Sinai, Egypt, to receive the Quranic text into his soul/heart was done during one Ramadan within the Night of Decree. For further details, we refer you to our book in English titled "The Night-Journey Is the Night of Decree" (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=112).
Casting Doubts on The Number of Prayers
Published in May 24,2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Some of those who call themselves as Quranists (within cyberspace but not within your great website) maintain that the daily prayers are three and not five! How come?! … They refuse to acknowledge the Noon and Afternoon prayers! What are you gonna say about refuting such people? … Thank you …
They are NOT Quranists even if they claim to be so; they have their own religion and Quranists have theirs. You must bear in mind that Islam contains the five daily prayers; do not pay attention to skeptics and Quran-hating people; please read our book regarding prayers in the Quran.
Mentioning God's Name, Allah, All the Time
Published in May 25, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I wonder if it is OK that common people swear a lot using God's Name, Allah, and they mention in all the time in banal, mundane, or silly everyday-life situations; many people mention the word (Allah) in almost every sentence or phrase they utter; I find this very offensive; it borders on blasphemy and ridiculing God's Holy Name, I think … What do you think? … Thank you …
You are perfectly right. Real believers should remember, glorify, and praise the Holy Name of the Lord God; this is an act of worship done within reverence, piety, and fear of the Lord God in earnest: "The believers are those whose hearts tremble when God is mentioned, and when His revelations are recited to them, they strengthen them in faith, and upon their Lord they rely. Those who perform the prayer; and from Our provisions to them, they spend. These are the true believers. They have high standing with their Lord, and forgiveness, and a generous provision." (8:2-4). When mentioning God's Name is done jestingly or playfully, while swearing all the time over trivial matters, or in singing, advertisements, or jokes, this is utter blasphemy by those who never appreciate God's Greatness and Majesty. The pious, righteous persons must never swear by God's Name except in serious situations: "And do not allow your oaths in God's name to hinder you from virtue, and righteousness, and making peace between people. God is Listener and Knower." (2:224).
Muhammad's Reward Is from God Only
Published in May 27, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … God has told Muhammad to say the following: "...Say, "I ask of you no wage for it, except affection among the near of kin"..." (42:23). How are we gonna give wage/reward to Muhammad after his death and the death of his household members?! … Thank you …
You misunderstand the verse 42:23; the only reward/wage for Muhammad is from God in Paradise; this applies to all messengers/prophets of the Lord God. The verse 42:23 means that Muhammad told believers to take care of their own relatives and kinsmen, whether such relatives are believers or not; we refer you to our two articles in English about this topic: ( http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=17840/ http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=16080).
From the Syrian Girl
Published in May 29, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm the Syrian girl who sent you the message you've mentioned in your great article here (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=18445), and I thank you for answering my questions and for your praising me. I have other questions: (1) I typically miss the Noon Prayers as my school has no mosques (and I have no chance and no time to pray there, anyway) and before I reach home, I hear the call for Afternoon Prayers; what am I to do? (2) Would you please explain to me the meaning of this verse: "We will attend to you, O prominent two." (55:31)? … Thank you in advance …
You are very welcome to our website, our daughter. Please read the previous fatwas issued by us; you will find answers to the repeated questions. Yet, we answer you briefly here: as for your first question, you can pray while sitting anywhere and you can use a kerchief to clean your face and hands; this is Tayammum if you cannot find water to perform ablution before prayers. Prayers must be performed on time: "...The prayer is obligatory for believers at specific times." (4:103). As for your second question about the verse 55:31, it is addressing both jinn and human beings, as they are both given the freedom of action (i.e., they are free agents) and the freedom to (dis)obey and to (dis)believe, as angels record their deeds, words, and thoughts, and then God will attend them on the Last Day (the Day of Gathering and Attendance; no creatures will be absent during this Day) to judge them. The verb (attend) is used here figuratively, as per the metaphoric language of using human-related words to indicate qualities/deeds of God to make our limited human minds understand and grasp the meaning.
This Silly Sunnite Hadith
Published in May 29, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I take pride in being a Quranist Muslim woman … My first shock received by illogical hadiths is this one within the silly hadith about God made to appear as (descending) into the first heaven at the pre-dawn period to answer prayers of those who stay up and supplicate to Him; this is very insulting to God: the Earth is a globe, and dawn is repeated on many spots all the time on the surface of the earth! This mythical hadith drove me to disbelieve in all hadiths, and later on, I have discovered True Islam on your great Quranism website … Thank you …
Thank you, our daughter, for sharing your story with us. In one of our upcoming episodes of our YouTube show "Quranic Moments", we ridicule this silly Sunnite hadith you have mentioned; this hadith is utter blasphemy, of course. As for those who worship God within prayers and reading the Quran by night, they will be among the Forerunners on the Last Day; this also applies to those who read the Quran at dawn, as this is witnessed by the angels that record one's deeds.
Not Prohibited
Published in May 29, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Most golden ornaments of women in the Arab world contain the name of Allah and contain Quranic verses written in calligraphy. Is it OK to wear them inside bathrooms or while showering? Is it OK to wear them when women have sex with their husbands? Or is this prohibited? … What do you think?… Thank you …
What you ask about is not prohibited; prohibitions in Islam are a limited list of items mentioned in the Quran as unlawful; since what you say is not mentioned in the Quran, it is OK and permissible. Thank you.
They Refuse My Being Religious!
Published in February 27, 2008
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm an 18-year-old young woman; my problem is that two years ago, I've become very religious and my family members at home never approve of this! … They embarrass, ridicule, mock, tease, and pick on me all the time! They seldom allow me to memorize the Quran at the local mosque or to listen to sermons; my parents make fun of my hijab! My folks dress anyway they like and listen to music! They never pray regularly! What am I supposed to do?! What do you think? … Thank you …
Listening to music is never a sin; arts are never prohibited in the Quran. Wearing hijab or covering the hair of Muslim women is never part of Islam. Memorizing the Quran by heart is never part of the Quranic commands. Please stop being influenced by the Sunnite/Wahabi religion of Satan that prohibits permissible things: arts, mingling of sexes, women/men shaking hands, showing female hair in public, etc. Please focus on pondering the Quran and reading it a lot, and not on memorizing it like parrots without thinking. Many of those who claim they have memorized it by heart are the most immoral people who commit many sins and injustices. Please perform the daily prayers alone at home; do not frequent Sunnite/Wahabi harmful mosques of polytheism. Please correct your faith tenets by making sure you never deify/sanctify things/items and mortals (prophets and non-prophets). Spend time regularly within reading the archive of the Quranism website; Quranists use their minds and enter into dialogues to understand the Quran and to seek to reform Muslims using the Quran. You are welcome to join us; may God guide you and us to His Righteous Path.
The Noble Peace Prize
Published in October 15, 2007
Question: … Dear Sir, … Why there would not be channels and venues which would recommend you, Dear Dr. Mansour, to be among the nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize; many secular people in the Arab world whose endeavors to spread peace and democracy are nominated annually; if you win this prestigious prize, this will be the coup de grace to the Sunnite religion and to the evil clergymen of Al-Azhar and Salafists/Wahabis, of course … Thank you …
Quranists in general, especially our person, never seek any prizes of any kind from any mortals; it is enough that we bear patiently with the harm/insults/slanders which we receive via email. Our only hope is to be among the winners in Paradise by God's mercy; we never seek to win anyone (secular people, Salafists, etc.) to the side of Quranism. Secular people among the Arab atheists never care about the Hereafter (and are not interested in Quranists and their faith), and imams/clergymen of all earthly religions hate Quranists and Quranism very much. This is why some extremists of secularism inside the Arab world attack Quranism within cyberspace, because they hate the Quran very much. Real Quranists seek only to gratify and please God and not any mortals; they never seek rewards by any human beings.
A Hadith We Have Quoted
Published in February 11, 2008
Question: … Dear Sir, … I know that you refuse to believe in hadiths at all; yet, in your book titled "Would Disobedient Muslims Get out of Hell and to Enter into Paradise", you have quoted one hadith/narrative to prove from history that Prophet Muhammad did now know the metaphysical realm of the future … Is this a contradiction?! Why on earth have you quoted this hadith?! … Thank you …
This book have been written by us in 1985 and at that point in our life, we rejected most hadiths and not all of them, but we are now 100% sure that there are no hadiths in Islam at all: the only Discourse or Book within Islam is the Quran. The Quran is the Only Source of Islam. The narrative/hadith we have quoted in our book is part of history which is NOT part of religion; this narrative might be true or not. This narrative is about a dying, bedridden man who embraced Islam years before that and he immigrated and performed many good deeds; when people assumed that this dying man will enter into Paradise; this story/narrative assumes that Muhammad made them stop their saying so, as no one would know about the dying man's fate, as no one among them, including Muhammad, knew the future in this world and in the next one. Of course, history events have nothing to do with faith or religion; you can reject such event in this story or accept it as part of history (not part of Islam); yet, this story/narrative agrees with the Quranic fact that Muhammad never knew the metaphysical realm of the future and about the Last Day: "Say, "I am not different from the other messengers; and I do not know what will be done with me, or with you. I only follow what is inspired in me, and I am only a clear warner."" (46:9). Some other prophets were granted a measure of knowledge about the metaphysical realm of the future and the invisible as proof of their being prophets sent by the Lord God. God says that Jesus said the following to his people: "...And I inform you concerning what you eat, and what you store in your homes. In that is a sign for you, if you are believers." (3:49); Joseph said the following: "He said, "No food is served to you, but I have informed you about it before you have received it. That is some of what my Lord has taught me..." (12:37). As for Muhammad, God has told him to announce he knew nothing about the future: "Say, "I do not know whether what you are promised is near, or whether my Lord will extend it for a period." The Knower of the Invisible; He does not disclose His Invisible to anyone. Except to a Messenger of His choosing..." (72:25-27); "They ask you about the Hour, "When will it come?" Say, "Knowledge of it rests with my Lord. None can reveal its coming except He. It weighs heavily on the heavens and the earth. It will not come upon you except suddenly." They ask you as if you are responsible for it. Say, "Knowledge of it rests with God," but most people do not know. Say, "I have no control over any benefit or harm to myself, except as God wills. Had I known the future, I would have acquired much good, and no harm would have touched me. I am only a warner, and a herald of good news to a people who believe."" (7:187-188); "They ask you about the Hour, "When will it take place?" You have no knowledge of it. To your Lord is its finality. You are just a warner for whoever dreads it." (79:42-45). Despite all these clear verses, many fabricators of hadiths have invented thousands of hadiths ascribed falsely to Muhammad about the future in this world and the next one. Ibn Al-Qayyim, the Sunnite Hanbali scholar/author, have refuted hadiths about the Last-Day events, the so-called intercession, and the so-called torment of the grave based on the Quranic fact that Muhammad never knew the future. Such hadiths are gross effrontery to God and His Religion and they offer countless myths that have provided the suitable environment for backwardness, intellectual stagnation, and obscurantism to linger for centuries in the Arab world. In contrast, when the Europeans got rid of the myths, authority, and obscurantism of the Catholic Church, they have made huge leaps into advancement in science and in geographical discoveries; they later on colonized the Arab world; when Napoleon's troops invaded Egypt, the Azharite sheikhs kept reciting loudly the Al-Bokhary book to invoke Al-Bokhary, one of their many deities/gods, to seek his aid to defeat the French! In our modern times, the people in the West are planning to create settlements on the moon and on Mars, whereas the naïve, gullible, polytheistic Muhammadans still believe in their myths and worship entombed saints/deities and mausoleums and fear the jinn (esp. the succubus and the incubus!). When we return to the Quran as the Only Source of Islam, such Sunnite, Sufi, and Shiite myths will disappear along with their devilish, polytheistic influence; the Arab mind will be liberated at last; this is why religious reform is closely linked to political reform. Satan and devils have convinced polytheists that Islam has a second source (i.e., countless heritage books of traditions, hadiths, fiqh, interpretation, exegeses, etc.) and this results in worshiping and sanctifying many deities. Our Lord Allah is One God and His Religion has but One Book: the Quran. Those who believe in mythology of hadiths and the heritage books of traditions are polytheists who will enter into Hell if they die without repentance.
To Kill in Defense of One's Life
Published in February 16, 2014
Question: … Dear Sir, … Within the situation when an aggressor is bent on killing me, should I avoid him and never to kill him in self-defense when he tries to murder me? Would I adopt the peaceful stance of the murdered son of Adam when his brother killed him by never resisting the man who is trying to kill me? Is it OK to kill the aggressors who tries to murder me? How do you define peaceful persons? … What do you think? … Thank you …
We have mentioned before that sharia laws are never to be taken from Quranic stories; peaceful Muslims are those who never resort to violence deliberately and aggressively, as Islam is the religion of peace; we refer you to our article in English (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=6674). You can choose to be Abel instead of being Cain, of course, by never resisting the murderer who is bent on killing you; yet, self-defense is legitimate in human laws and within the Quranic sharia legislations, even if resisting the killers leads to their being killed by those defending their lives; in such case, those who are engaging into self-defense are never to blame.
The Research Forum
Published in June 1, 2008
Question: … Dear Dr. Mansour, … I'm about to finish the research you have told me to write about the meaning of freedom, but I want to ask you about a certain point before I submit my research in its final version to be published on your website ............ … Thank you …
It is very wrong and unfair that you would consult us regarding your research; the other researchers does not have this right; equality is required here; as a general rule, no researchers would be allowed to consult our person regarding their researches. Other rules about the research forum of Quranists within our website will be published online soon enough.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5171 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,734,353 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,479 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,871 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
القاموس القرآنى عن ( الاستعجال )
الفصل الثانى : الاجتهاد فى التدبر القرآنى وفى الاسلام والكفر والعبادات
القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
دعوة للتبرع
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الصلاة والسنة : 1/لماذ ا ليس لعيسى ولا لموسى احادي ث 2/متى...
هنيئا لك ..!: لا اعرف كم انا مقصر بحق نفسي في عبادة الله ....
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