آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2018-04-27
Fatwas Part Eighty
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
The Excused Oppressed Ones
Published in April 19, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … We are forced in our Arab country owned by its corrupt, tyrannical ruler/king and his cronies and high-rank officials to pay bribes imposed by them to allow us to build houses; otherwise, the houses might get demolished! Are we deemed sinful for paying such bribes? What do you think? … Thank you …
As per the legislations/laws of the Sunnite Wahabi religion of Satan, tyrants of the Middle-Eastern countries assume to own all stretches of land and people living in them! Al-Sharif Hussein who was the king of Al-Hejaz region decades ago (who is the grandfather of the current king of Jordan) typically confiscated houses and stretches of land as per his whims and desires! All Arab tyrants confiscate and steal whatever they like and they do this sometimes to threaten/punish their foes and opposition figures. Hence, those oppressed ones who are forced to pay bribes are excused; they seek their rights and try to void harm and persecution; God will forgive them; the ones to blame are the unjust ones who spread aggression, corruption, transgression, injustices on earth. "Blame lies on those who commit injustices against people, and commit unjustified aggression one earth. These will have a painful torment" (42:42). May God curse the unjust tyrants and oppressors in this world and the next one!
Houris, Again!
Published in April 19, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Does the term (houris) refer to Paradise and its pleasures? Are houris female creatures for sexual pleasure? … Thank you …
As per the Quran, houris are spouses assigned for the sexual pleasure of the Paradise dwellers, who will be one sex inside Paradise, after they have been men and women on earth; houris will be for all Paradise dwellers and they will not be confined to those souls who wore bodies of men on earth. Of course sexual pleasure in Paradise will never be for the sake of having progeny. Our limited mind and imagination will not make us envision such pleasure; all pleasures of Paradise are woven out of the good deeds done previously by the Paradise dwellers during their lifetimes on earth; likewise, the torment of the Hell-dwellers are woven out of their bad deed done previously by them during their lifetimes on earth. We will tackle the topic of houris in a coming episode of our YouTube show titled "Quranic Moments", and we will compare between the Quranic facts about houris and the falsehoods and balderdash of the Muhammadans in their revered nonsensical books of heritage and traditions.
The Term (Prophets)
Published in April 20, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … The Arabic plural form of the term (prophets) in the Quranic text comes in different forms; i.e., Al-Nabiyeen in 3:21, Al-Nabiyoon in 5:44, and Al-Anbiyaa in 4:155 … Why is that? Are there differences in the meaning of each plural term? What do you think? … Thank you …
There are no differences in the meaning at all; this is because of the Arabic declension/inflection of nouns within suffixes of classical Arabic as per the grammatical cases within the Arabic sentences.
Prophet versus Messenger, Again!
Published in April 20, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … You have mentioned in your book (in English) titled "The Quran: Sufficient as a Source of Islamic Legislation" (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=92) that the term (prophet) refers to Muhammad as a mortal person when he dealt with others around him in his everyday life, whereas the term (Messenger) means the Quran or refers to Muhammad as he preached/uttered the Quranic verses in which we should believe; yet we find in this verse the belief not in the Messenger (i.e., the Quran) but in the prophet (i.e., Muhammad): "Had they believed in God and the Prophet, and in what was revealed to him, they would not have befriended them. But many of them are immoral." (5:81) … This contradicts your view, right? What do you think? … Thank you …
There is no contradiction at all; the term (Prophet) in the Quranic verse 5:81 is mentioned alongside with the Quran in the phrase directly after it: (and in what was revealed to him), and the Quran is the Messenger; Muhammad is the prophet who preached and conveyed this Divine Message of the Lord God. This means that the terms (messenger) and (prophet) sometimes overlap or used synonymously in the Quran; yet, when the term (prophet) is used to denote the messenger, the message (the Quran) is mentioned alongside with this term (prophet), as is the case in 5:81 and other verses. This simply refers to the fact that we are to believe in the Quranic Message given to the mortal prophet Muhammad. In True Islam, people do not believe in persons (prophets or non-prophets), as this is akin to deifying these persons.
The Failure of Both Abdel-Nasser and the Terrorist MB Group
Published in April 20, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … As a historian, you are not neutral; your stances sometimes baffle me; you are attacking both the Egyptian president Gamal Abdel-Nasser (who ruled since 1954 until his death in 1970) and at the same time you are also attack his enemies: the MB group! Why is that? … Would you briefly explain this apparently contradictory stance to me? … Thank you …
As a Muslim thinker and as a historian with more than 40 years of expertise (since 1977), we assure you that our views are never contradictory and we would like to assert the following three points. Firstly, Nasser is the epitome of failure and loss; his recklessness policies brought to our beloved Egypt the worst defeat in its millennia-old history; the Egyptians still pay the heavy price of his fatal mistakes and grave errors (on many levels) until now. Secondly, if there are those who are worse than Nasser in failure, they are the members of the Wahabi terrorist MB group who havespent 80 years (since 1928) planning to reach power in Egypt and never spent 80 minutes to think about the best way to rule; they are ignoramuses and bigots who had no political vision/program or even the slightest knowledge about rule or about sharia they claim they want to apply; they never know anything about the Quranic sharia laws and legislations; they claimed before the ouster of their president in 2013 in Egypt, that they desire to apply sharia, which is that of the Wahabi Sunnite religion of Satan; they even had no clear vision about the so-called application of this man-made sharia; the MB members are hypocrites who used empty slogans of religious nature to attract the masses and to appeal to ordinary Muslims. The Wahabi terrorist MB organization is the source of all terrorist groups worldwide now that hijack the name of Islam. If it had not been for the revolt of 30th of June, 2013, (when more than 30 million Egyptians made sis-in in all major Egyptian cities) the terrorist MB and their militia would have established their repugnant theocracy; Egypt would have been a Sunnite version of Iran and its hateful theocracy and sectarian violence and strife would have occurred and would have caused bloodshed. Thirdly, we are against secular tyranny of the military regime established by Nasser in Egypt; this military regime is currently in place now, as it has been restored within the 2014 presidential elections in Egypt. Nasser employed empty slogans of nationalism to deceive the masses and he spread the notions of military regimes (like an epidemic!) to other Arab and non-Arab countries. Likewise, we are against the theocracy desired by the terrorist MB and Salafists (who are both evil, violent Wahabis). The hateful theocratic tyranny is worse than secular tyranny of a military regime, a ruling party, or any (nationalistic or otherwise) ideologies.
A Question of Inheritance
Published in April 21, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … My mother died and left a large sum of money; she is survived by my father and myself and my siblings (4 sisters and 2 brothers, including myself) … How should such inheritance money be distributed as per Quranic laws? … Thank you …
Your father (the husband of the deceased woman) should receive one-quarter of the money; the rest of it should be distributed among the daughters and sons of the deceased woman as per this Quranic law: "God instructs you regarding your children: The male receives the equivalent of the share of two females..." (4:11).
About The Verse 25:12
Published in April 21, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … God says the following in the Quran about Hell: "When it sees them from a distant place, they will hear it raging and roaring." (25:12) … Would you explain this to me? How the Hell-Fire would be roaring? … Thank you …
This is the figurative, metaphoric style used in the Quranic text, as opposed to verses about sharia laws that adopt the factual, direct style. We refer you to our YouTube subtitled-into-English "Quranic Moments" episodes (from Episode No. 255 to Episode No. 264) about both styles in the Quran.
The Path in The Verse 11:56
Published in April 21, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … The Quran mentions the term (Straight Path) a lot and commands believers to follow it; yet, I do not understand this verse: "...My Lord is on a Straight Path" (11:56); would you explain this to me? … Thank you …
Of course, this means that the Straight Path is the guiding scripture revealed by God to prophets/messengers. The terms (path) and (way) are sometimes used literally in the Quran (see the Quranic Chapters 9 and 12) and it is used figuratively to denote the guidance or Scripture of the Lord God and the path of piety and righteousness. The Straight Path here is the Quran itself: "This is My Path, straight, so follow it. And do not follow the other paths, lest they divert you from His Path. All this He has enjoined upon you, that you may adhere to piety." (6:153).
Were They Compelled?
Published in April 22, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … God says in the Quran that the Egyptian magicians/sorcerers in the story of Moses said the following to Pharaoh: "We have believed in our Lord, so that He may forgive us our sins, and the magic you have compelled us to practice. God is Better, and more Lasting."" (20:73). My question is as follows: did they lie when they said that Pharaoh compelled them? I mean to say that before they believed in God with Moses, they sought at first to please Pharaoh and they requested a reward, and this fact implies that they were not compelled: "When the magicians arrived, they said to Pharaoh, "Is there a reward for us, if we are the winners? He said, "Yes, and you will be among those favored."" (26:41-42) … Thank you …
No, they did not lie; no one living within the country owned by a tyrant would dare to disobey this tyrant; the weak ones have to obey him willingly or unwillingly through coercion and intimidation. You yourself cannot refuse the summons of police officers or the State Security Apparatus Men; otherwise, they will bring you forcibly in a humiliating manner as a tied/chained captive.
Distortions of Prayers by the Muhammadans
Published in April 22,2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I shall not understand why do the Sunnites when they perform prayers in groups use a loud voice in three of the five daily ones and employ a murmuring voice in the noon and afternoon prayers? … They are ignoring this Quranic verse on purpose; it should be applied to all prayers: "...And be neither loud in your prayer, nor silent in it, but follow a course in between." (17:110) … Thank you …
Of course, the Muhammadans have introduced practices and distortions to prayers that contradict the Quran, because they are bent on disobeying God's Word. We ourselves adhere to 17:110 as far as our daily prayers are concerned; we try to do our best to concentrate and attain piety within prayers; we implore the Almighty Lord God to accept our prayers.
Moses and Aaron as Messengers
Published in April 22, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is there a difference when Moses and Aaron are referred to in the Quran as two messengers and as one messenger? … I refer here particularly to these two Quranic verses: "Approach him and say, `We are the messengers of your Lord; so let the Israelites go with us..." (20:47); "Go to Pharaoh, and say, 'We are the messenger of the Lord of the Worlds." (26:16) … Why do we find that the singular form is used in 26:16, in contrast to the plural form employed in 20:47? What do you think? … Thank you …
There is no difference at all, because anyway, both Moses and Aaron conveyed only one message to Pharaoh.
This Shiite Man!
Published in April 23, 2018
Question: … I do believe that you are mistaken about Shiites; we, Shiites, never deify the Holy Imam Ali or his blessed family or any mortals at all; we never deify Sheikhs and Imams … You are mistaken to assume that democracy is part of (or synonymous with) the Quranic Shura; what you write about rule is utter blasphemy! The only ruler in Islam is God; those who never apply Islamic sharia laws explained by our imams are disbelievers … You are denying our Shiite imams though they are the only ones who rightly understood and interpreted the Quran in their books; we do not deify those imams as you say! I remind you of words of our Holy Imam Jaffer Al-Sadiq..........and he cursed the Sunnite scholar Abou Hanifa because of his heretic views....... God has not left His religion for the masses to understand it at random or anyway they like; He endowed the Shiite imams of all eras with knowledge to guide and show to people how to worship the Lord God; this is the Divine Will of God and He chooses who should interpret religion for all believers; you are not to reject or deny this Divine Will of the Lord God by your heretic views on your cursed website! …
We've sent a very long message in response to this message from this Shiite man. We say briefly here that this Shiite man deifies Shiite clergymen and he says he does not deify mortals; he has forgotten that the polytheistic Muhammadans typically choose some people and impose them on others as spokespersons on behalf of God or as His representatives on earth and ascribe to them God-like qualities and authority! The Muhammadans worship and sanctify such clergymen of all ranks; yet, this Shiite man assumes that he neither deifies Shiite clergymen/sheikhs nor Ali and his wife and two sons!
I'm So Confused!
Published in April 23, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm a young woman in my twenties; religion and the quest for the Truth had no place in my life for many years, but I considered myself as a believer in God. A year ago, within an encounter with an atheist man, he and I had a very long conversation face to face, and his words drove me to cast doubt on religion and God's existence! I feel at loss now! I've decided to search for the right or true religion through the internet; I began reading about all religions on earth and all books and articles that criticize Islam or cast doubt on the Quranic verses. This made me more confused and things got mixed up inside my head; besides, there are about 4 thousand religions/denominations; which one of them is the true one conveyed by God?! Would it be deemed as justice if only one billion 'Muslims' would enter into Paradise and six billion people on earth would enter into Hell?! Those born within atheist families or families that follow any denominations (and not Islam) do not know they're gonna enter into Hell in the Hereafter for not choosing to believe in the Quran! This idea is driving me crazy and I sink into despair! Why should we expect non-Muslims to read the Quran?! Muslims rarely read books of other religions, as you know! There are other questions inside me but I'm too shy to pose them to you! I do not know if God exists or not; I cannot verify if the Quran is God's Word or not! I have lost all sense of certainty and I'm crying myself to sleep every night because I'm very much depressed! … Any soothing words? Any advice? … Thank you …
We assure you, our dear daughter, that since you are confused and since you have found our Quranism website and sent us this email message, you are ardently and diligently searching for the Truth; this is great; you are not as misguided as the other Muhammadans who assume wrongly that they own and monopolize the absolute truth. Of course, seeking the Quranic Truth entails sincerity and patience and lots of reading and contemplation, while imploring and supplicating to God to guide you to the Straight Path. You are very welcome in our Quranism website; please read our archive of writings while pondering and reflecting on what you read with your brilliant mind and raised awareness.
A Bad Biological Father
Published in April 24, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … A biological father divorced his pregnant wife and never spent a penny on her and his son; he never asked about his son at all and he never contacted him or his ex-wife. This son grew up and considered his step-father as his own father (he addressed him as 'Dad'); this step father brought up and spent money on this son and cared for him very much; this son was highly educated and got a job, and he made lots of money within his career. Suddenly, when this son died recently; the biological father appeared and demanded from the mother of the deceased son and her husband to give him his share of the inheritance money … Does he deserve it? He never contacted his son in the first place! … Thank you …
The biological fathers have the right to inherit the shares from the wealth of their dead progeny, whether they have been bad, mean fathers who have neglected their duties towards their progeny or not. This applies to the negligent biological mothers as well.
Urine Spoils Ablution before Prayers
Published in April 24, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Do farting and urinating spoil one's ablution performed before prayers? The Quran does not mention them, as you know; I think that defecating is the thing mentioned as spoiling ablution; what do you think? … Thank you …
Urine, like feces, spoils the ablution and both are included in the Arabic term (Ghaa'it) in the Quran (see 4:43 and 5:6), which refers to going to the toilet or bathroom in general for the purpose of defecating and urinating; in contrast, farting does NOT spoil ablution because it is not mentioned in the Quran as such; it is never mentioned at all in the Quranic text. We refer you to our article in English titled "Harmful Mosques and Mosques of Farting!" (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=16843) and another article about farting: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=17249).
Muhammad and the Jinn
Published in April 26, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … A Christian friend of mine has ridiculed the Quran and Muhammad, because he says that those who contact Jinn are cursed sorcerers (as per the Old Testament and the New Testament of the Bible); besides, he told me that the Quran does not assert, endorse, or complete the Bible (i.e., Torah and Gospel) and no Christian would accept this and embrace Islam! This friend accuses the Quran of being contradictory! What do you think?! … Thank you …
Muhammad never contacted the Jinn; the Quranic Chapter 72 refers to a group of Jinn who listened to the Quran when recited by Muhammad and they believed in it. Muhammad never saw or contacted them. The true Gospel and Torah to which the Quran refers are nonexistent now; they used to exist in Arabia during Muhammad's lifetime; they have disappeared mysteriously. The current gospels are distorted, contradictory narratives about Jesus Christ written decades after his death. The current Torah or Pentateuch of the Bible is also distorted and written by many anonymous men as per what scholars infer from the styles of writing adopted in the Bible. Thus, the Bible is not a tool to prove or undermine the Quran at all. Both the Bible (authored by several men) and the Quran (God's Word preserved by Him) contradict one another. Many Arab and non-Arab scholars have discussed the so many contradictions of the Bible. We have compared and contrasted the Book of Genesis and the Quranic stories in our unfinished book about the imagined interview of a resurrected Muhammad with the CNN. Each person has the right to choose to (dis)believe in the Quran; we rely on the Quran, in which we believe, to reject the Old Testament and the New Testament of the Bible. Others have the right to reject the Quran as per the Bible in which they believe. All human beings will be made to stand before the Dominant Lord God on the Last Day for Judgment and He will settle their religious differences and disputes.
About the Quranic Chapters 73 and 74
Published in April 26, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Do these verses refer to Muhammad when he saw the arch-angel Gabriel for the first time: "O you Enwrapped one." (73:1); "O you Enrobed one." (74:1)? I ask because a Christian friend told me that Muhammad might be a false prophet because people are supposed to feel relief and serenity by the presence of angels (as per the Old Testament and the New Testament of the Bible) and NOT fear! This friend accuses Muhammad of seeing a devil and not an arch-angel! Could you refute this accusation? … Thank you …
Both 73:1 and 74:1 and the verses that follow them address and describe Muhammad, but NOT in the context of seeing Gabriel for the first time; please do not take heed of such Sunnite mythical stories of a frightened Muhammad; these fake stories have been authored during the Abbasid Era. Muhammad received the whole Quran during the Night-Journey and he was never afraid during this event that took place in Mount Al-Tur in Sinai, Egypt; for more details, we refer you to our book in English titled "The Night-Journey Is The Night of Decree" (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=112) and to our book in English titled "The Falsehood of Al-Aqsa Mosque of Jerusalem" (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=115).
About The Verse 52:45
Published in April 26, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … God says in the Quran to Muhammad: "So leave them until they meet their Day in which they will be struck severely." (52:45). Did Qorayish suffered such being struck severely after Muhammad's death? What do you think? … Thank you …
No; the verse 52:45 comes in the context of the verses 52:46-47 about all resurrected human beings on the Last Day who will be struck with awe and fear of being suddenly resurrected to meet with their Lord and to face His Judgment.
About Committing Suicide
Published in December 24, 2006
Question: … Dear Sir, … How and why those who commit suicide will be judged and punished in Hell?! They did not kill others, right? Suicide is not mentioned in the Quran at all, right? What do you think? … Thank you …
Those who commit suicide will enter into Hell forever like those who have killed innocent, peaceful soul(s). God prohibits suicide in these verses: "...And do not kill yourselves, for God is Merciful towards you. Whoever does that, out of hostility and wrongdoing, We will cast him into a Fire. And that would be easy for God." (4:29-30). The Omniscient Lord God will judge those who have willingly chosen to kill themselves for trivial reasons linked to the temporary world; they will be condemned in Hell. This does not apply to those who are mentally disturbed; for more details, we refer our readers to this subtitled-into-English episode in our YouTube show (Quranic Moments) about suicide and those who will not be punished for it and those who will be punished for it: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-G5f5ji8ho).
A Diseased or Sick Fornicator
Published in February 11, 2015
Question: … Dear Sir, … If a man who has committed fornication and deserves the penalty of being flogged one hundred times is diseased, sick, or ill, and doctors would assert that he might die or get harmed very much if flogged, would this be an excuse for his being pardoned and that the penalty would not be exacted on him? … What do you think? … Thank you …
If specialized doctors assert that being flogged would cause the death of the fornicator or severe harm that will be hazardous for his health, the penalty is postponed till he gets well or it would be annulled if he sincerely repented and atoned for his grave sin.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5169 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,614,676 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,478 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,869 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
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القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
الفصل الخامس : الاجتهاد الشيطانى العملى فى إضطهاد أهل الكتاب
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