آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2018-07-15
Fatwas Part Eighty-Seven
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
The Quran as a Source of Healing
Published in June 28, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it part of Islam (or not) that certain Quranic verses would be used to heal physical ailments/illnesses or sickness by being recited over the heads or body-parts of patients or by reading the verses over water drunk by such patients? … What is meant by this verse bout the Quran as a source of healing: "We send down in the Quran healing and mercy for the believers..." (17:82)? … Thank you …
The practices you mention are balderdash and nonsense applied by charlatans who steal money from the gullible, naïve ones. The Quran is referred to figuratively as the source of cure or healing because it provides religious guidance to those who seek it. God grants guidance to those who ardently seek it; God allows those who choose misguidance to remain misguided. This is as per one's choice. This is mentioned in our YouTube videos and within many articles several times. To use copies of the Quran as talismans to bring good luck or keep off evil is a polytheistic practice; the same applies to those who use Quranic verses to make money by making them incantations for healing patients who suffer mental disturbances or physical illnesses. The verse you mention means that the Quran heals the souls/minds/hearts by offering guidance and monotheism to remove polytheism and disbelief from their souls/minds/hearts.
Valid Marriages of Non-Muslims
Published in June 28, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Are marriages of non-Muslims deemed valid and true by the Lord God or not? Do such marriages apply the conditions stipulated in Islam? … Thank you …
Of course, they are valid marriages acknowledged by God; they are marriages celebrated in public (i.e., within the presence of congregations or guests) and are validated via signing contracts, in the presence of witnesses who sign these contracts; the wedding ring or present is like the dowry stipulated in the Quran.
Egypt and Torture
Published in June 30, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I like very much your article about torture and Egypt titled"The Pharaonic Kingdom of Fear and Torture" (found in English on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=18599); I desired to comment under this great article but I felt afraid lest I'd suffer persecution or incarceration; once I emigrate, I'll write comments and articles within your great website using my account … I do believe that a just, non-Muslim ruler is better than unjust rulers who feign being Muslims … Thank you …
May the Almighty Lord God bless and protect you; we wholeheartedly agree with your view about rulers. May God curse and inflict revenge on all arrogant tyrants.
You Are Very Welcome, Our Dear Son
Published in June 30, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I live in Cairo, Egypt, and I'm a 20-year-old male youth. I'm writing you this email to thank you for saving me from embracing atheism, as I was on the verge of this loss; Quranism is the True Islam I've been looking for; I began reading in world religions and books of the Sunnite religion of Satan since I was 17 years old; I lost all hope in getting anything true or useful from the cursed Azharite clergymen; they talk/write nothing but myths and nonsense; my readings led me to cast doubts on hadiths, the intercession mythology, fiqh notions, etc. I realized that people around me worship Muhammad instead of Allah; they mentioned Muhammad's name in all their utterances and within daily conversations. This is very silly and polytheistic; it is as if their imaginary Muhammad were a greater deity and Allah were a lesser or low-rank deity! It is unjust to assume that one can commit grave sins and to be made to enter into Paradise by mere intercession of prophets and the so-called saints. It is silly to believe in hadiths which contradict the Quran; I realized this fact when I was 19 years old even before coming across your great Quranism website; I hate myths of torment of the grave and worshipping mausoleums; videos of Wahabi Sunnite sheikhs made me about to vomit; they preach the religion applied by the ISIS terrorists … At first, I read books and watched videos of free thinkers who are religious reformists, such as......... But I've found True Islam only in the Quranism website; I feel very glad that I've read your entire archive of writings and watched all your great videos … I feel saddened because my elder brothers, my relatives, and my friends mock me because of my being a Quranist! They felt furious as I refuted Sunnite myths/hadiths they cherish! They ridicule me and call me "the Quranist guy" as if Quranist were an insult to me! Many friends cut all their ties with me and many relatives never talk to me about religion at all … My elder brothers tell my mom that I'm an atheist or about to be one! Mom is extremely worried about me! I'm devastated because I failed to guide them to Quranism; they never listen to me now; I desire to prove to them that Sunnite religion is all about polytheistic notions leading to Hell! I want to save them so as not to let them die as polytheists! What am I to do? Any advice? … Thank you …
Our dear son,
Please do not feel depressed because of this stance of others around you; they hate your destroying their myths; it is enough that you have tried to proclaim the Truth to them and that you told them about your being a true Muslim; those who ardently seek guidance will reach it in the same way that has occurred to you; one must be keen on making sure he/she will be among Paradise dwellers forever in the Hereafter; most people are heedless about the Hereafter; most people in all eras are misguided and misguiding persons. Please do not preach those around you any longer; you have did more than enough in this respect. Do not fall into the trap of the sin of making them argue against Quranic verses that your utter before them to warn them. True believers must never hear others or attend meetings where God's Quranic verses are being undermined and ridiculed. Stop talking about religion with others; focus on your performing many good deeds to earn Paradise and get busy contemplating the Quranic Truth. You are still a young man filled with energy and have much time; we urge you to become among the Quranist writers of articles within our website one day. When Sunnites desire to mock you and to argue with you against Real Islam (i.e., Quranism), tell them the following verses and then stop talking with them and move away from them: "You have your religion, and I have my religion."" (109:6); "And say to those who do not believe, "Act according to your ability; and so will we." "And wait; we too are waiting."" (11:121-122).
The Writing Goes On?
Published in July 2, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Does the use of the present tense here indicates that deeds of others are being written down by angels even after one dies?! I'm confused; I mean to refer to this verse: "It is We who revive the dead; and We write down what they have forwarded, and their traces. We have counted all things in a Clear Record." (36:12). What do you think? … Thank you …
You misunderstand 36:12. It simply refers to the fact that writing down people's deeds goes on by the angels as long as there are living people on earth; after one dies, one's deeds are written and the record/book is closed until one reads it on the Last Day. The deeds remain this this record/book of dead persons and no one can add to it or to remove things written in it.
Murderers Inherit Their Murdered Relative Victims
Published in July 2, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Sunnite fiqh notions assume that murderers will never inherit those relatives whom they have murdered; what about the cases of manslaughter? What about inheritors or the murderer who is put to death? … How could such Sunnite myth be refuted? … Thank you …
This myth can be refuted by the fact that the Quran never mentions such a rule/law in the legislations of Islam; murderershave the right to inherit their murdered victims who are their relatives; if such murderers are put to death in retribution, those who deserve inheritance shares will get them anyway, whether they are among the murderers' families or not since the murdered victims were their first-degree relatives. Sunnite fiqh scholars have ascribed falsehood and lies to God's religion; do not pay attention to their narratives of Satan that fill their books. You are welcome to our website; please read our book about inheritance laws in Islam.
Guidance Is An Individual, Personal Responsibility
Published in July 2, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm an atheist Arab man; I'm ready to convert to your type or variety of Islam only after you are kind enough to answer me the following questions and to explain to me these points about................... From the few videos I've watched, I'm afraid that you are fashioning a new religion based on your own whims! … Thank you for your time …
We are not obliged or forced to provide answers to your questions or to explain anything to you so that you might be guided;guidance is an individual, personal responsibility; we never care if you, or anyone else, would be among the (dis)believers. If you indeed desire to learn about Islam, don to be lazy; read our entire archive within our Quranism website; you will find answers to your questions there, only if you ardently and earnestly seek guidance. To be guided or misguided is about your own future in the Hereafter and your own choice; this is a personal responsibility.
To Distance Oneself from Polytheists and their Deities
Published in July 3, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm so depressed and I feel terribly lonely! All people I know shun and despise me now because I converted to Quranism a year ago! My only 'crime' is that I preached and proselytized Quranism to them! … They hate me for criticizing Sunna hadiths of Al-Bokhary and his likes; what shall I do? I dislike being forced to be isolated and friendless! Any advice? … Thank you …
You should rejoice in your status now; you have ample time now to worship the Lord God, perform good deeds, and contemplate the Quran; you can now specify more time for all this. It is a good thing to distance oneself from polytheists and their deities (both entombed 'saints' and gods in 'holy' books). Abraham, for instance, moved away from his people/tribe and his father. Instead of bewailing the fact that you are lonely and everyone is avoiding you, invest your time in doing good deeds and be patient with the harm caused to you by the polytheistic Sunnites while dealing with them in a good manner as much as you can, while relying only on the Lord God. Please our son, adhere to patience and prayers; God sides with the patient ones all the time. May God bless you.
Disobedient Muslims in the Hereafter
Published in July 3, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … God says in the Quran: "...He who disobeys God and His Messenger - for him is the Fire of Hell, in which they will dwell forever." (72:23) … What type of disobedience of believers would lead them to Hell despite their monotheistic faith? … Thank you …
Those who disobey the Quranic commands of the Lord God and die as such; i.e., as disobedient ones who committed grave sins (e.g., fornication, murder, and consuming ill-gotten money) without repentance will be forced into Hell forever even if they claim they are Muslims/monotheists. More details about this topic are found in our book titled "Will Disobedient Muslims Get out of Hell to Enter into Paradise?". The summary of this book is as follows: sinners who die without repentance who will enter into Hell will NEVER get out of it at all by intercession, even if they claimed during their lifetime that they are Muslims/monotheists who believed in the Quran; there is no belief without showing it in one's behavior by obeying God's Quranic commands.
The Unknown Realm of the Human Soul
Published in July 3, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I feel so confused and bewildered; of course, I do believe that your views on your website are true; yet, I have videoed an exorcist who removed a devil from the body of my Sunnite elder brother! … How come that devils/jinn would haunt souls of human beings; I know you are against this idea, but I can share this video with you......... What do you think? … Thank you …
Please read our views on souls as ethereal Barsakh beings within our book titled "The Book of Death", found in English on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=120), and within this article in English found on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=18480).
God Will Forgive You
Published in July 4, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm from Arab origin and I live now in a European city and the district where I live has no Muslims and no mosques at all; after spending one year there, I have discovered only yesterday (by means of special compass given to me as a gift) that I did not perform prayers in the right direction of the Qibla in Mecca! Am I supposed to repeat all the prayers of the last year?! What do you think? … Thank you …
This question has been answered before in our fatwas section; God will forgive you for this unintentional mistake, and you do not have to repeat any prayers at all. What is of paramount importance is to adhere to piety within prayers and all day long and to concentrate as much as you can while praying within the fear of the Lord God. May God bless you.
Cloning Again
Published in July 4, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK, as per Islam, that scientists clone animals? I read that the emergence of cloned monkeys in good health would encourage some scientists to clone human beings; is this possible? They never believe in souls and they will fail to 'create' a human being, right? Is cloning referred to in the Quran here: "...Or have they assigned to God associates, who created the likes of His creation, so that the creations seemed to them alike?..." (13:16)? What do you think? … Thank you …
Cloning might have been referred to only in the creation of Adam's wife from Adam's body, but she has her own soul created by God: "O people! Fear your Lord, who created you from a single soul, and created from it its mate, and propagated from them many men and women..." (4:1);"It is He who created you from a single soul, and made from it its mate, that he may find comfort with her. Then, when he has covered her, she conceives a light load, and she carries it around. But when she has grown heavy, they pray to God their Lord, "if You give us a good child, we will be among the thankful."" (7:189). Scientists who are atheists and materialistic never believe in souls and in the fact that bodies are containers of souls; the souls are the real persons and not the bodies. We can safely say that no one can clone human beings; they cannot breathe souls into such human cells; souls are created only By God; no one can create human beings except God. All human souls have been created by God and stored in a Barsakh level at one point before Adam was created: "We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, "Bow down before Adam;" so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down." (7:11). Souls return to Barsakh momentarily during sleep and until the Day of Resurrection after death. God creates the appearance/features of souls and bodies for every human being: "It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no God except He, the Almighty, the Wise." (3:6); hence, every human being is distinct creature; no one can copy human beings from their cells; it is OK to clone animals; they have no souls like the human souls and animals will not be judged on the Last Day.
Written Will and Testament Regarding the Step-Mother
Published in July 5, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm a married young woman who have 4 sisters; our father died recently; our mother died several years before him; in his written will and testament, our step-mother is to receive all cash-money of our father within his back account; his daughters will receive nothing; my father assumed that since his daughters are married to well-off men, he had to give more to his wife! I also know that my father sold her his house where she live! I and my sisters demand our shares in the cash-money and the house; is this wrong or right as far as Islam is concerned? Of course, we have received inheritance shares from assets that belonged to our father … Was my father wrong in writing such a will and testament regarding his wife before he died?! What do you think? … Thank you …
You and your sisters have no right to demand shares in the money and the house owned by your step-mother since they are no longer your father's; he gave them to her while he was alive; these things are hers alone and you have no right to inherit shares in them. One-eighth of the worth of the other asserts that belonged to your late father should be inherited by his wife; the rest is to be divided into equal shares among the four daughters.
Friday Congregational Prayers in Mosques, Again!
Published in July 5, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a new Quranist … Is it OK to perform the Friday congregational prayers in mosques without listening to sermons of the Muhammadans? … Or shall I perform the noon prayers on Fridays alone inside my room? … Thank you …
We refer you to our article, in English, about prohibition of entering into harmful mosques of the polytheistic Muhammadans, on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=18522). You can perform prayers alone in your room if you do not know any Quranists who can join you within congregational prayers inside your house.
About the Fate of My Friend
Published in July 6, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … If one is pious enough while dealing with others while obeying one's conscience, what is the use of acts of worship then, since they are tools to attain piety?! I mean to say that my non-Muslim friend, who had no religion at all and who died recently as a mugger stabbed him to death while robbing him, never prayed, fasted, etc. but he was a charitable, helpful person with high moralistic level; he never committed any evil deeds; what would be his fate in the Hereafter? … Any ideas? … Thank you …
Real believers must obey God's commands and worship Him in the ways He ordained in the Quran; one is not to worship Him as per any whimsical acts; besides, acts of worship are tools to maintain and reach piety to continue reforming oneself during one's lifetime till one dies. God knows best the human nature: "Would He not know, He Who created? He is the Refined, the Expert." (67:14). Let us suppose that a university professor taught his students from one book and he will question them in the exam about this book; would students study other books?! They will fail the exam/test in this case. Likewise, God has given us the Quran as the book on which the test of life, as well as the judgment in the Hereafter, depends. Hence, losers in the Hereafter are those who have rejected the Quran and God's commands in it, as they have disobeyed the Lord God and died without repentance; God will punish them in Hell for their polytheism and disbelief. God knows our faith and deeds and He is never unjust towards anyone; those disbelievers who have performed good deeds are rewarded for them ONLY in this world and never in the next one; their lack of faith will make them enter into Hell: "Whoever desires the worldly life and its glitter - We will fully recompense them for their deeds therein, and therein they will not be defrauded. These - they will have nothing but the Fire in the Hereafter. Their deeds are in vain therein, and their works are null." (11:15-16); Paradise is promised by God only for the pious, Quran-believing ones who performed good deeds within monotheism as per the Quran: "Such is Paradise which We will give as inheritance to those of Our servants who are pious." (19:63).
A Question of Inheritance
Published in July 6, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm a Jordanian Muslim man who lives in the USA; I married a Christian woman who has a Christian son and a Christian daughter from her late husband; she was very ill and she died recently; before her death, she entrusted me orally and without witnesses with her will and testament (it is not written, though), that I should use her money (about 30 thousand Jordanian dinars) for the funeral and burial services (they are very expensive inside the USA, as you know) and to give her son 5000 dinars and a similar sum to the daughter; she told me that the house, the car, and the stretch of land is enough for me; they are in my name and not hers … When she died, I paid more than 10000 US$ for the burial, the mass, the funeral, etc. shall I give the rest of the money to her son and daughter? My relation with them both are excellent but they live in another far city; shall I remove from her money the sum paid for the services? What do you think? Shall I give the son and the daughter equal shares or not? Shall I pay them in Jordanian currency or the US$? I'm at loss; any advice … Thank you in advance …
We feel glad to find a conscientious man like you who adheres to justice; we urge you to execute the will and testament of your late wife as she entrusted you. The stretch of land, the house, and the car are not among the inheritance as they are yours. As for distributing the inheritance shares, you must settle any debts and execute the will and testament first; the rest of the money is divided as follows: you receive 1/4 of the money and the rest is for the son and the daughter, and the son receives double the share of the daughter. You have to give them their rightful shares as per the worth of the US$ of today, of course.
Teaching Ignorance to Pupils
Published in July 12, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I feel that my salary is ill-gotten money; I'm a teacher of history in a primary school in a very remote village and I cannot perform my job/mission; the pupils (there are only 30 of them in this school) can barely write their names! They never listen to me in class and I think they can barely understand a word of what I say! No one in the ministry of education cares about this village and its school; our repeated petitions to be removed from this school to join another one elsewhere are refused! Corruption has led such ignorant pupils pass their exams through cheating! No one taught them how to write their names properly! Their spelling mistakes show they have hardly received any education of the Arabic tongue! What shall I do?! Any advice? … Thank you for your time …
Your salary is not ill-gotten money; you are doing your best and you try to perform your job as much as you can; God does not burden a soul beyond its capacity; you are NOT responsible for the ignorance being taught to pupils and the corruption spread in the educational system; you will not carry the burdens of corrupt ones. May God bless and protect you.
Usury and Interests of Bank Loans, Again!
Published in July 13, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I like your fatwas about that bank loans at interest are OK as trade within mutual consent and that prohibited usury is the one involving compound interest rates; yet, I need more details to assure myself that bank money are not ill-gotten money and that I'm not sinful when I get bank loans, esp. that banking systems differ slightly from one country to the other … Thank you …
Those who are forced by necessity to get bank loans at compound interest rates are NOT sinners; the sin falls on those who took advantage of their dire need; the details you need are found on this article of ours in English titled "The Usury Battle" found on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=6251).
Taqiyya for Safety!
Published in November 28, 2013
Question: … Dear Sir, … Weeks after I converted to Quranism as the Only True Islam and talked to my family members about it to preach Quranism to them, they expressed their animosity and hatred towards me; harsh treatment and boycott ensued to coerce me to return to the Sunnite religion of Satan! I cannot stand it; my mental and physical well-being has deteriorated; no one among my relatives and my parents is giving me any money to complete my education and to cover my expenses; I had to deceive them by saying that I've reconsidered my stance and I believe in hadiths again! … This is not true; I am a Quranist person and this is never gonna change; yet, I feel that I'm a hypocrite! I feel I'm a liar! My need for money has driven me to practice this Taqiyya! I feel so sinful and guilty! What do you think?! … Thank you …
God will forgive you, our son; He knows you are forced to adopt Taqiyya, and it is OK since your true monotheistic faith fills your heart/soul; you are not sinful at all; you did what you have to do to avoid severe persecution. May God bless you.
Meat from the Butcher and Sacrificed Animals
Published in April 9, 2015
Question: … Dear Sir, … Shall I give the poor meat of sacrificed animals only to be rewarded by God?! Can I give them meant from the butcher's shop instead? What is your view about this? … Thank you …
There is no difference at all; you will get rewarded anyway since the aim of sacrificing animals is to feed the poor persons. May God bless you.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5171 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,736,962 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,479 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,871 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
القاموس القرآنى عن ( الاستعجال )
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القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
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