آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2018-04-19
Fatwas Part Seventy-Nine
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Singing and Wine
Published in April 8, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I take pride in being a Quranist Muslim, thanks to you … I live in Florida and I work in the field of music since 8 years when I first arrived to the USA; I'm glad that you have convinced me that religious singing is prohibited in Islam; yet, I play musical instruments and sing in locations/hotels where wine is served; is this OK? I never drink wine, of course, but shall I avoid being near wine? How? Shall I work only in locations where wine is not served? What do you think? … Thank you …
It is not forbidden or prohibited to work as a singer or within playing musical instruments in the locations/hotels you mention; what is to be avoided is to serve, make, prepare, brew, and drink wine. Ordinary, secular singing is OK, of course; you can work in these places where wine is served, since you do not drink it yourself or work in serving or preparing it.
Was Luqman A Prophet?
Published in April 8, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Was Luqman a prophet? Could you prove it using Quranic verses only? … Thank you …
Yes, he was a prophet; God has given Luqman wisdom; the term wisdom is one of the Quranic descriptions of Celestial Revelation from God or His Divine Book/Scripture; God has told Luqman to be thankful for receiving this wisdom: "We endowed Luqman with wisdom: "Give thanks to God." Whoever is thankful - is thankful for the benefit of his own soul. And whoever is unthankful - God is Sufficient and Praiseworthy. When Luqman said to his son, as he advised him, "O my son, do not associate anything with God, for polytheism is a terrible injustice."" (31:12-13).
Performing Prayers with the Muhammadans
Published in April 8, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … My work partners are Muhammadans and they typically insist that I perform daily prayers with them in their offices or my office (luckily, not in mosques) when the occasion arises for that; they do not know that I'm a Quranist and I cannot tell them; is it OK to perform any of the five daily prayers with them or not? Would such prayers count, since they are polytheists who deify mortals? Shall I repeat the same prayers alone later on? … Thank you …
It is OK to pray with them, provided that you concentrate and observe piety and fear of the Lord God during prayers and that you adhere to piety all day long in your behavior. You do not have to repeat the prayers.
Divorce before Consummation
Published in April 11, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Weeks after drawing the marriage contract, and weeks before the intended date of the wedding party, my chosen bride and I quarreled and she demanded a divorce and to call the marriage off; divorce papers have been signed; the consummation has not taken place, of course … The question is as follows: is it part of my rights that I retrieve the dowry paid to her (partially or wholly) or not? What do you think? …Thank you …
God says in the Quran: "If you divorce them before you have touched them, but after you had set the dowry for them, give them half of what you specified-unless they forego the right, or the one in whose hand is the marriage contract foregoes it. But to forego is nearer to piety. And do not forget generosity between one another. God is seeing of everything you do." (2:237). Hence, within mutual agreement, you can get back half of the paid dowry; if the divorce occurred as per her wishes only and not yours; you can request the whole sum of the dowry of most of it, only as per mutual agreement and consent.
Interpretations and Translations of the Quran
Published in April 11, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I've read in your archive of writings that you dislike the word ''interpretation'' as it is deemed as an insult to the Quran, because the Quranic verses are clear enough. Yet, I have enjoyed reading the interpretation of the Egyptian Tawfik Hamid who immigrated to the USA; he agrees with most Quranist notions of yours … Besides, I have enjoyed the English translation of the Quran done by the late Dr. Rashad Khalifa; this is the best translation I've ever read, but I disapprove of his proclaiming himself as a prophet and his removing some verses from the Quranic Chapter Nine … Am I committing a sin by reading books of interpretations and translations of the Quran? What do you think? By the way, I like your book about your journey to Israel and Palestine (in English on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=126) … Could you please give me the links to videos of your speeches/lectures delivered in Jerusalem in March, 2018? … Thank you …
Thank you very much; our speeches/lectures delivered in Jerusalem were neither videoed nor recorded. We are against the word "interpretation" as the Quran is a Clear Book which does not need any interpretations. To believe in interpretations means to reject and disbelieve in tens of Quranic verses that describe the Quran as a Clear Book and its verses as Clear and that they explain one another and made easy to remember and to understand. We use the word "ponderings" to describe one's personal views derived from one's subjective understanding of the Quranic verses. We use also the verbs (to study), (to analyze), (to ponder), and (to reflect on) the Quranic verses. Tawfik Hamid is a Quranist thinker and he was among the early group of those who surrounded our person in Cairo, Egypt, in the 1980s. Dr. Rashad Khalifa has rendered a simple, easy-to-understand translation of the Quran into English; yet, he has imposed on the Quranic verses his own erroneous views (e.g., see his twisted, faulty translation of the verse 2:54) and he deleted some other verses as per his whims. We assure you that it is not sinful to read anything of the kind; we ourselves specialize in Arab heritage books of history and traditions that contradict the Quran. What matters most is to ponder deeply on what you read and to reject, inwardly within your mind, anything that contradicts the Quran; if you are a Quranist person, you must make the Quranic guidance as your criterion to judge anything you hear or read.
The Worship of Mammon
Published in April 12, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I do believe that the worship of money is the root of all evils in today's life and in ancient eras as well, as far as written history is concerned … This applies to the political and economic relations among countries/societies and within people and how they deal with one another; why do not you write a book or a lengthy article about this worship of Mammon in history and in today's world within a Quranist vision? … Thank you …
You are perfectly right; if you (re-)read our archive of writings, you will notice how we condemn the worship of Mammon in the contexts of several books and articles of ours; we are currently writing a book about the Qorayish caliphs and how money is their supreme deity that drove them to commit the crimes known as Arab conquests and civil wars; we implore God to allow us time and grant us health and strength to finish this book. God in the Quran tells us that polytheists worship money/wealth and this drives them to deny God; e.g., see the Quranic parable of the man who owned two gardens/orchards in 18:32-43. God says in the Quran: "And his money will not avail him when he plummets." (92:11); "Woe to every slanderer backbiter. Who gathers wealth and counts it over. Thinking that his wealth has made him immortal." (104:1-3); "His wealth did not avail him, nor did what he acquired." (111:2).
Unjust Relatives
Published in April 12, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Because of a conflict that occurred in the late 1970s between the family members of my father and the family members of my mother, the relatives of my father hated my mother and my father despised her and treated her in a harsh manner; he takes pride in the progeny of his relatives though they failed at school, and he dislikes my doing well at school and my sisters' doing well like me … My mother has been typically patient during such unjust treatment and unfair and undeserved insults from the family members of her husband (my father), till they decided to sever all relations with us; even my grandma (the mother of my father) hated my mother and incited my father against her; this grandma hated me and my sisters for no reason; she decided to live with her other well-off sons (my paternal uncles who hate my mother and her daughters) … Yet, in the last two years of her life, my fat, ill grandma decided to live in our small apartment which has hardly enough space for me, my parents, and my sisters! I and my sisters kept serving her during her illness; she could barely move on her own; her sharp tongue kept harming us despite our serving her like slaves! She hated our mother (and me and my sisters) for no reason! She refused to spend the last months of her life at the houses of my well-off paternal uncles who had servants! She died recently; but I feel the deepest remorse now; because of her insults to me and her harsh treatment of my mother in the past, I used to shout at her face to leave our house since she hated us and yet she was dependent on us; she was stubborn and hard to please and she was never thankful! Am I a sinful young woman because I shouted at her many times! She sometimes got on my nerves way too much; she was to blame for making me lose my temper sometimes! Will God forgive me for making her feel unwelcome? I feel so guilty! What do you think? … Thank you …
You are not guilty at all, our daughter. Every unjust person should beware of the consequences of injustice in this world and the next one. It is the worst type of injustice to be unjust towards one's relatives for no reason. Children who live within families that suffer severe injustices never forget and hardly forgive; it is OK if you sometimes vented your anger, because of bad memories, using mere words; you did not commit evil acts of revenge; so, please, do not feel guilty. Of course, it is OK and just to retaliate by insulting those who insult us, but it is better and more charitable (and therefore above justice) to forgive those who trespass against us: "God does not like the public uttering of bad language, unless someone was wronged..." (4:148); "The repayment of a bad action is one equivalent to it. But whoever pardons and makes reconciliation, his reward lies with God. He does not love the unjust. As for those who retaliate after being wronged, there is no blame on them." (42:41).
Our Books Are Available for Free
Published in April 16, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I should like to get your great books in paper packs; where can I buy them? … If they are not available in print, are your books available as e-books or in PDFs or EPUB file format? … Thank you …
Our books are available for free to everyone in PDFs; you can download them from this link:
Pursuing An MA Degree
Published in April 16, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I've studied sharia laws at the university of..... I love the Quran and I admire the Quranists … I desire to know if your great VA-based IQC has MA and PhD programs available online for free or not … Thank you …
We offer no certificates or degrees of any kind; at one time, we tried to establish an online Quranist university, for free, with the intention of preparing Quranist researchers (but with no degrees or certificates), but this project failed miserably. Yet, we consider that our Quranism website as a beacon of reform and enlightenment for all those who seek guidance and seek to know what Quranism or True Islam is. Of course, you can read/study the archive of our writings and the writings of other Quranists in order to learn how to be a Quranist researcher (and a researcher of books of traditions/heritage) if you like.
To Ponder it and Not to Memorize it
Published in April 16,2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I have graduated from an institute for Muslim preachers, which is located in the African city of....... I have memorized the whole of the Quranic text, though my mother tongue is not Arabic … I'm married and I have two sons … I admire your writings very much … Do you have any pieces of advice concerning how to keep the Quranic verses inside my memory? Cold you help me get a job to earn my living as a preacher in any country (not necessarily in the USA)? … Thank you …
We wish we could help you; we are impecunious. We have no power to bring anyone to the USA (or elsewhere) to live and work. We implore the Almighty Lord God to grant you a decent job one day in your country. As for memorizing the Quran, you (and all Muslims) do not have to memorize it; what is of vital importance is to reflect/ponder deeply on its verses and to apply them in your life. May God guide you and our person to His Straight Path.
Better and Best
Published in April 17, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … God says in the Quran: "And follow the best of what was revealed to you from your Lord, before the torment comes upon you suddenly, while you are unaware." (39:55) … What is the best thing in God's Verses? Are there 'good', 'better', and 'best' within the Quranic verses and/or commands?! Would you please explain this to me? … Thank you …
The Quranic verse 39:55 comes in the context of urging those who committed many grave sins to repent and they must perform many of the best deeds possible (in terms of quality and quantity) that are mentioned in the Quranic commands and teachings so that God would accept their sincere repentance. For further details about behaving better in this life to be among winners within the Afterlife and about the Quranic terms (better) and (best), we refer you to these three articles of ours in English: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=16764), (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=18076), (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=14102)
A Useful Comment
Published in April 17, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'd like to write this comment after I've read the entirety of your archive of writings … God says in the Quran: "Or do they say, "He forged a lie about God." If God so willed, He could have sealed your heart. But God obliterates the false, and confirm the Truth by His Words. He knows what is in the hearts." (42:24) … This means that the false revelations of Satan the Devil and his followers have begun to appear during Muhammad's lifetime (i.e., hadiths, narratives, and distracting tales) and that God's Word of Truth, the Quran, is the Only True Islam to which we should adhere while disregarding and rejecting false revelations of Satan and his followers, which are there as a source of temptation and a test for people: "...But God nullifies what Satan reveals, and God affirms His Verses. God is Omniscient and Wise." (22:52) … Thank you …
Thank you for your useful comment; you are welcome to write comments on our website using your account we have created for you.
Asking Previous Messengers?
Published in April 17, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … God says in the Quran: "Ask those of Our messengers We sent before you: "Did We appoint gods besides the Dominant Lord to be worshiped?"" (43:45) … I cannot understand this verse on my own; how come that Muhammad has been commanded by God to ask the previous messengers since they are dead? … Thank you …
The Quranic verse 43:45 means that Muhammad would refer to the Quranic stories of previous prophets/messengers of God to assure himself that the Celestial Message of God they conveyed is the same; i.e., the monotheistic testimony of (There is no God but Allah). This is asserted further in this verse: "Nothing is said to you but was said to the messengers before you..." (41:43). This means that the message conveyed by Muhammad is exactly the same one like the ones conveyed by the previous prophets/messengers of the Lord God; the Quranic stories of God's prophets/messengers contain what they have said and done (as part of God's Revelation) and what was said to them by disbelievers and deniers.
You Are Right, But...
Published in April 18, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm almost certain that all heritage books of traditions should be reevaluated using the Quran as the only criterion; this will how such books authored by men of the Middle-Ages violate human rights, civil liberties, and all types of freedoms, especially the religious freedom … This will make the Muslims wake up and throw such books out the window and stop believing in the trashy ideas that fill them; they must return to the Quran as the only source of Islamic sharia laws … the only real Muslims are the peaceful Quranists … Thank you …
Thank you, and you are right, but please do not say that you are 'almost' certain; one is either certain or uncertain; sure or not sure. Since you are a Quranist, you are one hundred sure that books of heritage and traditions revered by the Muhammadans contain nothing but lies, falsehoods, and fabrications. May God bless and guide you.
Divine versus Celestial
Published in April 18, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm a big fan of your great website; yet, I advise you not to use the adjective "celestial" (i.e., related to the sky or heaven) to describe the Quran as the Book from God or to describe Islam as a religion; the sky/heaven does not bring any books or any religions to people; instead, you should use the adjective "divine", which means "related or linked to God" … Thank you …
We use the expressions "Celestial Religion" and "Celestial Book" to distinguish them from the earthly, man-made, fabricated religions and theological heritage books of traditions, authored by men of the Middle-Ages and our modern age, which have nothing to do with Islam (i.e., the Quran). We think you are right to advise us to write the expressions "Divine Religion" and "Divine Book". Thank you; may God guide you and us to His Straight Path.
About the Verse 65:1
Published in April 18, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … God says the following about divorce: "...And do not evict them from their homes, nor shall they leave, unless they have committed a proven adultery. These are the limits of God-whoever oversteps God's limits has wronged his own soul. You never know; God may afterwards bring about a new situation." (6:51). Does this mean that during the three-month waiting period after divorce, women are to stay at their homes bought by the husbands while the husbands stay with them at the same time? If a man drives his wife out after the first divorce by force, he has committed the sin of overstepping God's limits/laws, right? How adultery of unfaithful wives is proven? … Thank you …
Proven adultery means to catch the wife red-handed in the act itself, with the company of four (or more) witnesses apart from the husband or when the unfaithful wife confesses her guilt/sin without being coerced, forced, or pressured to do so. Hence, after divorce, a wife should not leave the house of her husband (who remains in the same house as well) for the three-month waiting period and her husband has no right to drive her out of it by force, unless she was an adulteress and her sin is proven; in this case, she is to leave the house after the divorce. If any wife leaves the house willingly (i.e., as per her own free will and the decision is taken by her) after the divorce, she has thus waived one of her rights. It is noteworthy that the verse 65:1 makes the (homes) ascribed to the wives by the pronoun "their". For more details about divorce in the Quran, we refer you to our article in English titled "Contradictions in Divorce Legislations between The Quran and The Sunnite Jurisprudence" found on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=15977).
The Companions/Contemporaries of Muhammad
Published in December 6, 2010
Question: … Dear Sir, … I feel displeased because of your articles that attack and verbally abuse the Holy Companions of Prophet Muhammad … As a Quranist thinker; you surely know that many Quranic verses praise those Companions, right?! … Why are you not convinced that undermining the Companions makes one lose faith in Islam?! … Thank you …
Describing the companions/contemporaries of Muhammad for what they really are based on Quranic evidence and historical evidence is something good and will never make readers lose faith in Islam; Islam is NEVER embodied by any persons, dead or alive, let alone historical figures who were sinful aggressors who invaded other countries and massacred, stole, raped, conquered, destroyed, enslaved, consumed ill-gotten money, etc. The so-called companions/contemporaries of Muhammad are not infallible and are not holy; their assumed infallibility is part of the Sunnite religion and not Islam (which is only the Quran). Thus, attacking the so-called companions is not deemed as blasphemy or apostasy nor would it make one no longer a Muslim as you guess in your email message. Within real Islam, no mortals (prophets and non-prophets) should be deified or sanctified at all. We never insult companions in general; rather, we focus on how the Quran describes them; many of them are reproached in the Quran as disbelievers and hypocrites; many were not faithful believers and they committed sins and are rebuked for them in the Quran. Being a contemporary of Muhammad does not elevate a person into sainthood; there is no notion of sainthood or 'holy' mortals in Islam, as you know; such a notion is found only within polytheistic, man-made religions. We never tackle the so-called companions unless using the Quranic verses and historical facts. The Quranic term "companion" means only anyone (believer or disbeliever) who is contemporary to another person(s) within the same location and time. Hence, companions are not necessarily dear, truthful, or intimate friends or those who share the same faith/belief, for instance, the Israelites are described here as companions of Moses: "When the two groups sighted each other, the companions of Moses said, "We are being overtaken."" (26:61); yet, later on, they worshiped a golden calf in Sinai during the temporary absence of Moses. Muhammad is described here as a companion to the Qorayish polytheists: "Your companion has not gone astray, nor has he erred." (53:2). Of course, as per the Quran, those who surrounded Muhammad included those forerunners with good faith and sincerity, those hypocrites, those with little faith, those polytheists, those agents/spies of Qorayish, those cursed aggressors who attacked Yathreb and conspired against Muhammad, those who allied themselves to the Meccan aggressors, etc. The Quran does not mention names of people in each category of those contemporaries of Muhammad; yet, history tells us about those who rejected the Quran by committing the sins of aggression during the Arab conquests and the major Arab civil war; such historical topics/facts are not part of the religion of Islam. It is a polytheistic notion to deify and sanctify Muhammad and his contemporaries; the Sunnite and Sufi religions make them as gods/deities; this is not the case within real Islam (i.e., Quranism). The polytheistic people are free to disbelieve in the Quran and to propagate and believe in mythology; Quranists are free to believe in the Quran and propagate/preach its facts via the cyberspace; God will judge all human beings on the Last Day and will settle our religious differences and disputes.
About The Verse 19:71
Published in December 24, 2006
Question: … Dear Sir, … What does this verse about Hell mean: "There is not one of you but will enter into to it. This has been an unavoidable decree of your Lord." (19:71)? Does this mean that all/some people will enter into Hell first before entering into Paradise? Is this a Sunnite misinterpretation? What do you think? … Thank you …
The Sunnite books of interpretation/exegesis of the Quran are filled with nothing but fabrications, myths, and falsehoods. Please do not rely on them to understand the Quran; you can understand that Quran on your own; we refer you to our book (in English) titled "How to Understand the Holy Quran", found on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=121). The context of the verse 19:71 is in the verses 19:68-72 about the polytheists only and not all human beings; the verse 19:71 is addressed to polytheists who lived during Muhammad's lifetime and will die as such and will never repent. No one among those who enter into Hell will ever get out of it; they dwell there for eternity; the dweller of Paradise will never enter into Hell at all and will never get out of Paradise for eternity; see 21:98-012. Those who deserve entering into Paradise will enter it after those who deserve entering into Hell enter it first; see 39:71-73. God mentions the fact that disbelievers, sinners, and polytheists of every era will enter into Hell on the Last Day as they died without repentance and making amends and they will never get out of Hell; see 11:98; 19:86, and 35:36-37.
To Define Sharia First!
Published in July 21, 2009
Question: … Dear Sir, … As an Egyptian young man, I'm shocked to the core as I read your protesting against Article No. 2 of the Egyptian Constitution that mentions that Islamic sharia is the main source of issuing laws and legislations in Egypt; you mention that human rights (and international human rights instruments) should be the main source instead. How come, when you are a Quranist Muslim, that you refuse God's sharia and prefer a Western product named as human rights?! … Thank you …
We never refuse or protest against Quranic sharia legislations and higher values made by the Lord God (which are one hundred percent compatible and matching with human rights, as we have proved in many articles of ours); we protest against the Sunnite Salafist Wahabi sharia intended in Article No. 2 of the Egyptian Constitution. Hence, you must define first what "sharia" is. Wahabi Sunnite sharia laws of Satan caused the massacring and incarcerating of free minds and free authors/writers; in Egypt, Dr. Farag Fouda was assassinated and the Nobel Laureate Naguib Mahfouz had a narrow escape from an assassination attempt. We have been incarcerated for being a Quranist thinker who criticizes Wahabism. Innocent people were massacred by Wahabis in the villages of Upper Egypt, Al-Fallujah in Iraq, within the Algerian civil war, and in Afghanistan. The Wahabi sharia laws of Satan have nothing to do with the Quranic sharia legislations. When we have proven that the Quran contradicts Wahabism, we have been slandered, verbally abused, attacked, incarcerated, and accused of apostasy and of spreading heresy/blasphemy. The Muhammadans refuse to believe in, or to resort to, the Quran as the criterion to judge any notions or religious schools of thought. The Salafists/Wahabis of the MB terrorist group have hijacked the name of Islam in order to achieve political gains and reach power one day instead of the military regime in Mubarak's Egypt; they insult God and the Quran and they spread terror, violence, corruption, lies, and falsehoods. The Middle-Ages Sunnite sharia laws and fiqh have nothing to do with Islam (which is only the Quran). All reformist thinkers who seek religious reform must adhere to the Truth and to patience as per the verse 103:3. Introducing reform and seeing its results will take decades; minds of deluded youths must be influenced positively by Quranism, as the Only True Islam, so that Egypt and the Arab nations would get rid of the evil, destructive influence of Saudi Wahabism. The Azharite clergymen and preachers are controlled by those in authority and power in Egypt; these Azharite corrupt clergymen and preachers control and brainwash the masses; they will never preach true Islam (i.e., the Quran). God says in the Quran: "...God does not support the efforts of the corrupt ones." (10:81). Thus, real Islam needs reformist thinkers like our person to strive for its sake by showing its true nature and elucidating its Quranic facts; they must defend the Quran/Islam against accusations leveled against it; Islam is not the religion of obscurantism, fanaticism, backwardness, extremism, and terrorism; these are the aspects of Sunnite Wahabism, propagated and funded by oil revenues of the KSA which is the real culprit. Wahabis all over the Arab world made citizens channel their anger and frustration towards Israel and the USA (as if there were a conspiracy against the Middle East!) and not towards the real enemies: Arab tyrants who maintain the status quo of tyranny, oppression, suppression, corruption, enslavement, and lack of human rights. The West countries will not face the Wahabi terrorism that strikes them unless by resorting to the peaceful, intellectual war of ideas of Quranists to undermine and refute the Wahabi ideology from within the only source of Islam: the Quran. The Sunnite sharia laws of the Abbasid Era (and the ones of the Ottoman Era of intellectual stagnation and blind imitation) do not fit our modern era now. God is the Only Legislator in Islam: "Or is it that they have partners who issue for them religious laws never authorized by God?..." (42:21). The few reformist endeavors and attempts of Muslim thinkers in the Middle-Ages failed and such authors were persecuted severely by the Hanbali Sunnite scholars and rulers. Many polytheistic Muhammadans during such eras fabricated hundreds of thousands of hadiths ascribed falsely to Muhammad after his death. A secular, liberal epoch in Egypt flourished in the period 1930-1950, but the emergence of the Wahabi KSA aborted all endeavors of modernization in Egypt; Wahabis, loyal to the KSA, has infiltrated Al-Azhar and Egyptian governmental sectors. The KSA forced Sadat to accommodate the terrorist MB members in the social, religious, and political aspects of life in Egypt; they eventually assassinated him in Oct. 1981. Mubarak has alternatingly followed a lenient and strict policies with the MB; he let them control the syndicates and the People's Assembly, as well as certain ministries; e.g., the ministry of education. The Salafist military wings and Wahabi militias of the terrorist MB have committed many acts of violence and terrorism in Egypt in the 1990s. The MB group now is very near to the Obama administration, as rumors have it. The MB members were persecuted by president Abdel-Nasser in the 1950s and the 1960s and most of them fled to the KSA (their spiritual homeland of Wahabism) and have controlled the education sector there. Wahabis of the Najd region massacred many non-Wahabis (especially Shiites) in Arabia (within crimes condoned by Great Britain) to establish the third, current KSA. The Wahabis of the Levantine region massacred and persecuted Christians in the first half of the 20th century. The Sudanese people suffered on all aspects and levels when the Wahabi MB-affiliated Al-Bashir ascended to power. The Wahabi Taliban members have devastated Afghanistan. Wahabis typically spread destruction, corruption, bloodshed, and tyranny once they reach power anywhere and establish their hatful theocracy. We sincerely hope that Egypt will never be ruled by the Wahabi Salafists and MB one day. Their sharia laws that they desire to apply are man-made, devilish ones of the wicked Sunnite Wahabi religion which has nothing to do with the Quran.
Al-Bokhary Is A Mean, Inveterate Liar
Published in October 13, 2012
Question: … Dear Sir, … I take pride in being a Quranist Muslim like you … I admire very much the episodes of your great YouTube show titled "Exposing Salafism"… I believe your research findings that Al-Bokhary quoted/plagiarized hadiths of M. Ibn Ishaq without mentioning his name and that Ibn Ishaq, in his turn, lied as he claimed to be taught by the tutor named Al-Zohary, though this tutor of the Umayyad Era never met with Ibn Ishaq who allied himself to the Abbasids … Yet, you know that the Sunnites claim within their falsehoods that Al-Bokhary traveled all over the Arab empire to 'collect' hadiths and he 'verified' the moralistic level of 'narrators' to see if he'd accept their hadiths or not, as he supposedly dedicated his life to this mission; how would you refute such lies? What about refuting other hadiths collectors/fabricators of Arab origin and of Persian origin?… Thank you …
Of course, the claims of Sunnites are mere falsehoods and unverified tales; they can be refuted by doing simple calculations: the Sunnites in their folklore of lies assume that Al-Bokhary 'gathered' 10 million hadiths and he chose to write only about 3 thousand hadiths, or about seven hundred thousand hadiths if you count the repeated ones with their (slight) variations and additions. Let us suppose that he began this process when he was 20 years old; how much time it would take him to 'collect' each of his hadiths while moving from one city to another, if he indeed collected millions of them?! How much time it would take him to sift, revise, and verify these millions of hadiths? Upon what criteria he had chosen seven hundred thousand hadiths in particular?! How come that he would verify narrators to see if they were liars or not? How had he measured their moralistic levels? Which criteria had he adopted to exclude narrators?! If he had worked every single minute of his life within such endeavors, these tasks would take him a thousand years! We should take into our consideration the time he needed to eat, rest, sleep, provide for this family, etc. Hence, Al-Bokhary is a mean, inveterate liar who invented and plagiarized hadiths and invented stories about himself to refute his critics in advance; he copied heavily from Ibn Ishaq (who died one century before the emergence of Al-Bokhary) and from others (like the historian Ibn Saad) without mentioning their names; he copied from oral narrators among his contemporaries and he also invented and fabricated many hadiths from his own imagination while inventing imaginary Isnad (i.e., series of narrators) to lend fake credibility to such hadiths/narratives. The same applies to other fabricators of hadiths who came after Al-Bokhary; in short, all hadiths have nothing whatsoever to do with Islam.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5171 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,734,775 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,479 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,871 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
القاموس القرآنى عن ( الاستعجال )
الفصل الثانى : الاجتهاد فى التدبر القرآنى وفى الاسلام والكفر والعبادات
القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
دعوة للتبرع
مخالف لشروط النشر: وجدت بحثا في موقعك م بخصوص الكعب ة التي يحج...
العدة وإختبار الحمل: العدة للتثب ت من خلو الرحم من الحمل . هذا ممكن...
حفظ القرآن وحده: القرآ ن الكري م يشير أن الكتب السما وية ...
سن اليأس : أنا زوجة أعانى من متاعب سن اليأس ، ووصلت الى ما...
نصيبا من الكتاب: ما معنى ( الَّذ ِينَ أُوتُ وا نَصِي باً ...