Fatwas: Part Thirty-Nine

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-06-15


Fatwas: Part Thirty-Nine

Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy



Feeding Cats and Dogs

Published in June 9, 2017


Question: …  Dear Sir, … Will God reward me for feeding animals such as birds, cats, and dogs?  … Thank you …     


 Of course; any good deed done while seeking to please the Lord God is rewarded by Him.





Published in June 9, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … Is it OK to use toothpaste while fasting during Ramadan? … Thank you …  


 It is OK and permissible; this will not spoil one's fasting.




Impurity for Men

Published in June 9, 2017




Question: … Dear Sir, … Does impurity for men that requires complete ablution or showering means mere ejaculation itself with or without having sex or only having sex with their wives? Can you provide me with a Quranist answer? … Thank you …      


 This type of impurity for men means both: to have sex with one's wife even without ejaculation and ejaculation (for any reason) without having sex at all. In both cases, men have to shower so that they can be pure enough to perform prayers.




The Quran and the Israelites

Published in June 12, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … Why the name of Moses is repeated in the Quran more than that of Muhammad? Why the Quranic stories about the Israelites are more than the ones about Muhammad? … What do you think is the reason? … Thank you …     


  We have answered this question before, but we briefly assert the following. The Quran is God's message to all people in all eras till the end of days, preserved by God. The Quran narrates to the Israelites most of what they differ about, as per 27:76, and the descent of the Quran is predicted in older scriptures. The story of Moses in particular has an international interest because it is mentioned in the Bible's book of Genesis. We, Quranists, do not believe in Biblical stories; they differ a great deal than the Quranic ones about prophets. Yet, most people on the globe focus on the Old Testament stories and rarely on Quranic stories of prophets. Without being arrogant or vain about it, we are the first researcher and thinker to research Quranic stories in a scientific method within the Quranic methodology and terminology, while comparing them to other narratives covering the same topics. Ancient 'interpreters' merely copied Israelite writings about prophets and imitated Old Testament stories, and they invented more lies and contradictory fabrications in the form of hadiths to 'interpret' the Quranic stories as per their whims. We refer you to our writings on that topic in two of our books. Please read our entire archive before posing FAQs.      




About our YouTube Show: (Quranic Moments)

Published in June 12, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, …  I like very much the episodes of your show "Quranic Moments", but I'd like you to tackle in the coming episodes your ponderings about certain verses in the Quranic Chapters 16 and 53, and other issues like……  … Thank you …        


  These topics are already covered in the episodes we have videoed and shot and they will be uploaded soon enough; we upload one episode per day and we provide English subtitles to it. Our show (Quranic Moments) has more than 1000 episodes, each of a small duration; we aim to summarize most of our writings in these episodes. We would like that all of our fellow Quranists to share and like the videos and to spread the link of our channel via Facebook and twitter and so on. May Almighty God help all of us in our reform endeavors.    





Refutations Are on our Website

Published in June 11, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm extremely annoyed that I could not refute the views of some Christian friends of mine who asked me mockingly, as a Quranist, about the meanings of certain Quranic verses and they reached absurd conclusions aiming to undermine the Quran! The verses in question are ....... How can I refute their claims? … Thank you …    


 Obviously, you must reread carefully our entire archive and to read select articles written by our fellow Quranists concerning the topics you mention; you will find more than enough answers and refutations of any false claims. We advise you not to enter into debates with haters of the Quran, though.




Islam and the Eskimo, Again!

Published in June 13, 2017




Question:  … Dear Sir, …  Was Prophet Muhammad sent to the Arabs only or to all people worldwide? If to all people till the end of days, how come that the Eskimo Muslims (if there are any) would fast during Ramadan though they have 6-month day and a 6-month night? … Thank you …         


  God has sent Muhammad with the Quranic message to all people in all eras and locations till the Last Day and He preserved the Quran available in its text for those who seek guidance. Those who cannot fast during Ramadan can stop fasting and donate money or food for the poor for each day of Ramadan; this applies to Eskimo and other people who cannot fast. Islamic/Quranic legislations are based on easiness and facilitation, without burdening anyone at all.  




An Atheist's Wife

Published in June 11, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … I am an Arab Muslim woman; my husband has rejected Islam and become an atheist; Is it Ok for me to remain as his legal wife to should I demand divorce? … Thank you …   


 Faiths of spouses have nothing to do with the validity of marriage as long as both spouses adhere to peaceful behavior. Indeed, peace is Islam in terms of demeanor and of how one deals with others. as for differences in (or lack of) faiths, this is judged only by our Lord God on the Day of Resurrection. You can remain as a wife to your husband if you like. This is no sin at all in being still married to him; you keep your religion and he can keep his atheism. For further details about marrying people of different faiths, you can read our book (in English) about Hisbah titled "Hisbah: A Historical Overview", found on this link:





Why Do Not You Read?!

Published in June 10, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm a new Quranist since I came across your great website weeks ago, and I cringe at the huge amount of your writings that you desire that newcomers should read … Would you kindly answer me these questions briefly? Here are the questions: ………… Could you please provide me with PDFs that summarize the Quranist school of thought? … Thank you and God bless you …   


  Why do not you read our archive even if this takes months from your time?! All newcomers must do this first; they are required to read our thousands of articles, fatwas, and books before sending their FAQs. It is natural that their minds are still filled with Sunnite/Shiite falsehoods and many queries pop into their minds. All answers, and then some, are found in our archive, waiting and begging to be read and reflected upon. We have no time to repeat answers that are repeated 20 times over and over. We keep advising people to read but they are either lazy and hasty or balk at the enormous amount of required readings. Why people are not patient enough to cleanse their minds of all falsehoods so that they accept the Quranic Truth for the sake of their Afterlife?! We have repeated this so many times.





Please Read More!

Published in June 10, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … Why God did not tell us that Moses and other prophets had talked to their people about pilgrimage to the Kaaba in Mecca? Why pilgrimage is linked only in the Quranic stories to Abraham, Ishmael, and Muhammad? … What do you think? … Thank you …      


 The Kaaba is the first and the most Ancient House made to people to perform pilgrimage for God's sake; of course, God's sharia laws in this respect are the same in all messages of prophets before the Quran. Muhammad received the same message like the rest of the prophets: (There is no God but Allah). The religion of Abraham and its acts of worship are inherited by Israelites and Ishmaelites/Arabs. And of course, during the 40-year wandering in the deserts, Moses and Aaron performed pilgrimage at the Kaaba in Mecca; we infer this from the Quranic Chapter 28. Please read more within our archive to save us our time and efforts; we are nearly 70 years old and our strength is decreasing with the passage of time. For more details about this, we refer you to our book titled "Pilgrimage between Islam and the Muhammadans" found in English on this link:






Hardly Able?

Published in June 10, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … Does the expression (hardly able) in the Quranic verse 2:184 refer to fasting or to the financial means to give food to the poor instead of fasting? … Thank you and God bless you…         


 It refers only to fasting mentioned in the previous verse 2:183, as the context tackles fasting and what to do in case of being unable to fast: to donate food (or its worth of money) to the poor and the hungry.




My Children in the Secondary Stage of Education

Published in June 11, 2017




Question: … Dear Sir, … I'd like you sir to tell us more about how you have dealt with curricula of the secondary stage and university when you were a student and how you passed the exams with high grades and honors, despite the fact that you hate and disbelieve in falsehoods of the Muhammadans … This is useful to me as my two sons are in the secondary stage of education and I'd like to guide them so that they pass the exams without being influenced by Azharite falsehoods they are being taught about Islam … Thank you …


  Of course, as a student in the 1960s and 1970s, we never agreed to or believed in Azharite curricula of falsehoods and fabrications; since our childhood, we used to ridicule such notions in these curricula, and yet, we are still a very diligent researcher who specializes in Muslim traditions that we despise. We are like a medical doctor specializing in ailments and diseases he hates and which he takes as his enemies. You have to teach your children to be excellent students who pass with highest grades while thinking critically about their curricula and to tell them that their Quranist faith must never be influenced by Sunnite falsehoods.      




Futile, Idle Talking

Published in June 3, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … Why do not you have a section in your website for debating and chatting with other religious trends/schools of thought? Even engaging in dialogues with Sunnites may prove to be useful and fruitful, right? … Thank you …     


    We have no time and there is no room within our website to debate or to engage into futile talking and debates with the Muhammadans. Besides, the Quranic verses are being mocked and belittled by Muhammadans who distort and twist their meanings; we are commanded in the Quran not to debate with those polytheists who commit this sin so as not to be like them: "He has revealed to you in the Book that when you hear God's revelations being rejected, or ridiculed, do not sit with them until they engage in some other subject. Otherwise, you would be like them. God will gather the hypocrites and the disbelievers, into Hell, altogether." (4:140). The Muhammadans have abandoned and rejected the Quran; our website is only for those who believe in the Quran as the only discourse in religion and the only source of Islam; Quranist writers are those who are willing to ponder the Quran without being influenced by Sunnite/Shiite/Sufi books of falsehoods. The Muhammadans hate Quranists as the latters smashed all holy cows of the formers. The Quranist school of thought is based on destroying and debunking ideologies and notions of the Muhammadans in their 'holy' books of imams and to build a new pondering and understanding of the Quran. Newcomers to our website are astonished by the unprecedented findings (in terms of quality and quantity) of our researches, books, and articles, and some of them desire to debate with our person to waste our time and impede and hinder out intellectual endeavors and procession. This type of people are removed by us from our website by deleting their accounts. We have reached the 10th year since we have launched our website; we cannot return to issues settled by Quranists 8 or 9 years ago to explain them again for those who are too lazy to read our archive. Quranists has undertaken the arduous task and mission to destroy 14 centuries of hallowed lies and sanctified myths. Quranists are the only ones qualified to establish a truly original Islamic (i.e., Quran-based) thought derived from the Quranic text. We have no time to debate with skeptics and/or deniers and haters of the Quran who are unwilling to change their faith when they know the Quranic Truth.            




I Keep Weeping!

Published in June 1, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … I'm weeping as I write this to you; my problem is that my husband is nervous and gets angry easily but he is a good-natured, kind person and I love him; he keeps yelling at me many times over financial matters, accusing me of being a spendthrift wife, though he is rich and so I am, since I have inherited money of my own. The problem is that I once lied to him when I lost some of is money when I was deceived by a certain tradesman, and I supplied money from my own to cover the lost sum, without telling my husband; is that OK? I'm afraid of my husband, but I should have feared God more; I had to lie to my husband (while fasting Ramadan!) about this sum. Am I supposed to tell him the truth?! … What shall I do? What do you think? … Thank you …   


 Do not feel so sad, our dear daughter; may God forgive your slight mistake, for He is Omniscient and knows what is inside our hearts. It is OK not to tell your husband. Be thankful that he has good traits that offset the bad ones; not one is perfect. Married life entails bearing patiently with habits of one's spouse to avoid trouble times that may come: this is mutual on both parties in a couple. Please smile and stop weeping: treat your husband gently and with love to win him over to your side all the time. We pray to God to grant you happiness. 




Messages from our Beloved Quranists

Published in April 26, 2017



Question: … (1) Dear Sir, … I'm an Iraqi Quranist who was born in 1992, and I used to be a Shiite who was raised in a Shiite background, but my religious studies convinced me that the Shiite religion has nothing to do with real Islam, and when I came across your website, I felt so happy to find true Islam at last: Quranism … I like your writing very much, Dr. Mansour, and your enlightenment will reach so many generations on Earth, I'm sure, May God bless and reward you in this life and the next. (2) I'm from Libya, and I find great enjoyment in reading your books and articles, dear Dr. Mansour, and I feel overjoyed to cleanse my mind from Sunnite myths that made me hate myself and my life for years … I feel alive again as if I were dead in the previous years … Thank you for being what you are and may God reward you in Heaven … (3) Dear Dr. Mansour … I'm from Iran … Your great website made me love Muhammad and the Quran again; I used to hate them both, but I've rejected my atheism after pondering deeply on your writings for several months … the cursed Shiite and Sunnite hadiths used to drive me crazy and they actually led me to reject Islam, till I've found true Islam eventually and embraced it with love and in faith: Quranism … I’d like to write articles on your website in English, if you please … Thank you for being the great Muslim thinker we have been waiting for …      


 All of you are welcome to our Quranism website; your accounts are created now and we would like you to provide useful comments and articles that will add to our website; please read all of our website contents critically and get prepared to be among Quranist researchers so that you defend Islam against falsehoods of the Muhammadans that tarnish the reputation of Islam; this is the peaceful intellectual jihad required by every true Quranists who seek to gain God's Mercy and enter into Paradise in the Hereafter. God bless and reward all of you. 




Quranic Stories about Muhammad

Published in May 25, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … Are theQuranic stories about Muhammad (e.g. in the Quranic Chapters 9 and 33) the source of moral lessons to be drawn only, or would they be a source of legislations as well? … Thank you  …  


 Quranic stories are divided in terms of time into three types: (1) stories about the ancient prophets and people of the past, (2) stories about the future: the end of days, the Hereafter, the Last Day, and how Hell and Paradise will look like, and (3) the history of Muhammad and people around him. All of the three types aim at making readers reflect and ponder to draw moral lessons; this applies to verses talking about Muhammad as well. The most important lesson to be drawn from the Quranic story of Muhammad is that he was a mortal human being, unlike lies and fabrications called hadiths that make him appear as if he were an immortal deity beside Allah. This imaginary god named Muhammad is fabricated within the imagination of the Muhammadans within the last centuries, and this imaginary figure has nothing to do with the real figure of Muhammad whose only true story is found exclusively in the Quran. We, Quranists, preach using only the Quran as the sole criterion to reform Muhammadans who claim overtly they believe in the Quran, though they reject it.  




Is There a Solution?!

Published in May 26, 2017




Question: …  Dear Sir, … Imam M. Abdou, head of Al-Azhar who died in 1905, used to write that it took him ten years to cleanse his mind from falsehoods propagated by Al-Azhar; what about cleansing all minds of Egyptians from the devilish Wahabi ideology of Al-Azhar that leads to terrorism and corruption?!  How can we defend our children and the future generations from corrupt curricula in all public and Azharite schools?! Is there a solution to this dilemma?! The Azharite religion that contradicts the Quran is imposed in all schools, universities, media, etc. all over Egypt as if it were Islam! What are we to do?! … Thank you …


 In our interview as a guest in the show hosted by the American CA-based channel Al-Hurra, we have asserted that we, Dr. A. S. Mansour, are the first person to proselytize and call for Islam inside Egypt in the late 1970s, whereas the military leader Amr Ibn Al-As who conquered Egypt was a disbeliever who rejected the Quran; Egyptians at the time never learned anything about Islam; the majority of Egyptians converted to the Shiite religion in the Fatimid  Era, and before it, the majority were Orthodox Coptic Christians. Most Egyptians rejected the Shiite religion and embraced the Sufi Sunnite one when Saladin ruled Egypt and caused this change. The Sunnite Sufi religion lingered till most Muhammadans in Egypt became Wahabi Sunnites in the 20th century. This Wahabism is a criminal terrorist religion of extremism and fanaticism. Thus, Islam emerged in Egypt only when the Quranist trend has emerged as a reaction to the evil Wahabism. Quranists use the Quran as the only source of Islamic tenets and facts forgotten for 14 centuries when myths and lies reigned supreme. True Quranic facts of Islam are being spread now via our Quranism website here since 2006. In our intellectual peaceful endeavors, we undermine and refute (using Quranic facts) fabrications of all types of the clergy of the Muhammadans from Al-Azhar/Cairo to Riyadh and Qom. Such fabrications are maintained by tyrannical rulers who forsook Islam/the Quran. Our mission to enlighten others is arduous and very difficult, but we go on with it by the grace and aid of our Lord God. Quranists suffer media blackout in the Arab world, but the Light of the Quran the Quranists carry destroys the darkness and obscurantism of the earthly, devilish, man-made religions of the Muhammadans. We hope the coming generations of the Quranists will achieve what we had no time or chance to accomplish. The West learned within the past centuries the vital importance of secularism in dealing with human beings; this is part of real Islam which is against all types of clergy. Quranists believe in believing (and not an atheist type of) secularism without clergy, and they believe in God, the Last Day, and the importance of piety (i.e., real conscience) that makes the pious ones fear God and not persons. The train of Quranism and its enlightenment is moving fast since the 1970s, and, God willing, it will never stop.         




Read Attentively, Please!

Published in June 14, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … How come the Quranic Chapter 4 contains the verse about items spoiling ablution for prayers, whereas the Quranic Chapter 5 (supposedly revealed after Chapter 4) contains the verse about performing ablution? … What do you think? … Thank you for your time …     


  This question has been answered in a previous fatwa; why do not you keep busy by reading our archive of writings more attentively before posing repeated queries?!




Repeated Question!

Published in June 14, 2017




Question: … Dear Sir, … what does betrayal here mean in this verse: "...God knows that you used to betray yourselves, but He turned to you and pardoned you..." (2:187)? … Thank you and keep on the good work on your website …    


  We have mentioned before that the intended meaning is to deceive oneself; please try to read our book of fasting.




Please Read before You Ask!

Published in June 14, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … What do you think of the so-called seven reciting styles of the Quran? I feel reciters change the pronunciation of some letters in the Quranic words; is that OK? … Thank you …   


 We have mentioned repetitively that singing the Quranic verses is a grave sin; there is no such a thing in Islam called (seven styles of reciting), as this falsehood has been fabricated by the Sunnite scholars during the Abbasid Era. Reciting simply means to read the Quranic verses successively on your own, with your eyes or mouth: "Then, when We have recited it, follow its recitation." (75:18). We have written a lot of articles about how to read the Quran properly and how this plays a major role in understanding and pondering its verses. Please, for the last time, we beg all newcomers to read our entire archive first before sending us FAQs that irritate us and get on our nerves in our old age!


اجمالي القراءات 5413

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
أضف تعليق
لا بد من تسجيل الدخول اولا قبل التعليق
تاريخ الانضمام : 2006-07-05
مقالات منشورة : 5171
اجمالي القراءات : 58,740,076
تعليقات له : 5,479
تعليقات عليه : 14,871
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

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