آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-08-08
Fatwas: Part Forty-Nine
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Evidence of our Success
Published in July 31, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm sorry to say that there is an organized and systematic smear campaign within cyberspace against your person now, led by several persons from many Arab countries; they level illogical and false accusations against you within Facebook accounts: you are being accused now of being an agent recruited by the West colonial and globalist powers as well as the CIA to undermine 'Islam' and of being an infidel who has forsaken Islam and sought to destroy it from within … Any neutral readers of your writings will know that these are false accusations; but how should we (and you) respond and refute such smear campaign? We do not even know what entities are behind it … Thank you …
Thank you for your concern; in fact, this smear campaign is a great honor to us and provides a clear evidence of our success in spreading Quranism as True Islam and that our fellow Quranists managed to raise awareness of people by copying and pasting links of our videos, books, and articles. The accusations leveled by our foes are not new and their arguments against us are fruitless, repeated, and hackneyed; thus, our foes might inadvertently serve us by making people know the existence of our Quranism website. Such campaign exposes their ignorance and their inability to refute our writings that refutes their earthly, man-made religions that contradict the Quran and show their deep-seated hatred toward Islam, as we expose their books held as dear and holy by them; this is why they verbally abuse us as they cannot refute Quranism.
A Message from Mr. Zachariah Al-Maghraby (1)
Published in July 31, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … About Episode No. 65 of your YouTube show titled "Quranic Moments", God never excludes menstruating women regarding fasting during Ramadan, as the exceptions are confined to certain ones mentioned in this verse: "For a specified number of days. But whoever among you is sick, or on a journey, then a number of other days. For those who are able: a ransom of feeding a needy person. But whoever volunteers goodness, it is better for him. But to fast is best for you, if you only knew." (2:184) … Thank you …
Thank you, Mr. Zachariah Al-Maghraby and God bless you for your active participation by your comments within our Quranism website and YouTube videos.
A Message from Mr. Zachariah Al-Maghraby (2)
Published in August 2, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … About Episode No. 68 of your YouTube show titled "Quranic Moments", would a man let his cattle graze in the fields without keeping an eye on them? Of course not, so that the cattle would not be gone astray or be stolen or eaten by wolves; this is why Sunnite clergymen and fiqh scholars considered women as cattle or sub-human and refused to let her travel alone without male attendants or chaperones… Sunnites forget the Quranic story of Moses as we read about two sisters who worked as shepherds amidst men, and how Moses got married to one of these sisters and how he helped and respected them and respected their old father; indeed, the masculine, patriarchal, misogynist Sunnite religion is for men with sick hearts, referred to in the following verse: "O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other women, if you observe piety. So do not speak too softly, lest the sick at heart lusts after you, but speak in an appropriate manner." (33:32) … Thank you …
Thank you, Mr. Zachariah Al-Maghraby and may God bless and protect you. This is an excellent comment indeed. We appreciate your active participation by your comments within our Quranism website and YouTube videos.
About Dr. Zakir Naik
Published in August 1, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Have you read books or watched videos of Dr. Zakir Naik? … Is there any similarity between your Quranism school of thought and his school of thought? … Thank you …
We never read his writings or watched his videos and we never will do so; we have no time to waste and we have no interest in ignoramuses who gain $ millions from the Gulf monarchies who sponsor those who propagate a 'modern' trend of Wahabism; the likes of this mercenary, venal man are so many nowadays in media. We, as a Quranist thinker and writer, focus on destroying false notions that have been built by his Sunnite deities/imams, may god curse them all.
Yes Or No?!
Published in August 1, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm confused and would like you to give me a definite answer; please answer only using one word: yes or no. the question is as follows: are temporary marriages for pleasure legal within Islam/Quranism? Is there evidence to support it from the Quran? … Thank you …
The answer is yes; it is OK since it is never mentioned as prohibited in the Quran and as long as it is an Islamic marriage as per Quranic sharia laws; i.e., mutual consent, paying dowry to the bride, witnesses signing the registered marriage papers/contract, etc. Thus, it is OK that the bride and bridegroom may agree mutually that their marriage would be a temporary one that would last within a certain duration. After divorce takes place, the woman must have her financial dues and observe the three-month waiting period to make sure she is pregnant or not before a possible remarriage, as per Quranic laws. Some Shiites fornicate and claim they are practicing temporary marriage for sexual pleasure; this is wrong since the stipulations and conditions we mention above are not fulfilled (contract, witnesses, waiting period, etc.); sadly, some Shiite women marry different men within the same week! This is the sin of fornication committed within corrupt Shiite laws. Please read our previous fatwas and articles on that topic to save our time and effort.
Sacrificial Animal
Published in August 2, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a Quranist and I'm sorry to say that the Muhammadans I live in their midst are forcing me to celebrate the coming Feast of the Sacrifice (a.k.a. Greater Bairam that comes after the pilgrimage season) and my Sunnite wife wants me to slaughter an animal of sacrifice to celebrate this feast. I never told her nor any of our folks that I am a Quranist; should I satisfy her or declare my refusal to celebrate such pagan feasts? I intend to be a true Quranist in all situations and stances in my life; any advice?! … Thank you …
This has nothing to do with one's intentions; all you have to do is to dedicate and devote all good deeds performed by you to God alone without caring for obtaining the good opinion of others or for infuriating them. This is the rule to be observed by true Quranists. Thus, you can sacrifice an animal and distribute some of its meat to the poor, while seeking only to gratify God; do not care about pleasing your wife and relatives.
But He Is ...
Published in August 3, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Of course, there is no useless repetitions in the Quran; but I seek to understand the reason behind the repetition within this verse: "Do you not realize that God knows everything in the heavens and everything on earth? There is no secret counsel between three, but He is their fourth; nor between five, but He is their sixth; nor less than that, nor more, but He is with them wherever they may be. Then, on the Day of Resurrection, He will inform them of what they did. God has knowledge of everything." (58:7). Why does God here speak about three and five persons in particular and then less or more than such groups? … Thank you …
Hypocrites in the Yathreb city-state used to gather in small or big groups to attempt to disrupt direct democracy assemblies of Muhammad with all Yathreb dwellers (see 24:62-64) and to spread conspiracies, intrigues, and schemes as per what we infer from the Quranic Chapters 4 and 58. This is the context of the verse 58:7 you have quoted. God has phrased the Quranic text in a special way. Remember that we are not to pose queries to God: "He will not be questioned about what He does, but they will be questioned." (21:23).
Gambling Is Forbidden
Published in August 3, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … I disagree with the view that gambling is prohibited in the Quran; modern casinos eliminate any harm or animosity/anguish caused by cases of loss and so, one can gamble and might win and this is OK? Why should I stop this since no harm is done to me or to any one?! …Thank you for taking time to answer me …
Gambling is surely forbidden in the Quran; you are not to look for reasons for this divine command to avoid gambling in the verse 5:90. The Quranic command to avoid something means it is forbidden absolutely since one is commanded never to get near it, let alone engaging in it. One is to obey God without posing questions to Him about Quranic sharia legislations and without seeking reason or the wisdom behind this or that divine command. Each human being is free to obey or to disobey, bearing the consequences on the Last Day when all human beings will be judged and then to enter into either Hell or Paradise for eternity. This is no joke; this is very serious, and no mortals could possible escape death or evade being judged on the Last Day.
Ignorance and Balderdash
Published in August 4, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Why misogynist Sunnites in their devilish fiqh spread and invented hadiths about never allowing women to travel without men (husbands, sons, brothers, or fathers)? … Thank you …
The extremism and fanaticism of the Ibn Hanbal doctrine imams and clergymen stood behind their inventing and fabricating hadiths to support their views with fake credibility to hide their ignorance, balderdash, nonsensical views, and bigotry, as they could not prove their views right and they ascribed them to Muhammad, centuries after his death, to stop people criticizing their views and to add 'holiness' to them. All imams add their personal features and print in hadiths invented by them in their man-made religion; e.g., the imams Ibn Hanbal, Malik, and Ibn Al-Jawzy were misogynists, a fact inferred from all their writings, especially hadiths about stoning elderly fornicators of both sexes as per Sunnite laws. Of course, ignorance goes hand in hand with fanaticism, extremism, and obscurantism.
Kill Yourselves!
Published in August 4, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … What did Moses mean by saying to the Israelites: "...Kill yourselves..." (2:54) … Thank you …
This is not a divine command of our Lord God; this is Moses' speech to the Israelites as he rebuked them for worshipping a statue of a golden calf during his absence. God mentions in the Quran different dialogues of persons in Quranic stories, even words uttered by disbelievers. Quranic stories are not the source of any religious legislations, as we have asserted before.
A Question of Inheritance
Published in August 5, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … A woman died and left behind a daughter, a sister, and sons and daughters of her late brother … How should her wealth be distributed in shares as per the Quranic laws? … Thank you …
The daughter of the deceased gets half of the money; the rest is distributed by local authorities, and preferably, the other half is to be distributed among the sister and the sons and daughters of the late brother to make men have double shares of the women.
About "Quranic Moments" Again
Published in August 5, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … I think it is silly to regard marriage as half of religion, as he proverb goes; would those who die as singles be deemed as lacking in faith?! It is silly that when a non-Arab man converts to Islam, some people would demand from him to circumcise his penis by surgery! It is as if uncircumcised men were not real believers! … I tend to think that when Arabs conquered some countries, they never circumcised new male converts to Islam … Indeed, your episode about male circumcision as never part of Islam is a great one in defense of Islam that never endorses such pagan practices …Thank you …
We thank you for your interest and you comment; we would like you to spread links of our subtitled-into-English videos through cyberspace to reach as many people as possible.
The Book of Death
Published in August 6, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … I engaged myself into a hot debate with a friend of mine about facts of death in the Quran … But my question to you is as follows: is it possible that after a soul would enter into the Barsakh, it would return to its body after people supposed that the person is dead? Can this person remember the Barsakh experience and tell people about it?! … Thank you …
Please read our "Book of Death" to find answers to your question. We will tackle this topic briefly in a coming episode within our YouTube show titled "Quranic Moments".
Returning to God
Published in August 6, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … What does this verse mean "And surely, to our Lord we will return." (43:14)? … Thank you …
This verse refers to the resurrection, which is the reversal or the opposite process of creation of humankind. This reversal is shown as follows: one is a fetus inside a womb, then a soul enters it from Barsakh, then one is born to live for a certain duration on Earth, and the n one dies and the soul returns to Barsakh and the body to dust. The reverse of this is that on the Day of Resurrection, one will be resurrected from toe to tip, from feet to head, like plants, while souls will be re-entering the body from Barsakh to be judged by God: "On the Day when the Shin will be exposed, and they will be called to bow down, but they will be unable." (68:42). Reversal is also found in the fact that the whole universe will be destroyed on the Last Day, and an eternal realm will be created. "On the Day when We fold the heaven, like the folding of a book. Just as We began the first creation, We will repeat it-a promise binding on Us. We will act." (21:104).
Affection among the Near of Kin
Published in August 7, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … What does this verse mean "...Say, "I ask of you no wage for it, except affection among the near of kin."..." (42:23)? … Shiite imams assert this is to worship Muhammad's household and imams, but I do not believe them, of course … What is your opinion? …Thank you …
This verse means that a true believer must be kind and affectionate to one's relatives, not kinsmen of Prophet Muhammad. Muhammad never demanded any wages or rewards from anyone around him during his lifetime, and this cannot be done at all after he died: "Say, "Whatever compensation I have asked of you, is yours. My compensation comes only from God, and He is Witness over all things."" (34:47). Shiite myths are to be rejected just as Sunnite and Sufi ones, as all of them distorts meanings of verses by deliberate misinterpretations.
Pilgrimage and Charity Money
Published in August 7, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Which is better to please God: to donate money for charity for the needy, the poor, and the ill, or to perform pilgrimage? … Thank you …
Of course, performing pilgrimage is to be done once in one's lifetime; it is not necessary to repeat pilgrimage. As for alms/donation for charity, this good deed must go one as long as we live, as this is Zakat. Thus, if you have performed pilgrimage once, you do not have to repeat this journey; spend on the needy instead. God does not burden a soul beyond its capacity; this applies to intellectual peaceful jihad of Quranists within our website: there are those who donate money for the website for the sake of Islam, and there are those who write articles, translate material, make video, etc. to serve Islam and please our Lord God. This is Quranists' jihad with their money, time, and efforts. In contrast, there are Sunnites and Wahabis who spend $ billions to repel people away from God's Path (the Quran), and God will punish them. All deeds of humanity are recorded by angels of God so that all human beings will be judged as per their deeds and faith. May God help all of us.
No Arguing in Vain
Published in July 8, 2009
Question: … Dear Sir, … I admire your great website very much and I take pride in being a Quranist … I get useful, priceless information and food for thought when I read comments by our fellow Quranists … Yet, I dislike those who engage in useless arguments in vain and for no reason; as if they desire to impose their own opinion on others and to ridicule different views and other writers of comments: please try to stop such people from engaging into useless debates and arguing with others by writing abusing or mocking comments … Thank you …
Thank you, our dear son, for your excellent advice.
Women's Dress Code
Published in August 18, 2012
Question: … Dear Sir, … Why men are obsessed with women's dress codes nowadays more than ever?! God commands women to cover breasts and legs, and nothing is said about face, hair, arms, necks, etc. Even the Quran mentions the following about the Queen of Sheba: "It was said to her, "Go inside the palace." And when she saw it, she thought it was a deep pond, and she bared her legs. He said, "It is a palace paved with glass."..." (27:44) … What do you think? … Thank you …
Thank you Dr. M. Haseeb for this useful comment, and we agree with you; in fact, you have made us notice that the Queen of Sheba bared her legs to avoid being wet, in the presence of Solomon, and there was no Saudi religious police to arrest or flog her. You are welcome to be a writer within our website to make use gain benefits from your comments and articles. But we remind you that Quranic legislations are not to be inferred from Quranic stories. Thank you again.
Translation into Persian
Published in April 4, 2013
Question: … Dear Sir, …I'm a former Shiite man from Iran, and I studied Shiite theology and the Arabic language at the university, but I'm now a Quranist like you. May I have your permission to translate some books of yours into the Persian language? Many Iranians cannot read the Arabic language, as you know …Thank you …
Thank you for the offer, and we might choose some topics for you to translate, provided that you tell us about a mechanism that could be used to verify and revise the transaction to make sure our ideas are translated properly and accurately. This is our right, of course. But how could we verify and check your Persian translation of our books?
Confusion of Terminology
Published in April 14, 2013
Question: … Dear Sir, … I agree with you that is never fair to allow Muslim men to marry non-Muslim women and never to allow Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men … Al-Ahmadiyya Shiite sect prohibits their women from marrying non-Ahmadiyya men, whereas the Ahmadiyya men can marry Jewish, Christian, or even Sunnite women! Yet, what is the evidence in the Quran that support the view that Muslim female can marry non-Muslim males? I think there is a confusion of terminology meanings within terms like "polytheists", "disbelievers", and "People of the Book"; what is your own opinion? … Thank you …
We have asserted before that the male/female polytheists/disbelievers to whom one cannot marry are those who commit violence/terrorism in the name of their religion or falsely in the name of God and wage war of aggression on innocent peaceful people who never harmed them. Muslim women can marry peaceful non-Muslim men (Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, etc.) who might be religious or even atheists; differences in faith tenets or lack of them never hinder marriages at all, and the Quran does not stipulate that married couples should share one religion. Besides, this does not prevent the fact that Quranist preachers have the right to proselytize their religion and criticize religions of others; this does not hinder intermarriages at all, though. We refer you to our previous articles on contemplating the Quranic Chapter 60, as we prove that peaceful believers cannot marry disbelievers/polytheists who are so in terms of aggressive behavior and NOT because of differences in faith within one's heart.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5169 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,609,905 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,478 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,869 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
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الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
الفصل الخامس : الاجتهاد الشيطانى العملى فى إضطهاد أهل الكتاب
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