Fatwas Part Fifty-Nine

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-10-27


Fatwas Part Fifty-Nine

Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy


Foster Sisters, Again

Published in October 19, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … A widow with children has breastfed a male child who is not her own son, and after she remarried, she breastfed her daughters from her second husband: the question is as follows: are these daughters to be deemed foster-sisters to this male child? Is he not to marry one of these daughters? How could this be calculated?  … Thank you …    


 This male child is to be deemed their foster brother ONLY if the mother breastfed him for about two years, so that the baby's body grew up because of her breast-milk. If this be the case, this male child cannot marry any of the daughters of this mother. Any Sunnite balderdash/hadiths about this issue is rejected by Quranists; for more information, please read our book titled "The Quran Is the Sufficient Source of Legislation" and please watch our subtitled-into-English video about this issue of breastfeeding, found on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPXtmFEl4rE  







Zakat Is Take from Profits Only

Published in October 19, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … In your view, how much zakat should be paid by me? I buy and sell spare parts for cars, and some parts remain unsold in my shop for more than two years … Thank you …  


 You are under some mistake; zakat money is NOT taken from the capital or assets, nor even from the goods/merchandise; this money is taken only from net profits resulting from selling your goods.  






Downloaded Internet Books

Published in October 19, 2017




Question: …  Dear Sir, … Is it permissible/legal or not within Quranism to download for free PDF books that I need within my MA thesis and they are unavailable in print or too expensive for me to buy? … Thank you …


 Since these PDF books are available for free for everyone equally, it is OK and legal to download them, provided that no copyrights are infringed.






Ali Was Not An Author

Published in October 20, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … What do you think of books containing words authored by imam Ali? … Thank you …    


 Ali Ibn Abou Talib was never an author; he did not write anything at all; after the death of Muhammad and Fatima, Ali was busy copulating with many wives and female slaves, and then, he got busy in the civil war as a caliph. No one in the first century A.H. wrote anything (books, articles, letters, etc.), and history and traditions were still orally transmitting from one generation to the other, leaving ample room for distortions. Some Shiites during the Abbasid Era authored some books and ascribed them to their supreme deity Ali, making him forcibly a source of deep knowledge and wisdom; this is utter falsehood and fabrication. Please read our view of Ali within our book titled "The Unspoken-of History of the Pre-Umayyad 'Righteous' Caliphs" (available in English on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=83 ). If you are a Shiite who deifies Ali, you will certainly get very furious at our person.







Down with the KSA!

Published in October 20, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … I hope very much that you and other reformist writers and thinkers address the UN and all international organizations to remove the name of the cursed KSA and replace it with Arabia, Hejaz Region, or Arabian Peninsula, etc. … Thank you …      


 We have written before that it is a disgrace and a source of utter shame to name citizens in Arabia as ''Saudis'' as if they were slaves owned by the Al-Saud royal family. But what do you think, our son, of those submissive persons who take 'pride' in being Saudis?! What you call for needs international cooperation and a unified will of the citizens of Arabia to oust the Saudi king and get rid of the cursed, tyrannical Al-Saud rule first.  








The UK, France, and the USA Pay the Heavy Price Now

Published in October 20, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … I like very much your book that I have read recently, titled "The Wahabi Opposition Movements in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Twentieth Century" (found in English on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=85) … But I have a question: why the UK (or GB at the time) helped Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud to establish the cursed KSA by bloodshed? Why did not the UK (or later on, the USA) destroy the KSA to prevent Wahabi terrorism and corruption in the Arab world and worldwide? Why does the USA ally itself until now to the KSA, the source of worldwide terrorism? What do you think? … Thank you …   


 The UK (or GB at the time) along with France established regimes that will be factors to destroy the Arab region in later decades and to hinder the occurrence of any form of progress. Thus, within the Sykes-Picot Agreement, GB and France established the political entities of Syria and Iraq and helped Wahabism of Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud. GB did that as it felt that it is losing its grip on the British Empire and had to make sure the Muhammadans would not be united against the UK; Arabs/Muhammadans had to be made busy with civil wars to hinder any progress of any sort, and this evil vision is shared by France. Within this frame, GB helped in the creation of Israel and Pakistan. All countries established by GB (or the UK, now) are troubled regions of war: the aim of Britain has been achieved. Yet, France, the UK, France, and the USA that helped Wahabism of the KSA and made evil plans in the Arab region pay the heavy price now, as Wahabi terrorism (of ISIS and other terrorists) strikes their countries and citizens. Thus, this Quranic verse applies now to the UK, France, and the USA: "...Whoever works evil will pay for it..." (4:123).  






Undermining the Quran!

Published in October 22, 2017




Question:  … Dear Sir, … What about you begin tackling in your writings some disputes in history among scholars especially about casting doubts on some Quranic verses regarding their locations and any possibly omitted words from them? … Thank you …         


  This nonsense in heritage/traditional books aims at undermining the Quran and casting doubts on the Quranic text to undermine Islam itself; we are not going to waste more time writing on that topic; we have already done this in earlier articles in our archive of writings.







Greatest Rewards from God

Published in October 22, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … What is the reward from God to a man who used to be a disobedient person and a sinner but he has repented by the grace of God and managed to convince his foreign (non-Arab) wife and one of her sons (from a previous marriage) to convert to Islam propagated in the English section of the Quranism website? … Thank you …   


 Of course, such a man will get the greatest rewards from Almighty God, even if people rejected him when he proselytizes Quranism, which is real Islam. As for new converts to Quranism, they are more than welcome to read articles and books published within the English section of our Quranism website. Thank you. 





Eternity and Exceptions

Published in October 22, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … What do the exceptions mean in the Quranic verses 6:128 and 11:107-108 about Hell and Paradise? Does eternity have an end?! … Thank you …   


  God says in the Quran: "...The Fire is your dwelling, wherein you will remain for eternity, except as God wills..." (6:128); "Remaining eternally therein for as long as the heavens and the earth endure, except as your Lord wills. Your Lord is Doer of whatever He wills.And as for those who are happy, they will be in Paradise, remaining eternally therein for as long as the heavens and the earth endure, except as your Lord wills-a reward without end." (11:107-108). These exceptions refer only to the duration of certain things in the universe, and NOT the eternity of dwellers of Hell and the dwellers of Paradise ordained by God as per His Divine Will. God is the One Who created time and He is Above time; besides, our human minds are too limited to imagine the Eternal Life in the Hereafter.  







Written Will and Testament before Death

Published in October 23, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … Is making a written will and testament before death obligatory in Islam? … Thank you …      


 Yes, of course, and it must be re-confirmed when one is dying or in his/her death bed, if possible; God says in the Quran: "It is decreed for you: when death approaches one of you, and he leaves wealth, to make a testament in favor of the parents and the relatives, fairly and correctly-a duty upon the righteous." (2:180).







Published in October 23, 2017


Question: …  Dear Sir, … As a scientist, I know that gelatin is composed of protein components and therefore it might be regarded  as prohibited if it contains protein derived from pig's flesh … Is it OK to consume such gelatin, then, in that case? … Thank you …        


  It is OK to consume gelatin that contain proteins from pigs ONLY in cases of necessity; i.e., if you have to.





Chinese Meat

Published in October 23, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir,  … My wife is a Chinese woman, and we visit her family often in China; is it Ok for a Quranist man like me to eat their food and meat just as the case with the permissible food items of the People of the Book as per the Quran? … Thank you …


 God has sent prophets/messengers to all regions of the world; some we know about and some we do not: "We sent messengers before you. Some of them We told you about, and some We did not tell you about..." (40:78). Muhammad is the last of messengers and seal of all prophets; thus, all human beings are People of the Book, and Quranists are People of the Quran: God's Book. Thus, you can consume food prepared and cooked by any people anywhere on planet Earth; the Chinese people are no exception to this rule: they are the biggest nation on Earth. Of course, you are to avoid forbidden food items in the Quran: pig's flesh, animal blood, dead animals' flesh, and sacrifices offered/dedicated to gods/saints/deities and mausoleums.  







Teaching Peace to Children

Published in October 24, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … How am I gonna teach my young children about peace as a Quranic value?  … Thank you …    


 Of course, you cannot talk to your children about Wahabism, ISIS, Hitler, Boko Haram, etc. You must talk to them about simple things that their minds can easily grasp. For instance, if a child is quarrelling with a friend or other siblings, you pose to the child questions like why such quarrels take place and talk about egoism and selfishness as bad qualities and giving with love and altruism as the best qualities. This will teach children love, tolerance, and peace. Indeed, selfishness is the reason behind most human tragedies from children to leaders worldwide, as you know.     







Published in October 24, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … In the subtitled-into-English Episode No. 139 of your YouTube show, Quranic Moments, you have mentioned that some of those who committed suicide will NOT enter into Hell. I beg to differ. This way, it's as if you are encouraging viewers to commit suicide in certain cases! You are a mortal and thus you cannot judge whether those who commit suicide will be forgiven of not! … Thank you …  


 God says in the Quran: "...And do not kill yourselves, for God is Merciful towards you. Whoever does that, out of injustice and aggression, We will cast him into a Fire. And that would be easy for God." (4:29-30). Thus, God makes it a rule that Hell is the fate for those who commit suicide out of injustice and aggression. This means that are those who kill themselves NOT out of injustice and aggression are exceptions to this rule. We are not interfering in the judgment of God; this is our own personal pondering and understanding of 4:29-30. We are NOT encouraging others to kill themselves. God is the Omniscient One Who will judge the psychological state (and motives and conditions) of those who commit suicide, whether they have done it out of aggression and injustice or not. God always punishes those who intentionally sin and not those who unintentionally or inadvertently commit mistakes.          







This Divorce Is Invalid, Null, and Void

Published in October 25, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a Quranist like you… Because I am a nervous person who loses his temper easily, at one time, I quarreled with my wife over a trivial matter and I divorced her verbally!  Seconds later, I regretted what I said! There are no witnesses! I apologized to her and she is still living in our home: I love her so much and so does she; we never told her folks or mine … Please help me! Is this verbal divorce valid or not as far as Quranism is concerned?! … Thank you …      


  This divorce in your case is invalid, null, and void; it is as if it never too place, because to render it valid, there should have been at least two witnesses and papers signed by both spouses. We whisper this piece of advice to your ears: please control your temper and practice self-restraint; you should deal kindly with your wife as per the Quranic commands. May God bless you and your family and grant you happiness. For further information about divorce in Islam, please read our article titled "Contradictions in Divorce Legislations between The Quran and The Sunnite Jurisprudence" found in English on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=15977  






Azharite Agents

Published in October 25, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … I've recently watched (and disliked very much) a talk show on TV where a two Azharite clergymen failed miserably to answer the questions of the TV anchor; they felt embarrassed and dodged the questions! … I wonder if such TV shows aim to ridicule religion or to cast more doubt on it; besides, how come that the graduates of Al-Azhar are ignoramuses despite getting a PhD degree?! What on earth did they study in the first place?! They could not even defend Sunnite myths refuted and undermined by Quranists! What do you think? … Thank you … 


  These Azharite agents recruited and controlled by the Egyptian State Security Apparatus and the Egyptian Central Intelligence are merely puppets with strings; those hypocrites are obsequiously serving the president of Egypt and powerful men of the government. This is why Egyptian media open their channels for such ignoramuses to provide red herrings to viewers. Such Azharite scum of earth never belong to Islam or to any branch of knowledge; they are merely against eager to please high-rank security officers who give them money and command them about what (not) to talk about.      






Quranic Writing, Again!

Published in October 25, 2017


Question: …  Dear Sir, … I am very confused; why the original copy of the Quran written by Prophet Muhammad is nonexistent?! … How one could refute the myths that the so-called companions wrote the Quranic chapters and verses in such order?! … Thank you …


  Do not forget that the unique style of writing of the Quran is preserved by God Himself; Muhammad (within divine guidance) wrote the Quran that way before he died. The numerical miracles proven by Quranist about letters/numbers of Quranic words prove this.






You Father Was Unjust

Published in October 26, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, …  My late father did not give his sister (my paternal aunt) her share of inheritance from their father (my grandfather), and he deceived her by making her sign a paper (that I still keep) that she received all her dues! After his death, my paternal aunt demands her dues from me. I will give my aunt her financial dues to ease my conscience, but will this remove sins from the record of deeds of my late father?! … Thank you …    


  Your father was an unjust man who have consumed ill-gotten money since he took the money of his sister (your aunt), and he thus transgressed the Quranic law and he deserves Hell since he died without repentance. You must return all financial dues to the rightful owners (your paternal aunt and any other person) so that you avoid Hell; this will NOT benefit your father after his death. God says the following in the Quran after verses of inheritance laws: "These are the bounds set by God. Whoever obeys God and His messenger, He will admit him into Gardens beneath which rivers flow, to abide therein forever. That is the great victory. But whoever disobeys God and His messenger, and oversteps His limits, He will admit him into a Fire, wherein he abides forever, and he will have a shameful torment." (4:13-14). 






Nationalism, Again

Published in October 26, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … What do you think of nationalistic feelings and patriotism? … Thank you …  


 The real belonging for real Muslims is for religious freedom; if it is available without persecution in a given country, then nationalistic feelings and patriotism are OK in that case. If one is persecuted because of one's religion, one must immigrate to another country to restore religious freedom, or else, he/she would die as a disbeliever. A real homeland for peaceful Muslims is the one where everyone enjoy absolute religious freedom. It is within tyrannical nationalistic countries that nationalism is an empty motto used to deceive the masses; this is done by tyrants like Abdel-Nasser, Saddam Hussein, Kaddafi, and Al-Assad who declared anyone who opposed them as traitors who betrayed the homeland. Within theocracies, tyranny is doubled as clergymen rule and deem anyone who opposed them as traitors/infidels to the homeland and to religion/God! this is exemplified in the KSA and Iran, where rulers incarcerate, torture, and murder those who oppose them in religion and politics: this is total lawlessness and lack of justice. When the absolute religious freedom is practiced in any given society, people are prepared for justice and political freedom.    







A Question of Inheritance

Published in May 24, 2012



Question: … Dear Sir, … A woman died and is survived only by her nephews and nieces (11 female and 8 males), and this woman was single who had no husband, children, and she had no living siblings as they died before her; how her money is to be distributed within Islamic laws? … Thank you …   


 Each of the male inheritors will have a share equal to shares of two females, as per the Quranic Chapter Four.


اجمالي القراءات 5246

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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