Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy:
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Nine

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2019-01-14


Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Nine



Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy







The Vision/Dream of Abraham

Published in January 6, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … Why did God tested Abraham severely by telling him to slaughter Ishmael and then the command was revoked? I cannot accept this! What is your own view? … Thank you …    


 You misunderstand this Quranic story; the Merciful Lord God did NOT command Abraham to slaughter Ishmael; the Lord God commands justice and charity and prohibits sins, injustices, and immorality. It is not part of justice to command putting to death an innocent person; the Lord God does not desire injustice to human beings. Hence, in sum, Abraham saw a dream/vision which he assumed wrongly that it was a divine command; the Lord God interfered to save Ishmael and He deemed the stance of Abraham as a token of sincerity and devotion to Him.








The Creation of Adam and his Wife

Published in January 6, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … Was Adam's wife created of his body/soul or is this a myth? What is the meaning of the verse 30:21, then? What is the Quranist view of the creation of Adam and his wife?  … Thank you …  


 Both were created of one soul and their bodies were created of clay/mud of the earth like the rest of all human beings:  "O people! Fear your Lord, who created you from a single soul, and created from it its mate, and propagated from them many men and women. And revere God whom you ask about, and the parents. Surely, God is Watchful over you." (4:1). As for the following verse, it refers to the creation of males and females as the progeny of Adam and his wife when they mated and their progeny mated and multiplied: "And of His signs is that He created for you mates from among yourselves, so that you may find tranquility in them; and He planted love and compassion between you. In this are signs for people who reflect." (30:21).








We Are Bored of This Question!

Published in January 6, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … I read in one of your writings on the website about Awra ( and what it means from Quran perspective where you concluded that Quran does not specify a body part for Awra as this depends on cultures, customs, and environments …  Yet, in your videos/fatwas, you advised that Awra is all body of woman except face, hair, neck hands to elbows and feet. This has nothing to do with cultures, customs, and environments, right? …  I don't mean to argue with my question. I just would like to understand your position/view and I certainly respect and admire your Quranist perspective. Please feel free to respond in Arabic if you like … Thank you …


 We have received this question a hundred of times and we now get bored by it; our views regarding dress codes and awra are clear in our previous videos, articles, and fatwas. There is no contradiction between the article you refer to and our videos.

 Only superficial, sick people are too much focused on how women should be dressed; this is the negative influence of heritage books of traditions of the Muhammadans and their cursed clergymen of Satan. Women wearing bathing suits (e.g., bikinis) commit a small sin or mistake and are forgiven as long as they never fornicate; in contrast, those women wearing veils/niqabs while ascribing such clothes to Islam are disbelievers who are committing the grave sin of ascribing lies to God and to His Religion; God never commands women in the Quran to cover their hair or faces; the Quran talks about covering their legs and breasts. Instead of being obsessed by the topic of defining a dress-code for women, one must reflect on civil wars among the Muhammadans in the Arab world now; the Muhammadans insist on sticking to trivialities such as dress-codes while they forget about their grave sins of (1) the belief in devilish myths/hadiths which insult and undermine the Quran and (2) the heinous crimes of aggression. They never think of pondering the Quran or of religious and political reform. Did all their problems get solved and the only remaining issue is how women should be dressed outdoors?!    







This Is Not True!

Published in January 7, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, …   Does the Quran command that a childless rich man must give some of his wealth to his brother's son? … Thank you …    


 This is not true; this is never found in any of the Quranic verses. You are under some misconception. We find in the Quran that believers should write their will and testimony before their death (or upon dying), and this should include giving sums of money (to some inheritors) who deserve such sums, without depriving them of their legal shares of inheritance; besides, during one's lifetime, one should donate charity money for one's impecunious relatives. 









Our Political Articles

Published in January 7, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … I've joined your great Quranism website recently, but I dislike very much your political articles; I do believe that politics has nothing to do with religion; the Quranism website should be devoid of political content and stances/views, I think. It should be dedicated only to the Quranic studies. Political articles have millions of websites; in contrast, Quranism has but one website which is yours … Thank you …      


  Peaceful religious reform entails prior, radical political reform. Corruption permeates all over the countries of the Muhammadans because of political tyranny and clergymen of Satan. Our political articles are less than 5% of our entire archive; they are part of the Quranist endeavors to advocate religious reform; by the way, direct democracy is part of the higher Quranic values which include freedom, justice, tolerance, social solidarity, mercy, and charity. Such values are violated by tyrants of Iran and the Arab countries who are helped by Shiite and Sunnite clergymen, respectively.    







Inveterate Liars

Published in January 7, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … It is stated in the Quran that the Prophet and his followers used to pass by the remains of Lot's town by day and night. It is known that Lot's town is found near the Dead Sea. And the Jews insist that the 'holy of holies'; i.e., Abraham's Station, is located at the Dome of the Rock.........Could it be possible that Muhammad lived in Jerusalem?........ What do you think? … Thank you …      


 Such views are illogical; Muhammad of Arabia lived in Mecca and then in Yathreb. Arabs had trade caravans that reached the Levant; their relations with the Byzantines were good; they were saddened when the Persians defeated the Byzantines initially (as per the verses 30:2-6). It is a flagrant lie to imagine that Muhammad lived (or even visited) Jerusalem. We refer you to these two books of ours in English:









Enjoining Goodness?

Published in January 8, 2018




Question:  … Dear Sir, …  I am a new Quranist who came across your great website months ago; I desire to know how to apply the Quranic command of enjoining goodness or good deeds and advising against evil deeds or vice without using force; surely, the atrocities of the religious police in Saudi Arabia have nothing to do with the Quran  … Thank you …        


 All novices are welcome to read our entire archive. We refer you to our book on that topic; this book (in Arabic) was removed by hackers but we have recently re-published it on our website, within the page containing all our books.








There Are No Contradictory Verses

Published in January 8, 2018



Question:  … Dear Sir, … I find contradiction between describing Hell-dwellers and Paradise-dwellers in the Quranic Chapters 56 and 83. The division of Paradise-dwellers in the Quranic Chapter 56 is into two categories; yet, in the Quranic Chapter 83, they seem as one class without any categories at all! Why is that?! Any ideas?! … Thank you …      


 There are no contradictory verses in the Quran at all; they complement, detail, and explain one another; what is mentioned in a concise manner inthe Quranic Chapter 83 is detailed in the Quranic Chapter 56.  










Putting Clergymen to Death?!

Published in January 8, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … I sometimes wonder if it would be legal/permissible in Islam to kill (or put to death) clergymen of the Muhammadans who misguide others and consume ill-gotten money while tarnishing the image of Islam and side with unjust ones and tyrants in our society........... What is your own view?  … Thank you …   


 This is sheer madness! Only murderers are put to death as retribution; innocent (i.e., non-murderous) people must never be killed, whether they are clergymen or not. Clergymen and their followers among the Muhammadans are sick people whose souls suffer from the ailment known as polytheism; no cure/remedy ever consists of putting the patients or sick ones to death! Are you out of your senses?! If you kill those whom you try to 'guide' and 'save', will they be 'guided' after their death?! Please sober up! Preserving human life (i.e., the right to live) is among the higher values of the Quran. All human beings change within several points in time: from disbelief to belief, from obedience to disobedience, from guidance to misguidance, from rebellion to repentance, and vice versa. As for clergymen, you should feel sorry for them as Hell is their fate if they die without repentance. Quranists will manage to guide many people and peacefully destroy the earthly/terrestrial religions of the Muhammadans if they have 1% of the means, media, and freedom of call/proselytization given to clergymen of the Muhammadans in the Arab world. Sadly, Quranists suffer media black-out imposed on them and they mostly take hiding and hide their religion to avoid severe persecution and/or getting killed. Islam is the religion of security and peace and dealing justly, fairly, and kindly with others even if they are non-Quranists. You must never forget that the Quran is a mercy offered to the humankind and it is not to be used/abused as a pretext to massacre and terrorize the humankind. We, Quranists, forgive clergymen who verbally abuse and insult us. The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "As for his statement: "My Lord, these are a people who do not believe." Pardon them, and say, "Peace." They will come to know." (43:88-89); "We did not create the heavens and the earth, and what lies between them, except with truth. The Hour is coming, so forgive with gracious forgiveness." (15:85); "Tell those who believe to forgive those who do not hope for the Days of God. He will fully recompense people for whatever they have earned. Whoever does a good deed, it is for his soul; and whoever commits evil, it is against it; then to your Lord you will be returned." (45:14-15).  










A Soldier on the Borders

Published in January 9, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a Jordanian man but I live elsewhere at present; years ago, I was a soldier guarding the borders between Jordan and Syria. At one fateful day, I encountered illegal trespassers...... After applying all procedures/measures within my hand, I eventually shot one of these trespassers and he died instantly as he tried to escape. Authorities of my country rewarded me; it was figured out later that those trespassers were smugglers who had bags of illegal drugs and narcotics. .......... Years later, I converted to Quranism; I now feel guilty; am I a killer/murderer or not?! Was I serving tyrants as a soldier?! I feel I've committed a grave sin! What's to be done?! Any advice?! … Thank you …     


 Those who convert to True Islam (i.e., Quranism) believe in the monotheism of (There is no God but Allah) and never deify mortals (e.g., tyrants, 'saints', or prophets) or things/items (e.g., mausoleums). Naturally, their past life is filled with polytheism, sins, and injustices they have committed. They must repent of such crimes/sins after their conversion to Quranism so that the Lord God may pardon and forgive them, and their repentance is linked to correcting their faith tenets. We tend to think that it is very wrong of you to shoot the trespasser/smuggler for no reason; he did not deserve to be killed; he was not a killer and was unarmed; you were not within a case of self-defense here. You are to either pay Diyya money to his relatives/family (if you can reach them) or to observe fasting for 60 consecutive days (i.e., fasting like the days of the lunar month of Ramadan). The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Never should a believer kill another believer, unless by error. Anyone who kills a believer by error must set free a believing slave, and pay compensation to the victim's family, unless they remit it as charity. If the victim belonged to a people who are hostile to you, but is a believer, then the compensation is to free a believing slave. If he belonged to a people with whom you have a treaty, then compensation/diyya should be handed over to his family, and a believing slave set free. Anyone who lacks the means must fast for two consecutive months, by way of repentance to God. God is All-Knowing, Most Wise." (4:92).  








Evil Relatives?

Published in January 9, 2018


Question: …  Dear Sir, … Most people nowadays are ingrates! I no longer perform acts of charity now; most people to whom I was kind and charitable betrayed me and acted treacherously to cause me harm! In most cases, they avoid me as if some faulty degree of sensitivity grew between them and me for no reason; they are never thankful or appreciative; I never act condescendingly towards them at all. This applies to my impoverished relatives; when I was seriously ill and hospitalized, very few members of my extended family visited me! They forgot that my incessant financial help keeps bread on their tables! How ungrateful and evil my relatives are! I'm seriously thinking of severing all ties with them! What is your own view? …  Thank you …        


  We read here only your side of the story; your relatives may have other viewpoints; you might have misunderstood them. There may be some mistake. Anyway, let us suppose that your impression of them is right; you should never stop being charitable towards them; the Quran commands us to be charitable to our kinsmen and relatives, regardless of their level of faith, morals, piety, etc. You are to gratify the Lord God this way Who will reward you for sure; you should never expect gratitude or reward from other people in return for helping them. 








About the Quranic Verse 4:82

Published in January 9, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir,  … The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy" (4:82); does this mean one can find little discrepancy?! … What is your own view?! … Thank you …


 Absolutely not. You misunderstand the verse 4:82. It shows that there is no discrepancies or contradictions in the Quran at all; this fact is mentioned in several Quranic verses in different styles of eloquence. The more one delves deeper into pondering the Quranic terminology, the more one can discern the fact that the Quranic text does NOT contain any discrepancies or contradictions within the details of similar verses explaining definitive verses.









About the Quranic Verse 3:110

Published in January 10, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "You are the best community that ever emerged for humanity..." (3:110); does this mean that Prophet Muhammad is the best messenger among the Lord God's messengers? … What do you think? …  Thank you …    


 You forget the Quranic command that we should never make distinctions among the Lord God's messengers/prophets. The verse 3:110 does NOT apply to the Muhammadans as they have rejected the Quran and become the worst, most wicked community that ever emerged for humanity. The Lord God has sent Muhammad with the Quran as a mercy to the humankind and as a warning; sadly, most people in all eras are heedless of that.          









Nullifying Deeds of Polytheists

Published in January 10, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … Months ago, I started to fast every other day to gratify the Lord God, as per a hadith in the Al-Bokhary book. Is there anything wrong with that? …  Thank you …


 Those who believe in hadiths (of Al-Bokhary and others like him) besides the Quran are rejecting the Quran, and if they die within such polytheism/disbelief, they will find on the Last Day that the Lord God will nullify their deeds and they will enter into Hell with no one to offer any help to them.








Declaring Others as Non-Muslims

Published in January 10, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir,  … I admire very much your previous fatwa about never to murder clergymen; yet, you declare Muhammadans as non-Muslims; is this a call to have them killed as 'infidels' or not? … Thank you …     


 Of course not; the Quran contains nothing about putting anyone to death for merely rejecting the Quran or having different religious views. Wahabi and non-Wahabi Sunnites are the ones whose wicked religion contains hadiths about putting to death peaceful non-Sunnites. Declaring others as non-believers or disbelievers is a feature in the Quran (the Only Celestial Religion) and in the earthly/terrestrial religions; the difference is that in the case of the Quran, it is a call urging people to repent and be guided and stop their polytheism and adherence to falsehoods; in contrast, in the case of religions of Satan (e.g., Sunnite Wahabism), declaring others as disbelievers or 'infidels' means the call to kill, rape, and rob them. We, Quranists, adhere to the Quran which is the Lord God's Book: a mercy to the humankind. The Quranic teachings include absolute religious freedom; we offer our Quranist views on our website and warn others; it is up to them to choose; we never force anyone regarding anything; there is no compulsion in religion. We never urge putting anyone to death. In contrast, high-rank, affluent clergymen who consume ill-gotten money, and whose wealth is based on lies, myths, and falsehoods, control, force, and intimidate people and impose their falsehoods on them in any given backward society. Such clergymen declare Quranists as "non-Muslims"; we, Quranists, declare Muhammadans and their clergymen as "non-Muslims" who deify things/mausoleums and mortals. They desire to put Quranists to death (by, i.e., the Sunnite penalty for 'apostasy', which indicates how their wicked religion is so weak and cannot stand discussion and questioning). Quranists are peaceful people and never wish to kill anyone. Of course, all clergymen are corrupt people who flatter, support, and cling to tyrannical rulers for protection. Alliance between clergymen and tyrants is a fact which has existed for centuries. This is why tyrants in all eras who need clergymen to consolidate their rule punish those who criticize religions imposed by clergymen. We, Quranists, use the Quran as the Only Criterion; we wait for the postponed judgment by the Lord God on the Last Day, when all humanity will be judged. Of course, Quranists declare deeds and words of the Muhammadans as against Islam as per many Quranic verses used as tools to measure the religious life of the Muhammadans who are in need of guidance and immediate religious and political reform. Quranists in their website offer pieces of advice and never impose their views on anyone.   









Lawyers Breaking the Law! (1)

Published in January 11, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir,  … I am a university professor; after few years of unhappiness, suffering, and harm because of my sinful, immoral husband who has insulted me, cheated on me, and consumed ill-gotten money by swindling, I went to a well-known lawyer to file a lawsuit of self-repudiation (or Khule' in Arabic) so that I end this failed marriage as soon as possible (within 2 or 3 years); a divorce case would have taken longer years, I was told. Yet, this lawyer seems (in his pieces of advice to me) to be bent on breaking the law! He told me that it is easier 'to save my time' that I pay him more money to frame my husband and have him imprisoned! He told me he'd either put smuggled heroin in his car or hire a hit-man to kill him! I refused such madness, of course, as I'm an upright woman who fears the Lord God. I went to another lawyer and the lawsuit is still pending for more than two years. My mad husband sent me death threats as he would feel too much insulted if I ransomed myself and got separated from him by force in court! My mad husband knows many people of authority and he threatened to cause me more troubles in my life and career. The first lawyer (whose hires criminals and hit-men!) contacted me again and advised me to stop wasting time as my life is in danger! I'm very much afraid, but I'm hesitant; shall I frame my husband to get divorced easily or not? Would this be a form of self-defense?! I trust your pieces of advice and you will tell the right thing to do, of course … Thank you … 


 Please, our daughter, never listen to the evil, criminal lawyer who is tempting you to commit a grave sin. You have to adhere to patience and wait until the court ruling is issued to separate your bad husband from you by force. If your criminal, scheming husband is plotting some evil plan against you, the Lord God will protect you; the evil plans ensnare only their schemers. Rest assured that the Lord God sides with the wronged party; wait for His mercy. Never commit any injustices; of course, the Lord God punishes those unjust ones (such as your husband) in this world and the next one. Our life in this transient world is full of tests and trials; only the pious ones pass them and earn the Lord God's rewards. Please keep in touch and we hope to hear from you, our daughter, good news very soon.    









About the Dawn Prayers

Published in January 11, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK if I've performed the dawn prayers three minutes only before sunrise? Is this deemed acceptable by the Lord God?… What do you think? …  Thank you …


 Yes, this is acceptable. Yet, your focus should be on attaining piety and performing prayers within reverence and the fear of the Lord God, begging Him to accept them; they are accepted if you observe piety all day long in your choices, behavior, and deeds (and by avoiding sins and injustices), even if you perform the prayers after sunrise.







Praying and Fasting during the Period

Published in January 11, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a married woman and I missed some days during Ramadan because of my period; my state of health now does not allow me to fast other days to make up for the lost ones; what am I to do, then? Any advice?… Thank you …    


 You can donate money/food instead of fasting the missed days. We have written before that women during their period can fast, pray, read the Quran, perform pilgrimage and zakat, etc. The only thing they cannot do during their period is having sex with their husbands. We will tackle this topic within coming episodes of our subtitled-into-English YouTube show titled "Quranic Moments".









Lawyers Breaking the Law! (2)

Published in January 12, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … I admire very much your previous fatwa tiled (Lawyers Breaking the Law!); I feel bound to tell you my story; I immigrated to Canada after I left Egypt for good; before my immigration, a con-artist of a lawyer tried to trick me; I enlisted the help of this swindler of a lawyer because my stretch of land was confiscated by an official 'society' owned by affluent high-rank men in the State; the lawyer told me his fees will be his having half of the stretch of land (about 70 feddans) given to other high-rank officials (as bribe!) who will interfere! I refused such madness, of course; he told me it is in vain to file a lawsuit as the laws are filled with loopholes. Yet, the court gave me only half of my stretch of land and the 'society' took the other half; contracts were drawn to that effect within a final settlement; I sold my share of the land at once and left Egypt; before my departure, I realized that the lawyer/swindler worked for this 'society' and they planned everything together so that they confiscate half of my stretch of land! … Thank you …  


 Within democracies, any incident of corruption within the legislative, executive, and judiciary authorities is exposed within free media within the freedom of expression; in contrast, in countries ruled by tyrants, corruption pervades everywhere as the affluent ones ally themselves to those in authority so that the latter become affluent through ill-gotten money and the former gain more power to protect their ill-gotten wealth. Justice is absent within such a climate of corruption. We tend to think that Egypt is now thinking down into lower recesses of corruption more than ever; may the Lord God curse all corrupters and all unjust ones. The judiciary system must be detached from the political authority; this is the view we explain in our book (in English) titled "The Judicial Authority between Islam and the Muhammadans", found on this link:       










The Meaning of the Dual Testimony

Published in January 12, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … What is the significance of the dual testimony uttered and professed by the Muhammadans? Why do they insist on adding the name of Muhammad (i.e., the phrase "Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah") after the testimony of monotheism (i.e., There is no God but Allah) found in the Quran? Any ideas?  … Thank you …        


 It means for them to prefer Muhammad to the other prophets/messengers and to place him above them all as a deity besides Allah. The Quran tells us that those who make distinction among prophets/messengers of God are disbelievers.

اجمالي القراءات 4602

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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تاريخ الانضمام : 2006-07-05
مقالات منشورة : 5169
اجمالي القراءات : 58,610,631
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بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

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