Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy:
Fatwas Part Seventy-Four

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2018-02-13


Fatwas Part Seventy-Four


Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy



Fight and Kill

Published in February 8, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … Are there any difference in the Quranic text between the commands (fight) and (kill)? … Thank you …    


 Both terms are synonymous derivations in Arabic and they come in the Quranic contexts of self-defense fighting only. Please read this fatwa we have issued previously in English that contains the same question: ( You can verify this fact in the entire Quranic text. We quote one example of such contexts here: "And fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not commit aggression; God does not love the aggressors.And kill them wherever you overtake them, and expel them from where they had expelled you. Oppression is more serious than murder. But do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque, unless they fight you there. If they fight you, then kill them. Such is the retribution of the disbelievers. But if they cease, then God is Forgiving and Merciful. And fight them until there is no persecution, and religion becomes devoted to God alone. But if they cease, then let there be no hostility except against the oppressors." (2:190-193).








Muhammadans Argue Using Hadiths!

Published in February 8, 2018



Question: …  Dear Sir, … It is silly and illogical that Sunnites would quote the hadith about not to write down words uttered by the Prophet Muhammad in an attempt to 'refute' the fact that there are false hadiths ascribed to him and to 'prove' that the process of verifying, sifting, and sorting hadiths to exclude false ones is done 'successfully' centuries ago … Yet, some other hadiths state the narratives about the Prophet dictating hadiths to nearby scribes! I'm confused; but I feel happy that I have finally found your great Quranism website whose archives I'm reading now with immense intellectual pleasure … I never cease to be astonished by the endless contradictions of the so-called hadiths … Thank you …  


 During the First Abbasid Era, the Abbasid caliphs needed the fabrication of so many hadiths to support their theocracy; among the reasons that led an Abbasid caliph to put the scholar Abou Hanifa to death was that Abou Hanifa refused to acknowledge that hadiths might be part of Islam. In fact, Abou Hanifa insisted that all hadiths are mere falsehoods and lies ascribed by the wicked, unjust ones to Muhammad after his death. The very first person to invent hadiths was Malik Ibn Anas who spread them orally and his disciples complied them in a book titled (Al-Mowata'), which is available in more than ten different contradictory versions. Al-Shafei is the real founder of the Sunnite religion within his invented legislations/laws and his theorization in two books titled (Al-Risala) and (Al-Um) that contain so many hadiths he fabricated. Al-Shafei has written about those hadiths-deniers of his era and tried to refute their stance; this implies that hadiths were opposed and rejected by many of his contemporaries as rootless narratives. Yet, the voices of such Quran-believers were hushed and disregarded, because later on, hadiths were propagated, imposed, and spread by the Abbasid authority. This is why Sunnite historians (e.g., Ibn Saad, Al-Tabari, and Ibn Al-Jawzy) disregarded the names, views, and history of those Quran-believing people who rejected hadiths and fiqh. Within the Second  Abbasid Era, the caliph Al-Motawakil formally announced that the Sunnite religion is the official religion of the caliphate and he persecuted all his foes who opposed this; e.g., Al-Mu'tazala thinkers and the Sufis, Shiites, and the People of the Book (i.e., Jewish and Christian sects and denominations). Authoring books was in vogue to theorize and firmly establish the Sunnite religion; this was countered by authoring other books by Shiites. Hence, Sunnite authors vied for inventing hadiths to 'assert' and 'prove' their political and religious stances, views, and notions and to refute those of the Shiite rivals. Shiites authors did exactly the same thing in their books. Fabricators of Shiite and Sunnite hadiths invented their Isnad (i.e., series of narrators) as well. Some few hadiths-deniers, ironically, authored hadiths that undermined the very notion of hadiths-narration, such as the one you have referred to in your message. Within the Mameluke Era, blind imitation and intellectual stagnation led people to accept and acknowledge all hadiths altogether however contradictory they are. Within the early 1970s, when we lived in Cairo, Egypt, we passed through the phase of refuting hadiths with other hadiths that contradict them, because quoting the Quranic verses only has never convincing enough for the Muhammadans. In the late 1970s, we begin to realize that Islam is Quranism; i.e., to regard the Quran as the only source of religion for Muslims.    






Dowries of Divorced Women

Published in February 9, 2018



Question: …  Dear Sir, … When a man divorces a wife after drawing the marriage contract and before the consummation of the marriage, can he receive back the dowry he paid for the woman or not? … Thank you …


 God says in the Quran: "If you divorce them before you have touched them, but after you had set the dowry for them, give them half of what you specified-unless they forego the right, or the one in whose hand is the marriage contract foregoes it. But to forego is nearer to piety. And do not forget generosity between one another. God is seeing of everything you do." (2:237). Thus, in this case, a man may receive only half of the dowry he paid, unless he would forgo this right and let the woman keep the whole dowry. In some cases, a woman and her folks may willingly return the whole dowry.








You Are Welcome to Quranism Website

Published in February 9, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … I am an Algerian young man who is on the verge of converting to atheism; I'm very skeptic now about Islam; after reading and watching material on the internet that cast doubt on the so-called hadiths, I have now doubts concerning the Quran itself! I'm currently watching your YouTube videos, which I've come across weeks ago, and I hope to reach certainty, but I'm very confused! … Any advice or soothing words? … Thank you …    


 Most of the Muhammadans are indeed victims of their earthly, man-made, fabricated religions, especially like you who nominally belong to the terrorist Wahabi Sunnite religion that has massacred people and spread corruption on earth while ascribing heinous deeds and crimes of its followers to Islam. Peaceful atheists and peaceful polytheists (i.e., those who worship mortals and things) are better than terrorist Wahabis. You are welcome, our son, to read our archive of writings on our Quranism website – you may find many answers to many of your questions; read while using your reasoning mind in what you read. If you personally choose to seek to be guided, God will help you reach guidance. If you choose atheism and insist on it, you are practicing your absolute religious freedom. You, and us, and the rest of all human beings will be held responsible before Almighty God, on the Last Day, for choices made during lifetime on earth. You should bear in mind that no one can evade death, resurrection, and judgment; no one can escape God. May God guide you and our person to the Straight Path of Righteousness.          








A Question of Inheritance (1)

Published in February 10, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm the only daughter of my mother and father and I have graduated recently from the university … My father died recently in a car accident after he married his bride; I do not think that he consummated this marriage; my mother demanded and obtained verbal divorce from him when she was told by my father that he desired to married to have a son; he always wanted a son! … I know I have the right to get half of the money left by my father, but would my divorced mother have a share or not? What about my paternal uncle? What about the bride of my father whose marriage was not consummated? … Thank you …       


 Whether the marriage was consummated or not, this widowed bride has a rightful share of the inheritance money as the marriage contract was signed. If the three-month waiting period of your divorced mother has not ended before your father's death, she has a rightful share of the inheritance money: both she and the bride must share 1/8 of the money left by your father. If the three-month waiting period of your mother has ended before your father's death, she shall have no shares at all, and the bride shall have 1/8 of the money. Of course, you shall have the 1/2 of the money as the only daughter of your late father. The rest of the money is the share of your paternal uncle. 







Shiites and Aisha

Published in February 10, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … I've read in Shiite writings that the Shiite interpreters of the Quran assume that the Quranic verse 66:10, about the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot as among the Hell-dwellers on the Last Day, has descended as a warning to two wives of Muhammad hated by Shiites: Hafsa and Aisha, who died without 'repentance' and are cursed by Shiites, esp. the latter for her leading troops to fight Ali … How could you refute this Shiite myth? … Thank you …      


 Shiites typically distort and twist meanings of Quranic verses as per their whims to 'prove' their myths. The Quran never mentions the number and names of Muhammad's wives; thus, any names and stories about them are most probably fake, or at least history narratives that might be true or not and never part of Islam anyway – the Absolute Truth about all incidents and events will be known only on the Last Day. We advise Shiites to stick to Sunnite historian's narratives about the battle of the Camel and to adhere to the Quran as the only criterion to judge such a narrative; if Aisha led such a war, she was a sinner of course, and this – objectively – applies to the Shiite supreme deity Ali as well; both led such a heinous Arab civil war. Yet, Shiites deify Ali and will never see that he committed – like Aisha  – the sin of driving men to meet their death while fighting for worldly gains; thus, if the Sunnite narrative of the this battle of the Camel is true, both Ali and Aisha are sinners and killers who forsook Islam (i.e., the Quran). Since Shiites cannot declare that their infallible supreme god, Ali, was, in fact, a rejecter of Islam, they prefer to twist and distort meanings of Quranic verses, as they never believe in the Quran and prefer ancient Shiite books to it. This element is shared between them and all Sufis and Sunnites: all of the them are Muhammadans who deify Muhammad (among other mortals) who reject the Quran and yet insist on claiming to be 'Muslims'.   







A Question of Inheritance (2)

Published in February 11, 2018




Question:  … Dear Sir, … My elder brother, before his death, confiscated my share of inheritance, and that of my brother, from our late father's money, under the pretext that he spent so much money on education and other needs of me and my brother – yet, he gave us very little from the money of our late father, and he spent extravagantly on himself in every possible way; even his wedding ceremony costs were a king's ransom! Years later, me and my brother invested our little money and we've become way very much richer than our elder brother, who, before his last illness and his death, sold me all his assets, because he has no inheritors (i.e., no children and no wife) before he died. My brother is furious because he thinks he must inherit half of our late brothers assets – but since they are mine now, he has no legal share at all, right? In fact, he accused me and our later brother of evading sharia laws to deprive him for his share. This brother of mine decided, after we quarreled, that he will never see me again. Soon enough, this brother of mine has fallen sill suddenly and become bedridden. I cannot evade the pangs of my conscience; I never wanna be unjust like my late elder brother, and I feel my brother has fallen ill because he is extremely sad because of me! What do you think? Any advice?! What shall I do? … Thank you …         


 As far as Quranic inheritance laws are concerned, you have infringed/violated none, because your late elder brother sold you the assets before his death. Yet, if you desire to ease your conscience and please your ill brother, you may give him, as a gift, half of the assets given to you by your late brother.    







But Men Have a Degree over Them

Published in February 11, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … Does the verse 2:228 indicate that God prefers men to women?! Please explain or refute this to me! … Thank you …   


 You have clearly misunderstood the verse 2:228; it comes in the context of divorce legislations. Let us quote the Quranic context of it: "And if they resolve to divorce - God is Hearing and Knowing. Divorced women shall wait by themselves for three periods. And it is not lawful for them to conceal what God has created in their wombs, if they believe in God and the Last Day. Meanwhile, their husbands have the better right to take them back, if they desire reconciliation. And women have rights similar to their obligations, according to what is fair. But men have a degree over them. God is Mighty and Wise. Divorce is allowed twice. Then, either honorable retention, or setting free kindly..." (2:227-229). Thus, the context is about divorce legislations and the duties and rights of divorcées  (i.e., divorced women) and the duties and rights of divorced men, within justice and within what is known (in every era and society) as pertaining to fairness and equity. After asserting this justice and this equality, the phrase (but men have a degree over them) is about ex-husbands (and not all men!). This phrase simply means that the ex-wives are advised to obey their ex-husbands if these ex-husbands desire to reconcile with them and make amends within the men's obedience to God's sharia laws and to care for children. This means that those wives should obey their husbands ONLY if those men make amends and do their best to gratify and please their wives with equity, as long as those husbands never request from those wives anything prohibited /illicit/forbidden in the Quranic sharia legislations.     








You Are Very Welcome

Published in February 12, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … I live in Finland, and I'd like to have your cellular phone number or WhatsApp number to ask you about many things … I have many questions about pilgrimage in the Quran … Thank you …   


  You can pose all your questions via our email address only. Of course, you are very welcome to read our archive of writings on our Quranism website; as for pilgrimage, we refer you to our book (in English) titled "Pilgrimage between Islam and the Muhammadans" found on this link: ( 







So Do Not Waver

Published in February 12, 2018



Question: …  Dear Sir, … When I've criticized the royal family in my Facebook account, military troops broke into my house and pointed their guns at me, and the soldiers humiliated me before my wife and children, before they arrested me … One of my well-off relatives who has high connections mediated for my release; the authorities release me only after signing a paper, vowing never to insult the royal family members again… The bad memory of my being humiliated before my family never leaves me; it haunts men day and night while asleep and when I'm awake; sometimes, I imagine that I should have fought back and shoot the soldiers who terrorized me and then shoot myself so as not to be tortured after my arrest … If this would be the case one day, should this suicide be punished by God in Hell or not? … What do you think?  … Thank you …      


 You are the innocent party here and the aggressors are the unjust party; as per the Quran, you have the right to defend yourself and your family against those who point their guns at you. Thus, if you attack them and then kill yourself, this is no sinful suicide in our view; they left you no options but to die in defense or to be humiliated and tortured. Indeed, if all free people remove fear from their hearts and defend themselves when oppressors try to unjustly arrest them, all thrones of tyranny will collapse, as they are based on terrorizing and intimidating people. To die with dignity is better than to live within humiliation by tyrants who betrayed homeland and citizens. To believe in peace does NOT mean to accept humiliation, intimidation, and insults. Peacefulness is forbidden in such cases; God says in the Quran: "So do not waver and call for peace while you have the upper hand. God is with you, and He will not waste your efforts." (47:35). Please watch this subtitled-into-English video of ours about suicide, found on this link: (








Houris in Paradise

Published in January 14, 2007


Question: …  Dear Sir, … I do not understand the Quranic mention of Houris of Paradise never touched by Jinn or human beings; by the way, does this imply that women on earth might be raped by Jinn?! … Thank you …        


 Houris of Paradise, and indeed Paradise itself, have not been created yet. Paradise and Hell will be created on the Last Day after Resurrection. Houris are not women. Upon entering Paradise, Paradise dwellers will be of one, new sex that has nothing to do with male and female features of human beings on earth; their new, eternal bodies will be woven from their good deeds. Houris will be part of their rewards and pleasures. Of course, the Quran talks about Paradise figuratively to make us grasp and understand it with our limited mind as much as we can; in fact, it is beyond our senses and minds now to imagine what Paradise will look like. Please wait for our article about the term (Houris) as part of the Quranic terminology.      







About the Verses 68:42-43

Published in April 6, 2007



Question: … Dear Sir, … Could you help me understand the verses 68:42-43? I cannot grasp their meaning … Thank you …


 God says in the Quran: "On the Day when each one's leg will be exposed, and they will be called to bow down, but they will be unable. Their eyes subdued, shame will cover them. They were invited to bow down when they were sound." (68:42-43). Middle-Ages authors and interpreters have propagated a laughter-inducing interpretation of 68:42-43  that God will show His leg for them to bow down to it! Exalted and glorified be the Lord God high above their blasphemies. Such polytheistic nonsense is very insulting to God formulated in hadiths ascribed falsely to Muhammad, who never knew the metaphysical realm of the future. Such Middle-Ages authors and books reflect the mentality and culture of their eras. Views expressed by Quranists represent their own subjective views (as per each one's knowledge level and cultural background) and not religious absolute truth at all. God in the Quran tells us about the Last Day in a figurative language that we can grasp and understand as much as we can, each one of us as per one's capacity of reasoning; in fact, feeling and experiencing the Last-Day events is beyond our physical senses in this world; we will be at the time in an unimaginable metaphysical realm after the destruction of the universe. The mention of the term (leg) in 68:42-43 and 75:29-30 refers to the imposed movement of resurrected human beings who lose their freedom on the Last Day. As part of their rebuke, the sinners will be told to bow down and they will not be able to do it. When they were free within their lifetimes on earth, they used their freedom to reject God's Word and to disobey Him by sinning. Real believers willingly obey their Lord God and will be safe in the Hereafter.







Who Are Real Quranists?!

Published in February 22, 2007


Question: … Dear Sir, … Some people in some forums within cyberspace claim that they are Quranists but they declare their belief in some hadiths and their rejection of most of them; yet, your Quranist trend is based on rejecting all hadiths without exception; who are the real Quranists, then?! How can you define who are the real Quranists? How hadiths altogether can be refuted easily within one, brief argument that I might quote and use? … Thank you …    


 Many Wahabis within the internet assume themselves to be "Quranists" within failed attempts to abuse, undermine, face, and refute the real Quranists of, and as for your questions, you can find answers in our lengthy article (in English) about Isnad (i.e., series of narrators who ascribe hadiths to Muhammad) found on this link: ( The real Quranists are the ones who follow this constitution of Quranists (in English) found on this link: (  







Atheism in the Arab World


Published in January 27, 2014



Question: … Dear Sir, … I live in Egypt; I am quite sure that atheism is spreading among the youth where I live and in other Arab countries as well … Some Christians assert to me that they predict that Islam will vanish forever within few years from the Arab world because it is a religion of massacres and terror! They hope that one day, Egyptians will convert to Christianity en masse, but I say to them that Islam is a religion yet to be discovered and that people will wake up soon enough to see that real Islam is Quranism …Thank you …


 The main reason for the current resurgence of atheism in Egypt and in the Arab world is the grave sin, within the media, to name the terrorist Wahabi Sunnite religion as (Islam) and extremists, Wahabis, Salafists, the terrorist MB theocracy-seekers as (Islamists),  and their wicked terrorist movement as (Islamism). It is very wrong to assume that they (or any person, dead or alive) may represent or embody Islam; Wahabism is a wicked religion that hijacks the name of Islam and makes people feel repulsed by the name (Islam) itself; in fact, atheism spreads among Arabs in the West, as they are never persecuted because of the absolute religious freedom there protected by law. Hence, your role and the role of all Quranists is to spread links of our videos, books, and articles via cyberspace, especially through social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to raise awareness of most people about Quranism as the Only True Islam in order to make them save themselves and also to clear the name of Islam from the accusations leveled at it. If you want to know: many novices within our Quranism website were atheists (or were about to become atheists) because of their Sunnite Wahabi background before they have embraced Quranism now, after they sought to reach the Truth through diligent research and deep reflection and contemplation. We never get tired of requesting from all of our fellow Quranists to spread links of to help save as may souls as possible. May God reward and bless you.    







Al-Bokhary and Donkeys' Meat!

Published in June 16, 2015


Question: … Dear Sir, … After the butcher of our neighborhood was arrested by the police for selling donkeys' meat as if it were cows' meat, I can no longer eat any sort of red meat; I have vomited many times because I feel that this butcher has caused me to eat donkeys' meat for months! What depresses me so much is that the Azharite sheikh in the mosque of our neighborhood said that those who have consumed donkeys' meat are apostates, as per Al-Bokhary book! This is illogical and silly! One friend of mine told me about your great website and gave me your email address … What do you think, Sir? … Thank you …      


  You message has made us burst out laughing; we thank you for it. Al-Bokhary book is filled with nothing but nonsense, blasphemy, and polytheism. No one is to forbid food items other than those mentioned in the Quran repeatedly; see our article (in English) about this topic on this link: ( It is never prohibited to eat the meat of dogs or donkeys. The Azharite ignoramus whose view you have quoted is merely reflecting the Sunnite view of deifying Al-Bokhary, whose book is behind many calamities that befall the Muhammadans until now!








Moderate Clergymen?!

Published in October 29, 2015


Question: … Dear Sir, … Many reformist thinkers are bold enough now to criticize and reject the so-called Sunna hadiths, thanks to you as you are indeed the first trailblazer and torchbearer … Yet, those reformist thinkers do not reject all hadiths but only most of them; they adhere to certain ones, as we have noticed in their books and YouTube videos; they claim to be "moderate" and assume that one day, there will be ''moderate'' clergymen; is this gonna take place one day? … Thank you … 


 We have mocked and ridiculed these myths of ''moderation'' and ''moderate clergymen'' in many of our articles; there is no such a thing called (clergymen) at all in real Islam (i.e., Qurnaism). The clergymen of the Muhammadans play with words and face the West with certain hypocritical mode of address that differs from their way of addressing Arabs. Those evil, corrupt clergymen disregard the Quranic higher values of peace, justice, tolerance, charity, and absolute religious freedom. They prevent Christian proselytizers from entering into Arab countries; yet, they are helped in the West countries to propagate, practice, and spread the Wahabi Sunnite religion of Satan while using the label of "Islam". The terrorist MB hypocrites are Wahabis who assume in the media worldwide that they are 'moderates Muslims', while their military wings and militias assassinate and massacre many innocent people.    







I Am A Quranist Young Woman

Published in May 15, 2012


Question: …  Dear Sir, … I've just finished reading your entire archive of writings on your great website; I feel that I'm a new young woman now; I am no longer wearing the veil and I am no longer an extremist person. I feel I can now understand the Quran more than any Sunnites who follow their earthly religion of Satan. I take pride in being a Quranist young woman; I feel happy that converting to Quranism does not entail any rituals at all; one must follow one's reasoning mind to understand the Quran and that's all; I feel very much at peace, thanks to you. May God bless and reward you  … Thank you …


  You are always welcome, our dear daughter to our website, and we remind you here that Quranism is no sect or doctrine; Quranists follow an intellectual, reformist trend and are engaged to peaceful, intellectual jihad via cyberspace to reform 'Muslims' using the Quran, abandoned by most of them. Each of the Quranists spreads links of articles and videos to raise awareness of people about Quranism as the Only True Islam; we are clearing the name of Islam – when we address non-Muslims – from accusations of extremism, terrorism, bigotry, fanaticism, and backwardness which must be leveled instead against the cursed Wahabi Sunnite religion of Satan. The only facts of the great religion of Islam are found exclusively in the Quran; you should play a role within the internet to spread the Truth. Quranists need true believers who dedicate their life to defending Islam while seeking only to please the Lord God. 








Guidance of the People of the Book

Published in September 9, 2007



Question: …  Dear Sir, … How come that as per the verse 2:62, some People of the Book will enter into Paradise while they did not believe in the Quran? … Their scriptures are distorted, right? … I'm sure that the verse 2:62 does NOT contradict the verses 7:157-158 …Could you please explain this further to me? … Thank you …    


 God says in the Quran: "Those who believe, and those who are Jewish, and the Christians, and the Sabians - any who believe in God and the Last Day, and act righteously - will have their reward with their Lord; they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve." (2:62); "Those who follow the messenger, the gentile prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him - these are the successful. Say, "O people, I am the messenger of God to you all - He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no God but He. He gives life and causes death." So believe in God and His messenger, the gentile prophet, who believes in God and His Words. And follow him, that you may be guided." (7:157-158). We assert here to you that the Quranic verses explain one another and never contradict one another at all. The context of 2:62 (i.e., 2:61-69) refers to Israelite aggressors in Arabia; some Israelites, within all eras, were real monotheists who apply the Real Scripture as per Abraham's religion and they performed good deeds, believed in the Last Day, etc., and thus, they deserve God's Paradise. God has told some People of the Book in Arabia to adhere to the Torah and Gospel (see 5:43-48); this means that the Real Scripture existed in Arabia at the time. God has told the Israelites in Arabia to resort to the Quran in case they dispute over religious matters/issues (see 27:76-78). It is saddening and laughter-inducing at the same time that you – and many like-minded others – care too much about guiding the People of the Book instead of guiding the Muhammadans who are the worst type of misguided people as they have abandoned the Quran. the Muhammadans have rejected the Quranic advice to resort to the Quran as criterion to judge everything around us, especially lies/falsehoods of the earthly religions: "Shall I seek a judge other than God, when He is the One who revealed to you the Book, explained in detail?..." (6:114). Quranists who are vociferous and outspoken in calling for Quranism in the Arab world are being persecuted and imprisoned within unjust laws of ''showing contempt towards religion''. In contrast, the West countries within their belief in the freedom of religion, thought, and peaceful action have allowed Wahabis to proselytize and build mosques; and when some people build a church and proselytize Christianity in any Arab countries, they are imprisoned!        







Monopoly of the Absolute Truth

Published in November 8, 2015



Question: … Dear Sir, … What is exactly the difference between you and those clergymen of the Muhammadans who assume to monopolize the Absolute Truth and warn those who dare to oppose them against Hell torment? … Thank you …  


 The difference is that we assert in all our writings and videos that our points of views are ours alone; they might be true or not; we allow anyone to comment on all our fatwas and articles. Besides, it is more important to us to mention here that we wait for God's judgment on us and on our foes on the Last Day; hence, we know quite well and believe in the fact that all our oral and written words will be judged by God and this applies to our non-Quranist foes and adversaries who hate our Quranism. This postponement of judgment till the Last Day asserts that no one, Quranists or non-Quranists, should dare to declare to monopolize the Absolute Truth. Yet, the clergymen of the earthly, man-made religions of the Muhammadans (and the clergymen of any other earthly religions) assume that they monopolize the Absolute Truth, Hell, and Paradise to intimidate their followers and get their money, as they expect blind obedience from their followers.    








Listening to the Quran

Published in June 13, 2014


Question: … Dear Sir, … God says in the Quran: "When the Quran is recited, listen to it, and pay attention, so that you may experience mercy." (7:204) … Does this verse mean that whenever the Quran is recited or read aloud by someone or within media, one must hear it and leave one's errands, work, studying, etc. until the reciting would end? What do you think? … Thank you …        


 Among the Quranic legislative purposes within Islam are ease and facilitation; we have tackled this topic a lot in our previous writings and fatwas. Hence, if there are hardships or difficulties that prevent us from applying 7:204, God will pardon us; it is enough that inwardly, in one's heart, one would have listened attentively. Do not forget that the Quran tackles the excuses for when not to fast and when not to participate in self-defense jihad fighting, etc. God says in the Quran: "...God desires ease for you, and does not desire hardship for you..." (2:185).


اجمالي القراءات 5146

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
أضف تعليق
لا بد من تسجيل الدخول اولا قبل التعليق
تاريخ الانضمام : 2006-07-05
مقالات منشورة : 5171
اجمالي القراءات : 58,741,304
تعليقات له : 5,479
تعليقات عليه : 14,871
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

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