آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2018-01-26
Fatwas Part Seventy-One
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Earthly Sharia Laws of Private Interests
Published in January 20, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Many Sunnites, especially the Wahabi terrorist MB group members, frequently use the phrase (God's sharia laws serve the interests of people). Is this true as far as true Islam is concerned? What do you think? … Thank you …
This phrase pertains to the Sunnite Wahabi religion of Satan; it has nothing whatsoever to do with real Islam (i.e., Quranism). Interests of people are always contradictory and may harm other people; it is arrogant and sinful to assume that God's sharia laws support and serve one's interests; such phrase is one of the main features of conflicts and struggles among the adherents of earthly, man-made religions, as each group/sect follow their whims and fight against others within a façade of religiosity. The celestial religion of the Lord God cannot be used for the sake of acquiring worldly gains; the Quranic sharia laws have its higher legislative purposes: justice, freedom, peace, and ease/facilitation. Real believers submit to the Quranic sharia legislations and never misuse them to serve their interests, desires, and whims. For more information about this topic, we refer you to our book (in English) titled "The Seven Principles of the Real Islamic Sharia and How to Apply Them", found on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=80).
Serious Scheming
Published in January 20, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Does the Quranic phrase "...Your scheming is serious indeed." (12:28) apply to all women in all eras or not? … Thank you …
We have mentioned before that Quranic stories are NOT the source of Quranic legislations or any general or particular religious rules; this phrase comes in the context of someone rebuking the Potiphar's wife for trying to seduce Joseph. Hence, this phrase does NOT apply to women at all.
The Unique Quranic Writing, Again
Published in January 20, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Why does the Quranic writing of the phrase (In the Name of God, the Dominant, the Compassionate) differs in the spelling/writing in comparison to Modern Standard Arabic? Likewise, there are many Quranic words that have now different spelling in Arabic; why is that? Does this apply to all texts written in the first century A.H.? What do you think? … Thank you …
We have mentioned before that this is related to the numerical miracles of the unique Quranic writing that differs from the Arabic tongue of the past and of the present. We refer you, for further details, to our article (in English) titled "Prophet Muhammad Was Literate and he Wrote the Quran himself with his Own Hands", found on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=16981).
Seeing God?
Published in January 20, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Sunnites claim that Paradise-dwellers shall see God, whereas Shiites assert the opposite, and both sides quote some Quranic verses to support their views, especially 75:22-23. What is the Quranist view of yours regarding that subject? … Thank you …
No one can see God in this world and this applies to the Hereafter and to Paradise-dwellers; for more information, we refer you to our article (in English), titled "Definitive and Similar Quranic Verses in a Practical Study: The Topic of Seeing Almighty God in the Hereafter", found on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=16303).
Heritage of Al-Mu'tazala Thinkers
Published in January 21, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Could we, Quranists, make use of and draw intellectual benefits from the books of Al-Mu'tazala thinkers and philosophers since they reject hadiths? … Thank you …
In fact, some of their ideas are OK; yet, non-specialized readers might not be able to distinguish between the anti-Quran notions and the pro-Quran ones in their heritage books of Al-Mu'tazala philosophers, as they relied heavily on Greek philosophy. For more information, please read our book on the notion of the interpretation of the Quran.
The Mind versus the Text
Published in January 21, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Some religious reformist thinkers, past and present, have raised the motto of the reasonable mind that must precede religious text, if both contradict one another; is this true as far as Quranism is concerned? What do you think? … Thank you …
This motto or phrase is very wrong in our own opinion; it has been uttered for the first time when Al-Mu'tazala thinkers/philosophers argued with their foes: the Sunnite fiqh scholars and hadiths-authors. The stances of both the Sunnite scholars and Al-Mu'tazala thinkers are wrong; the formers assert that the blind following of their texts of hadiths and fiqh views (and NOT the Quran) are more important than using the reasoning faculties regarding all matters/issues. The latters assumed that using the reasoning faculties is a priority in all cases and one can disregard fiqh and hadiths texts (and also the Quranic verses!) if they contradict their limited minds! Both parties pondered the Quran through the wrong perspective of their whims, prejudices, and preferences, and this drove them to misinterpret Quranic verses and twist their meanings on purpose, while disregarding other verses that prove their inferences and notions wrong. Most of the Arab philosophers did not believe in the Quran. The cursed Sunnite scholars committed another sin of formulating their views in the form of hadiths ascribed to Muhammad and to God as part of the 'divine' revelation. One must reject all hadiths and fiqh texts and must use one's reasoning faculties to ponder and research the Quran using its own terminology; we refer you to our book titled "How to Understand the Holy Quran ".
Beware of the Urine of Donkeys!
Published in January 22, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm sorry to disturb you, Sir, but I'm really so distressed! I'm a Quranist young woman in my twenties; I have not told my family yet about Quranist Islam, because I wait for the best chance possible to do so; yet, gradually, I'm talking to them whenever possible about how hadiths are nonsensical and contradict the Quran. At one time when my mother, myself, and my sisters were chatting, my mother has mentioned the hadith about those who oversleep and miss the dawn prayers and how imaginary donkeys have urinated inside their ears! When I've ridiculed this hadith and proved to her and to my sisters that this hadith is false; they've declared in unison that I am an infidel/apostate and that the hadith is 'true'! After long discussions, they managed to silence me and I'm very sad now because I cannot tell them later on that I've converted to Quranism! I wish that I could preach Qurnaism to them, but this seems to be impossible now! I wish to be able to guide them! Any advice?! … Thank you …
Please do not trouble yourself for no reason; please (re)read our book titled "The Quran: Sufficient as a Source of Islamic Legislation" (found in English on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=92). You are on the right and they are on the wrong; the Quran asserts in many verses that Muhammad never knew about the metaphysical realm and this means he never talked about it. We advise you never to preach Quranism to anyone around you; you can do this online by copying and pasting links of our articles, books, and videos. Do not argue with Sunnites who believe in hadiths, because their defending hadiths necessarily entails declaring their disbelief in the Quran and deliberate misinterpreting of its verses and twisting their meanings.
Secrets of One's Sex Life
Published in January 22, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK that married men would talk with one another about their sex lives (i.e., conjugal sex)? Or is this deemed as an intrusion and a violation of one's private life? What about married women who talk with one another about their sexual activities with their husbands? … Thank you …
God will judge us about what we do and say; it is never advisable to divulge secrets of one's conjugal sex life, but as far as religion is concerned, this type of sexual talking is a mishap or a small mistake and not a full-fledged, blatant sin.
Teaching Sex
Published in January 22, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK to teach (wo)men about sex before marriage by movies/clips and photos via cyberspace? Is it OK instead that married (wo)men may verbally advise a young, virgin (wo)man who is about to marry about how to have sex? What do you think? … Thank you …
This is prohibited; one is not to look at pornographic material of any type, because God commands us to restrain lustful looks; sex entails no education at all, because it is an instinct inscribed into human beings like other natural activities: eating, drinking, urinating, and defecating. Yet, it is OK for those about to be married to read educational books about conjugal sex, provided that such books contain no photos.
Abortion during the Late Months of Pregnancy
Published in January 23, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is the woman who (for no reason at all) aborted herself in the 7th month of pregnancy, when the embryo was showing signs of life, a sinful person? Is this murder? How would she atone for such a sin? … Thank you …
Indeed, this is a murder since the soul has been breathed into the embryo (this is indicated by signs of life: a heart that beats, etc.), especially that her life was not in danger as far as her medical conditions are concerned; i.e., doctors did not tell her she had to abort for medical reasons. This verse applies to this sinful woman: "O you who believe! Retaliation for the murdered is ordained upon you: the free for the free, the slave for the slave, the female for the female. But if he is forgiven by his kin, then grant any reasonable demand, and pay with good will. This is a concession from your Lord, and a mercy. But whoever commits aggression after that, a painful torment awaits him." (2:178).
Non-Obligatory Will & Testament
Published in January 23, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Why do you think that written wills and testaments are obligatory since one has inheritors? Would a son inherit his father twice: one time by Quranic inheritance laws and the other time by a written will and testament? … Is there such a notion called non-obligatory will & testament as the Sunnites assume? Why or why not? … Thank you …
There is nothing in Islam called non-obligatory will and testament; written will and testament is obligatory in Islam imposed on those who feel they are about to die, as per this verse: "It is decreed for you: when death approaches one of you, and he leaves wealth, to make a testament in favor of the parents and the relatives, fairly and correctly-a duty upon the righteous." (2:180). Thus, the written will and testament deals with some special cases: settling of debts, repaying those who deserve to have shares or to have extra shares for some reason or the other, apart from division of shares of inheritance after one's death as per shares specified in the Quranic Chapter Four. This is God's sharia laws that must be obeyed by those who desire to be among the winners on the Day of Judgment.
Yes, But...!
Published in January 23, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … The word (monotheism) is a philosophical term never mentioned in the Quranic text; yet, you mention it a lot in your writings; how come? … You always oppose Sunnite fiqh terms and say they are never mentioned in the Quran, right?! … Thank you …
The term (monotheism) is never mentioned in the Quranic text; yet, its meaning is implied in the commands never to worship alongside with God anything or anyone and the verses about the fact that God is One; e.g., "Did he turn all the gods into one God? This is something strange." (38:5). Likewise, the Quranic/Arabic term (verses) indicates three meanings: miracles, signs, and the Quranic verses themselves. God addresses human beings in ways that allow them to grasp and understand in order to be guided; guidance is the important aim behind what our limited minds may infer within the layers of meanings behind any terms among the Quranic terminology.
About Repentance
Published in January 24, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … The Quran does not mention how a thief would repent and how to return the stolen goods/money; why is that? What do you think? … Thank you …
This is because the Quranic command to repent includes never to go on perpetrating the same sin; the Quran tells us about the meaning of acceptable repentance: declaring one's intention to repent stops the exacting of corporeal penalty for thieves (i.e., cutting their hands off), and this declaration means to confess one's crime and returning the stolen items; the society is the judge of this type of repentance whether it is sincere or not, and to estimate if the sinner would harm society again or not. As for repentance from the sins of military aggression, it entails adhering to peace overtly: "Say to those who disbelieve: if they desist, their past will be forgiven..." (8:38);"When the Sacred Months have passed, kill the polytheists wherever you find them. And capture them, and besiege them, and lie in wait for them at every ambush. But if they repent, and perform the prayers, and pay the alms, then let them go their way. God is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful." (9:5);"But if they repent, and perform the prayers, and give the obligatory charity, then they are your brethren in faith..." (9:11). Other sins entail repentance by confessing one's guilt and paying charity donation to the poor and the needy to purify one's soul; society has the right to watch this repentance within human rights and stopping sinners/criminals from harming society again; yet, on the Last Day, people will see if repentance is acceptable to God or not: "Others have confessed their sins, having mixed good deeds with bad deeds. Perhaps God will redeem them. God is Forgiving and Merciful. Receive contributions from their wealth, to purify them and sanctify them with it; and pray for them. Your prayer is comfort for them. God is Hearing and Knowing. Do they not know that God accepts the repentance of His servants, and that He receives the contributions, and that God is the Acceptor of Repentance, the Merciful? Say, "Work. God will see your work, and so will His messenger, and the believers. Then you will be returned to the Knower of secrets and declarations, and He will inform you of what you used to do."" (9:102-105). This is pertaining to overt repentance; as for the repentance of a sinner within one's heart in relation to God, this has nothing to do with other people; sinners might not be seen by other people, but God sees their guilt/sins. In this case, sinners do not have to declare repentance in public; rather, sinners must correct their faith/belief and perform many good deeds to please the Lord God: "And I am Forgiving towards him who repents, believes, acts righteously, and then remains guided." (20:82); "Except for those who repent, and believe, and act righteously. These will enter Paradise, and will not be wronged in the least." (19:60); "But he who repents, and believes, and does righteous deeds, may well be among the winners." (28:67). There is a strong link between faith and good deeds that removes the bad ones, as no one is infallible: "Except for those who repent, and believe, and do good deeds. These-God will replace their bad deeds with good deeds. God is ever Forgiving and Merciful. Whoever repents and acts righteously has inclined towards God with repentance." (25:70-71);"Those who believe and do righteous deeds-We will remit their sins, and We will reward them according to the best of what they used to do." (29:7);"That He may recompense those who believe and do good works. Those will have forgiveness, and a generous provision." (34:4); "Those who disbelieve will suffer a harsh punishment, but those who believe and do righteous deeds will have forgiveness and a great reward." (35:7); "God has promised those who believe and work righteousness: they will have forgiveness and a great reward." (5:9); "Those who believe and work righteousness - for them is forgiveness and a generous provision." (22:50); "...God has promised those among them who believe and do good deeds forgiveness and a great reward." (48:29).
The Curse of Their Differences and Disputes
Published in May 2, 2013
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm confused by the countless contradictory views in fiqh books and hadiths-books of Sunnites and Shiites! In every topic and issue, there are hundreds of views that undermine and refute one another! I sincerely hope to find answers to my questions in your website which I'm about to explore as I have not read your books, articles, and fatwas yet … Thank you …
Thank you, our daughter, and please read first our book about Isnad (i.e., series of narrators), the one about interpreting the Quran, the one titled "How to Understand the Holy Quran", and then the one titled "The Quran: Sufficient as a Source of Islamic Legislation". Then, you can read the rest of our archive of writings, and we assure you that you will find answers to most, if not all, your questions. You should bear in mind that thecurse of the differences and disputes of the Muhammadans indicates their being polytheists who reject the Quran; Quranism is the only True Islam.
Lengthening of Garments
Published in April 8, 2007
Question: … Dear Sir, … Could you please shed light on the Quranic verse 33:59?… Thank you …
God says in the Quran: "O Prophet! Tell your wives, and your daughters, and the women of the believers, to lengthen their garments. That is more proper, so they will be recognized and not harassed. God is Forgiving and Merciful." (33:59). This means that women's legs are to be covered in whatever dress they wear. In the Yathreb city-state, some impecunious immigrant women used to be sexually harassed and slandered as some disbelieving, hypocritical men assumed they would turn into sex workers to get sustenance. God defends these believing, chaste women in the Quranic Chapter 24 and advises them to cover their chests (see 24:31) and their legs (as per 33:59) so as not to be harmed or perceived as sex workers and so as not to be the victims of slanders.
We Do Not Contradict Ourselves
Published in December 2, 2013
Question: … Dear Sir, … Twenty years ago, I've read in Egypt your book titled "Al-Sayed Al-Badawi between Fact and Myth", and it is really a life-altering book for me and I've converted to Qurnaism. Yet, I have noticed that when I reread the same book within your website, you have omitted some lines about praising the Arab conquests, deemed by you now in your recent writings as a heinous crime and a grave sin, as I have noticed in your book titled "The Character of Egypt after the Arab Conquest". Why are you contradicting yourself and why have you changed your mind?! … Thank you …
Thank you for your good question; we never contradict ourselves; it is perfectly right that a thinker may correct earlier views adopted in one stage as our Quranist studies continue; the Quranic facts are the criterion used to judge all things related to the reality and history of Muslims. Hence, in light of this, we used to assume in the 1980s that Arab conquests are OK, but in the 1990s, after meticulous study, the Quran has proved to us that such Arab conquests are violations against the Quranic sharia laws. Similarly, when we have undermined and attacked Sufism in the 1970s as never pertaining to Islam at all, we used to be a 'moderate' Sunnite man, but later on in the 1980s, it has been proven to our mind using the Quranic verses that the Sunnite religion has nothing to do with Islam; Islam is only Quranism (i.e., the Quran is the only source of Islamic sharia legislations) as the Quran is the Only Discourse in Islam and the so-called hadiths/narratives are mere balderdash, lies, and falsehoods. This result has been the outcome of our researching books of hadiths and history. Similarly, we used to assume in the 1970s that Islam has a dual testimony mentioning the name of Muhammad; yet, in the 1980s, we discovered that the Quran entails that the only Quranic testimony of monotheism is (There is no God but Allah), without having any mortals' names beside this testimony. In fact, the phrase (There is no God but Allah) is never mentioned in the Quranic verses within the context of mentioning the name of Muhammad as part of it. Thus, the 1.5 billion Muhammadans do not deserve to be called as "Muslims"; God will decide on the Last Day who are the ones that have lived truly as monotheistic Muslims. Sunnite Wahabis have hijacked the name of Islam, imitating the criminal companions of the Arab conquests who used its name to commit many atrocities to form an Arab empire. The more we learn from the Quran, the more we write unprecedented articles and books; it is OK to correct one's previous views; only real reformist thinkers do that; we, Dr. A. S. Mansour, are the only Azharite scholar who has changed adopted views when proven wrong by the Quran, and we are never too proud to admit we have made a mistake in the past, despite the fact that we have authored tens of books and thousands of articles and fatwas. We still assert that all our writings are never above being criticized, questioned, and discussed. We are happy and content to reach the Truth, even when it is reached through others who criticize our writings. Thank you again.
Growing Beards in Islam!
Published in December 24, 2006
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is growing beards obligatory in Islam for men? … Thank you …
Being bearded or clean-shaven has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam; the essence of Islam is adherence to piety all the time in your direct relation with God and how you deal with people within peace, frankness, and fairness. We assure you that one's outer appearances or dress-codes have nothing to do with faith at all; real Muslims must never care about such things pertaining to Sunnite religiosity (beards, niqab, headwear/hijab, etc.). God in the Quran does NOT command men to grow beards of any type. The Quran contains no instructions about hair (of men and women) or facial hair for men. Growing beards pertains to the earthly, man-made religions of ancient times and of the present: men in the past grew beards to be distinguished from women who have soft faces; clergymen grew longer beards to be distinguished from bearded laymen. One's faith has nothing to do with how you change/remove/grow your facial hair nor with your hairdos or headwear.
Smoking & Vows
Published in April 15, 2012
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK or not as per Islam to compel myself to stop smoking by making vows or swearing by God's Name in solemn oath, as per this verse: "Those who are faithful to their trusts and pledges." (23:8)? … Thank you …
Making vows and swearing in God's name to do, or not to do, things must be within permissible deeds/things and not about sinful deeds. It is better to use vows and swearing in God's name in relation to good deeds to please God if one's wishes are granted by God; one must get nearer to God by additional acts of worship; Islamic duties/obligations are not the field of making vows; making vows has nothing to do with stopping any sins, as one must stop sinning and disobeying God anyway, within sincere repentance and piety. If you would like to make solemn oaths/vows about quitting smoking, this is OK, but we advise you not to make such a thing; to quit smoking needs your will and determination without linking this to religion. Of course, smoking is not prohibited in Islam since it is never mentioned in the Quran, but it is a harmful habit and we encourage you to quit.
The Curse of Binding!
Published in March 3, 2009
Question: … Dear Sir, … I wanna tell you about the curse of some forms of binding the copies of the Quran! Some editions of it are bound intentionally in ways to never allow one to read from them as it is hard to hold these copies open! I assume that this is aimed at urging people to have these copies as keepsakes and to ornament/decorate any locations, chambers, halls, cars, vehicles, etc. This is very insulting to the Quran in my opinion; this is a type of abandoning the Quran by turning it into an amulet or an ornament to 'bless' things or to draw 'benediction' from it! The Muhammadans are deifying and sanctifying the Quran copies and never ponder or read Quranic verses! Quran copies must be bound and made in easy-open ways to encourage people to reading in them! Would you please, as the president of the VA-based IQC, tell us about the best qualities of Quran copies and their binding? … Thank you …
We have published your email message here in the fatwas section to allow readers to comment on it.
Published in March 18, 2008
Question: … Dear Sir, … Do you believe in Ruqya? Is it something Islamic or not? …Thank you …
Sunnites and Sufis define Ruqya as reciting Quranic verses (or to write them down on a piece of paper to be kept inside one's clothes, etc.) to heal/cure the ill ones, and drive away evil eye and/or the effect of the so-called witchcraft; some use this strange habit to perform the so-called exorcism. This practice has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam. Reciting incantations while touching the ill person, reciting magic words on water to make the ill person drink it or to wash up with it (thus influencing the subconscious of the gullible ones), and wearing amulets are practices pertaining to Old-Ages and Middle-Ages pagan cultures that still linger in some rural areas. These practices never pertain to Islam and they are very insulting to the Quran. The Muhammadans have revived such paganism during the Dark Ages and ascribed the so-called Ruqya forcibly to Islam within inventing false hadiths and issuing devilish fatwas. Such nonsense and balderdash of pagan practices, for which God has sent down no authority, have nothing to do with the Quran. The Quran is to be read, pondered, and applied by devout, pious ones who seek to please the Lord God and to be guided. Those quack-doctors and charlatans who make money by misusing the Quranic verses while claiming to heal/protect people are criminals and enemies of Islam who insult God and the Quran, and they thus consume ill-gotten money; there are no mediators/intercessors in Islam; the Quran is never intended to heal or cure any mental or physical ailments; the Quran is the Book of Guidance from the Lord God and it increases the belief of the sincere pious ones.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5169 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,608,615 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,478 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,869 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
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القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
الفصل الخامس : الاجتهاد الشيطانى العملى فى إضطهاد أهل الكتاب
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