آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-11-17
Fatwas Part Sixty-Two
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
The Lottery, Again
Published in November 9, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is buying lottery tickets is like gambling? … What do you think? … Thank you …
This is not gambling at all; lotteries are OK; they are legal and done within mutual consent of governments and citizens who participate in them, and within transparency. Part of profits of lotteries is received as taxes by the government to establish projects that benefit many citizens.
Flogging for Fornicators
Published in November 9, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Having read your article about fornication and its penalty by flogging, I've noticed you did not mention how flogging is done and by whom; besides, if this penalty were not mentioned in the Quran, would you accept it? … Thank you …
The Quran tells us that this penalty is done in public without pity as per 24:2, and those who apply it must submit to a Quran-based country and its law-enforcement sectors. We of course believe every single word in the Quran.
The Best Cure
Published in November 9, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a 23-year-old male youth who lives in Morocco; I recently discovered your great website through my father who keeps (re)reading your great books on a daily basis … I have a serious trouble and I need your advice; after I joined the university years ago, I have suffered severe depression, stress, and suicidal tendencies; psychiatrists helped me partially, but I am not yet completely cured; I had to quit the university and the days pass without any progress in my life; to top it all, I have heart problems now and I cannot pray daily! What shall I do?! Any advice?! … Thank you …
We sincerely implore the Almighty Lord God to grant you the best of health and to get cured very soon. Do not get despaired; God's Mercy comes sooner or later. You are to remember to be above all your pains; life is transient and the Real Eternal Life is in the Hereafter. You can perform the five prayers regularly while sitting or in any position you like. Adhering to patience and prayers will make you surmount any hardships and difficulties. Each human being undergoes tests in this life, and those who pass it successfully within monotheistic faith believe in God and in the Last Day. You should contemplate daily the Day of Resurrection and what follows it: judgment and then eternal life in Hell or Eternal Life in Paradise. Please our son, bear in mind that all pleasures, blessings, bounties, and bliss in this transient realm within our life on Earth are not equal to one second inside Paradise, let alone living in Paradise for eternity. Likewise, all pains, torment, trouble, and toil in this transient world are not equal to one second inside Hell, let alone that those who enter into Hell on the Last Day will never get out of it for eternity. You are still a young man; be patient and rely on our Lord Allah the Eternal God Who is Nearer to you than anyone and anything else; He will answer your sincere prayers and supplications. You should draw nearer to Him by your prayers, prostrations, and glorification of Him. If you remember God in piety and fear, He remembers you, and this will put your heart at rest. Read the Quran while pondering its verses deeply and your relief and belief will certainly increase. The best cure you need, our son, is sincere faith and belief. When you see things from a balcony in the 10th floor, you see them small; this is how you should see any hardships, pains, or troubles. When you see photos of the solar system taken from outer space, and how it seems like a cloud swimming in the space with our Earth like a dot inside it, you will feel the greatness of the Creator who created billions of galaxies. When you believe in God the Creator truly and sincerely with all your might, you will find peace of mind, security, and cure. The Quran is a cure to drive away doubts in your heart and mind; you should adhere to the Quran. Please read our archive of books and articles to learn more about the Quran. May God bless and help you.
Again: History Is NOT Religion
Published in November 9, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … I wholeheartedly agree with you in rejecting Al-Bokhary book authored after more than 200 years after the Prophet Muhammad's death … Yet, why do you believe and use in your own books the historical 'facts' in books of historians like Al-Tabari, Al-Zohary, and Al-Masoody who authored their books more than 200 years after the death of the so-called companions? Is there a possibility that such history may turn out to be mere myths like the Greek mythology? …Thank you …
We have written before repeatedly that history is NOT part of religion. In fact, history contains relative facts that might be true or false, because they are overlapping and intersecting events, and not mere narratives. There is a research methodology to verify historical events; and by the way, God will not judge human beings based on historical accounts and narratives. It is a type of disbelief to believe in history as part of Islam. Earthly religions of the Muhammadans typically deify historical figures and sanctify events and narratives of history (by Ibn Ishaq, Ibn Saad, Ibn Hisham, and Al-Tabari, among others) as part of their religion, just like the hagiology of Christians. This is why Muhammadans believe in the so-called hadiths and ascribe them falsely to Muhammad. The only discourse/narrative in which we believe within Islam is the Quranic text as God's Word. No other narratives, discourses, accounts, or hadiths should be deemed as part of Islam. The Quran is the criterion on which judgment on the Last Day is based. God will judge our faith/belief and (good and bad) deeds and whether we have been monotheists (who believe only in the Quran) or polytheists (who believe in other narratives and hadiths beside or instead of the Quran).
Help Her to Get Divorced
Published in November 10, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Years ago, I married my daughter to the younger son of my best friend, and she has given birth to sons and daughters; her eldest daughter studies at the university now … The problem is that my late friend (who was my daughter's father-in-law) paid the whole expenses of this marriage; his son (her husband) never loved her; he typically teat and insulted her. Her husband has a bad reputation; he has many female lovers and deals with female sex workers as a customer! His father (my late friend) used to try to reform his son and to protect my daughter, but since his death, her husband beat and mistreated her the more! When my daughter would leave the house to live in my house, her mad husband would beat up the children instead! This typically forced my daughter to return to him to protect her children … My daughter desires now to get a divorce as she cannot bear such misery any longer; shall I support her in this divorce or not? Her husband seems not to care about divorcing her or keeping her since he has sex with other women! What do you think? … Thank you …
Your daughter has the right to seek divorce as she has been harmed very much by such a husband, and she must have her full financial rights as per law. It is for her own good (and the children's) that this divorce would take place soon; this husband seems to be mean, irresponsible, and incorrigible who turns the life of his wronged wife and children into veritable hell. You must help your daughter to get rid of this failed marriage to atone for your mistake of marrying her off to someone without knowing him very well.
What Does It Mean to Purify the Kaaba?
Published in November 10, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … What does it mean to purify the Kaaba when God commanded Abraham and Ishmael of this in 2:125 and 22:26? … Thank you …
God says in the Quran: "...And We commissioned Abraham and Ishmael, "Purify My House for those who circle around it, and those who seclude themselves in it, and those who kneel and prostrate."" (2:125); "We showed Abraham the location of the House: "Do not associate anything with Me; and purify My House for those who circle around, and those who stand to pray, and those who kneel and prostrate."" (22:26). This means that God has guided Abraham to the accurate location of the Kaaba, deserted by people at the time though it is the Ancient House of the Lord granted to all people. The command to "purify" in 2:125 and 22:26 simply means to remove pagan idols of polytheists that surrounded the Kaaba. In the first stage, the site of the Kaaba had to be purified by removing these statues representing gods/deities of polytheists. the second stage was to re-build the Kaaba, and Abraham's first-born son, Ishmael, helped him in this task: both prophets undertook this mission. Both in 2:125 and 22:26, we notice that the rituals of pilgrimage are mentioned: circling the Kaaba, performing prayers there, supplicating God, etc. The Qorayish tribe later on (before the advent of Islam) put pagan idols around the Kaaba again in return for protection of its trade caravans of the winter and summer journeys against any possible raids of other tribes; this went on until shortly before Muhammad's death when the Meccans, including Qorayish, converted apparently to Islam; or rather, they adhered to peace and stopped their aggression. At a certain point in history, Satan has deceived the Muhammadans by making them erect a monument for Satan inside Mecca under the pretext that they stone Satan! This is an abomination aims at remembering and honoring Satan and Mecca must be purified from such polytheistic abomination; yet, the Saudi Wahabis refuse this as they adhere to the myth of stoning Satan.
It Is Not A Heroic Act If Wahabis Assassinate our Person
Published in November 11, 2017
Question: … Dear Dr. Mansour, … Please do not provoke the ire of Wahabi terrorists by your series of articles about the KSA and the Saudi royal family members so as not to give them a pretext to assassinate you! They are thirsty for blood and seek to enter into Hell as they march blindly into it! May God protect and save you! … Thank you …
Thank you, our son, for your concern about our safety. We remind you that we used to live in the poverty-stricken Wahabi terrorists-filled Al-Matariyya District in Cairo, Egypt, in an apartment in the ground floor, and we used to write while having out windows open, overlooking two streets there. Wahabi extremists used to look at me with fury and disdain through the windows, and some of the used to shout at our person to fear God and stop criticizing their religion! Four mosques were near our domicile; their imams used to intimidate our family by cursing our person and inciting people against our person as a Sunna-denier who will go to Hell if he would not repent! This means that our life was in danger; any Wahabi terrorists could have murdered our person any time, but this did not happen, because our predestined lifetime duration has not ended yet. Some men of the Egyptian State Security Apparatus planned our assassination by detaining our person within a detention room containing Wahabi extremists and criminals, but God has saved us; the predestined time of our death has not come yet. We invoke God as our Witness: we sincerely hope that our life would end by being murdered for God's sake, as this will make our soul enter into the Barsakh Paradise until the Last Day. Our address in Springfield, VA, the USA, is known, and strangers visit our person and we always welcome them.It is not a heroic act if Wahabis assassinate our person, though murdering our person could be easily done. This would be an act of honoring our person; our Quranist school of thought would be more known for decades this way. Hence, if they assassinate our person, this would be the greatest victory for us.
Zakat for Money Savings
Published in November 12, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Months ago, my mother gave me her money savings within a bank account to help me as a young man in my twenties; what is the percentage of Zakat to be paid in that case, since a whole year has not passed yet?… Thank you …
The Sunnite notion of waiting for a whole year is both false and silly; the timing of this type of Zakat in your case is once you received this money; the amount of Zakat is according to your piety and as much as you can afford, and there is no certain percentage required.
A False Narrative
Published in November 12, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Why did Muhammad say that a certain fighter whose name is..... will be among the Hell-dwellers? … What do you think? … Thank you …
This is a false narrative within Sunnite mythology because Muhammad never knew the future nor anything about the metaphysical realm. The likes of such narratives were authored by Sunnites of the Abbasid Era to deify Muhammad. We refer you to our article in English titled "The Metaphysical Realm in the Quran", found on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=17118
Please Repeat This Question of Inheritance
Published in November 13, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … My late father had two wives, and one of them was my late mother. After my parents died, my step-mother (who gave birth to six children) remained alive for a while but she died later on, and four of her sons died after her death. Thus, the remaining progeny is myself (a son) and my sister from one mother and one son and one daughter from my step-mother; how the inheritance money are to be distributed in that case? … Thank you …
Please repeat your question of inheritance while providing more details; who died first: your father or your mother? The timing of death of each one of the deceased persons is of vital importance in deciding how inheritance-money are distributed.
Better Than What They Amass
Published in November 13, 2017
Question: … Dear Dr. Mansour, … Throughout my life, I have lived within poverty and impecuniousness; but my real problem is that my face is ugly; no young woman would care to take me as a husband; who would think of me as a possible bridegroom while I am an ugly, penniless young man?! … I sometimes envy other young men who are handsome and of well-off families and thus attract young women around them or are happily married, while wondering why God created me in such ugliness! I am good-hearted, pious person; is envying other men and resenting my ugliness deemed as blasphemy and protesting against fate?! I'm obsessed with such thinking that sadden my heart so much; but when I read your archive of writings, I feel relieved momentarily somehow … What shall I do? Any comforting words? Any advice? …Thank you …
You should bear in mind, our dear son, that life on Earth is a test for each human being, and winners who pass this lifetime test successfully are those who enter into Paradise in the Hereafter on the Last Day. There are four inevitable fates ordained by God on each of the human beings, and we are never judged by God on the Last Day about these four preordained fates: 1) birth: one's features, parents, era, skin color, race, birthplace, etc. 2) death: its timing and location, 3) earnings: things allotted to one during one's lifetime: riches/poverty, possessions, etc., and 4) calamities and catastrophes that befall one without one's interference. Thus, your physical and facial features and your skin color are part of the preordained fates. Winners of the lifetime test will have bright, pretty faces on the Last Day, and losers will have faces like dark night, covered with misery. Those winners might have been impecunious and suffered misfortunes during their lifetimes on Earth, but they will live eternally in sheer bliss in Paradise. By the way, you should know that no one is granted everything one wants in life; happiness is a relative thing and so is pleasure. You have things that others do not have and others have things that you do not have. You are unaware, for instance, that you are blessed with excellent health, as you are busy envying others for things they have and you do not have. Many rich people do not enjoy the best of health. Any blessings of this worldly existence are never perfect and they must lack something or the other; this is part of the test of life and this make us learn that happiness is limited in this transient world. All human beings have their half-filled cups; real believers feel content by the filled half (and invest it to earn the right to enter into Paradise) and never feel any sorrow for the empty half (which symbolizes lacked things). This makes them winners on the Last Day. Those losers focus their attention on feeling saddened by the empty half and are never thankful to God for the filled half (which symbolizes blessings granted to them), and their sorrow increases by being envious of others as they never see the empty half in the cups of others. Please, our son, focus only on seeing the filled half of your cup and ponder on the empty half in the cups of others; this will make you thankful to the Lord God. Finally, remember always that God's Mercy and Pardon and His Paradise is better than any money, assets, or possessions amassed by mortals on Earth. God says in the Quran: "Is it they who allocate the mercy of your Lord? It is We who have allocated their livelihood in this life, and We elevated some of them in rank above others, that some of them would take others in service. But your Lord's mercy is better than what they amass." (43:32); "O people! There has come to you advice from your Lord, and healing for what is in the hearts, and guidance and mercy for the believers. Say, "In God's grace and mercy let them rejoice. That is better than what they amass."" (10:57-58)
Wearing Gold Rings by Men
Published in November 14, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … I lived in Europe for many years, and upon my return to my homeland (an Arab country), I proposed to a young woman and we are now engaged … She refuses that I wear a gold engagement ring, claiming that this is forbidden as per hadiths and that my stay in Europe made me forsake Islam! A friend of mine told me about your great website of Quranism that shows true Islam; and I ask you if there is evidence in the Quran to allow or prohibit men wearing gold ornaments … Thank you …
Wearing gold ornaments is permissible for men and women since the Quran never mentions such act as a prohibited item. This fake prohibition is found only in Sunnite hadiths, and this Sunnite notion violates the right of God to be the Only Legislator in Islam within the Quranic sharia. God says in the Quran: "Say, "Who forbade God's finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?" Say, "They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection." We thus detail the revelations for people who know. Say, "My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know."" (7:32-33); "And do not say of falsehood asserted by your tongues, "This is lawful, and this is unlawful," in order to invent lies and attribute them to God. Those who invent lies and attribute them to God will not succeed." (16:116). Real believers adhere to the Quran and polytheists and disbelievers reject the Quran as they stick to false hadiths. We refer you to this episode of our YouTube show titled "Exposing Salafism", which tackles this Sunnite myth and how Quranism debunks it, on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQBGUdUlqhA
Prayers for the Dead
Published in November 14, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … How come you assert that prayers offered to God for the sake of the dead are of no use at all? I think your view contradicts this verse: "And those who came after them, saying, "Our Lord, forgive us, and our brethren who preceded us in faith..." (59:10). What do you think? … Thank you …
Prayers for the sake of the dead persons are of no use to them as their records of deeds are closed forever and they knew their fate (either in Hell or in Paradise) upon dying. There is no room for the dead ones to have sins or good deeds registered in their books after they die. The living ones who pray for the dead perform good deeds registered in their records as they are still alive and repeat these words faithfully and in piety: "And those who came after them, saying, "Our Lord, forgive us, and our brethren who preceded us in faith, and leave no malice in our hearts towards those who believe. Our Lord, You are Clement and Merciful."" (59:10). The dead people never benefit from such prayers in 59:10 or anywhere else in whatever phrases.
Muhammad's Mission Was Only to Convey the Message
Published in November 15, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … How come that Muhammad's mission was confined to convey and preach the Quran? would this contradict this verse: "It is He who sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion of Truth, in order to make it prevail over all religions, even though the polytheists dislike it." (9:33)? … Is it part of Fate that most people would be misguided for centuries after Muhammad's death?! … Thank you …
You have misunderstood 9:33. This verse does NOT mean that the Truth will prevail by force or be imposed on people by Muhammad or any other mortals. In fact, 9:33 refers to the fact that the Quranic Truth is made clear by the Quran, revealed by God to Muhammad whose mission only was to preach and convey the Quranic message. After he fulfilled this mission, he died. Muhammad was not responsible for (and had no control over) anyone who accepts or rejects the Quranic message. God is the One Who preserves the Quranic text to be the source of guidance until the end of days. Hence, no one has any excuse to claim they do not find a source of guidance. Yet, most people choose to reject the Quran; caliphs like Abou Bakr and others after him violated the Quranic teachings by the crimes called Arab conquests and the Arab major civil war, and this resulted in the emergence of earthly religions that distort meanings of Quranic verses and in the fabrication of thousands of the so-called hadiths that replace Quranic teachings as per myths of the Muhammadans. Hadiths are lies ascribed forcibly to Muhammad and to Islam; the polytheists would have distorted the Quranic text if it were not protected by God, as was the case with the Gospel and the Torah distorted now by Christians and Jews, respectively. Remember that it is a Quranic fact that the vast majority of human beings are misguided and misguiding. Thus, (mis)guidance is a personal choice within freedom granted by God to human beings, so that they will be judged on the Last Day as per their choice of faith and their deeds.
Disbelief in Terms of Demeanor and Faith
Published in November 15, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … What is the type of disbelief expressed by the king in this story of Abraham in the verse 2:258? … Thank you …
God says in the Quran: "Have you not considered him who argued with Abraham about his Lord, because God had given him sovereignty? Abraham said, "My Lord is He who gives life and causes death." He said, "I give life and cause death." Abraham said, "God brings the sun from the East, so bring it from the West," so the disbeliever was confounded. God does not guide the unjust people." (2:258). This means that the king or sovereign in this story is a disbeliever in terms of both demeanor and polytheistic faith; he was a self-deified king who deemed himself as a deity beside God, and he imposes his being king/deity by force and by committing injustices. Thus, God does guide those unjust ones who are unjust toward God by their polytheism and toward people by their crimes, acts of violence, and grave injustices.
Our Website English Section
Published in November 16, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … My name is Mohamed Radwan and I'm of Arab origin … I live in Sweden since the early 1970s; I wonder if your great Quranism website is available in English or not, because my children are not Arabophone and I want them to learn True Islam from your writings as I have converted to Quranism; they know only Swedish and English … Thank you …
You are very welcome to our English section of our website which contains English articles and some French ones and a dozen of our books translated into English. You can also make your children watch our videos which are subtitled into English
For more information:
A Great Comment from Mr. Zachariah Al-Maghraby
Published in November 16, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … This is my comment about your episode No. 162 of your great show "Quranic Moments" (subtitled into English on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wci1mGmzILo) … It is a very wrong common notion among Arabs that Prophet Muhammad was infallible; they quote this verse as if to assert this wrong notion: "...And God will protect you from the people..." (5:67); yet, this verse does NOT indicate any infallibility; rather, it shows that God prevented people from physically harming him or assassinating him. Muhammad's mission was to convey the Quranic message; and by the way, 5:67 does not mean that he did not make mistakes, despite his high moralistic attitude, and God chose him to convey the Last Message from Him. God says in the Quran: "Whatever good happens to you is from God, and whatever bad happens to you is from your own self. We sent you to humanity as a messenger, and God is Witness enough." (4:79); "That God may forgive you your sin, past and to come, and complete His favors upon you, and guide you in a Straight Path." (48:2). These verses show clearly that Muhammad made some mistakes like all mortal human beings; the only thing in which he never mistook is conveying the entire text of Quran, preserved by God … Thank you …
We admire your comment very much, and we congratulate you for it, Mr.Mr. Zachariah Al-Maghraby. We sincerely hope you write your comments in full-fledged articles in our website.
Happiness Is in our Work
Published in November 17, 2017
Question: … Dear Dr. Mansour, … Please try to take some time off; you work too much within your writings and videos … Please spend some time out of your office and go on journeys etc. for your health and happiness; may God bless you and grant you long life … Thank you …
Thank you, dear son, for your piece of advice. Our only source of happiness is our work and writings within our Quranism website. We take partial short periods off when we feel too tired to write. We hope we die as we write until the last moment of our life. We hope to have enough time to write all our ideas in more books and articles. After our passing away, we hope that our dear fellow Quranists (and you are one of them) to go on writing on this website. We implore the Almighty God to make all Quranists meet in Paradise.
A Question of Inheritance
Published in November 17, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … A woman died (her parents died years ago) and is survived by two brothers from her parents, but one brother died before her and he has two sons and one daughter, and the dead woman has one sister from her father and one brother from her mother. How her money should be distributed within inheritance laws of the Quranic sharia?… Thank you …
Those who are dead do not inherit anything; thus, the sons and one daughter of the dead brother do not inherit a share supposedly for their father (if were to survive his sister) as he died before the dead woman (his sister). Hence, if a man dies, his sons never receive shares from their paternal grandfather if there are paternal uncles living. Hence, this dead woman is survived only by three living brothers and one living sister; the money is to be divided into seven equal shares and the sister receives one share, and each of the brothers receive two shares, as the male receives the double of the female.
To Stop The Ridicule
Published in September 10, 2011
Question: … Dear Sir, … I admire your great videos of your YouTube show "Exposing Salafism"… Yet, I dislike very much your style of talking while cursing and ridiculing the companions of the Prophet and the imams of the Middle-Ages, esp. Al-Bokhary, as this will make people dislike you and your show and this will make them never pay attention to Quranism, which is the True Islam you have taught me … Please stop cursing and mocking the dead people so that the number of Quranists would increase …Please focus within your videos on raising awareness of others about Qurnaism instead of losing the larger part of your audience … Thank you
We thank you for your advice, our son. Yet, Quranists must follow the Quranic style of preaching and warning that entails showing the Truth and exposing the falsehoods. It is our duty to expose falsehoods by undermining the sham deification of mortals who are deities of the Muhammadans. The polytheistic Muhammadans sanctify their mortal gods: all Middle-Ages imams, authors, companions, etc. and never criticize their deeds and books, as if they were infallible. They forget the fact that Muhammad was never infallible; God has rebuked him in the Quran many times. This is why we intentionally mock and ridicule Al-Bokhary and his likes among the pantheon of Sunnite deities; they are in fact the arch-enemies of Islam (i.e., the Quran) and of God. It is natural than our criticism of Sunnite gods would hurt feelings of polytheistic Muhammadans who still venerate and sanctify such mortals. We will write about the use of mockery in the Quranic text. Quranists are keen only on pleasing God and not to gratify human beings. Deifying such mortals (imams, authors, etc.) of the Middle-Ages is sheer polytheism that leads to Hell if one does not repent before one's death. We, and our fellow Quranists, endeavor to show to viewers and readers what true monotheism is as per the Quran. Thank you.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5169 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,612,673 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,478 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,869 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
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القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
الفصل الخامس : الاجتهاد الشيطانى العملى فى إضطهاد أهل الكتاب
دعوة للتبرع
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