Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy:
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Sixty-Two

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2020-05-28

                       Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Sixty-Two


Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy





From Mr. Abdel-Rahman Al-Moqaddim

Published in May 17, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … I do believe that reading, pondering, and applying the Quran is a form of healing for all psychological ailments; I can prove it................. … Thank you …


 Of course, since you are a writer on our Quranism website, you can write articles explaining this great idea of yours; of course, the monotheistic faith has positive influence on the soul; we, ourselves, will write about psychological torment/pains in this world and the next one within a Quranist vision. We refer you to our book, in English, titled "Torment and Torture within a Quranist Vision" found on this link:





About the Quranic Verse 25:21

Published in May 17, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, …  Would you please explain this Quranic verse to me esp. the underlined part: "Those who do not expect to meet Us say, “If only the angels were sent down to us, or we could see our Lord.” They have grown arrogant within themselves, and have become excessively defiant." (25:21)? … Thank you …


 Of course, it is repeated in the Quranic stories of prophets/messengers and their peoples/nations that the arrogant disbelievers were so defiant in their refusal to believe in monotheism that they challenged their prophets/messengers with demands (e.g., to be able to see Allah and the angels as per 25:21); they defied the Lord God by rejecting His commands. The Muhammadans are also defiant in their rejection of the Quran as the Only Source of Islam as they insist arrogantly on their belief in devilish hadiths authored by Al-Bokhary and other writers.

 The Lord God says the following in the Quranic stories about disbelievers: "...and defied the command of their Lord..." (7:77); "But they defied the command of their Lord..." (51:44); "Then, when they defied the commands to refrain, We said to them, “Be despicable apes.”" (7:166); "...Yet they persist in defiance and aversion." (67:21).






'Goo' Scheming?!

Published in May 18, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "Priding themselves on earth, and scheming evil. But evil scheming overwhelms none but its authors..." (35:43). Is there a 'good' scheming, then? Any ideas?  … Thank you …


 No; there is no such thing as 'good' scheming in relation to human behavior; God's schemes is to exact revenge as a form of retribution against evildoers and those who schemed evil. Of course, 35:43 is about disbelievers among the Meccan Qorayish people who plotted and conspired and were arrogant, defiant, haughty, unjust, disobedient sinners who deserved being punished by Allah. "When We make the people taste mercy after some adversity has touched them, they begin to scheme against Our Verses. Say, “God is swifter in scheming.” Our envoys are writing down what you scheme." (10:21); "They made a scheme, and We made a scheme, but they did not notice." (27:50); "Those before them also schemed, but God took their structures from the foundations, and the roof caved in on them. The torment came at them from where they did not perceive." (16:26).    





Misguidance and the Coronavirus Pandemic

Published in May 18, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … Sadly, for the past 20 years of my life, I read so many books by Sunnite (non)Egyptian living and dead authors; they are filled with nothing but myths and lies; I realized at last that the Holy Quran is the Only and Sufficient Source of Islam. The Sunnite authors (e.g., Al-Bokhary) are never objective and they follow their whims..........I am now take pride in being a Quranist...... I feel so depressed as people, even during the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020, grow more sinful and violent and they take pride in this! This ghastly state of affairs is directly linked to the Sunnite Wahabi religion of Satan, I believe.......   … Thank you …    


 Of course, once Muhammad died, the history of the Muhammadans, which is one black, devilish sheet of atrocities, began with the four sinful pre-Umayyad caliphs who initiated the Arab conquests which spread disbelief and rejection of the Quran in the ancient world at the time; the grave sins and heinous crimes of the Arab conquests were 'justified' with devilish hadiths and fiqh; kingdoms and caliphates were established based on such devilish myths; the meanings of Quranic verses have been distorted, warped, and twisted ever since to accommodate the polytheistic Sunnite, Shiite, and Sufi religions of Satan. Such devilish traditions of misguidance have been inherited for centuries. The Lord God has guided our person and purified our heart/soul with the Quran-only Islam, which is the Only True Islam, and this took 30 years of an intellectual journey (1977 – 2007). It was impossible to get rid of mountains of myths with a snap of one's fingers. This topic is discussed in the series of articles we are publishing now. Of course, the Muhammadans, because of their misguidance, are partially destroyed within history by civil wars, famines, plagues...etc. (see our videos bout this topic) and now by the Coronavirus pandemic; we do believe that this pandemic is a form of divine retribution; the Coronavirus is part of the soldiers of the Lord God, we think: "...None knows the soldiers of your Lord except He..." (74:31).           





Adding Ads for Marriage Seekers on our Website?!

Published in May 19, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … Of course, you know that Quranists won't be accepted by most Muhammadans around them; this means that many Quranist women and men would be rejected as marriage partners esp. that they mostly avoid quarrelling about religious matters with non-Quranists; as a single woman who desires to get married to a Quranist man, I propose that your great website should include a forum to place ads of marriage seeking male and female Quranists who desire to form Quranist families; this way Quranists would get to know one another online and then in person........May the Lord God bless and reward you  … Thank you …        


 Launching such a forum is out of question now. This is not a priority within our website; yet, Quranists seeking marriage can write to us and we will publish their data and contacts within the fatwas section; yet, we are never responsible for the outcome of such marriage ads if someone is contacted by the wrong persons.






About the Quranic Verse 11:99

Published in May 19, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … Would you please explain this Quranic verse to me: "They were followed by a curse in this, and on the Day of Resurrection. Miserable is the path they followed." (11:99)? … Thank you …      


This Quranic verse is about Moses' Pharaoh and his people; they will follow a path towards Hell in the Hereafter as their eternal abode; this is the miserable outcome for their evildoing aggression, injustice, and disbelief.





A Message from a Christian Man

Published in May 19, 2020




Question: … Dear Sir, … Peace be with you; I am a Christian man......I'd like to tell you that the Holy Bible is not distorted as most Muslims and most foreign historians and linguists claim; besides, the so-called gospel of Barnabas is an apocryphal text which has nothing to do with the history of Our Lord Jesus Christ; all historians agree that this gospel of Barnabas was authored in the Middle-Ages in Italy and it is based on the heretical views of Arius and Nestor; yet, Muslim publishing houses in the Arab world continue to produce and spread cheap editions of it in Arabic, because this false gospel contains the name of Muhammad. I'd like also to clarify a certain point: the term (Son of God) is figurative; God is not bon or begotten; for all Christians, God is Eternal and Omnipotent. You never like to admit that Islam is unjust towards women; they are never equal to men within Islam; besides, Islam urges hatred and bigotry; it has spread by the sword and bloodshed as Arabs conquered most regions in the ancient world in the 7th and 8th centuries A.D.; Indonesia is the only country where Islam spread peacefully without any wars. It is ironic that fasting during Ramadan, which means to lead a partially ascetic life, is turned into a feast of excessive consumption of food items more than any other days.......... … Thank you for your time  …      


 Peace be with You. You are welcome to our website. We briefly respond to your points. Of course, many specialists in linguistics, history, theology,...etc. agree that the Bible (both the Old Testament and the New Testament) is forged and distorted and it was written by many hands of anonymous authors through the ages. It is never the Word of God. You should focus on refuting the views of such specialists; this is none of our concern. We agree with you that the so-called gospel of Barnabas (downloadable for free in English on this link: is a forgery; it has nothing to do with Islam and it has nothing to do with Jesus Christ whose only true story is found exclusively in the Quran; both the Bible and all apocryphal books have nothing to do with Islam as well. We, of course, respect religious freedom of all people; you can continue deifying mortals as per your own choice; you will be responsible for your religious choice on the Resurrection Day and so are we and all humanity. What you say about Islam has nothing to do with Islam; rather, it has to do with the Muhammadans and their man-made, fabricated, terrestrial religions in their books, traditions, contradictory sharia laws, and behavior. Islam is the Quran only. Christians are named as such as they deify and worship Jesus Christ as a 'savior', 'intercessor', and a 'son' of the Lord God (Glorified and Exalted be the Lord God above such a blasphemous description). Likewise, the Muhammadans worship an imaginary, immortal deity whom they named as (Muhammad) which has nothing to do with the historical Muhammad whose true history is found exclusively in the Quran. The Muhammadans make this deity as an intercessor who would control the Last Day; they worship at a mausoleum dedicated to him in Yathreb, in Arabia, and assume that their deity was created from the Light of the Lord God; this is very much like the strange, blasphemous claim that Jesus was a son of the Lord God. The Muhammadans assume that after the death of Muhammad, he joined the Lord God in the Upper Realm; this is very much like the strange, blasphemous claim that Jesus after his death became enthroned on the right side of the 'Father'. We deny and disbelieve in all such myths. Our mission is to introduce reform to the Muhammadans peacefully through the Quran within our Quranist writings; we never care about reforming Christians or Christianity. Of course, the divisions/doctrines of Christianity resemble very much those of the religions of the Muhammadans; both the Muhammadans and Christians deify and worship clergymen/sheikhs/imams and Middle-Ages authors; both clergymen of both sides wear laughter-inducing garments like clowns. Followers of Christian doctrines declare one another as infidels; so do Shiites and Sunnites among the Muhammadans. Both the Muhammadans and Christians engaged into many wars during the Middle-Ages; remnants of deep-seated hatred between both sides remain still under the ashes, you know. The Lord God's Holy Religion, never known to both the Muhammadans and Christians, is based on peace; (Peace) is one of the Holy Names of the Lord God. Of course, Christians in Europe suffered persecution and compulsion in religion until they became civilized; in contrast, the Muhammadans are still living in backwardness, obscurantism, and fanaticism; they still practice persecution and compulsion in religion amongst themselves and against non-Muhammadans. As a Quranist thinker, we adhere to True Islam (i.e., the Quran only) rejected by the Muhammadans; we believe in absolute religious freedom and justice for all. We believe that the Lord God has sent Muhammad and revealed the Quran to him as a mercy to the humankind and never to terrorize human beings: "We did not send you except as mercy to the humankind." (21:107). In our writings, we prove that Islam (the Quran) is never responsible for crimes committed by the Muhammadans; the Quran is the Criterion to judge against them. They are the enemies of the Quran. Besides, no one dares to claim to represent or embody Islam; even Muhammad does not represent Islam; he was a human being who will be judged like the rest of human beings on the Last Day. Sadly, both the Muhammadans and Christians claim they speak in the Holy Name of the Lord God the Creator; both believe in mythical narratives while assuming them to be divine revelation. We and other Quranist writers ascribe our own views and Quranist ponderings to ourselves and we never claim to have or monopolize the Absolute Truth. We side with those persecuted, weak ones on earth regardless of their denominations, colors, races, nationalities,...etc. We have defended Orthodox Copts of Egypt who are a minority there; we still demand that they have their full citizenship rights within equality and religious freedom. Your email message reminded our person with another message from a Salafist/Wahabi Sunnite man we have received days before and responded to it without publishing it on our website. Both Salafists and Christians, though they hate one another, share one element: they worship and venerate their ancestors; this is sheer polytheism.          




(And) in the Quranic Verse 17:23

Published in May 20, 2020



Question:  … Dear Sir, … The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Your Lord has commanded that you worship none but Him and that you be good to your parents..." (17:23); I noticed a repeated style in Quranic commands; namely, the repetition of (and) & (and that); why is that? .… Thank you …      


 This means, in the Quranic/Arabic style, that the command includes several items; this adds to the element of brevity in the Quranic verses so as the verbs of the commands do not have to be repeated.





Shiites Should Read More within our Archive

Published in May 20, 2020


Question: … I've converted and became a Shiite man because of my pondering on certain Quranic verses:.............. This means that..............; what do you think?… Thank you …   


 You have twisted meanings of these Quranic verses to accommodate Shiite notions by force; you should read within our archive before posing repeated questions; we refer you to our book in English titled "The Quran: Sufficient as a Source of Islamic Legislation", found on the following link:





The Inevitable Shock

Published in May 20, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … Several shocks were experienced by me in my life after I sided at first with Salafists/Wahabis and the terrorists MB members in my country (Sudan); they always warned people against Quranists and Quranism in the 1990s; the very disgusting Wahabi/Salafist/Sunnite notions are so contradictory and so much against human rights.......Their ideal is to worship dead people as deities! I found True Islam only when I read about Quranism; I was shocked to the core when I read the Al-Bokhary book revered very much by Sunnites who never read it..........In my view, the Salafists and the terrorist MB members are worse than the Meccan aggressors and polytheists of Qorayish............ … Thank you …     


 You are more than welcome to our website; of course, it is typical to experience several initial shocks as sacred cows are slaughtered and idols fall one by one. This has been experienced by us through 30 years (1977 – 2007); we have smashed all idols now and purified our mind/soul from all polytheistic myths. The Muhammadans are the worst Umma/nation on earth. We urge you to note how our early writings differ from those authored after 2007 when we launched our Quranism website and declared that Arab conquests are grave sins and heinous crimes which resulted in the emergence Sunnite and Shiite religions which deify the big criminals known as the 'companions' of Muhammad.





To Pray Loudly or in a Low Voice

Published in May 21, 2020


Question: …  Dear Sir, …  What makes Sunnites pray loudly within the dawn, sunset, and night prayers inside mosques and in a low voice in noon and afternoon prayers? Any ideas?  …  Thank you …        


 This pertains to Sunnite nonsense which contradicts the Quran: "...And be neither loud in your prayer, nor silent in it, but follow a course in between." (17:110). You should hear your own voice while praying; this is an enough voice level. Please read our book titled "Between the Quranic Prayers of Muslims and the Devilish Prayers of the Muhammadans".





Muhammad's Prolonged Nightly Prayers

Published in May 21, 2020




Question: … Dear Sir, … Books of traditions and biographies of Prophet Muhammad inform us that he engaged into prolonged nightly extra prayers until his feet ached and that he fasted every Mondays and Thursdays; is this true? Can we follow his footsteps? …  Thank you …


  We have issued many fatwas about extra prayers by night performed by those who seek to be among the pious forerunners on the Last Day. We never believe anything in books of traditions since their authors were never contemporaries of Muhammad; the only true story of Muhammad is found exclusively in the Quran.





Our Intellectual Development as a Quranist Thinker

Published in May 21, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … I loved very much watching your subtitled-into-English YouTube shows titled (Exposing Salafism), (Friday Sermons), and (Quranic Moments); I hate Al-Bokhary book of hadiths very much for his distorting the image of Muhammad and his ridiculing him.........Yet, I don't quite approve of your attacking Aisha, the wife of Muhammad................ …  Thank you …


  Our views on Aisha are true in our 1990 book titled "The Quran: Sufficient as a Source of Islamic Legislation", found on the following link:

 in this book, we prove that stories about Aisha fabricated by Al-Bokhary are untrue; we smashed the idol of Al-Bokhary in this book in an unprecedented manner; years later, we smashed other idols such as sanctifying wives of Muhammad and the so-called companions of Muhammad; we prove through the Quran that the Arab conquests are heinous crimes and grave injustices committed against conquered nations and against the Quran itself. Please wait for our new series of articles about our intellectual journey (1977 – 2007) of smashing idols and slaughtering sacred cows. Please read the following English articles of ours:


 Please read our English book titled (The Unspoken-of History of the Pre-Umayyad 'Righteous' Caliphs) found on the following link:





Mutual Consent and Usury within Trade

Published in May 22, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … So, interest rates (or usury) are OK within trade as per your own view while moneylending at interest rates instead of charities/Zakat to the poor is the prohibited practice as per the Quran; but what about merchants having to agree on compound interest rates and pay fines for belated settling of debts? Are they sinful or not? Any ideas?  …  Thank you … 


 Any trade transactions within mutual consent are OK, provide that no compound interest rates are included. If they are included and one has to accept them, one is not sinful; the sin falls on the unjust party which imposes them on the wronged party among merchants. Of course, free markets makes one choose freely for oneself; many experts in economy propagate the idea of lessening interest rates.

Please read our article, in English, titled (The Usury Battle) found on this link:




Please Read More!

Published in May 22, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … I have only one question to put to you:..........? …  Thank you … 


 Why do not you read more within our archive before posing repeated questions? You will find an answer to your question when you read this article of ours, in English, found on the following link:





Zakat Money Regarding Profits of Bank Deposits

Published in May 22, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … How much should be the amount of Zakat should I pay for profits of my bank deposits in the USA? ..... Any ideas? … Thank you …    


 There are no specified amounts or percentages; this is up to you once you receive any revenues or profits of any kind. We, ourselves, recommend the average percentage of 5% to 10%. We recommend to you reading our book on Zakat and watching our videos on Zakat. The Lord God rewards payers of Zakat/charities in this world and the next; in this world, calamities and losses are kept off by Zakat and the Lord God provides Zakat payers with health, financial profits, and good fortune. We infer this from the following Quranic verses: "Say, “My Lord extends the provision to whomever He wills of His servants, or withholds it. Anything you spend, He will replace it. He is the Best of providers.”" (34:39); "Here you are, being called to spend in the cause of God. Among you are those who withhold; but whoever withholds is withholding against his own soul. God is the Rich, while you are the needy. And if you turn away, He will replace you with another people, and they will not be like you." (47:38).  






It's about Monotheistic Believers Only

Published in May 23, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir,  … As for those who enter into the Barsakh Paradise for their being killed for God's sake, or while serving His cause, as per the Quran, would this include those who believe in hadiths of Al-Bokhary and others and believe in Sufi saints and mausoleums? Any ideas? … Thank you …    


  No; this applies only to monotheistic believers and never to polytheists. This is inferred from the Quranic contexts 2:153-157 & 3:166-174.   





Bathing & Ablution

Published in May 23, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … If I showered or bathed before prayers, would this be enough and I do not have to perform ablution? … Thank you  …  


 Yes; bathing or showering can replace performing ablution.




The Universality of the Quran

Published in May 23, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … Since the Quran is in Arabic, it is intended only for Arabs who are the descendants of Ishmael only, or the Ishmaelites, and not for non-Arabs and not for Israelites...etc. .........What do you think? … Thank you …


 What you say is untrue; the Quran/Islam is the Absolute Truth and the Word of God addressing all human beings (and for jinn; see the Quranic Chapter 72) until the end of days when the Hour comes and they are free to (dis)obey and to (dis)believe. "We did not send you except as mercy to the humankind." (21:107); "Blessed is He who sent down the Criterion upon His servant, to be a warning to humanity." (25:1); "We sent you only universally to all humanity, a herald and warner, but most people do not know." (34:28). We refer you to our article in English found on the following link:

 We also refer you to our book in English titled (An Imaginary CNN Interview with Prophet Muhammad) found on this link:





About the Quranic Verse 7:46

Published in August 7, 2007



Question: … Dear Sir, … Does the term (rijal) in 7:46 refer to men or to those standing on their feet? If they are angels and not human beings as you have written before, does this mean that angels have feet? I thought angels have wings only as per 35:1...... How have you inferred that 7:46, which refers to the Day of Judgment, is talking about angels?! ...........  … Thank you …  


 The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "And between them is a partition, and on the Elevations are rijal (i.e., those standing on their feet) who recognize everyone by their features. They will call to the inhabitants of Paradise, “Peace be upon you.” They have not entered it, but they are hoping. And when their eyes are directed towards the inmates of the Fire, they will say, “Our Lord, do not place us among the unjust people.” And the dwellers of the Elevations will call to rijal they recognize by their features, saying, “Your hoardings did not avail you, nor did your arrogance.” “Are these the ones you swore God will not touch with mercy?” “Enter into Paradise; you have nothing to fear, and you will not grieve.”" (7:46-49). The context here shows clearly that angels, on the Last Day, will be addressing those who deserve Hell and those who deserve Paradise shortly before they enter into their eternal abodes. The term (rijal) literally means (men) when the context distinguishes them from women (e.g., in 2:228, 4:7, 4:32-34, 4:75, an 4:98). Yet, the term (rijal) also means literally in classical Arabic (those standing on their feet) in other Quranic contexts addressing both men and women; e.g., when they are on their feet inside mosques: see 9:108 & 24:37. Men and women on their feet when Yathreb was sieged by the aggressive military troops of the confederates as per 33:23. Of course, the Quran addresses both men and women unless otherwise specified clearly in few contexts. Hence, the term (rijal) in 7:46 refers to angels on their feet; as for wings of the angels in 35:1, it is a figurative style indicating their different speeds while moving through Barsakh levels; angels are not seen by living human beings in this world; they will be seen on the Last Day. The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "Praise be to God, Originator of the heavens and the earth, Maker of the angels messengers with wings - double, triple, and quadruple. He adds to creation as He wills. God is Able to do all things." (35:1).

اجمالي القراءات 3366

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