آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-12-18
Fatwas Part Sixty-Five
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Dawn or Morning Prayers
Published in December 8, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Are we to say Morning prayers or Dawn prayers? … Thank you …
As per the Quranic Chapter 24, we are to use the term Dawn prayers.
Wine Prohibition
Published in December 8, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is the Sunnite claim of gradual prohibition of wine (within three stages) in the Quran true or false? … Thank you …
This is a very wrong notion; in our book about Naskh (which we highly recommend it for you to read!), we assert that the prohibition of wine is mentioned briefly in the Quranic Chapter 7, which was revealed in Mecca, within prohibition of sins, and then, detailed prohibition is mentioned in the Quranic Chapters 2 and 5. The Quranic command to avoid wine is to prohibit it absolutely: we are not to drink it or even come near it.
Performing Missed Prayers
Published in December 9, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … If I missed prayers (e.g., dawn prayers) because I overslept, and I noticed that the following prayers are due (e.g., noon prayers), shall I perform the missed prayers with before the due one or next day in its due time? … Thank you …
You can perform missed prayers anytime you like, but bear in mind that prayers are like debts that MUST be settled before you die; missed prayers are never atoned for or replaced by any other acts of worship at all. This is often forgotten by most people. God says in the Quran: "...the prayer is obligatory for believers at specific times." (4:103).
The Moral Lesson to Be Drawn
Published in December 9, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … You repeat more often that Quranic stories are never a source of sharia legislations but are like parables to draw moral lessons … What are these moral lessons to be learned? How are they gonna be learned and why? … Thank you …
Drawing lessons from the Quranic stories means to pay attention and to take heed of the meaning of monotheistic faith to follow and the meaning of polytheism to avoid; this is how you should ponder the Quranist stories to attain piety in the fear of our Lord God and remember Him all the time.
Islam in Indonesia
Published in December 10, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … You have talked, in one of in your videos, about preaching, spreading, and proselytizing Islam peacefully and never by the sword… Please allow me to pose this question to you: Arabs brag of Arab merchants spreading Islam peacefully in Indonesia and South-Eastern Asia because of their high moralistic level; is that true as per history? Or is it a myth invented by Arab writers now to embellish their image in the West? … Thank you …
This idea is derived or inferred from the relations and mutual immigrations between Arab Yemeni merchants and islands of South-Eastern Asia; to verify if this is true or not is beyond the scope of our specialization field.
Are Quranists Deemed as Shiites or Jews?!
Published in December 10, 2017
Question: … I say that you (the so-called Quranists) are imposters and Jewish agents of evil seeking to undermine and destroy Islam! … … The Jewish, Hebrew roots of your ideas concur with those of the cursed Shiites within their denominations and sects! … You follow the Shiite manipulative manner of casting doubts on Sunna and Hadiths of the Holy Prophet Muhammad to pass off your dirty notions as the truth! … God has fulfilled his Light, despite infidels like you, and He curse you and will make you rot in Hell forever! …
We sincerely hope that you will keep adhering to your religion; we implore the Almighty to guide us to His Straight Path. Is adhering only to the Quran would be a reason to deem Quranists as Shiites or Jews? God says in the Quran: "And say to those who do not believe, "Act according to your ability; and so will we." "And wait; we too are waiting." To God belongs the future of the heavens and the earth, and to Him all authority goes back. So worship Him, and rely on Him. Your Lord is never unaware of what you do." (11:121-123).
Jerusalem and Crusaders
Published in December 11, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Have you written any historical research about Saladin, crusaders, and Jerusalem? … Thank you …
At one time, we have authored five books, as an Azharite assistant professor, to teach them to our students at Al-Azhar University, History Department, in 1985, and one of them (which is lost now, regrettably) is titled "Raids of the Mongols and Crusaders". Because of these five books, we were suspended from work and interrogated in an inquisition-like manner at Al-Azhar University, before we left it in 1987. The five books, printed in Cairo, are confiscated and lost; we have rewritten some of them; but the one whose title is "Raids of the Mongols and Crusaders" has never been rewritten after we lost it.
We Are Still Dreaming of a Quranist Mosque!
Published in December 11, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … I admire your Quranist school of thought very much because it represents modernized, peaceful Islam that copes with contemporary life; this is the Islam I've been looking for … When will you inaugurate a mosque for Quranists in VA? … Thank you …
This wish has not come true yet.We have performed congregational Friday prayers with our fellow Quranists inside our home and our small garden in Springfield, VA, and videoed the Friday sermons we delivered at the time; they are subtitled now into English within our YouTube channel. We are still dreaming of building a Quranist mosque. May God comes to the aid of us all. We refer you to our articles about this issue (in English) on these links: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=14223/http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=128).
Stay in Canada and Do Not Return
Published in December 12, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm very glad that your great website made me learn the True Islam I've been looking for … I am at Canada at present and feel safe, secure, and enjoy having a good life, a good work, good friends, etc. within good values of the West. Yet, I failed in my education here! My stay is no longer legal! I do not want to return to my native country! Another problem is that I am the only son to my parents; I'm 28 years old and Mom did not tell anyone that I am in Canada at first, as she fears the envious eye! She has given me all her money to help me complete my education in Canada; she did not even tell my father unless after I took the plane! I feel guilty that I had not the chance to see my parents for the last time! Dad urges me to come back home! I feel that Canada is my homeland. I am a very truthful person; I cannot use loopholes in the law to stay legally by marrying any woman whom I do not love or to feign being persecuted at my native country; no one knows there that I'm a Quranist. The contrast between Canadian life and life at my native country is so huge; I feel at home here and I do not want to leave, but what shall I do to make my stay here legal and last for the rest of my lifetime?! … I share my story to make people learn from my experience …Thank you for your time …
Our dear son, we think you need to stay in Canada to complete your education and to get rid of the corrupt traditions and customs of your native country. All of us gradually got rid of the corrupt traditions and customs of our native countries when we settled in our new homeland in the West; the West culture and values are nearer to the Quranic ones. Sadly, the Muhammadans have never derived any moralistic values of the Quran, as they have abandoned the Quran. try to get a legal stay in Canada and make it your real homeland. If you return to your native Arab country, after knowing true Islam (i.e., Quranism), you will regret your return and you will really feel homesick.
A Question of Inheritance
Published in December 12, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … I and my siblings have witnessed the troubles in our parents' marriage; at one point, my father divorced my mother and he got married two weeks later. Yet, both my father and my elder married brother (who had wife and children) died in a car accident, as they were traveling together, after they were hospitalized; this occurred two months ago … My father's wife demands her share of inheritance; the preacher at our mosque insists that my mother has no share because my father divorced her before he died! What about shares of my late brother's wife and children? I have two sisters; how would be their shares and mine? This is too complicated, I know; any advice? … Thank you …
Firstly: before distributing inheritance shares:
1- Make sure if your late father's wife is pregnant or not; she has her due share and so is her male or female baby when it is born. Of course, a male gets a share equal to the shares of two females within all of the progeny of the deceased man (i.e., your father).
2- Please verify who died first in hospital: your brother or your father. If your father died first, even minutes before your brother, then your late brother's share from his father is to be distributed as 1/8 for his widow and the rest for his children; besides they inherit your brother's possession and money owned by him during his lifetime: similarly, 1/8 for his widow and the rest for his children. If your late brother died BEFORE your father, no inheritance share from your father would be received by your brother's widow and her children.
Secondly: your mother must receive her share because she was during her three-month waiting period after the verbal divorce which was not registered yet in paper (as this should be done AFTER the waiting period); i.e., she was still his wife and she is now her widow; both she and his other widow must share the 1/8 of your father's inheritance, each would have half of this percentage.
The Kurds and Islam
Published in December 13, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a Kurd and I ask you if you ever have written about the Kurdish people and how they converted to Islam; did this happen by the sword or by being convinced to convert? What do you think? … Thank you …
Within our writings about the caliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattab and how he is deified in the Sunnite religion, we have criticized his leading Arab troops to invade the regions of the Kurds and how Arab conquerors massacred them and stole their possessions, money, and lands. Later on, the Kurds converted to the religion of Qorayish and NOT to Islam. But now, some Kurds have converted to Islam (i.e., Quranism).
About Quranic Moments
Published in December 13, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … I admire very much your subtitled-into-English YouTube show "Quranic Moments" … I would like you, in coming episodes, to debunk more myths, such as the second coming of Jesus, the awaited Mehdi, the Anti-Christ, and the torment of the grave … Thank you …
All in good time; be patient. We are planning to produce 1000 episodes of our YouTube show "Quranic Moments" and we tackle in them all topics of major importance, including the ones in which you are interested.
Holy Epithets of The Lord
Published in December 14, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Why does God make in the Quran certain Holy Names/Epithets for Himself? … Thank you …
True believers must never ask God about His deeds. "He will not be questioned about what He does..." (21:23). Thus, God has given Himself certain Epithets and Names in the Quranic text in a way to make us understand.
Muhammad's Mother
Published in December 14, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it a historical fact that the name of the mother of Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah is (Aminah)? … Thank you …
It is a historical fact; yet, historical narratives/facts are relative; i.e., they might be true or false. Anyway, this is NOT part of religion, since God does not mention this in the Quranic text.
Please Read Our Archives
Published in December 15, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Have you written anything before about Jerusalem and the Farthest Mosque? … Thank you …
We refer you to our two books titled "The Night-Journey Is The Night of Decree" and "The Second Major Arab Civil War"; please read our entire archive of writings before posing FAQs to save our time.
Asking for our Help
Published in December 15, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … We are a charity institution in Morocco and need you financial help and donations to provide water to poor villages … our phone numbers are....... … Thank you …
We are impecunious, if you do not know; we hope charitable rich people would donate to your honorable institution.
The Belief in God and His Scriptures
Published in December 15, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … You have written before that the Gospel given to Jesus by God is nonexistent now; how come that the Quran wants believers to believe in all Scriptures of God such as the Gospel, Torah, etc. while they do not exist? … Besides, what if one does not believe in the gospels in the New Testament?… Thank you …
We have written that the Quran indicates that the true, authentic Gospel and the Torah used to exist in Arabia at the time when the Quran descended/revealed to Muhammad. In later eras, both books have not existed for unknown reasons, except that they have been hidden, especially after the caliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattab expelled all Arab Jews and Christians out of Arabia (for more information about this crime of Omar, please read our article, in English, on the topic on the following link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=17406). We are commanded by God in the Quran to believe in God, all His Scriptures/Books, though we do not know their texts, and messengers/prophets, though we do not know all of their names and stories.
Avoiding the Taghut Called Hadiths
Published in December 17, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Days ago, I was engaged in a task of reconciliation between my Sunnite male relative and his wife; this male relative of mine was in the wrong; after talking to both sides separately, I kept preaching my relative about kind treatment to one's wife as per the Quranic verses. Because he is a Sunnite, I quoted to him some hadiths that urge husbands to treat their wives kindly, without ascribing such hadiths to Prophet Muhammad … I am a Quranist, of course, and I never believe in hadiths, but I feel guilty for having to quote hadiths! Have I committed a mistake or a grave error for quoting hadiths in such a situation when I have been among non-Quranists? I keep thinking about what I have done! Was it OK or not?! … Thank you for your time …
May God bless and reward you for reconciling a husband and a wife. Yet, you have done a great wrong to feign being a believer in devilish revelations/falsehoods called hadiths, which are Taghut (i.e., tyranny of adding, by force, Satanist narratives to religion and ascribing them to God or His prophets/messengers). Real believers are commanded in the Quran to avoid Taghut. It is OK to quote great words of thinkers, philosophers, writers of literature, etc. as the their words are never part of religion or attributed falsely to Muhammad or to God. Even ascribing apparently 'good' or 'positive' narratives to God or to Muhammad is a very grave sin; God's religion (i.e., the Quran) is never lacking and therefore never needs any words of mortals to supposedly 'complete' it. You should have quoted only Quranic verses in the situation you have described. Reconciling Sunnite people together is hardly an excuse for you to quote the cursed, silly Sunnite hadiths; would your relative discard Quranic verses and be convinced only by hadiths?! Real believers are to avoid saying Taghut falsehoods; avoidance is not done by you when you have mentioned hadiths without ascribing them to Muhammad; people who hear hadiths know implicitly that they are attributed to Muhammad, even if you have not said so. Such hadiths are never uttered by Muhammad; they are never part of his personal history, as they are merely fabrications written down during the Abbasid Era as you know. The only true words of Muhammad are mentioned in the Quran within some verses that contain the expressions (Say,...) or (They ask you about.......Say,...); as such Quranic verses show how God has commanded him to say certain utterances and phrases. We refer you to our book about Quranic verses containing these expressions.
We Agree Wholeheartedly with You
Published in December 17, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … After some hesitation, I've decided to write this email to you; the level of some Quranist writers who write articles (in Arabic) and publish them on your great website has deteriorated; some of them do not know anything about the Arabic tongue, and their analysis or pondering of the Quranic verses is both erroneous and laughter-inducing; for instance............. This shows their ignorance, of course. These writers, in fact, violate the Quranist methods you have taught us via your website to ponder the Quran! I do not expect such writers to be experts in Arabic grammar or linguistics, but some articles are really ridiculous and infuriating because they distort and twist meanings of the Quranic verses! … Their articles are very insulting to the Quran! I sincerely advise you to remove such articles from your website so as not to tarnish its image as the only respectable Quranist website within the cyberspace and to avoid their turning novices off, among Arabs, who desire to learn about Quranism as the True Islam … Thank you …
We agree wholeheartedly with you; you are perfectly right. The problem lies in the fact that we have in vain warned such writers many times, and we have told them to remove or change their articles. When we, ourselves, have removed some of their articles that contain flagrant violations of the Quranic facts long established by Quranists, they protested and accused us of not respecting their freedom of expression. Sadly, some novices never desire nor are they ready to learn from our archive of writings especially regarding how to ponder the Quran; they are only keen on writing articles. They are a real burden within our website and we would like them to stop writings articles and to engage into extensive reading and studying of our archive to ameliorate their level, or else, we will remove all their articles and prevent them from writing on our website ever again, as we have done before to some persons years ago.
Sunnite Authors of Hadiths
Published in April 22, 2007
Question: … Dear Sir, … Do you think that Sunnite scholars who have authored and fabricated hadiths and ascribed them to Prophet Muhammad are warned and threatened in advance by God in this verse: "So woe to those who write the Scripture with their own hands, and then say, "This is from God," that they may exchange it for a little price. Woe to them for what their hands have written, and woe to them for what they earn." (2:79)? … Thank you
Of course, this verse applies perfectly to them as they have ascribed their falsehoods and fake narratives to Islam and to God's sharia. More details about this topic are found in our book titled "Disobedient 'Muslims': Are They Going to Get out of Hell to Enter into Paradise?".
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5171 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,739,330 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,479 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,871 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
القاموس القرآنى عن ( الاستعجال )
الفصل الثانى : الاجتهاد فى التدبر القرآنى وفى الاسلام والكفر والعبادات
القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
دعوة للتبرع
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