آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2020-04-25
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Fifty-Nine
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Scientific Knowledge of the Creation of the Earth and Universe
Published in April 16, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … The Lord God says the following in the Quran about mountains: "And the earth, how We spread it out, and set on it mountains..." (50:7); I know the Quran is 100% true, but you said before in one of your books that 50:7 indicates that the mountains might have been formed by gases coming from outer space; yet, geology proves to us that the movements of the tectonic plates might be the cause of formation of mountains.........What do you think? … Thank you …
Of course, the scientific knowledgeof the creation of the earth and the universe is limited since no human beings witnessed such creation: "I did not call them to witness the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor their own creation..." (18:51); hence, we believe that scientists know only limited information about creation and about any phenomena and some of their scientific theories are proven wrong later on and are rejected and replaced by new theories; the Omniscience of the Lord God in the Quran which is His Word of the Absolute Truth is above and beyond human knowledge about anything: "Would He not know, He Who created? He is the Refined, the Expert. It is He who made the earth manageable for you, so travel its regions, and eat of His provisions. To Him is the Resurgence." (67:14-15); "...and you were given only little knowledge." (17:85); "...but most people do not know.They know an outer aspect of the worldly life, but they are heedless of the Hereafter. Do they not reflect within themselves? God did not create the heavens and the earth, and what is between them, except with the Truth, and for a specific duration. But most people, regarding meeting their Lord, are disbelievers." (30:6-8). Of course, science now begins to prove scientific indications in the Quran which was revealed 14 centuries ago. Please read our books, in English, about the relation between science and the Quran, on the following links:
More Shiite Balderdash
Published in April 16, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … The Shiite notion of Imamism among household members of Prophet Muhammad, within descendants of his daughter Fatima, is proven in the Quran since the term (People of the House) refers to the Kaaba and those who lived near it in Mecca and since Prophet Muhammad is a descendant of Abraham whose progeny are made imams: "And when his Lord tested Abraham with certain words, and he fulfilled them. He said, “I am making you a imam of humanity.” He said, “And my descendants?” He said, “My pledge does not include the unjust ones.”" (2:124). .......... What do you think? … Thank you …
The male sender of the above email message is twisting the meanings of Quranic verses and Quranic terms to prove his Shiite balderdash; in several writings of ours, we prove through our Quranist methodology of research that the Quranic term (people of the house) means any wife/wives; we quote this fatwa of ours followed by the link of its page: (In many Quranic contexts, the term "people" refers ONLY to one's wife or wives within the unique Quranic tongue. The Lord God says the following to Muhammad (who was a descendant of Ishmael): "And exhort your people to pray, and patiently adhere to it..." (20:132); the term "people" here refers ONLY to Muhammad's wives. This meaning is asserted in this verse about Abraham's first wife who bore him Isaac as angels told her the following when glad tidings reached her that she will give birth to a son: "They said, "Do you marvel at the decree of God? The mercy and blessings of God are upon you, O people of the house..." (11:73). The expression "people of the house" refers to Abraham's wife and, therefore, to any wives in general within any household. In contrast, Abraham's words in the following verse refer to his first son and second wife together and not to his second wife only; this is why the terms "people" and "people of the house" are not employed here: ""Our Lord, I have settled some of my offspring in a valley of no vegetation, by Your Sacred House..." (14:37).) (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=19813). The male sender of the above email message is among those who purposefully distort meanings of the Quranic verses to accommodate any desired notions and whims. Those who are sick at heart are losers and their loss increases when they read the Quran to warp the meanings of its terminology in desperate attempts to 'prove' false notions of their terrestrial religions; the Quran is a mercy and healing only for those who believe in it as the Only Discourse in Islam: "We send down in the Quran healing and mercy for the believers, but it increases the unjust ones only in loss." (17:82). The following Quranic verse applies to Shiites like the male sender of the above email message: "It is He who made you successors on earth. Whoever disbelieves, his disbelief will recoil upon him. The disbelief of the disbelievers adds only to their Lord's disfavor of them. The disbelief of the disbelievers adds only to their perdition." (35:39).
"And that the human being attains only what he strives for." (53:39)
Published in April 17, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … I have recently read the following English articles of yours (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=17003+ http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=17026 + http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=17015) and I have a main question: When a misguided clergyman/sheikh issues a corrupt fatwa which is against the Quranic sharia legislations, the burdens/sins he carries includes the ones of those who obeyed him and applies his corrupt fatwa; what about those who applied such corrupt fatwa after the death of this sheikh? Would such sins be added to his own sins? Any ideas? … Thank you …
No; the Book of Deeds of a dead soul is closed and sealed forever and no one can add sins to it; misguided sheikhs carry sins/burdens of those who follow their misguidance only during the lifetimes of such sheikhs while they performed (mis)deeds and they will experience the result of it in the Hereafter: "And that the human being attains only what he strives for." (53:39). We have answered such a question before in previous fatwas and YouTube videos. Let us repeat here this example from one of our videos: If misguiding/misguided sheikhs issued terrorist fatwas to incite others to massacre people, they are partners in crime/sin when someone would obey them and massacre innocent ones within a terrorist operation; this is when both the misguided/misguiding sheikhs and their followers/criminal(s) are alive since their Books of Deeds are still open: "So let them carry their burdens complete on the Day of Resurrection, and some of the burdens of those they misguided without knowledge. Evil is what they carry." (16:25). Notice the present tense employed in 16:25. If the misguided/misguiding sheikhs are dead now and criminals read their terrorist fatwas and apply it, the dead sheikhs do not carry the burden/sin along with the criminals themselves since the Books of Deeds of the dead sheikhs are closed forever and no one can add anything to them; 53:39 is about striving or performing (mis)deeds while one is alive and their sins, committed when they were alive, will be burdens they carry on the Last Day: "Losers are those who deny the encounter with God. Then, when the Hour comes upon them suddenly, they will say, “Alas for us, how we have neglected it.” And they will carry their burdens on their backs - evil is what they carry." (6:31).
About Solomon in 38:30-33
Published in April 17, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … Regarding the Quranic context 38:30-33 about Solomon, some Middle-Ages authors of books of exegeses or commentaries/interpretation assume that Solomon slaughtered the horses by cutting their necks or hooves with his sword in a fit of rage since they were the cause to make him forget the remembrance of the Lord God; this is illogical, I think, and the horses are not to blame; how come a messenger of Allah would do that?! ........ What do you think? … Thank you …
The Lord God says the following in the Quran within praising Solomon: "And We granted David, Solomon, an excellent servant. He was penitent. When the beautiful horses were paraded before him in the evening. He said, “I have preferred the love of bounties to the remembrance of my Lord - until it disappeared behind the veil. Bring them back to me.” And he began caressing their legs and necks." (38:30-33); the meaning is clear enough; when he examined his horses in his stable, he praised the Lord God for bounties He bestowed on them; later on, he used his hand to examine and admire his horses; Solomon's penitence is that whenever he would forget to remember/glorify the Lord God, he would readily remember and praise and thank Him for the bounties He bestowed on him. There is no mention at all in this Quranic context of the lie you have quoted from books of exegeses. Please, our dear son, do not pay heed to anything within the lies/myths and falsehoods authored by the polytheistic Sunnite writers about their so-called 'interpreting' the Quran; you should ponder on the Quranic verses using your own mind.
About the Quranic Verse 23:54
Published in April 18, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … What is meant by this Quranic verse: "So leave them in their heedlessness until a time." (23:54)? … Thank you …
The Quranic verse 23:54 indicates that monotheistic believers should leave the misguided, heedless, ignorant ones alone when they are stubborn and never desire to be convinced with the Quranic Truth; they will soon realize how wrong and sinful they had been once they die after the passage of their temporary duration of life on earth; the same meaning is asserted here: "But their hearts are heedless because of this; and they have deeds that do not conform to this, which they continue to perpetrate." (23:63); "Those who are dazed in heedlessness." (51:11). This is about those who are heedless of the Quranic Truth and they ignore it on purpose.
About Ramadan-Fasting, Again!
Published in April 18, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … Ramadan is drawing near and I wonder if one would (not) fast during these times of the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020; where I live, in Iraq, Sunnites and Shiites differ regarding deciding the first day and last day of Ramadan, as both groups are rivals and enemies of each other; no one there knows I am a Quranist man; I conceal this fact to avoid being persecuted; what about celebrating the Lesser Bairam after Ramadan? Does this pertains to Islam or not? Is there an obligatory Zakat paid once Ramadan-fasting is over? Or is this a Sunnite myth? Other questions by me about Ramadan include the following:....................Any ideas? … Thank you …
May the Lord God bless and protect you and all Quranists in the Arab world. No pandemics are excuses for disregarding the fasting during Ramadan unless one is very ill/weak and has to eat; we refer you to our book on fasting and our YouTube subtitled-into-English episodes about fasting and Zakat; there is nothing called Zakat of Ramadan; one pays charity/Zakat once one gets any income; there is nothing called pre-dawn meal in Ramadan; you should follow astronomic calculations about the beginning and end of Ramadan days; fasting begins in dawn and ends in sunset, of course. We hope no one would send us repeated questions about Ramadan-fasting before reading within our archive of books, articles, and fatwas and watching our videos.
About the Coronavirus, Again!
Published in April 18, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … How would you explain the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020 as far as your Quranism is concerned? Has the Lord God predicted such a type of dangers/threats that would end the lives of thousands of thousands of people? If so, how? Any ideas? … Thank you …
In a previous fatwa, we have mentioned that the Coronavirus may be among the soldiers of the Lord God on earth to rest humanity within the fate of adversity: "...None knows the soldiers of your Lord except He..." (74:31); here are the links for our two subtitled-into-English videos about the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020
About Mehdi Who Never Comes!
Published in April 19, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … I have Quranic evidence about the emergence of the Holy Imam Al-Mehdi in the future............. Do you have other interpretations for these Quranic verses I've quoted? … Thank you …
You, like all Shiites, Sufis, and Sunnites, distort, warp, and twist meanings of the Quranic verses on purpose to accommodate your myths and faulty notions; the so-called Mehdi is a myth and is never part of Islam; otherwise, it would have been mentioned in the Quran plainly like other Quranic predictions. The myth of Mehdi is taken, we think, from the Christian myth of the so-called second coming of Jesus Christ. The Quran does not mention Mehdi/Mahdi nor when and where this mythical figure (deified by Sufis, Sunnites, and Shiites alike!) would appear; besides, the hadiths ascribed to Muhammad about Mehdi are false hadiths; Muhammad never uttered any hadiths at all; he never heard of such hadiths; he had no measure of omniscience; he never predicted the future: "Say, “I do not say to you that I possess the treasuries of God, nor do I know the future..." (6:50). All hadiths ascribed to Muhammad after his death are devilish lies and falsehoods which have nothing to do with Islam; the Quran is the Lord God's Word which will remain until the Hour takes place. The Quran is not meant to serve or assert (by force!) your Shiite myths like the one about the so-called Mehdi. The devilish revelations/hadiths and laughter-inducing myths are the basis of the Shiite, Sunnite, and Sufi religions of Satan; they share common element's like worshiping tombs/mausoleums, containing dust and bones deified by polytheists, and the myth of the so-called Mehdi which never comes; he will never show up because it exists only in the imagination of the misguided, polytheistic Muhammadans.
We pose these questions to you: When and where Mehdi would emerge? Could you kindly tell us?! Would he come on horseback, on a camel, by plane, or on a train?! Does he live now? Where?! How old is he?! Does he pay taxes?! Is the date of his emergence known? When? Is this date calculated by the Persian solar calendar or the Arab Lunar calendar? How?! How should we receive this Mehdi? By prostration or by throwing eggs and rotten tomatoes at him for his belated emergence?! Should we throw a bash on his honor to celebrate his presence or would the policemen arrest, imprison, and beat him severely once he appears?! Indeed, Shiites like you are like misguided cattle!
Another Message from the Same Shiite Jack-Ass
Published in April 20, 2020
Question: … That you denied the Quranic verses I've quoted to you which allude to the imminent emergence of the Holy Imam the Awaited Al-Mehdi means that you deny and reject the entirety of the Quran and your fate is Hell if you do not repent before you die. ................ …
We quote to you here a hadith from the book titled (Al-Kafi) by the Shiite imam/author Al-Kulayni, and if you deny it, you will be magically transformed into a jackass for your un-awaited cursed deity named Mehdi to ride on way to Iran and Iraq: [The Imam Ali said that the donkey of the Messenger Muhammad spoke to the Messenger Muhammad, saying, after praising him, that his ancestor was the donkey in Noah's Ark and Noah predicted to him that one of his descendants would be the donkey to carry the best human being and the master of all messengers of Allah; the donkey said to the Messenger Muhammad that it is a happy blessed creature to be this donkey predicted by Noah.] (Al-Kafi, vol. 1 p. 237). The Shiite male sender of the above message is a jackass, but if he would have very good luck, he will grow up and become a donkey once the Coronavirus pandemic would end, we suppose!
The Deluge in the Quran
Published in April 20, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … What is the difference in meaning regarding the deluge mentioned in the Quran twice (1) within the story of Noah, and (2) within the story of Moses' Pharaoh? Any ideas? … Thank you …
In the case of Moses' Pharaoh, the deluge was local and confined to Egypt as a partial destruction or torment to Moses' Pharaoh and his evil people for a limited period of time; it was a destructive deluge and not the good one which annually helped in the agricultural process (before building the High Dam in Egypt in the 1960s): "So We let loose upon them the deluge, and the locusts, and the lice, and the frogs, and blood - all explicit signs - but they were too arrogant. They were a criminal people." (7:133). In the case of Noah, the deluge covered the entire Planet Earth: "Noah said, "My Lord, do not leave of the unbelievers a single dweller on earth. If You leave them, they will mislead your servants, and will breed only wicked unbelievers." (71:26-27); we prove this fact in Chapters IV & VII within our book, in English, titled (An Imaginary CNN Interview with Prophet Muhammad), found on the following link:
We refer you also to this article of ours in English:
Noah was a second Adam to humanity after the deluge:
An Honest Messenger & Self-Praise
Published in April 21, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … The term (honest messenger) is repeated many times in the Quranic Chapter 26 in Quranic stories as messengers describe themselves with it; is this not a hated self-praise or self-recommendation by claiming purity? What do you think? ...... Of course, you are quite aware of these Quranic verses: "Have you not considered those who claim purity for themselves? Rather, God purifies whom He wills, and they will not be wronged a whit." (4:49); "...So do not acclaim your own virtue; He is fully aware of the pious ones." (53:32). … Thank you …
You are certainly mistaken; the term (honest messenger) does NOT mean any self-praise of one's soul or bragging of one's soul's piety or virtue; it simply means that the messengers conveyed honestly the Divine Message revealed to them by the Lord God; the same term (honest) is employed to describe Gabriel here who carried the Quran to Muhammad's soul/heart: "Obeyed and honest." (81:21); "The Honest Spirit came down with it. Upon your heart, that you may be one of the warners." (26:193-194). Moses said the following to the people of Pharaoh: "...I am an honest messenger to you.”" (44:18). There is no self-praise or bagging of piety here, of course.
Avoiding Sickness!
Published in April 21, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … I have the deepest fear or phobia because of the Coronavirus pandemic! I keep having many nightmares that I will be dying of it soon! I know that death is inevitable, but I hate ailments and illnesses of any kind esp. that I suffer a weak/sickly constitution; I have been ill for years because of my bad state of health; my poor immune system would not be able to handle the Coronavirus pandemic which has spread worldwide! How should one avoid such deadly sickness?! Obsessions fill my mind now; I never venture out of my house. ......... If I am destined to die of this pandemic, can such fate be thwarted?! How?! ......... I can no longer sleep because of my nightmares! What am I supposed to do?! Any advice?! ....... … Thank you …
We are deeply moved by the above email message; we assert here that the preordained fate/test of adversity by sickness is inevitable; this occurs to everyone at one time or the other; there are those who are taken ill for a brief time or for a prolonged time; of course, death is the inevitable fate imposed by the Lord God on all mortals. In the case of sickness, it is lessened and/or removed and can be healed; one is delivered from it by ardent prayers and fervent supplications linked with paying charity/zakat donations to those who deserve it and to donate money to serve the Lord God's cause within peaceful, intellectual jihad for the sake of Islam. Many provisions/earnings granted to one by the Lord God include avoiding painful ailments and deadly accidents when one pays money for charity for the Lord God's sake while seeking to gratify Him; hence, reasonable monotheists think that way: To pay money beforehand for God's sake and while serving His cause is better than spending money on physicians and medicine. This is a lesson to be heeded by monotheists, who take heed of the Hereafter, in this days of the Coronavirus pandemic which threatens all people worldwide.
The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "And give from what We have provided for you, before death approaches one of you, and he says, “My Lord, if only You would delay me for a short while, so that I may be charitable, and be one of the righteous ones." But God will not delay a soul when its time has come. God is Informed of what you do." (63:10-11); "Whatever misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned; and yet He pardons much." (42:30); "Who is he who will offer God a generous loan, so He will multiply it for him manifold? God receives and amplifies, and to Him you will be returned. " (2:245); "Say, “My Lord extends the provision to whomever He wills of His servants, or withholds it. Anything you spend, He will replace it. He is the Best of providers.” " (34:39); "If you lend God a good loan, He will multiply it for you, and will forgive you. God is Appreciative and Forbearing." (64:17).
About the Quranic Verse 2:200
Published in April 22, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … What is meant by this Quranic phrase: "...Among the people is he who says, “Our Lord, give us in this world,” yet he has no share in the Hereafter." (2:200)? Any ideas? … Thank you …
This Quranic phrase is about those whose focus is on this transient world and they are heedless of their real future: eternity in the Hereafter; they have no share in Paradise in the Hereafter if they die as such. This is in contrast to the stance of the pious monotheists: "And among them is he who says, “Our Lord, give us goodness in this world, and goodness in the Hereafter, and protect us from the torment of the Fire.” These will have a share of what they have earned. God is swift in Judgment." (2:201-202). By the way, this is about those who work in sorcery/witchcraft to harm others: "...Yet they knew that whoever deals in it will have no share in the Hereafter..." (2:102); the same applies to hypocrites and disbelievers who have no share in Paradise and their only share is brief enjoyment in this transient world: "Like those before you. They were more powerful than you, and had more wealth and children. They enjoyed their share, and you enjoyed your share, as those before you enjoyed their share. And you indulged, as they indulged. It is they whose works will fail in this world and in the Hereafter. It is they who are the losers." (9:69); the same applies to clergymen of Satan: "Those who exchange the covenant of God, and their vows, for a small price, will have no share in the Hereafter, and God will not speak to them, nor will He look at them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them. They will have a painful torment." (3:77)
Seeing the Angels of Death
Published in April 22, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … I've recently read your book titled "The Book of Death" (found in English on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=120), but I have two question: Did the People of the Cave in the Quranic Chapter 18 see the angels of death before their death-like deep slumber of 309 years? Did the prophet (unnamed in the Quran) in 2:259 who died/slept for 100 years see the angels of death? Any ideas? … Thank you …
The answer to both questions is no. The deep slumber in both cases was not their final destination of death: no one dies twice; of course, the Quran likens deep slumber to death and waking up is likened to the Resurrection. Seeing the angels of death (who are ethereal Barsakh creatures) means inevitably never returning back to life since the souls return to Barsakh (until the Resurrection Day) and leave the human bodies forever. Please read also our two English books, for more details, found on these two links:
Holy Ignorance Cherished by the Muhammadans
Published in April 23, 2020
Question: … You are not among the Quran adherents at all! You are among the enemies of the Quran who seek to undermine it and to destroy Islam and its Purified, Holy Sunna of its Holy Eternal Messenger Muhammad! Why do not you spend more time refuting Shiite books instead of seeking to ridicule Sunnite books?! The Sunna is part of the Holy Revelation granted to the Holy Messenger Muhammad whether you like it or not! ..... You will die one day and your school of thought will end like bubbles of soap and vanish like froth! May Allah curse you in this world and in the Hereafter!............ …
This email message by an angry Sunnite ignoramus reflects the failure of Sunnites to refute/debunk Quranism (i.e., the Quran-only Islam) as the Only True Islam. The male sender of the above email message has the nerve to demand from our person to dedicate some time to refute Shiite books; this means Sunnites fail to do so themselves. They have nothing left to do but to send us hate mail to insult our person instead of discussing our Quranist views. Sunnites fail in calm discussions as they fail in everything else. They cherish their 'holy' ignorance of thousands of books of heritage inherited from their Middle-Ages misguided/misguiding authors of fiqh and hadiths; they never stop for a moment to think how such books contradict the Holy Quran itself. The mentality of such Sunnites who send us hate mail reflects obscurantism, fanaticism, and ignorance; they never try to calmly read and discuss our writings. Anyway, we respect the religious freedom of all people; we respect the freedom of the male sender of the above email message to be a misguided/misguiding Sunnite jackass and ignoramus. We wait for the Lord God's Judgment on such people and on our person on the Last Day; He will settle our religious differences and disputes on the Day of Judgment.
A Confused Hater of Quranism
Published in April 23, 2020
Question: … You are no followers of the Holy Quran! You are a leader of the wicked, cursed apostates, Shiites, and Mu'tazala! You are among the archenemies of Islam, seeking to destroy it!......Your fate is Hell!........... …
The male sender of this email message is in a muddle and aim – in vain – at confusing our person: How come that we belong to both Shiites and Al-Mu'tazala philosophers at the same time? How come that we belong simultaneously to apostates, then? The ignorant male sender of this email message does not know that Al-Mu'tazala philosophers rejected all Sunnite and Shiite hadiths; Quranists follow the Quran and do not impose their own views on it like what Al-Mu'tazala philosophers did when they followed their own whims. Why do not this person who insults us beg, on our behalf, for any community he mentions in his message to accept our joining them?! Such silly messages reflect the inability of the Muhammadans to debunk/refute Quranism as the Only True Islam.
A Simple Help Sought by our Person
Published in April 24, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … Let me seize this chance of this 1st day of the fasting month to offer you my sincere wishes for a happy Ramadan filled with piety...........My suggestion to you is to collect all your invaluable fatwas in one section/page, one e-book, or, preferably, a paperback book to be an excellent reference to the coming generations of Quranists; you know that websites might vanish or be damaged by hackers; I hope all your great writings and books would appear in print under your own supervision one day...........I have one question: Why do I notice different, contradicting views by Quranist writers on your website regarding their ponderings on the Quranic verses? ......... … Thank you …
Thank you very much for your email message. In fact, some of our fellow Quranists in Jordan have grouped together most fatwas in Arabic in one PDF file available online for free; may the Lord God bless and reward them. Mr. Amin Rifaat, one of our dear Egyptian-American Quranists, publishes online our PDF books in English and in Arabic via amazon.com and also here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AhmedSubhyMansourBooks
As for translated-into-English fatwas, they are translated by the Quranist Egyptian translator Mr. Ahmed Fathy into numbered groups of 20 fatwas each, and we publish them on our own English page on our website (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/profile.php?main_id=1). We have requested from our 3rd son and webmaster, Mr. Amir Mansour, to work out a way to group all fatwas together so that they could be displayed and browsed easily.
As for differences in views and ponderings, this is a healthy phenomenon; on our website, each Quranist writer has the right to freely express their own views and ponderings as long as no hadiths or fiqh views are quoted except to be refuted. We seek a simple help from you and from other Quranists: you should help spread links of our website (articles, books, and videos) via cyberspace to reach out for as many people as possible; more people are disillusioned now regarding their Sufi, Sunnite, and Shiite religions of Satan and seek reform and enlightenment by finding what True Islam is; they might not find our website unless its link would spread within cyberspace. This simple help is a kind of cooperation for the sake of gratifying the Lord God by serving Islam.
The Marriage of Moses
Published in April 24, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … In the Quranic story of Moses, the good, old man (who became the father-in-law of Moses) does not demand a dowry and no contract is written; the marriage is in return for working with the old man for 8 or 10 years; there are no witnesses within this marriage as well.........What do you think? … Thank you …
Firstly, Quranic stories are NEVER a source of religious legislation in Islam; we have asserted this fact many times before. Lastly, the context of 28:24-28 is NOT about a marriage contract but a marriage proposal; i.e., the good, old man suggested to Moses to marry one of his daughters as per 28:27.
Gog and Magog, Again!
Published in April 24, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … Did anyone discovered remnants of the pre-human civilization of Gog and Magog mentioned in the Quran? Any ideas? … Thank you …
Yes; we refer you to an Annex in our book, in English, titled (The West and the Miraculous Scientific Indications in the Holy Quran) about Gog and Magog found on this link:
We refer you to this article of ours, in English, about how human beings (from Adam onwards) are successors to Gog and Magog on earth:
We refer you to our two previous fatwas about Gog and Magog (Published in December 9, 2019 + Published in January 16, 2012) found, respectively, on these two links:
We refer you also to Chapter V of our book, in English, titled (An Imaginary CNN Interview with Prophet Muhammad), where you will find a section about Gog and Magog, on the flowing link:
About the Quranic Verse 2:26
Published in August 1, 2007
Question: … Dear Sir, … Would you please explain to me the meaning of 2:26 about the mosquito and what is above it? … Thank you …
When we watch documentaries about insects, we glorify the Lord God the Creator; science tells us now more fascinating facts about insects and their wonderful abilities; ignoramuses who hate the Holy Quran ridicule its mentioning mosquitos, ants, flies, bees, and spiders.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5171 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,737,691 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,479 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,871 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
القاموس القرآنى عن ( الاستعجال )
الفصل الثانى : الاجتهاد فى التدبر القرآنى وفى الاسلام والكفر والعبادات
القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
دعوة للتبرع
نقد ( لحظات قرآنية ): تحول الحلق ات الأخي رة من برنام ج لحظات...
على حبّه : قرأت ما جاء فى سورة الحشر عن الأنص ار ...
معاناة قرآنى : من خلالك م فهمت اننا كمسلم ين من أهل...
نون والقلم : نون والقل م. لماذا النون بالتح ديد.. ...
سؤالان : السؤا ل الأول : هل ( يعرشو ن) نفس معنى (...