Fatwas Part Fifty

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-08-15


Fatwas Part Fifty

Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy


We Are Not the Reason behind your Atheism

Published in August 8, 2017


Question: …  You and your Quranists and Quranism are the reason why I converted to atheism recently; you have shaken my faith to the core … When you cast doubts on Sunna and hadiths, this led me to cast doubt on the Quran, as it reached us via the same people who gave us the hadiths … When you made me doubt Muhammad, I began to doubt God's existence! … I'm now  confirmed atheist, and I finally feel relived from Salafist obscurantism and Quranist skepticism: I no longer believe that Muhammad ever existed and I do not believe in God at all! … I am thankful and grateful to you for leading me to atheism, after I was one of the naïve ones who used to utter the phrase (There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah) …    


  Rest assured, sir, that you are still a Sunnite man at heart; you never left the Sunnite religion, as you insist on having a deity/god beside Allah, or else, you desert all deities. You insist on the belief in narratives/hadiths beside the Quran; otherwise, you reject religion altogether. Thus, you never desire to believe in the Quran unless you believe in the man-made narratives/hadiths of the so-called Sunna. Likewise, you never want to believe in the true testimony of Islam (There is no God but Allah) unless while adding a mortal deity (i.e., Sunnite vision of Muhammad) by raising Muhammad above all the rest of previous prophets. Hence, you are still an extremist Sunnite inside your innermost heart. As for your supposed atheism, this is a mere pretext you are using in your email message to us to defend you Sunnite religion and to use Quranists as if their ideas were the cause of your purported atheism. Personally, we never care if you are an atheist or a believer; this is your individual responsibility and personal freedom, and all people are responsible for their choices. We desire for you what you have chosen for yourself.          





The Caliph and the Forty Thieves

Published in August 8, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … Within your writings and books on history, you mention that jewels, precious stones, gold, pearls, etc. of caliphs were the result of the toil and sweat of poor peasants, but you also mention that peasant never saw or owned any precious stones; how come then that peasants' toil caused caliphs to own such treasures and riches? … Thank you …  


 Most caliphs lived off the toil and sweat of millions of impecunious peasants by imposing heavy taxes, and then, they turned such large sums of money into jewels, precious stones, gold, pearls, etc. to own and hoard, and thus, peasants produced crops for enriching caliphs only; they never owned or saw jewels, precious stones, gold, pearls, etc. Sadly, Middle-Eastern tyrants steal the wealth of their nations and transfer $ billions into banks of the West, while oppressed Arab nations toil and receive very little, and bear patiently with such oppression.  





Belief/ to Believe

Published in August 9, 2017




Question: …  Dear Sir, … What is your own views about the Quranic term "to believe"?  what about the noun "belief" and why it is not mentioned in the Quranic text … Thank you …


 Of course, we refer you to our articles in the Quranic Terminology section, where we define Quranic terms from within the Quranic text and as per the contexts of the term(s) in verses where mentioned. This is important for those Quranist researchers who research the Quranic text to ponder on it deeply. We refuse to consult Arabic language lexicons and dictionaries that reflect the language of the era of their authors, and NEVER the Quranic tongue per se. As you know, language is like an living organism that develop and change with  the passage of time; so many terms are now deemed obsolete, and others have different semantic levels in different eras; some pejorative terms are ameliorated to express positive things/notions, whereas other terms which were positive are now insulting. Examples of what we refer to here are countless in the Arabic language. Thus, Arabic of the Abbasid Era differs from that of the Mameluke Era, for instance. Thus, the term ''belief'' in the Arabic tongue is a relatively new term introduced by philosophers and authors of certain eras centuries after the Quran was revealed; it cannot exist in the Quranic tongue, as the Quran was revealed in Arabia during the 7th century A.D. We think that Sufis during the Mameluke Era used the term to incorporate their myths/tenets of worshipping dead/living saints and to claim they receive 'divine' knowledge directly from God. By the way, researchers within the field of history must define terms used by authors of a certain era they study, esp. religious terms of the Sufi, Sunnite, and Shiite religions and that of other religions that existed at the era under study. Real Quranist researchers must do the same to differentiate these terms from Quranic terminology. Sadly very few people in the Arab world do this, as we live in the era of ignoramuses.             





There Is No Contradiction Here

Published in August 9, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … I wonder if there is a contradiction between 42:17-18 and 18:110 … I mean, how would believers fear the Hour or the Last Day while at the same time they are eager to meet with God? What do you think? … Thank you …    


 God says in the Quran: "...Whoever hopes to meet his Lord, let him work righteousness, and never associate anyone with the worship of his Lord." (18:110); "...perhaps the Hour is near? Those who do not believe in it seek to hasten it; but those who believe are apprehensive of it, and they know it to be the Truth..." (42:17-18). There is no contradiction here at all; the verses 42:17-18 tackles the inevitable occurrence of the Hour or the Day of Resurrection, as disbelievers used to ridicule and deny it by challenging Muhammad to make it occur. Real believers fear lest they might be among the generation who will witness the Hour when the universe is going to be destroyed, and this indescribable fear and torment will be felt by this last generation of humanity: "O people, be fearful in piety of your Lord. The quaking of the Hour is a tremendous thing. On the Day when you will see it: every nursing mother will discard her infant, and every pregnant woman will abort her load, and you will see the people drunk, even though they are not drunk-but the punishment of God is severe." (22:1-2). As for the verse 18:110, it tackles all humanity when they meet with God on the Last Day; those monotheistic believers who perform many good deeds of course hope to meet God to be rewarded by Him in Paradise, whereas sinners, disobedient ones, and disbelievers deny this meeting and wish it would not occur at all; if they believe in the Last Day, they should have prepared themselves for it with monotheistic faith and good deeds instead of sins and disobedience.       





Squandered your Good

Published in August 10, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … God says in the Quran: "On the Day when the faithless will be paraded before the Fire: "You have squandered your good in your worldly life, and you took pleasure in them. So today you are being repaid with the torment of shame, because of your unjust arrogance on earth, and because you used to sin."" (46:20) … What does this phrase mean: "...You have squandered your good in your worldly life..."? …Thank you …       


  The word ''good'' in the verse 46:20 refers to all bounties of our Lord given to human beings during their lifetimes on Earth; e.g., health, money, possessions, etc. And of course, not all people have the same measure or equal shares of these bounties; each of us is deprived of this or that bounty or have little of a type of these bounties. Real pious believers thank the Almighty Lord for His bounties and feel grateful to Him, regardless of the measure/shares which are granted to them, and they pay zakat and perform good deeds and obey all commands of God, and He rewards them in this life and in Paradise: "And when your Lord proclaimed: "If you give thanks, I will grant you increase; but if you are ungrateful, My punishment is severe."" (14:7). Thus, those who deny God's role in granting them these bounties will be punished, especially when they use these bounties to commit injustices and evil deeds, within disobedience and misguidance, thus serving Satan and not the Lord. Such disbelievers and deniers are restless and worried in daily struggles for transient possessions and money, and they never feel relieved or satiated at all, and they are eventually defeated and feel the bitter taste of loss, especially when they die and know their fate in Hell; in that case, the verse 46:20 applies to them. We are to remember and ponder deeply upon these verse in light of the above: "O man! You are laboring towards your Lord, and you will meet Him. As for him who is given his book in his right hand. He will have an easy settlement. And will return to his family delighted. But as for him who is given his book behind his back. He will call for death. And will enter into Hell. He used to be happy among his family. He thought he would never return. In fact, his Lord was watching him." (84:6-15).   





A Message from Mr. Zachariah Al-Maghraby (1)

Published in August 10, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … About Episode No. 76 of your show "Quranic Moments" now subtitled into English on this link: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPIXPS19CO8), if a man would love a widow or a divorced woman and he would marry her and feel happy in his conjugal life, why someone would distress him by telling him reproachfully he should have married a virgin?! This shameful act of reproach (as if marrying widows/divorced women were a sin!) cannot be the words of Prophet Muhammad; the hadith of that story is certainly false and it reflects masculine, patriarchal mentality of Sunnite imams who authored this hadith and were obsessed with women and sex … The Prophet Muhammad of course adhered to this Quranic verse: "...and do not belittle things of people, and do not spread corruption on Earth." (11:85) …Thank you …   


  This is a valuable comment from Mr.Zachariah Al-Maghraby, and we thank him very much for it. we urge our fellow Quranists and all viewers to write comments about episodes of our YouTube show ''Quranic Moments'', in which we spend few minutes to raise issues and drive people to think and debate. The Satanist Sunnite religion must be exposed to show what True Islam (i.e., Quranism) looks like. We admire comments like the above and we would like that all viewers share our videos and write useful comments about them to enrich discussions. This way, awareness of Quranism is going to spread in cyberspace and the number of Quranists will certainly increase. May God reward all of you for your efforts.   






A Message from Mr. Zachariah Al-Maghraby (2)

Published in August 12, 2017




Question:  … Dear Sir, … About Episode No. 78 of your show "Quranic Moments" now subtitled into English on this link: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pim7Y2rLR6A), I'm still wondering how Sunnite imams of the Middle Ages had the nerve to ascribe such myths to Muhammad?! How come did they 'measure' the sexual power or prowess of Muhammad?! Did his wives talk about this aspect as a miracle?! Of course not! Did some men spied on Muhammad while he was having sex?! Of course not! Would Guinness World Record representative were there to video and inspect Muhammad?! How silly!  … Thank you …         


 We thank our dear friendMr. Zachariah Al-Maghraby for his comment; these are endless question that reflect our wonder at the sexual obsession of Sunnite imams/authors who were sex maniacs and their writings reflect these myths surrounding women and sex in their Sunnite earthly, man-made religion of Satan. Their worst crime is that they have created an imaginary, fictional character or rather an immortal superhuman deity whom they named him Muhammad, who has nothing to do with historical Muhammad in the Quran. May God, His angels, and all people curse these Sunnite authors.   





Widows' Waiting Periods

Published in August 11, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK for widows to marry after their husbands death immediately without waiting period if they are no longer menstruating? …Thank you …   


  Of course not; widows must wait for 4 months and 10 days after the decease of their husbands before they remarry as per this verse: "As for those among you who die and leave widows behind, their widows shall wait by themselves for four months and ten days. When they have reached their term, there is no blame on you regarding what they might honorably do with themselves. God is fully acquainted with what you do." (2:234). By the way, your question has been answered before in our previous fatwas and articles; please read and research our archive of writings before posing repeated questions.   





About Eslam Al-Beheiry, Again

Published in August 11, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … There are so many similarities between your ideas and those of the Egyptian reformist thinker and TV presenter Mr. Eslam Al-Beheiry, but, forgive me, he is more courageous than you are as he never left Egypt even after he was imprisoned for less than one year when accused of showing 'contempt' to religion, as once he was released of prison, he goes on with his efforts to expose and undermine Wahabism/Salafism within cyberspace and TV show as well as radio show; while your own courage in expression was only when you immigrated to the U SA; what do you think of my opinion here? Pardon me, I never meant any offense at your person at all  … Thank you …   


 You are a novice and have not read our entire archive of writings on our website yet; you do not know our person quite well. When you read about our jihad against Wahabism, you will get to know how we suffered persecution for years and how we were incarcerated in Egypt. We are in fact a pioneer and a torchbearer for those young researchers coming after us like the Egyptian Mr. Eslam Al-Beheiry, and you must have noticed that this man is lagging behind us as he is still at the stage of accepting 'some' hadiths and rejecting most of them; he even have denied that he is a Quranist. In fact, he repeats what we have said and written in the early 1990s. We are the very first thinker to call vociferously for immediate and radical reform of Egyptian education especially Azharite curricula. Our views now surpass that of Mr. Al-Beheiry, and we hope you will read our book about our intellectual peaceful jihad against Wahabism, the religion of terrorism. We are still active in our four-decade of activism and research works in Egypt and in the USA, and our seeking asylum prevented our assassination and our third incarceration; we have been incarcerated twice in Egypt in the 1980s and 1990s. We not only write Quranist researchers and books; we also have authored many books on history, heritage, and traditions as well as modern politics, while providing unprecedented solutions to so many perennial problems. No one all over the Arab world has authored the same quantity and quality of our writings of ijtihad (i.e., innovative writings in religious reform). Our peaceful intellectual endeavors are going on since 1977 until now, for four decades, and Qurnaism is now a trend whose followers are increasing every day worldwide, and we have achieved this only after we felt safe in the USA. We are sure that Mr. Al-Beheiry have watched our videos of our YouTube show titled (Exposing Salafism) and most probably he read our writings. In fact, our YouTube episodes have raised the awareness of tens of thousands of persons who now deny and disbelieve in all hadiths of Al-Bokhary and his likes and are criticizing hadiths all over cyberspace and take pride in their Quranism. If we are to have a TV show like Mr. Al-Beheiry in any Egyptian satellite TV channel, the number of Quranists will be millions of former Muhammadans; yet, the Saudi influence in both Egypt and the USA prevents our appearing in media, as media blackout is imposed on our person. In fact Saudi royal family members and all other Wahabis spend $ billions to spread Wahabism and to curtail, confine, and stifle Quranism (i.e., True Islam), but hidden truths shall no longer be hidden. We have great faith in God's justice that will prevail eventually. Our intellectual success is proven when the likes of Mr. Al-Beheiry emerge now in the media after we have paved the way for them.                       





Azan for Prayers

Published in August 12, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … What is the real phrasing for calling to prayers or Azan? Is Azan is two parts (one when the time to prayers comes and one immediately before congregational prayers in mosques) as Sunnites claim? … Thank you …      


 Azan is one part only as there is no additional one for congregational prayers. The Quranic command of performing prayers means to observe piety while performing them and avoiding sins all day long. The phrasing of Azan is without mentioning names of prophets or any other mortals; it is as follows: (God is the Greatest! God is the Greatest! I testify that there is no God but Allah! I testify that there is no God but Allah! Come to prayers! Come to prayers! Come to prosperity! Come to prosperity! God is the Greatest! God is the Greatest! There is no God but Allah!).  





Greetings via TV and Radio

Published in August 13, 2017


Question: …  Dear Sir, … God says in the Quran: "When you are greeted with a greeting, respond with a better greeting, or return it. God keeps count of everything." (4:86); hence, should I respond when a greeting is said to me via TV as a viewer or via radio as a listener by TV and radio presenters?  … Thank you …        


  These greetings sent via TV or radio presenters are addressed to all people as a type of formal way to begin speeches, shows, or programs, and not addressed personally to you and they cannot hear you when you respond. When someone address greetings to you personally face to face, you should apply 4:86 of course, and this contradicts Wahabi religion of Satan that urge Wahabis to hate all non-Wahabis and to show this hatred by never responding to their greetings. Of course, you must apply 4:86 by responding to greetings written to you via letters, land phones, the cellular phones, social media, or emails, for instance.  




Numerical Miracles

Published in August 13, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm a new Quranist and I'd like to ask you about the outdated spelling of Quranic words and why they are like that …Thank you …


  This has to do with the numerical miracles of Quranic words and letters, as the unique style of writing of the Quran has nothing to do with the ordinary spelling of Arabic tongue in any era. We live now in the era of digits and number within the information flooding cyberspace. Many of our fellow Quranists have written on our website (in Arabic) about numerical miracles of Quranic words, such as the Egyptian-Canadian Quranist writer Mr. Morad Al-Khouly. Please read his articles to get to know more about this special and unique field of study.   






About the Quranic Chapter 94

Published in August 14, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … Does the Quranic Chapter 94 refer to Prophet Muhammad only or to all believers in general? … Thank you …    


  We tend to think thatthe Quranic Chapter 94 addresses Muhammad alone as part of his Quranic story and the special legislations confined to him. This is the entire Quranic Chapter 94 to be pondered carefully and deeply: "Did We not soothe your heart? And lift from you your burden. Which weighed down on your back. And raised for you your reputation? With hardship comes ease. With hardship comes ease. When your work is done, turn to devotion. And to your Lord turn for everything." (94:1-8)





Meat of the Greater Bairam

Published in August 14, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … I know you do not believe in Bairams/feasts as part of Islam, but I need your immediate advice; shall I in the Greater Bairam/feast that draws near after the pilgrimage season donate money to the poor or meat instead of money? … My son says to me that the poor persons' expectation is to eat fresh meat as they cannot afford it all year long, whereas my daughter says to me that the poor need money more because of inflation and the soaring prices; even prices of meat are exorbitant now in Egypt … What is your opinion? …Thank you …  


  Money donations for charity should be given anytime to those categories who deserve this money: "They ask you what they should give. Say, "Whatever charity you give is for the parents, and the relatives, and the orphans, and the poor, and the wayfarer. Whatever good you do, God is aware of it." (2:215). Of course, seek to donate for those whom you know; their conditions are known best to you and you can easily guess if they need meat or money. We tend to think you can buy meat from the butchers and distribute shares of it to those who need it instead of slaughtering a sacrificial animal in public (as this is sheer hypocrisy and ostentatious, hateful religiosity) that will make the undeserving ones (the non-poor) covet some meat from you. Let us assume that you have the total sum of LE 20.000; you can buy meat with half such a sum and donate meat shares to those poor and needy ones, and the other half of the sum is to be distributed to the poor who need money more than meat. If you wish, you can give the poor ones both shares of money and meat. May God bless and reward you.    





Annulling the Purchase

Published in November 25, 2009


Question: … Dear Sir, … After buying a car and paying its price in full, I discovered a fault in its manufacture … I wanted to annul the purchase by giving it back and to get my money, but the Sunnite bearded seller and former owner of the car reminded me that I signed a selling contract that contain the stipulation that I have no right to regain my money after I sign the contract and tried the car for a while before I paid the whole price; and I did that actually, but I feel deceived by him … What do you think? …Thank you …      


 The seller is on the right in his stance of not returning the money and getting back the car; one must respect contracts as per this verse: "O you who believe! Fulfill your contracts..." (5:1). As for his deceiving you or not, this cannot be verified as you know, as one cannot read minds of others to know their intentions.






Are Animals Tested?

Published in April 24, 2015


Question: … Dear Sir, … Are animals on Earth tested by fate, ordeals, and so on like human beings? … Thank you  … 


  Of course not; the test of life is only for human beings who will be judged on the Last Day to dwell for eternity either in Hell or Paradise. God mentions in the Quran that animals will be resurrected on the Last, but NOT judged: "When the beasts are gathered." (81:5); "There is no animal on land, nor a bird flying with its wings, but are communities like you. We neglected nothing in the Scripture. Then to their Lord they will be gathered." (6:38). Animals are luckier than human beings as they are eating and being eaten and turn eventually into fertilizers to the land; even animals do not feel pain when they die or being devoured, nor pleasure when they eat and multiply, and this is why animals do not feel happiness or sorrow like human beings.    





Is Marriage Part of Fate?

Published in August 19, 2009


Question: …  Dear Sir, … I admire your writings very much; may God enlighten your heart more and more … My query is as follows: is marriage can be deemed as part of fate ordained by God? or is it a personal choice and responsibility? … Thank you …


 Thank you; there are four fates that one cannot escape, as they are preordained by God before one is born: (1) one's birth: its timing, one's parents and relatives, one's body features, face, etc. till death, (2) one's death in a time, a place, and in a way decreed by the Lord God, (3) one's earnings in life, and (4) one's ordeals, trials, and tribulations in the test of life. Of course, human beings are NOT responsible for these four types of fates. Otherwise, one is responsible for acts/deeds chosen on one's own accord and must bear the consequences of them. Thus, one's choice of behavior and creed/faith is one's individual responsibility. Thus, marriage is part of choices made by a person who chooses a spouse, but the consequences of the marriage (children born or not, etc.) is part of preordained fate. Thus, one chooses to marry or not, but cannot choose to have children or not and of which sex, as this is preordained by God. one might be preordained to have this or that male or female child within wedlock or not.     





Carrying it Off!

Published in April 29, 2007



Question: …  Dear Sir, … I wanna ask you about the origin of a rural myth that used to be spread among illiterate villagers in Egypt: when a person is taken ill, he would go to the Sufi sheikh/saint to make him carry the illness off by being ill instead of the man … How was that myth conceived in the history of the Sufi religion and why it persisted until recently? … Thank you …    


  Of course, in rural areas and densely populated districts of Cairo, women talked about Sufi saints/sheikhs who carry off the calamities and ailments of others, esp. the psychological or mental illness, as the ignoramuses never seek real doctors but seek the aid of Sufi deities/saints and charlatans at mausoleums as well as charmers/sorcerers who were in fact mere thieves chased by the police and must be punished by the law; yet, they are deified and sanctified by the gullible masses who kiss their hands to get the needed benediction! Only pious ones ask aid and help only from God while seeking to get cured by specialized doctors. As for the origin of this Sufi myth, it is present since the Ottoman Era in Egypt, when the Sufi religion was the formal, official religion of the caliphate. The Sufi author Al-Shaarany who lived in Egypt and died in 972 A.H. writes a lot of similar stories about this myth in his books titled (Lataeif Al-Minan) and (Al-Minan Al-Kobra), both are still printed and sold in Cairo, Egypt. In (Lataeif Al-Minan) pages 172-173, for instance, Al-Shaarany claims that he carried off the physical illness of the Ottoman sultan/caliph many times by being ill instead of the sultan himself! He claims that only Sufi saints of higher ranks and orders can perform this miracle! He even claims that the Ottoman caliph visited Egypt to thank him for his help! This is a lie, as the Ottoman caliph he talks about, Suleiman the Magnificent, never visited Egypt at all; Al-Shaarany was an inveterate liar! Al-Shaarany claims he feels the pains of women in labor and those tortured by governors in prisons among his followers! It is silly that there were those who believed such lies and falsehoods in the past and until now!         





Price of Ten Goats

Published in September 27, 2008



Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm an Egyptian man living and working in a European country… when I had some trouble with a client in my business, I vowed to God to slaughter ten goats if the problem would be solved. When it was solved actually by the grace of God, I felt that instead of slaughtering ten goats (quite needless in the country where I live) to send charity donation money to the poor ones in my native country, but how can I calculate the price of the ten goats to fulfill my vow? Or should I slaughter goats instead? What do you think?  …Thank you …   


 May God bless and reward you and accept your charity. We tend to think that sending money is better as per prices where you live now, and you can also send money (as per prices in Egypt) with a trusted person to slaughter ten goats in Egypt and distribute their meat among the poor ones. 





Eating Wolves, Foxes, and Reptiles

Published in January 14, 2007



Question: … Dear Sir, … Is eating the meat of animals of prey such as foxes and wolves and eating meat of reptiles against the Quranic legislations regarding prohibited food items or not? … Thank you  for your time …  


  These items are never prohibited as food items in the Quran at all; we are not to add to the list of prohibited food items mentioned in the Quran as per whims and we find distasteful or hateful to us. One can eat anything without prohibiting things never mentioned as such in the Quran and without allowing prohibited food items mentioned by God in the Quran. We refer you to our article on that topic titled "The Permissible and the Prohibited Food Items in Quranic Sharia Legislations", found in English on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=17003

اجمالي القراءات 4290

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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