آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-09-16
Fatwas Part Fifty-Four
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
The Dowry of a Wife from the West
Published in September 7, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … If I am about to marry a woman from the West, how can I convince her to accept a dowry while she does not desire to take any money from me? Would the marriage be deemed legal in Islam without a dowry? … Thank you …
Women in the West traditionally accept expensive rings as a gift of marriage and you can convince her that this is her dowry and how dowries paid to wives are obligatory as per the Quran to make the marriage legal and valid as per sharia laws. But if she refuse the ring and the idea of dowry in general, it is to be announced (when drawing the marriage contract) that she has ceded the dowry to her husband and the marriage is thus made legal and valid, of course,
Hating to Engage into Self-Defense Fighting
Published in September 7, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Does hating to engage into self-defense fighting mentioned in the verse 2:216 is a general rule or this is a special case in history? What do you think? … Thank you …
God says in the Quran: "Fighting is ordained for you, even though you dislike it. But it may be that you dislike something while it is good for you, and it may be that you like something while it is bad for you. God knows, and you do not know." (2:216). Most of early believers in Mecca who converted to Islam were among the weak ones and they naturally liked to adhere to peace and to avoid trouble and fighting; this is why they have put up patiently with persecution, as they used to bear harm and injustices before Islam. When they immigrated to Yathreb, the aggressive Meccan polytheists of Qorayish sent troops to raid, siege, attack, and threaten Yathreb. Early believers in Yathreb were commanded not to resist until military preparations would be at hand. When the command to engage into self-defense fighting has descended in the verse 2:216, many of the immigrants protested and God tackles this stance also in this verse: "Have you not considered those who were told, "Restrain your hands, and perform your prayers, and spend in regular charity"? But when fighting was ordained for them, a faction of them feared the people as God is ought to be feared, or even more. And they said, "Our Lord, why did You ordain fighting for us? If only You would postpone it for us for a short while." Say, "The enjoyments of this life are brief, but the Hereafter is better for the righteous, and you will not be wronged one bit."" (4:77). Thus, self-defense fighting was better for them even if they hated it; otherwise, polytheists would have annihilated and massacred them. Many peaceful persons hate fighting because they fear death and prefer to live in humiliation and persecution instead of dying; they forget that death is inevitable anyway. There are aggressive unjust ones who never hesitate to attack and kill the peaceful and innocent ones. There are also real, pious believers who never fears death and are ready to engage into self-defense fighting for God's sake to stop religious persecution and they never commit injustices against anyone nor would they attack peaceful, innocent people. Of course, Quranic stories mention good and bad examples of human beings that we see in everyday life in all eras and locations. Within the countries of the Muhammadans, tyrants and their soldiers (policemen, security forces, the army, etc.) open fire at armless citizens who in their turn fear to demand their rights because they fear torture, incarceration, and death. Within such situations, there is few people who are ready to fight for their rights, but they are easily massacred or crushed, whereas the vast silent majority never interferes; yet, when the silent majority get encouraged and would not fear death (since it is inevitable and ordained for all human beings), they can face and depose aggressive tyrants. Every person dies in the predestined time and location for his/her death; no mortals and no power could postpone or hasten the timing of one's death ordained by God.
Medicine with Alcohol!
Published in September 8, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK in Quranism that I take medicine (for my kidney stones) than contain alcohol?! It is prescribed to me as the best cure; what do you think?! … Thank you …
Of course it is OK; this is no wine at all; you are obliged to take this medicine and God will forgive you since you are not drinking alcohol intentionally nor indeed any alcoholic beverages. Besides, such types of medicine do not make anyone drunk, of course.
Can I Marry a Jewish Woman
Published in September 8, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … I am an Iraqi man living now in Turkey, but I have fallen in love with a Jewish woman whose mother is Jewish and her father is an Arab Muslim man; she says she would convert to Islam to please me! What do you think? Does she have to convert in the first place to make our marriage legal?! … Thank you …
We have answered similar questions like this one in many of our fatwas, articles, and videos. Your marriage will remain legal even if she does not convert since both you and her are peaceful persons and NOT terrorists like ISIS disbelieve in peace (Islam in practice means peaceful behavior). Congratulations to both of you in advance.
Timings of the Daily Prayers Azan
Published in September 9, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Are the timings of Azan for each of the five daily prayers known to us exactly? What if I by chance performed the afternoon prayers, for instance, before the Azan? Am I to repeat the prayers, then? … Thank you …
There were never strict timings specified for prayers and Azan; they are all relative timings, except for sunset prayers as one verifies it when one sees sunset; yet, sometimes, one might not be able to see sunsets. Thus, it is OK if you perform the afternoon prayers, for instance, minutes before the Azan or shortly before it; what is of vital importance is to concentrate in prayers in piety and in the fear of our Lord God and to preserve piety for the rest of the day within times between each two of the daily prayers during all your lifetime.
Is It a Will of the Deceased?
Published in September 9, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … My late brother was also my partner in trade; before his death, he advised me to cede a certain sum which was a many-year debt of another nephew of ours, and this sum was originally the price of goods he took from us. I am the only inheritor of my late brother who was childless; I dislike the idea of ceding the sum of the debt of this nephew and I feel that he must settle this debt and pay it to me; I have not demanded it from him as yet; I asked a clergyman and he told me to honor the wish of my late brother and consider it as its will, and therefore, I should cede the sum to my nephew and not to demand him to settle this debt… I dislike this idea; is it deemed a will of my late brother?! I think not; what do you think? …Thank you …
This is not a written will, of course, and therefore, this was a viewpoint or opinion of your late brother. You did not actually obey this wish of his while he was alive; if he insisted on it, he should have paid the sum from his own money into your trade/company, but he did not, as we understand from your message. Therefore, you are free to choose between demanding your nephew to settle the debt or to cede this sum and forget about the whole matter once and for all.
About Aisha Again!
Published in September 10, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … As for Episode No. 103 of your great show "Quranic Moments" (subtitled into English on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDcCVi30EUE) about Aisha, wife of the Prophet Muhammad, could it be possible that the narratives of history about her and the Battle of the Camel are untrue? Might these narratives be deemed as fabricated tales? Sunnite authoritative books claim that God commanded Muhammad to marry Aisha! Yet, you assert in your writings that her father, caliph Abou Bakr, was a terrorist tyrant who began the cursed aggressive Arab conquests that violate the Quranic teachings; could this be the reason that historians decided to vilify and insult Aisha because of her father? When I cast doubt on history, we might undermine your views that the four pre-Umayyad caliphs were evil; their history might be fabricated as well, you know! We cannot know the real doers or activators of historical events, but we can still judge the deeds/events using the Quran as a criterion… What do you think? … Thank you …
You are extremely mistaken. We cannot base our historical views (especially condemning deeds of historical figures) on mere guesses, as this contradicts Quranic/Islamic value of justice; besides, we cannot suppose any surmises and conjectures by imagining things related to the metaphysical realm of the past, known fully only by God the Omniscient. In addition, your view contradicts the principles of researching history; we have nothing about Aisha except the Sunnite books of history whose authors deify and sanctify Aisha and the rest of the so-called companions, and we analyze such historical narratives in light of the Quran as the only criterion. Because of the 14 centuries of deifying Aisha and the four pre-Umayyad caliphs, some hearts of people like you still have remnants of such polytheism, leading them to invent suppositions and theories to protect their ''deities'' and defend their honor and stances as they are still deifying such mortals among human creatures. You should bear in mind that within real Islam (Quranism), sanctification and deification are only due to Almighty God. Aisha was the daughter of Abou Bakr, the first one to launch the grave sin of Arab conquests, and she was the first historical figure (after the descent of Islam/Quran) to lead a civil war in Arabia. No one but ignoramuses would deny these historical facts; thus, based on the Quran as the only criterion, we judge Abou Bakr and Aisha as per their deeds and declare both of them to be the arch-enemies of Islam.
A Comment from Mr. Zachariah Al-Maghraby (1)
Published in September 10, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … About Episodes Nos. 102 & 103 of your very important YouTube show "Quranic Moments" (No. 102 is subtitled into English on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PcI6zh6Ous) about Aisha, we encourage and support you for your iconoclasm; real pious people must never sanctify or deify mortals like polytheists; God does not like those who deify Jesus and his mother, Mary, as they are mere mortals, let alone those who deify dozens of saints: Ali, Abou Bakr, Omar, etc. We must not follow the ways of the vast majority of people concerning religion, as per this reminder addressed to Muhammad himself: "Had We not given you stability, you might have inclined towards them a little. Then We would have made you taste double in life, and double at death; then you would have found for yourself no helper against Us." (17:74-75). Thus, any prophets/messengers are not holy or hallowed human beings and this applies also to historical figures; we must ponder deeply on this Quranic verse: "These are nothing but names, which you have devised, you and your ancestors, for which God sent down no authority. They follow nothing but assumptions, and what the ego desires, even though guidance has come to them from their Lord." (53:23) … Thank you …
Thank you for your insightful comment, Mr. Al-Maghraby; God bless and protect you. Indeed, God does not approve of the deification of Jesus Christ, let alone those who deify the co-called companions who rejected the Quran and committed the heinous crimes of Arab conquests under the banner of Islam?! Those human devils distorted the image of Islam to forcibly incorporate their aggression as part of it ; they have ascribed lies to Muhammad and to God and they are the arch-enemies of Islam.
Same-Sex Marriage, Again!
Published in September 11, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … The Quran does not approve at all of homosexual practices; but what do you think personally of West people who have laws now to legalize same-sex marriages, even in some churches? … Thank you …
Legalizing sins are ascribing lies and falsehoods to God. The West people are not the first ones to allow homosexual activities; Sufis among the Muhammadans of the Mameluke Era considered homosexual relations as acts of worship! We refer you to our articles and books about the relation between Sufism and sexual immorality within the Mameluke Egypt.
By Your Life!
Published in September 11, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … God says in the Quran: "By your life, they were blundering in their drunkenness." (15:72); this means that God swears by the life to Muhammad. Could this be an indication that Muhammad is preferred by God in comparison to the previous prophets and messengers? … Thank you …
We have answered this question before; but let us do this for the last time. The answer is no; let us provide reasons for this answer. God swears in the Quran by many things; and using Muhammad's life in this context NEVER refers to preferring him to the rest of prophets and messengers at all. The Quran indicates that God prefers some prophets and messengers to others, without specifying certain names; this is God's affair not ours; i.e., we cannot possibly know names in this respect. All prophets and messengers are the best human beings and they are above all the other human beings, and God prohibits that people would differentiate among prophets and messengers as per the Quranic Chapters 2, 3, and 4. We refer you to our writings on that topic. God has commanded Muhammad to declare that he is no different from other prophets and messengers; see 46:9. We never know the exact number of prophets and messengers; thus, we cannot know if God swears by their lives or not. God swears by other creatures: stars, figs, olives, and even the unseen minute creatures and galaxies we cannot see; yet, there is no preferring here to something over other things among God's creatures: "Indeed, I swear by what you see. And by what you do not see." (69:38-39).
Ammar and the Unjust Group!
Published in September 12, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … How could we refute the hadith about the companion Ammar being murdered by the unjust, aggressive group? … Thank you …
Quranists never believe in any hadiths; the only narrative/discourse we believe in is the Quran. Muhammad never knew the future: "Say, "I am not different from the other messengers; and I do not know what will be done with me, or with you..." (46:9). The hadith you refer to was invented by Shiites who hate the first Umayyad caliph Mu'aweiya. Of course, the Arab civil war led to the flourishing if the fabrications of hadiths by Sunnites and Shiites; this was an intellectual war on the margin of the military one at the time.
Attacking the Companions
Published in September 12, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … You are attacking the companions of Prophet Muhammad all the time! Was not there any of them that could be deemed a good, reasonable person?! … Thank you …
We never attacked all of them; within our Friday sermons on YouTube, we have asserted that the Quran talked about the categories of people around Muhammad in Yathreb: hypocrites, those adamant in hypocrisy and hide their disbelief, outspoken disbelievers, and professed believers. We have written within many articles about how history narratives do NOT mention names of good ones during Muhammad lifetime and after his death, who never committed aggression etc. History focuses only on those who perform (bad and negative) deeds and actions that cause radical changes in life. Please read our entire archive (not just some recent articles) and watch all (not some) our YouTube videos before you level accusations at us or pose FAQs we have answered before.
Sunnites and the Mu'tazala
Published in September 13, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Could you explain to me why do you prefer the Mu'tazala group of thinkers, who existed in the Middle Ages, to Sunnites, although this group was not Quranists at all? … Thank you …
Because Al-Mu'tazala thinkers (whose group-name literally means "those who rejected the mainstream thinking") ascribe their philosophical and religious views to themselves and NEVER to God, to Muhammad, or to Islam; theirs are human views that could be accepted to discarded. Many of them declared rejection of hadiths altogether, because hadiths are never convincing to their minds and indeed to any reasonable minds. In contrast, imams, clergymen, and leaders of the earthly, man-made religions of the Muhammadans ascribe their fiqh views and the hadiths they have fabricated either to God or to Muhammad as part of 'divine' revelation in Islam, and such a lie makes those who disagree with them be deemed as heretics or apostates (which means a death sentence in the Sunnite religion, as 'infidels' are put to death!). Those Sunnites imams and authors who fabricated such hadiths are now deified for centuries as if they were infallible gods! This makes Sunnites feel horrified when Quranists criticize and refute hadiths and fiqh views. One of the chief Al-Mu'tazala thinkers, Al-Jahiz, died in 255 A.H., and Al-Bokhary died in 256 A.H., and this means they had lived within the same era. Al-Jahiz has enriched Arab library with great works that indicate a great mind, and he ascribes his ijtihad / innovative views on religion and on life maters to his mind ONLY. In contrast, the ignoramus Persian man, Al-Bokhary, had invented thousands of hadiths and ascribed his lies within false series of narrators (who were either dead before Al-Bokhary was born or are imaginary figures) to deceive the gullible readers by making them convinced that Muhammad would have said such and such nonsensical narratives. The assumed narrators are long dead before Al-Bokhary existed in the Second Abbasid Era! Yet, the Sunnite masses deify and sanctify Al-Bokhary and his book though they never read it to analyze the myths and balderdash he invented; rather, they hear only hadiths from it in sermons! Even those few Sunnites who read the three-volume book of Al-Bokhary do not are to criticize it; "...They are just like cattle, but even more errant in their way." (25:44).
The Zamzam Well, Again
Published in September 13, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Could the water of the centuries-old Zamzam Well in Mecca be deemed a holy water?! Is it pure water that cures many diseases and it is never polluted, as Sunnites claim in their hadiths? … Thank you …
There is nothing called 'holy' water in Islam; do not pay attention to Sunnite mythology. God describes all water coming from clouds in the sky (and falling on rivers, lands, etc.) as pure and one can drink it and wash things clean with it to purify them and to purify one's body. Water of rivers, wells, seas, lakes, etc. have but one source: clouds in the sky. Nothing on earth, water included, does not contain minute microscopic organisms; we breathe them and they exist on our skin and in the air and on all items in life. Some wells might get polluted for many reasons. It is of course a miraculous act of God that the Zamzam Well goes on for thousands of years in such mountainous area; this is to provide water for pilgrims and sacrificial animals. Yet, there is no such a thing as 'holy' water for cure. Holiness in Islam pertains to God only.
A Comment from Mr. Zachariah Al-Maghraby (2)
Published in September 14, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … About Episode No. 106 of "Quranic Moments" (subtitled into English, on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEM2-LCKgMs) … I thought deeply for nights and days about the origin and genealogy of the family of (But) till I sank into deep slumber one day and I dreamt that I phoned the "waiting" Mehdi, adored and sanctified by Shiites and Sunnites alike to come out of his hidden cave one day, to ask him about the family of (But), but he shouted at me that his name is the ''awaited" Mehdi and not the "waiting"! I ridiculed him that he is 'destined' to wait for centuries inside the hidden cave, never knowing when to get out to breathe some fresh air, as per Shiite myths, and the ''waiting'' Mehdi is an appellation that firs him! This is the ideological myths propagated by clergy to intimidate their followers! The Mehdi interrupted me impatiently in my dream and asked me about my question, and when I told him that I desire to know the origin of the family of (But), he told me that their forefathers are the Bedouins of Arabia who fabricated lies and falsehoods about religion and ascribed them to God and to Prophet Muhammad, and these lies and falsehoods are Satanist and devilish revelations of false and fancy tales and narratives. When I thanked the waiting Mehdi, he yelled through the phone that his name is the awaited Mehdi and not the waiting! He slammed the phone too hard that I woke up in horror! … Thank you …
As usual, we admire very much your ingenious and funny comments; we would like you to write them in the form of articles on our website. Thank you.
Comments from Mr. Abdullah
Published in September 14, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … (1) I liked the way Dr. Othman Ali recited the Quranic Chapter without singing it, but he should not read too fast in the next video. (2) We must not feel saddened by the fact that most 'religious' people are polytheists whose faith is not acceptable; the only monotheists are Quranists who believe only in God's Word, and God says the following to Prophet Muhammad in the Quran: "But most people, for all your eagerness, are not believers." (12:103). (3) as for the article (in English) found on this link http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=17176, I say that there are many billionaires who never spread corruption on Earth, unlike corrupt affluent ones among the Muhammadans who reject the Quran to adhere to Sunnite/Wahabi myth. (4) Some people who pose questions to you, Dr. Mansour, tend to forget that they must never question the divine will expressed in the Quran; some of them aim to cast doubt on the Quran by their strange queries phrased in a way that seek to take the Quran lightly! In fact, questions must be posed to seek further understanding of the Quran by those who believe in it. please do not pay much attention to dubious questions posed by disbelievers. (5) Unlike prophets who never asked for any rewards or fees/wages from people for guiding them "I ask of you no payment for this. My payment is only from the Lord of the Worlds. " (26:109), the clergymen are evil ones who misguide people and seek to get their money! I cannot thank you enough, Dr. Mansour, for guiding me to the Light of real Islam (Quranism) … Thank you …
Thank you for your useful comments, Mr. Abdullah; we would like you to write them under our YouTube videos within our channel and within comments on our website.
Being Ungrateful for the Bounties of the Lord
Published in September 15, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … What do you think of some Saudis who throw tons of food items into the garbage on a daily basis? … Thank you …
This is not mere waste and extravagance, prohibited in the Quran, but this is being ungrateful and unthankful to the Lord for His bounties. They should eat moderately (i.e., barely filling their stomachs) and donate money and food for the poor inside and outside the KSA.
Low People
Published in September 15, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Why in the Arab culture (based on silly hadiths) that people link the near coming of the Hour with low, base, mean people getting filthily rich and building towering edifices? Why good people are poor and are humiliated, whereas the evil ones are on top of the upper-classes of a given society?! … Thank you …
As per the Quran, Muhammad never knew the future and he consequently could not have talked about the Hour or signs of it drawing near. God has commanded him I the Quran to declare he did NOT know the future nor about the metaphysical realm, apart from what is mentioned in the Quran. Social mobility of those who climb the social ladder (whether they deserve it or not, by (dis)honest means, etc.) is a social phenomenon in all eras and locations; some rich people are impoverished and some poor people get rich. This change is reflected in palaces beside huts. It is folkloric in Arab popular culture to link such changes to drawing near of the Hour; this is not Islamic at all. Within the Umayyad Era, Persians were treated as low-class of poor servants, but during the Abbasid Era, they were wealthy masters and military leaders, and this drove Arab poets to feel sorry and to consider such change as part of the signs of the Hour! The same occurred to Turkish leaders who controlled the Abbasid caliphs for a while. Some Ayyubid sultans were submissive to their former slaves called the Mamelukes, when the latter grew too powerful as soldiers and military leaders. The Mameluke sultan Beibars was a mere slave, and his former master became his servant in the palace years later. Egyptians who were free became subjects to Mameluke sultans who ruled them though they were originally slaves bought with money by the Ayyubids. Copts were second-class citizens during the Arab rule of Egypt, but once a Copt converts to 'Islam' during the Mameluke Era, he would ascend the social ladder and assume high-rank posts and he would persecute poor Egyptians of all creeds (even Copts!) and would build palaces beside their huts and houses. This social phenomenon occurs even in the modern era and will go on, we suppose, till the end of days. In Egypt, Nasser allowed the sons of poor peasants to get educated and these sons reached high-rank positions and grew rich, while former landlords grew poor as Nasser nationalized their property and lands. Those Egyptian men who worked in the Gulf monarchies in the 1970s and 1980s grew rich and built huge houses and apartments, etc. upon their return to Egyptian villages, while rich land-owners in these villages grew poor. The class of the nouveaux-riches of rich, uneducated, uncouth philistine people exists till today; this occurred also after WWII, as merchants in Egypt who engaged in trade with Great Britain grew filthily rich more than landlords in villages. The same occurred when the small merchants among the corrupt class turned into millionaires because of the Open-Door policy of Sadat. There are so many examples of what we refer to, and we cannot include all of them in this tiny space.
Who Are the Family of Imran?
Published in November 7, 2008
Question: … Dear Sir, … I wonder who is Imran and who are the family of Imran mentioned in the Quran? Is Imran the father of Mary? Could a Quranist viewpoint explain this? But how come that Mary is described in the Quran as the 'sister' of Aaron, then?! Is Imran the father of Aaron and Moses as well?! What do you think? … Thank you …
You are extremely mistaken; do not mix up Quranic stories. If you trace Quranic stories in verses about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Zachariah, Yahya (i.e., John), and Mary daughter of Imran, you will easily recognize that you are in the wrong. There are centuries between the era of Jacob and the era of Moses and Aaron and centuries till we reach the era of Mary and Jesus. Do not forget that between Moses and Jesus, there are eras of David, Solomon, and Job. The Quranic expression addressing Mary as the sister of Aaron means that people around her protested the fact that she was carrying a baby to which she gave birth though she was not married. This expression might mean that she belonged to tribe of Aaron or that they likened her to Aaron in terms of piety; Jews at the time used to prefer the lenient Aaron to the angry Moses. In light of this, please contemplate these verses: "Then she came to her people, carrying him. They said, "O Mary, you have done something terrible. O sister of Aaron, your father was not an evil man, and your mother was not a whore."" (19:27-28).
Queries We Have Answered Before
Published in March 9, 2013
Question: … Dear Sir, (1) I am a Kurdish man living in Norway for 16 years; I cannot take a loan from banks there because of high interests assumed to be prohibited in Islam, but I need to buy a house to settle in it and I have to borrow money from banks! What is your own view? … (2) Some people deny Barsakh and quote the verse 6:94 as evidence supporting their view! What do you think? … (3) Will dead children enter into Paradise as children or adults? Would they know their relatives? Where do their souls go? … (4) Is polygamy ordained in the Quran only for the sake of caring for orphans who lost their father? … (5) What is your views regarding dress codes for Muslim women? What is your Quranist view of divorce in Islam? How Tayammum is to be performed?! … (6) How come that months of Hajj pilgrimage turned into few days?! … (7) Why pilgrimage to the Kaaba is not mentioned in the Bible? Did Jesus, Moses, etc. performed pilgrimage there as they followed the footsteps of Abraham? … Thank you …
(1) Since you are in dire need, you are not committing a sin by doing this, since you are a victim, and sins here befall the moneylenders and usurers; for more details, please read our article (in English) titled "The Usury Battle ", found on this link on our website: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=6251
(2) We have said that the Barsakh is a state of deep slumber and timelessness and that no souls in this metaphysical location and state feel anything at all; on the Day of Resurrection, people will feel that they have slept for a day or part of a day. The verses 6:94 and 50:19 tackle the rebuke of angels of death addressed to sinners whose souls are taken from their bodies upon dying. There is no torment in the grave or in Barsakh to dead sinners; read our book (in English) titled "The Myth of the Torment Of the Grave", found on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=101
(3) Please read our "Book of Death"; of course, we understand and infer from the Quran that children will live eternally in Paradise; but God knows best.
(4) Polygamy is tackled by us in many subtitled videos and in our previous fatwas; we refer you to them.
(5) Dress codes are tackled in detail in our videos of the YouTube show "Exposing Salafism" and in previous articles and fatwas. We refer you to our previous fatwas about Tayammum. As for divorce in Quranism, we refer you to our article (in English) titled "Contradictions in Divorce Legislations between The Quran and The Sunnite Jurisprudence", found on our Quranism website on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=15977
(6) We refer you to our book (in English) titled "Pilgrimage between Islam and the Muhammadans" found on our website on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=90
(7) Jesus, Moses, and all prophets/messengers of God performed pilgrimage to the Kaaba; we have proven this in our book (in English) titled "Pilgrimage between Islam and the Muhammadans".
A general note: please read our entire archive of previous articles & fatwas and all our books published on our Quranism website before posing repeated questions that we have answered many times before; this way, you will benefit a lot, find all answers you need, and save our time and effort. Thank you.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5171 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,737,512 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,479 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,871 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
القاموس القرآنى عن ( الاستعجال )
الفصل الثانى : الاجتهاد فى التدبر القرآنى وفى الاسلام والكفر والعبادات
القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
دعوة للتبرع
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