Fatwas Part Fifty-Eight

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-10-20


Fatwas Part Fifty-Eight

Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy


The Three-Month Waiting Period after Divorce

Published in October 10, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … I am separated from my husband 9 months ago, but the actual divorce has not taken place yet, as both me and him wait for the court ruling … My question is as follows: is the 3-month waiting period mentioned in the Quran must be counted after the court ruling or since my separation from my husband? …Thank you …    


 What you call as 'separation' is not acknowledged within Islamic/Quranic laws; you should remain in the house of the husband for the three months after the verbal divorce, and if no conjugal sex occurs, you are to leave his house as a divorced women. It is wrong for wives to leave the house of the husbands after quarreling to return to the house of her family, while waiting for divorce without or within courts. In your case, the beginning of the counting of the three-month period starts once the court ruling is issued, and NOT since your so-called separation. 






Fulfilling Contracts

Published in October 10, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … Is it permissible within Quranism or not that I would sell the stretch of desert-land I bought from the Egyptian State so that I turn it into a farm? … The contract stipulates I should never sell it; yet, many people among my neighbors in the desert-land area did just that with impunity, and no one in the State applied the law on them … No one is harmed when I sell this land, right? What do you think? … Thank you …  


 You must abide by the conditions stipulated in your contract: "O you who believe! Fulfill your contracts..." (5:1). Violating contracts is certainly prohibited in Islam; money gotten through this swindling is ill-gotten money. When sins spread within a society, this does NOT make the sins normal or OK. When one repents and feels remorse about receiving ill-gotten money, one must NOT spend it; if one cannot return it to its rightful owner(s), one can donate it for charity for God's sake; this way, one will protect oneself from the wrath of God which is among the dire consequences of eating from ill-gotten money. 






A Question of Inheritance (1)

Published in October 10, 2017




Question: …  Dear Sir, … a man died and had no progeny, and he is survived by 7 sons and 3 daughters of his late brothers who died before him; will they inherit their paternal uncle? By the way, one of the son's father died even before their paternal grandfather died; would he inherit his late father's share of the money of this grandfather? … Thank you …


  The son of a deceased father does not inherit the share of his late father from the grandfather since the father died before the grandfather. Since the 7 sons and the 3 daughters are the only near relatives (or nearest kin) to the deceased uncle, they can inherit him within the Quranic rule of making the male receives the equivalent share of two females.






A Question of Inheritance (2)

Published in October 11, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … God bless and reward you for your reform writings … My father died years ago, leaving only a house, and is survived by a his widow, 4 sons, and 3 daughters. Years passed without thinking of selling the house to distribute its money as per shares stipulated in the Quranic sharia laws, and we desire to sell it now, but within the years of delaying the selling of the house, my father's widow (i.e., my mother) died, and a brother of mine died as well, leaving his own widow and a daughter, and a divorced sister of mine died, leaving one son who lives with his maternal aunts … Thus, things got complicated; how shares are to be distributed?! Any advice to sort out this muddle? … Thank you …    


 After the death of your father the shares should have been as follows: the widow receives one-eighth of the inheritance, and the remaining shares are distributed as per the Quranic rule of making the male receives the equivalent share of two females. After the death of the widow, her share (which was one-eighth of the inheritance) is distributed as follows: the male receives the equivalent share of two females. After the death of the brother, his money is distributed as follows: his widow receives the one-eighth of the money and the daughter half of it, while the rest is for the siblings of the deceased brother, as per the Quranic rule that a male receives the equivalent share of two females. After the death of the sister, her money is given only to her son.






Because this Husband Beats his Wife!

Published in October 11, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … I live as a successful, wealthy person in a Gulf monarchy, and I am in contact all the time with my only daughter in Cairo, Egypt, and I helped her to have a richly furnished flat to marry an impecunious young man whom she loves and I typically send her the total sum of LE 10.000 on a monthly basis to help her and her husband to live decently … Before allowing her to marry this young man, I made sure he comes from a decent, respectable family that used to be well-off, but his family went bankrupt and this young man does not work at all; these investigations were made via a relative of mine who is a high-rank policeman… The problem is that my daughter is being beaten within domestic violence by her jobless, good-for-nothing husband! And he does not appreciate the fact that it is his father-in-law (i.e., myself) who spends money on him! when my daughter complained to me several times, I urged my friend, the policeman, to arrest her husband for one night and to let his men beat him severely and to threaten to harm him later on if he ever dares to beat my daughter again. This husband deals kindly with my daughter now, but he feels crestfallen and subdued, and she regretted the fact that she agreed to let the policeman my friend to threaten and beat him; my daughter feels he hates her for it and she accuses me of being the primary cause of her unhappiness! What am I to do?! Any advice? … Thank you …      


  This husband is pampered too much; your punishment inflicted on him is just, in our opinion, because he has beaten your daughter for no reason (if she was saying the truth). We regret to say that your daughter is pampered too much as well. Please advise her to get nearer to her husband within tender, loving care and kindness to heal his psychological wounds. Her husband must get a job immediately; you must help him in this respect. This is the ideal cure for him, instead of wasting his time doing nothing. 







The Soul and Duality

Published in October 12, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … Do human souls have a sex (i.e., male or female) like human beings? Are the souls sexless as the sex of the babies is determined only by genitals? What about the scientific fact about semen determining the sex of the baby, as per these verses: "And that it is He who created the two kinds-the male and the female. From a sperm drop, when emitted." (53:45-46)? … Thank you …   


 We do believe, based on the first verses of the Quranic Chapter 7, that souls of unborn-yet persons inside the Barsakh realm are based on the duality; i.e., there are souls of males and souls of females who are destined to be born as such. Souls carry the features of the body and face of the male/female persons even on the Last Day. The universe and all animate and inanimate creatures of God are based on this duality of pairs, and souls are no exception to this rule. 






Talking of The Ant to Solomon

Published in October 12, 2017




Question:  … Dear Sir, … A Christian friend of mine mocked the verses about the ant that talked to Solomon who understood its speech, while asserting to me that Biblical stories about Solomon do not contain such strange scene; he ridiculed the Quran and said that Muhammad authored it! I could not respond to him to defend the Quran! What am I to tell him next time I see this Christian friend?!… Thank you …         


 Firstly, do not debate or argue with the People of the Book about the Quran or anything related to religion, especially when Quranic verses are ridiculed by them: "And do not argue with the People of the Scripture except in the best manner possible, except those who do wrong among them. And say, "We believe in what was revealed to us, and in what was revealed to you; and our God and your God is One; and to Him we submit,"" (29:46). Secondly, the Old Testament is filled with mythology, especially the Book of Genesis. Thirdly, God asserts that all creatures talk and they praise and glorify Allah: "There is no animal on land, nor a bird flying with its wings, but are communities like you..." (6:38); "Praising Him are the seven heavens, and the earth, and everyone in them. There is not a thing that does not glorify Him with praise, but you do not understand their praises..." (17:44). We shall never know everything about the universe or even about all creatures on Earth; we know only about what is allowed to be noticed by human beings: "...and you were given only little knowledge." (17:85); "They know an outer aspect of the worldly life, but they are heedless of the Hereafter." (30:7). It is a miraculous sign granted to Solomon that he knew the tongues of some birds, insects, and Jinn. Lastly, if Muhammad were the author of such verses, why on earth he would praise a prophet of the Israelites and NOT fill the text with self-praise, then? why Muhammad would not have omitted verses in which he is reproached and rebuked? The Author of the Quran is Almighty God. Please, our dear son, do not waste your precious time with ignoramuses like this friend of yours. Spend your time instead on (re-)reading or archive of writings and on performing good deeds to earn your place in Paradise. May God bless and guide you.    







A Question of Inheritance (3)

Published in October 13, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … A man died and is survived by his two wives/widows and two daughters as well as three sisters; how his money is to be distributed within inheritance shares … Thank you …   


 Both wives/widows will have one-eighth of the money to be halved among them. Both daughters will have two-thirds of the money. The rest goes for the sisters of the deceased man. This means that the money is to be distributed in 24 equal shares: the two wives have 3 shares, the two daughters 16 shares, and the rest (i.e., 5 shares) are distributed equally among the three sisters.  






On Muhammad's Seeing Arch-Angel Gabriel

Published in October 13, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … Did Muhammad see Gabriel in a trance/daze; i.e., with his soul within a Barsakh level, or physically within the horizon in the sky with his naked eyes? … Thank you …   


  We are not to argue or add details about this special vision of Muhammad; we are only to believe in the details of it mentioned in the Quran, for this is at test: "...We did not make the vision We showed you, except as a test for the people..." (17:60). We tend to think that this vision was with the soul and heart within a Barsakh level and not with the eyes of Muhammad. This drawing nearer to Gabriel on this Barsakh level at Mount Al-Tur, Sinai, Egypt, in the Night-Journey (a.k.a. the Night of Decree) made the entire text of the Quran be imprinted inside the heart of Muhammad. Such experience of Barsakh of seeing Gabriel in the angelic form cannot be described in any tongue/language; this miracle was a Great Sign. Thus, we are not to imagine or add details about this event beyond what is mentioned in the Quran.   






The Meaning of This Verse

Published in October 14, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … Could you tell me briefly something about the meaning of the verse 43:81? … Thank you …      


 God says in the Quran: "Say, "If the Dominant Lord had a son, I would be the first to worship."" (43:81). This means that God has commanded Muhammad to ridicule the notion that God might have any sons, daughters, or any progeny of any type (e.g., angels) at all. This verse indicates that real monotheists, prophets and non-prophets, are to worship Allah only without any deified, sanctified beings beside Him. 






A Sunnite Salafist as a Witness

Published in October 14, 2017


Question: …  Dear Sir, … Can I allow a Sunnite Salafist to be a witness who signs a marriage contract? Are Salafists to be trusted?… Thank you …        


 It is OK for any adult, overtly peaceful person of both sexes (whether a Salafist or not) to be a witness who signs a marriage contract; you are not to judge religious beliefs inside the heart of this witness; this realm of knowledge is judged and known fully only by God the Omniscient Lord. The religious affiliation of the witness has nothing to do with the validity of his/her being a witness.  






Eight Days, Again!

Published in October 15, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir,  … I desire that you, as a historian, verify and tackle neutrally in a separate article the historical narratives about the last three days of the life of Prophet Muhammad when he was purportedly ill in his death-bed and the five days after his death … Thank you …


  Historical narratives you refer to are mere falsehoods, balderdash, and folkloric mythology concocted and fabricated during the Abbasid Era; they are never part of Islam nor of history of Muhammad at all. 







Zu Al-Qarnayn

Published in October 15, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, …  I'm a Turkish Muslim writer who is a graduate of the Islamic sharia college, Ankara University, in 1986, and 20 years ago, I have authored a very important book in Arabic about the mysterious figure of Zu Al-Qarnayn mentioned in the Quranic Chapter 18, and in some mythology of some ancient nations, and you can download it on this link  … Please give me your view of my book … Thank you …    


Zu Al-Qarnayn is a historical figure mentioned exclusively in the Quran; he has nothing to do with any mythology of any type. We never know anything about him except from the Quranic Chapter 18. The Quranic verses about him are the Absolute Truth from Almighty God the Omniscient Who knows all about the metaphysical realm of the past. Any other sources about Zu Al-Qarnayn are mere falsehoods, balderdash, and myths. 






The Stock Market, Again!

Published in October 17, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … Is stock markets never permissible in Islam because they are like gambling? … Thank you …  


 Of course not; stock markets are permissible since this is trade based on mutual consent. God says in the Quran: "O you who believe! Do not consume each other's wealth illicitly, but trade by mutual consent..." (4:29).






Bank Interests, Again!

Published in October 17, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … Am I allowed to borrow money from a bank (at any interest rates) to build a house for my family? Is this forbidden moneylending or usury?! … Thank you …      


 To borrow money at interest rates from banks is permissible when it is based on mutual consent; for more details to prove this view, we refer you to our article (in English) titled "The Usury Battle" on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=6251






The Mohallal After the Third Divorce

Published in October 17, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … The third divorce occurred between me and my wife before a marriage/divorce registrar, and days later, she had her monthly period. The three-month waiting period has not ended yet … I and her regret this third divorce and we desire to reconcile for the sake of our children; is it OK for both of us to remarry, or she has to marry someone else who will divorce her so that she can remarry me? I mean to use a Mohallal, a term used in this cases in Egyptian Arabic to describe a 'hired' man who is given money to draw a marriage contract with a woman whom he will divorce the very next day. Is this Mohallal have to copulate with her before divorcing her?! Can he divorce her without consummation of this sort of marriage? Any advice? … Thank you … 


 You can remarry your wife only before the three-month period ends; if it ends, you cannot remarry her unless she marries another man who divorces her. Consummation is NOT required at all (unlike Sunnites who make this consummation obligatory!). What is only needed is the marriage contract, and after this man divorces her, she can remarry you within a new contract and a new dowry, WITHOUT a three-month waiting period since this man does not have sex with her. Of course, if this man has sex with her, the three-month waiting period must be applied before you marry her to make sure she is not pregnant, and she remains in the house of her husband. For more information, we refer you to this subtitled-into-English video of ours about Mohallal: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cN6Vx9OYOqI). We refer you to our article (in English) about divorce on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=15977).






Ibn Baz and Other Clergymen

Published in October 18, 2017


Question: …  Dear Sir, … Some Saudis assume that the sheikh named Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baz is the imam of all 'Muslims' and the most 'learned' person on Earth about 'Islam'; in contrast, other non-Saudi Arabs assert that Ibn Baz is a blind ignoramus who does not believe the fact that the Earth orbits around the sun and he did not author any books… I do not know what to think; what's your own view? … Thank you …


 The person about whom you ask never differs from the corrupt, ignorant, misleading, misguiding and disbelieving clergymen of the terrorist Sunnite, Wahabi, Ibn Hanbal earthly, man-made, fabricated religion. Within real Islam (i.e., Quranism), there are no clergymen or any other mediators between people and God.







Prostrating before Mortals

Published in October 18, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, …  Within the Quranic Chapter 12, we read that the brothers and parents of Joseph prostrated before him; is it OK in Islam to prostrate to morals?! … Thank you …    


God says in the Quran that Joseph said to his father, Jacob, the following: "...I saw eleven planets, and the sun, and the moon; I saw them bowing down to me." (12:4). And the scene you ask about in the Quranic story of Joseph is as follows: "Then, when they entered into the presence of Joseph, he embraced his parents, and said, "Enter Egypt, God willing, safe and secure. And he elevated his parents on the throne, and they fell prostrate before him. He said, "Father, this is the fulfillment of my vision of long ago. My Lord has made it come true. He has blessed me, when he released me from prison, and brought you out of the wilderness, after the devil had sown conflict between me and my brothers. My Lord is Most Kind towards whomever He wills. He is the All-knowing, the Most Wise."" (12:99-100). We remind you that Quranic stories are NEVER a source for Quranic legislations of Islam (i.e., dos and don'ts). Thus, there is no sharia law to allow prostration to mortals. Likewise, there is no titles within Islam to any ruler, and yet, within the Quranic story of Joseph, his brothers addressed him in Egypt as the Potiphar as they did not recognize him at that time.






Spaces within Pavements!

Published in October 18, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … Some shops and kiosks in the streets of Cairo, and other major cities in Egypt, display their merchandise within stands on pavements outside their shops, and they thus occupy spaces within pavements illegally, and passers-by cannot walk on pavements because of such obstacles; this is a sort of transgression against Islamic values in the Quran, right?! What do you think? … Thank you …  


 Of course, you are right; this is a transgression against the right of citizens who should use the pavements equally; Quranic laws within Islam (i.e., Quranism) as well man-made laws in any given country are against such transgression that must be stopped within proper procedures.  





The Debate Over Prophets and Honorifics

Published in July 21, 2009



Question: … Dear Sir, … I feel grateful to you for making me understand the Quran in a deeper way … Why should we mention/write the name of Prophet Muhammad (and the other prophets) without the typical honorifics? Could you explain this view of yours further to me? … Thank you very much …   


 You are welcome, our dear son, to read more within our archive of writings; we refer you to this article of ours, that will provide answers to your question, titled: "The Phrase "Peace Be Upon The Prophet"" (found in English on our website on the following link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=14140). Thank you and may God bless and guide you.


اجمالي القراءات 5531

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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تاريخ الانضمام : 2006-07-05
مقالات منشورة : 5169
اجمالي القراءات : 58,613,747
تعليقات له : 5,478
تعليقات عليه : 14,869
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

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