اضيف الخبر في يوم الأربعاء ٠٣ - فبراير - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.
Imam of the Jews” driven out of mosque
“Imam of the Jews” driven out of mosque
Posted By PI On 1. February 2010 @ 10:34 In France, Islam | No Comments
The preacher from Dancy, Hassen Chalghoumi, declares that he has been threatened with death for many days now. On Friday, he left the mosque under police protection and verbal abuse by believers. The Parisian media reported this on Saturday. Believers from Drancy called for the resignation of Chalghoumi as rector of the mosque on Saturday in a petition.Chalghoumi advocates for the reconciliation of Islam with Judaism. He holds that complete covering as by burkas and nikabs are “means of sexist lordship [over women]” that have no basis in the Quran. This “very minority traditon” is even dangerous for the religion.Some Muslims in France think otherwise and accuse Chalghoumi and his followers of being unbelievers, traitors and “Imam of the Jews.” Chalghoumi, therefore, filed charges and received police protection. Muslims from his fellowship affirm, though, that he is lying and exaggerating about incidents. In the petition that is circulating around the Internet , they called the mosque a “haven of peace” for all Muslims that should “not be misused for political purposes.” Chalghoumi is not allowed to speak in their name and must step down.
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