Islam's true goal is world peace:
US Muslims denounce terrorism in peace march

اضيف الخبر في يوم الإثنين ٢٨ - سبتمبر - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً. نقلا عن: alarabiya

US Muslims denounce terrorism in peace march

Islam's true goal is world peace: Imam

US Muslims denounce terrorism in peace march

Austin Muslims march for peace (Photo courtesy of Austin's The Statesman)
Austin Muslims march for peace (Photo courtesy of Austin's The Statesman)

DUBAI (Al Arabiya)

A group of American Muslims gathered outside the United States Capitol to denounce terrorism and promote the "true Islam" of peace during the third annual Muslim Peace March, press reports said on Monday.

Imam Islam Mossaad, leader of the North Austin Muslim Community Center, spoke Sunday morning on the steps of the state Capitol about "Islam's true goal: world peace," as both Muslims and non-Muslims carried signs that read "Muslims Reject Terror" and "Peace Be Upon You."

" We're letting people know that this is what we stand for as Muslims. We can find peace with the golden rule and mutual respect for each other "
Zignat Abdisubhan, University of Texas Muslim Students Association

"This is what peace is about," Mossaad told Austin-based paper The Statesman. "It's not a state. It's something we strive towards."

The event, which counted two dozen participants, marked the third time Austin Muslims have marched to denounce terrorism.

"We're letting people know that this is what we stand for as Muslims," said Zignat Abdisubhan, vice president of the University of Texas Muslim Students Association. "We can find peace with the golden rule and mutual respect for each other."

Sheikh Ja'far Muhibullah, imam of the al-Mahdi Center in Northwest Austin, added that "the Prophet Muhammad preached that an act of injustice should not be met with another act of injustice."

"By submitting to Allah, one finds inner peace," Muhibullah said. "But that peace must transcend one's inner self to the external environment."

The march triggered positive responses from pedestrians. One woman was reported agreeing with an "Islam Is Peace" banner by replying "Anyone with an education knows that!"

"Austin has that atmosphere of congeniality," Mossaad said. "It's nice."

The Muslim Peace March is organized by the Central Texas Muslimaat.

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