Fellowships for Threatened Scholars

اضيف الخبر في يوم الخميس ٢٤ - مايو - ٢٠١٢ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.


Fellowship Announcement: Applications due July 31, 2012
Apply Now 

The Institute of International Education's (IIE) Scholar Rescue Fund (SRF) is pleased to announce a call for applications for threatened scholars whose lives or work are endangered in their home countries. Fellowships support temporary academic positions at safe universities, colleges and other research institutions anywhere in the world.

Who can apply:
Professors, researchers and public intellectuals from any country, field or discipline may apply. Please refer eligible candidates and forward this announcement to any academic colleagues who may be interested. 
  • Qualifying applicants are currently facing or have recently fled from direct and immediate threats.
  • Preference is given to scholars with a Ph.D. or other highest degree in their field and who have extensive teaching or research experience at a university, college or other institution of higher learning.
  • We strongly encourage applications from female scholars and under-represented groups.

Students or professionals seeking funding to pursue academic studies or training are not eligible.

To apply:
Please download the application materials from: www.scholarrescuefund.org/pages/for-scholars.php (outreach message available in Arabic, French, Persian and Spanish)

To nominate a threatened scholar:
SRF accepts referrals and applications from third-party nominators who know of a threatened scholar's need for assistance. Please contact SRF@iie.org for details.

To host a SRF scholar: 

Please visit: 

Contact SRF@iie.org for questions.


How The Scholar Rescue Fund Works: 
Fellowships support visiting academic positions for up to one calendar year. Awards are issued for up to US $25,000, plus individual health insurance coverage and professional development assistance. 
Fellowships are disbursed through dedicated host academic institutions, which provide direct support and a safe haven for SRF fellows. In most cases, hosts are asked to match the SRF fellowship award by providing partial salary/stipend support and/or housing, material support for research/publications, and other in-kind assistance. 
For a late August decision, please submit application materials by July 31, 2012. 

Please note that applications are accepted at any time and can be considered on an emergency basis.

Visit www.scholarrescuefund.org for more details. 

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