Invitation: FDD's Washington Forum 2011

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Invitation: FDD's Washington Forum 2011


Ideology, Power, and Alliances in a Changing Middle East  Washington Forum 2011  FDD’s Annual Policy Summit    December 7 – 9, 2011  Newseum 555 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington, DC  (Use the 6th St. Freedom Forum entrance)Ideology, Power, and Alliances in a Changing Middle East  Washington Forum 2011  FDD’s Annual Policy Summit    December 7 – 9, 2011  Newseum 555 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington, DC  (Use the 6th St. Freedom Forum entrance)
Register online at:
current events in the mid east
Washington Forum will explore policy options for the challenges facing the world's free nations....
Join FDD experts and interact with officials, diplomats, journalists and scholars.
More speakers are being added every day, for more information follow this link.
Register online at:

For more information, contact or 202.250.6144
2 VIP Events
spy museum logoOpening Reception: Counterterrorism Tools 
7:00 pm, December 7, 2011 
A special, private night at the International Spy Museum featuring former intelligence operatives demonstrating the newest counterterrorism technology. 
(Justice level and above*)
gary doerAn Intimate Evening with the Hon. Gary Doer, Canada’s Ambassador to the United States 
December 8, 2011 
Canada is an energy superpower whose resources are critical to U.S. energy security. As one of Washington’s strongest allies and one of largest trading partners, Canada is vital to the war on terrorism. Canada has steadfastly defended Israel and applied pressure on Iran.
Join Ambassador Gary Doer, former CIA Director R. James Woolsey, former National Security Advisor Robert “Bud” McFarlane, and Janice Stein, Director of the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto, for a conversation on Canada’s importance to American energy security and what can be done to break oil’s monopoly in the transportation sector. Moderated by FDD President Cliff May.
Reception and dinner at the Canadian Embassy. 
(Trustee level and above*)
To learn more about FDD visit

Washington Forum 2011 Honorary Committee:
Chair: Charles Bronfman 
Kenneth Abramowitz • Mark and Paula Argosh • Paul and Jane Bishop • Adam Bronfman
Eric Dezenhall • Alvin Dworman • Diana and Michael Epstein • Eric Javits
Lothar and Carlyn Mayer • Charles Moed • David and Ruth Naftaly 
Alan and Suzanne K. Peyser • Harry Ploss • Mark Pruzanski • Ken Schwartz 
Dianne Sehler and The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
Robert J. Shillman (“Doctor Bob”) • Jeff Solomon • Steven Stern • M. Ron Wahid
washington Forum logo

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1   تعليق بواسطة   joyce saabira     في   السبت ٢١ - أبريل - ٢٠١٢ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

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