Freedom House: Violence Against Citizens in LibyaIndefensible

اضيف الخبر في يوم الإثنين ٢١ - فبراير - ٢٠١١ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً. نقلا عن: Ahl ALQuRan

Freedom House: Violence Against Citizens in LibyaIndefensible


Washington – February 20, 2011 


Freedom House strongly condemns the violent use of force against demonstrators by Libyan authorities that has resulted in hundreds of deaths and thousands more injured over the past 5 days.

The violence began on Thursday, during a planned “day of rage” sparked by the arrest of lawyer and human rights advocate Fathi Terbil, when Libyan military forces violently cracked down on demonstrators in several eastern cities, including Benghazi, the second largest city in the country. Details of the brutality have been difficult to confirm due to a media blackout in the highly repressive country. However, reports from inside the country indicate the heavy use of fighter jets, machine guns, and rooftop snipers against protesters with many dead, injured and missing. In a speech last night, Saif al-Islam al-Qadhafi, the son of Mu’ammar al-Qadhafi, threatened the continued use of force against demonstrators if they did not stand down. International media is reporting that several eastern cities, including Benghazi, are in the hands of the protesters.

“Freedom House strongly condemns what is undoubtedly the harshest government crackdown we have seen since the wave of pro-reform protests began in the region,” said David J. Kramer, executive director of Freedom House. “This level of violence against citizens is indefensible, and as we saw in Egypt and Tunisia, only strengthens the calls of the people for reform.”

Media are reporting that country’s ministers of justice and interior and military leaders in the east have resigned in protest against the violent crackdown. Numerous Libyan ambassadors have also resigned. According to Reporters Without Borders, at least one freelance journalist, Atef EL-Atrash, has been reported missing after he was detained for providing reports to international media organizations. Military that have refused to fire on protesters have reportedly been arrested.

Libya has been consistently rated by Freedom House as one of the least free countries in the world in its annual Worst of the Worst report. Libya is ranked Not Free in Freedom in the World 2011, Freedom House's survey of political rights and civil liberties, and Not Free in Freedom of the Press 2010.

For more information on Libya, visit:

Freedom in the World 2010: Libya


Freedom of the Press 2010: Libya

Freedom House is an independent watchdog organization that supports democratic change, monitors the status of freedom around the world, and advocates for democracy and human rights.  


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