American song by the military university immortalizing the Lotus Revolution‏

اضيف الخبر في يوم السبت ١٢ - فبراير - ٢٠١١ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.

An american song immportalizing the Egyptian Revolution, by the military university.. it is stronger than few tank battalions of Mr. Suliman. Please watch and distribute as wide as possible also to the youth in Egypt.
It should be electrifying to play it during the vigil before the White House. Any one who can provide the technical needs so it can be sang and projected over a large screen?

من وحي صًمود المصًريين في انتفاضتهم اشترك العديد من الموسيقيين المشهورين في أمريكا
 في إنتاج أغنية للتضامن والتشجيع ... سموها 25 يناير تنفرد المجموعه بنشرها
"Inspired by the resilience of Egyptian people during their recent uprising, several notable musicians from North America have teamed up to release a song of solidarity and empowerment. The track is fittingly titled "#Jan25".."
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