Protesters clash with police in downtown Cairo on Jan. 25 in protests inspired by the revolt that brought down Tunisia's president.

The unprecedented protests on the streets of Cairo have drawn the world's attention to Egypt. Here's a brief look at how the current situation evolved:

How did the protest start?

Demonstrators were gathered peacefully in central Cairo on Jan. 25 to demand an end to President Hosni Mubarak's nearly 30 years in power and protest economic woes in the North African nation. The protests came days after Tunisian leader Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was forced into exile by demonstrations in his home country.

How did the violence begin?

As crowds filled Cairo's Tahrir Square — waving Egyptian and Tunisian flags and adopting the same protest chants that have rung out in the streets of Tunis — security personnel changed tactics and the protest turned violent. Police blasted crowds with water cannons and set upon them with batons and tear gas in an attempt to clear demonstrators shouting "Down with Mubarak."

How many people have died?

A policeman was hit in the head with a rock during the protest in Cairo Jan. 25 and died later in the hospital, an Interior Ministry official said. In another demonstration in the city of Suez, two protesters were killed, he added. On Jan. 29, Egyptian security officials said at least 62 people had been killed during the protests in the previous two days.

What is fuelling the protests?

In Egypt, discontent with life in the autocratic, police state has simmered under the surface for years. But there has also been growing discontent over economic woes, poverty, unemployment, corruption and police abuses.

What has been the influence of the recent protests in Tunisia?

Even with the long-standing Egyptian discontent, it appears the Tunisian experience was enough to push many young Egyptians into the streets for the first time. "This is the first time I am protesting, but we have been a cowardly nation. We have to finally say no," said 24-year-old Ismail Syed, a hotel worker who struggles to live on a salary of roughly $50 a month.

What role has social media played in the protests?

Social media tools, such as Twitter and Facebook, have been used extensively to rally support for the protesters. Egyptian organizers had been using Twitter to send out instructions to people on where to gather, until the government blocked the service on Jan. 25 in the late afternoon, local time. Cellphone services in Egypt were restored on Jan. 28 after a government-ordered communications blackout was imposed in "selected areas" the day before in an apparent bid to stop protesters from co-ordinating demonstrations. However, internet service appeared to remain blocked.

What about Canadians in Egypt, or those who want to travel there?

Canadians are being warned to avoid Egypt's major cities unless it is absolutely necessary. The Department of Foreign Affairs said Canadians should not travel to Cairo, Alexandria or Suez. The federal government also said Canadians in Egypt should avoid demonstrations and large gatherings. There are an estimated 6,500 Canadians in Egypt and all are believed to be safe.

With files from The Associated Press