El-Malt Severely Attacks Government in Parliament

اضيف الخبر في يوم الإثنين ١٤ - يناير - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً. نقلا عن: Almasry Alyoum

El-Malt Severely Attacks Government in Parliament

Gawdat el-Malt did not break his habit that he has been practicing since he took on the mantle of head of the Central Audit Bureau (CAB) nine years ago, as he severely attacked the government while reviewing the 2006-2007 Budget before the People's Assembly yesterday.

Malt said the government had 12 achievements only and 22 negative aspects, which he preferred to describe as remarks, summarizing the positive aspects as follows: achieving high growth rates in a number of areas, an increase in the overall balance of payments surplus, an increase in the net flow of foreign investment to USD 1.10 billion, increasing the cash reserve balance at the Central Bank to USD 5.28 billion, stability of the dollar exchange rate and the issuance of a number of important legislations.

Then Malt began his attack on the government when he accused it of double standards in the way it speaks about the positive aspects alone without mentioning the negative, claiming that everything is okay. He pointed out that the proceeds of accomplishments have not been fairly distributed.

He noted that there is still a gap between expenses and revenues, with a continued increase in the balance of arrears owed to the government, which amounted to LE 99 billion. He also criticized the rise in internal debt to about LE 637 billion.

Malt indicated that the government is focusing on economic aspects at the expense of services in the sectors of: housing, transportation, sanitation and drinking water, as well as non-optimal use of foreign loans and grants, which is considered a waste of public funds.

He said that corruption became rampant in municipalities, particularly in the housing and construction sectors, pointing out that there is a continued misuse of the provinces' private funds whose money is directly spent on congratulations and condolences.

He expressed deep regret at the increased flow of Egyptian investments abroad for the second consecutive year. He also criticized the high prices of food commodities, especially locally produced, at rates ranging between 6% and 46%, and the tendency of some traders to deprive the market of supplies, stressing that citizens are unable to face high prices.

Malt stressed that the government failed to develop all kinds of education, pointing out that there is a crisis of confidence between the government and citizens, because of the lack of coordination and poor communication between the central government and its agencies in provinces

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