اضيف الخبر في يوم الأربعاء ٠١ - ديسمبر - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.
Ushahid Report on Election Day Violations
Ushahid (www.u-shahid.org) is an online platform for recording reports from the public about the election process on a real-time map, through SMS, email and Twitter.
Ushahid received on election day November 28, 2010 during voting period 1252 reports, documented with 287 videos and 111 images. The reports represented a wide variety of violations, which began the day before the election day. It is noteworthy that there was apparent patterns of violations repeating throughout Egypt, at the same time, which gave clear impression that those violations are systematic. Reports were classified as follows:
دعوة للتبرع
آسف لا نقبل إنضمامك: أنا من دمشق موالي د 1995 و مقيم حاليا ً في تركيا...
الاسلام والرق: أنا متابع ة لكل ما تكتب و تنشر مقالا ً ...
المنتحر اكتئابا: ما هو حكم المنت حر المصا ب بالاك تئاب ...
لاخروج من النار: قرأت كتابك ( المسل م العاص ى هل يخرج من النار...
التنازل فى الميراث: توفي رجل وكان الورث ة هم الزوج ة والاو لاد ...