اضيف الخبر في يوم الخميس ٠٩ - سبتمبر - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.
In just 6 days, our petition to stop "Fox News North" from getting special access to our cable fees has exploded to over 75,000 signatures!
Together, we can stop Harper and his crony-media -- which is why "Fox News North" has launched a full scale attack on Avaaz: with smear pieces attacking us in their own newspapers. They've also admitted suspicious insider knowledge of a criminal sabotage of our petition -- fraudulently signing up key journalists to discredit us in the press as spammers. And we've received a letter from their lawyers threatening to sue us if we don't change our petition within 24 hours!
This is how big corporate power and their friends work to silence people's voices, using loads of cash, dirty tricks, expensive lawyers, and a media empire to smear their enemies and sue them into submission. But Avaaz is an online community of hundreds of thousands Canadians -- together, we're far stronger than any crony-corporation. They've given us a 24-hour ultimatum: Let's show them their intimidation tactics will backfire, and send a clear message back by raising a massive campaign fund by their own deadline. The more money we donate, the stronger message we send. Click below to stand up to "Fox News North" in the press and the courts:
The Stop "Fox News North" campaign fund will be used for:
This is a fight for our democracy. Sun TV is part of the Quebecor empire, owned by Pierre Karl Peladeau, a radical conservative and the largest media mogul in Canada. After a secret lunch with the president and owner of Fox News, Harper's top spin doctor, Kory Teneycke, moved to Quebecor to head up Sun TV. So our country's largest media empire is now spearheaded by the Prime Minister's former spin doctor, and he wants a government commission (the CRTC) to go against all its policies and force all cable companies to offer his channel. What this means for us is that if we want to watch a range of channels or get the news package of channels, we'll likely be forced to pay for Harper's crony-media mouthpiece too. Click below to donate to stop "Fox News North" being added to our cable bills:
Quebecor's smear pieces on Avaaz spread a string of desperate falsehoods to try to discredit the voices of tens of thousands of concerned Canadians. Their pieces claimed for example that our petition was a fake, signed mainly by Americans. When we offered to have any reputable audit firm like KPMG audit our petition for authenticity, they didn't respond. This kind of sleazy exploitation of their media power is just a taste of the kind of Fox News-like subversion that Sun TV is seeking to bring to our democracy.
Even worse, in a criminal attack on democratic expression online, an individual connected to Kory Teneycke tried to discredit our petition by adding people falsely (including journalists), committing identity theft and fraud. In a live debate on CBC between Teneycke and Avaaz's Executive Director Ricken Patel, it emerged that Teneycke must have known about the fraud virtually as it was happening! The press is asking whether Teneycke himself or SunTV was behind the attack.
This is not the kind of democracy we want to live in, and it's certainly not the kind we're going to be forced to pay for. Harper's thuggish politics has shocked most of us nicer Canadians. But he's about to find out that we can only be pushed so far. Let's make the defeat of "Fox News North" the beginning of the end of Harper's assault on our democracy.
With hope,
Ricken, Emma, Laryn and the rest of the Avaaz t" target="_blank">
Mediaite, “Canada and Ann Coulter: a volatile relationship”:
Media Matters, “Glenn Beck smears Obama’s 11 year old daughter”:
The Examiner: “Bill O’Reilly again confuses facts about Canadian health care system”:
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