Creating A Life – Supporting Economy….Without raising Taxes

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                                                                                                                                                Creating A Life – Supporting Economy….Without raising Taxes

A new book written by Michael D. Greaney and Published by Economic Justice Media www,


 A new book takes a revolutionary stance on a question many people fear has no answer: Is there a way to revive a moribund U.S. economy and turn it into an economy that supports life?

While the declining U.S. economy commands the immediate attention of the American public abortion continues to polarize our society into warring camps. Innocent human life continues to be destroyed. There is , however a way to address both issues ,  asserts the book Supporting Life : the case for a Pro-Life Economic Agenda , by Michael D. Greaney , Director of Research for the Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ) in Arlington Virginia .

Supporting Life Steps outside the conventional boxes of the abortion debate. It confronts head-on amoral and economic challenge that pro-life movement has so far failed to address: How a pro-life society provide the economic means to support every human life ? Faced with the massive government intervention , debt and income redistribution, How can we grow from and economy now on “ life support “ to a free, vibrant and just economy that support human life ,dignity and empowerment – not only from conception to birth, but throughout all its stages ?

As Rev. Edward C. Krause , C.S.C., PH.D, professor of moral philosophy at Gannon University and editor of Social Justice Review, the official journal of the Catholic Central union of America notes in his forward

“ Our growing dependency on the state and our acquiescence in unjust laws and institutions will only be broken when each human person can become an owner not only on his or her labor , but of capital as well .”

Starting from a pro-life prospective , Supporting Life looks unflinchingly at the moral , constitutional and tactical implications of “choice “ and at the economic pressure for abortion . It then offers a principled ,commonsense and achievable political strategy and economic solution called “ Capital Homesteading “ that would secure for every man , woman and child a new right of citizenship: the equal opportunity to acquire and own capital assets that would provide for that citizen a direct and independent source of income .

Supporting Life should be read by all leaders policymakers and citizens who seek a life-promoting economy that can deliver prosperity , power , freedom and justice for every person and family .


Michael D. Greaney, CPA, MBA, Forward by Rev. Edward C. Krause , C.S.C., Ph.D. ISBN 978-0-944997-05-5,Economic Justice Media ,$10.00,120 pp.

Available through

Contact Dawn K. Brohawn, Email:,

Telephone: (703) 243-5155   


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