International Journal for Arab Studies
International Journal for Arab Studies
Launching date: 21 October, 2009, 1:00 pm
Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies
University of Exeter UK
The International Journal of Arab Studies is an electronic journal introduced by the Society of Arab & Islamic studies at the University of Exeter (UK). We strive to publish outstanding and unique research produced by young academics from around the world. Our E-Journal will publish original, previously unpublished, work in both Arabic and English. Trough our website
We hope to expand our readership and access to the thousands of researchers with interest in the Arab World.
Our journal will be published three times a year. Our firsOur journal will be published three times a year. Our first issue, due out in April 2010 under the theme Arab Global Perspective:
Peripheries and Regionalism in International Relations will establish both a broad audience and broad spectrum of contributors.
We believe this theme will allow academics across disciplines the opportunity to discuss with our audience history and current affairs of Arab societies in their relations with the international community in the areas of commerce politics culture and conflict resolution to name a few.
IJAS also welcomes Book Reviews related to the quarterly theme. Our deadline for submissions for the first issue will be 5 January 2010.
Submission guidelines:
In order to facilitate the submission process for interested authors we will no reinvent the wheel. Our submission process will follow similar procedures set by many of the outstanding journals in circulation today.
As with many journals today we strongly discourage submissions which are largely similar to manuscripts published elsewhere by the same author.
Manuscripts should not be longer than 35 pages including text, all tables and figures, notes references and appendices. This page size guideline is based on the US standard 8.5by11 inch paper; if you are submitting a manuscript printed on longer paper, you must adjust accordingly. Font size must be at least 11 point for all parts of the paper, including notes and references. The entire paper, including references must be double-spaced, with the sole exception being any tables for which double-spacing would require a second page that would otherwise not be needed. All pages should be numbered in one sequence, and text should be formatted using a normal single column no wider than 6 ½ inches include an abstract of no more than 150 words.
Embedded citations should be used, and there must be a separate list of references at the end of the manuscript. Footnotes or endnotes may be included, but should not be used for simple citations.
Contact us at:
Dr. Khalid Almezaini (university of Exter)
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