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 In the early 1980s, we combined between our job as a professor at the History Department, Al-Azhar University, and our voluntary work within the Dawat Al-Haq Al-Esslamiyya Society (i.e., the 'Islamic' Call of the Truth Society). We were this Society's first preacher/sermonizer after its founder was seconded to a university in Saudi Arabia. Within each of the Friday sermons we delivered at the time, we were keen on discussing a new Quranist topic. We delivered such sermons in the mosques of this Society from 1982 to 1985; we left this Society after we incurred the wrath and enmity of its main members when we declared our Quranism and went public with our denying all hadiths; this coincided with the enmity and wrath we incurred from our foes and adversaries in Al-Azhar University in 1985.

Later on, we delivered Friday sermons in different mosques; meanwhile, we typically wrote a summary of each sermon so that such summaries would be the bases of our articles which we hoped to publish later on in Cairo-based magazines and newspapers. Shortly before our arrest in Nov. 1987, we collected so many summaries that our fellow Egyptian Quranists requested from our person to publish them in booklets within a series to be titled (Quranist Studies). Sadly, the very first and last published number of this series is this booklet titled (Would Sinful Muslims Get out of Hell to Enter into Paradise?).

This booklet was written after we witnessed a certain heated debate; at the time, we regularly delivered the Friday sermon once a month in a mosque managed by the Society in the city of Tanta (the capital of Al-Gharbiyya Governorate, in the west of the Nile Delta). The heated debate we witnessed took place inside that mosque among the members of the Society; the topic of the debate was if sinful Muslims would (or would not) get out of Hell to enter into Paradise as per the claims of Al-Bokhary in his hadiths; we listened attentively, in silence, to every member who argued and tried to prove his view; soon enough, every member requested eagerly to know our own point of view regarding this topic. We simply told them that we believe in the fact that sinful Muslims who will enter into Hell will never get out of it; we quoted to them the Quranic verses which assert this fact; they requested that we should make this debate the topic of our own Friday sermon; we did so and afterwards wrote a summary of this sermon as we typically did at the time. This summary was printed and got circulated among members of this Sunnite Wahabi Society and among some 'moderate' Sunnite non-members; all readers were stunned and their reactions varied; some approved of our view, since the Quranic stance is clear vis-à-vis this topic, and some others categorically rejected the summary as they assumed they should adhere to Al-Bokhary hadiths. After we left the Society for good in 1985, publishing the booklet titled (Would Sinful Muslims Get out of Hell to Enter into Paradise?) was the first, and last, number of a series titled (Quranist Studies); the project was to publish one booklet on a bimonthly basis; the last page of this booklet announces to readers the title of the next booklet of the series; namely, (Naskh in the Holy Quran Means Writing and Asserting and Not Replacement and Omission).

Sadly, this second number of the series, as well as the rest of the series, never got published at the time. Our fellow Quranists donated the sum of money required to publish 15000 copies of the booklet titled (Would Sinful Muslims Get out of Hell to Enter into Paradise?) in Al-Ahram Publishing House (located in the Nile Cornice Street, Cairo, Egypt); it is the same publishing house that still publishes the daily Al-Ahram Newspaper. The distribution of the booklet was undertaken by Al-Akhbar Publishing House; it is the same publishing house that still publishes the daily Al-Akhbar Newspaper. Things apparently seemed to go smoothly – it never crossed our mind that the Egyptian authorities planned our arrest in 1987. As the police officers arrested our person, police soldiers searched our house and confiscated all undistributed copies of the booklet taken as evidence against our person (the accusation leveled at our person at the time was 'showing contempt for religion') when we were interrogated in the headquarters of the Egyptian State Security Apparatus. During the interrogation, some officers asked our person if there are other copies of the booklet; when we answered in the affirmative, they took our person back to our house, handcuffed this time, in order to help them collect all the remaining copies strewn in all corners of our house.

During our two-month imprisonment and after our release, many articles were published to criticize the booklet and to attack its author; the number of such articles surpassed the pages of the booklet. Among the known journalists who wrote articles to attack and slander our person were Ahmad Zein and Fahmy Howeidy. When we sent to both of them a response, it never got published in their respective newspapers where they worked. This virulent attack on our person and our booklet drove many Cairene people, as typically expected in such cases, to seek to buy the booklet. Some people circulated among themselves free photocopies of the booklet; this drove an infuriated clergyman – Abdel-Moaty Bayoumy – to write an article to incite the State Security Apparatus officers against our person by describing this as "illegal circulation of pamphlets calling for sedition". Twenty years later (in 2007), with the grace and help of our Lord God, this is the very first book published online within our Quranism website, ahl-alquran.com, and our other booklets and books will follow it very soon, and, of course, we feel glad that it is available for free for all readers. We implore the Lord God to come to our aid in our project to publish online, for free, all our writings.

Thanks for Ahmed Fathy the translator 


 Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, VA, the USA, April the 27th, 2007. 

Would Sinful Muslims Get out of Hell to Enter into Paradise?
Most people assume that sinful Muslims who died without acceptable repentance will enter into Hell temporarily, as if to purge such sins within a purgatory stage, before getting out of Hell to enter into Paradise to abide therein forever. We refute this myth using the Holy Quran. We trace the roots of this erroneous notion in the eras before and after the descent of the Holy Quran. Refuting this notion using the Quranic verses clarifies the truth to all monotheists.
Signat ure: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour – 1987 – Cairo – Egypt.

Translation By:
Ahmed Fathy

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