Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy:
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Sixty-Three

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2020-06-03

                     Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Sixty-Three

Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy



You Are Welcome

Published in May 24, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a French citizen of Tunisian origin and I've converted to Quranism; I am glad to learn about True Islam that I have been looking for.....I would like you to help me to get to know the real religious duties within Islam............. … Thank you …


 You are more than welcome to read within our archive of writings and to watch our subtitled-into-English YouTube videos where you will find answers to all your questions.





Prophet Muhammad and the Amazigh

Published in May 24, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … In the folklore of the Amazigh people, there is that story about a seven-man delegation of the Berber or Amazigh who went to Yathreb, in Arabia, where they were welcomed by Muhammad who received them as his guests and talked to them in their Amazigh tongue to preach the Quran to them. Does history mention such an encounter? What is your view as a historian of such a folklore narrative or a historical account? Did Muhammad learn to speak several tongues?! Any ideas?    … Thank you …


 This folkloric narrative is a laughter-inducing balderdash and nonsense which is like a b-movie. Muhammad spoke in the Arabic tongue and he needed no other tongues; people of Arabia (even the People of the Book among them) spoke Arabic and their religious books were in Arabic. How come, anyway, that the Amazigh of North Africa would hear about Muhammad during his lifetime in Arabia?! This mythical story is similar to another laughter-inducing myth cherished by Coptic Orthodox Egyptians that Mary and her son Jesus visited Egypt and toured it for years; in each spot they supposedly settled for a while, a church has been built later on. Please do not pay much attention to balderdash and nonsense; the only true history of Muhammad is found exclusively in the Holy Quran. You are welcome to our website and our YouTube channel.






A Painful Reminder!

Published in May 24, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … I loved reading your articles published on the website of Arab Times and then on the leftist Modern Discussion website (; I loved also reading your books on our great Qurnaism website; yet, I regret the fact that you do not make an appearance in the Arab media; most people in the Arab world rarely read anything, let alone reading your books; many of them never heard of Quranism and Dr. Mansour. In contrast, some Egyptian reformist thinkers grew famous in Egypt as they appear in the media though many of their ideas match those of Dr. Mansour and millions watch their YouTube videos; these thinkers include Mr. Ahmed Abdou Maher, Mr. Abdullah Nasr, and Mr. Eslam Al-Beheiry......Other non-Egyptian reformist thinkers who grew famous within YouTube though they mainly copy the ideas of Dr. Mansour (without mentioning his name) are Mr. Adnan Ibrahim and the late Mr. M. Shahrour......... Why is Dr. Mansour less known? Why the Arab media would not host him more often?! Why do many people fear Dr. Mansour and fear his influence and his Quranist ideas?! ...............    … Thank you …


 Your email message, our dear friend, is a painful reminder of the media blackout we suffer; we have no outlet to reach others except our YouTube channel whose videos are watched only by few hundred viewers. When we accepted being hosted by a Christian satellite TV channel, the video of such interview went viral on YouTube, and the number of Quranists increased as a result; yet, no more interviews were done as the people in this Christian channel hated our defense of the Quran and our attacking the Muhammadans. When the Egyptian journalist Mr. Bilal Fadl interviewed our person within three episodes of his show inside the U.S. within a Qatari channel named (Al-Arab), the episodes were deleted from the YouTube (after being reported as 'offensive' and after being watched by thousands of viewers) because we attacked the deified criminals: the four pre-Umayyad caliphs who were spies/agents of Qorayish against Muhammad in Yathreb, as proven in our writings as a historian (see our book in English: Some Egyptian newspapers interviewed us but these interviews appeared online and never in the printed editions of these newspapers. Nowadays, most people seldom read in the Arab world, as you rightly say. Even the American Al-Hurra channel which was launched based on our suggestion to address the Arab world (a suggestion made when we worked, years ago, in the Woodrow Wilson Center) refused to host or to employ our person. Of course, to break/end such media blackout, we feel glad when others spread our Quranist ideas without mentioning our name and even if they ascribe our ideas to themselves; what matters is enlightenment; it will occur eventually; awareness about Quranism will be raised no matter what. Of course, the planet of the Muhammadans suffers more pandemics besides the Coronavirus: tyranny, injustice, corruption, and the spread of the terrestrial religions of Satan promoted and propagated by clergymen. Of course, the Muhammadans fear our ideas and our sharp tongue; we are too frank and outspoken to appear in their media; we attack and ridicule the big criminals who are both enthroned tyrants and clergymen; they desire to get rid of our person; they would hardly venture allowing us to be hosted in the Arab media. We refuse to attend any conferences in the Arab world when we are invited to them since evil Wahabi terrorists might assassinate our person there.       





The Sinful Caliphs

Published in May 25, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … My piece of advice is derived from my love and admiration for you since you are a great Islamic thinker.........I do urge you, if you desire that the number of Quranists would increase, to stop hurting the feelings of Sunnites by your sharp criticism of the four pre-Umayyad caliphs and other symbols/figures cherished by Sunnites; you literally insult them and verbally abuse them in your videos and articles; you say they were spies of Qorayish against Prophet Muhammad................  … Thank you …    


  We thank you for caring enough about our person to give us a piece of advice; yet, we will never apply this piece of advice; we must make readers wake up and remove from their minds the polytheism of deifying mortals. The so-called companions/contemporaries of Muhammad were never infallible gods/deities. Many of them, whose names are mentioned in history books, are criminals who conquered, looted, massacred, raped, and enslaved. Therefore, they are the archenemies of the Lord God as they rejected His Word the Holy Quran. We expose them within our defense of Islam (i.e., Quranism) as we clear its name from their atrocities and heinous crimes. We hope that this Quranic verse will apply to our person and to other Quranists: "O you who believe! If you support God, He will support you, and will strengthen your foothold." (47:7). You have to choose either the Lord God and the Quran or misguidance: "Such is God, your Lord - the True. What is there, beyond the truth, except falsehood? How are you turned away?" (10:32); "That is because God is the Reality, and what they worship besides Him is falsehood, and because God is the Exalted, the Supreme." (31:30); one has to be outspoken about preaching the Quranic Truth. Some conquerors and tyrants were secular ones who never ascribed their heinous crimes to the Lord God and His Religion such as Ramses II, Thutmose III, Julius Caesar, Hitler, Genghis Khan, and Saddam Hussein. It is OK to criticize such historical figures as well as other figures who ascribed the Arab conquests to the Lord God and His Religion; the Sunnites are polytheists since they deify such big criminals who are the archenemies of the Lord God and the Quran and are the imams/leaders of polytheism and disbelief. We never accept being blamed for our defense of Islam; we never care about increasing the number of Quranists. The Muhammadans will continue to hate our person until we follow their wicked religion – an impossibility for our person. The Lord God will settle our differences and disputes in religion on the Last Day.

 Please (re)read our English book found on this link:





Rituals of Allah

Published in May 25, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, …  What is meant by the expression (rituals of Allah) mentioned in 22:32? … Thank you …        


 This expression refers to pilgrimage (i.e., Hajj and Umrah) and commands and prohibitions linked to it; and 22:32 serves as a warning to raiders who attacked caravans of pilgrims; please watch our YouTube videos about pilgrimage and please read our two books, in English, on pilgrimage, found on the following links:




About Firdaus

Published in May 26, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … Some linguists assume that the Quranic term (Firdaus) which refer to Paradise is of non-Arabic origin? Is that true? Does it refer to anything else apart from Paradise of the Hereafter? Any ideas?  … Thank you …      


 Linguists of the Arabic tongue assume that the word (Firdaus) is of Persian origin and it was borrowed within both the Arabic and Hebrew tongue; because of its religious meaning (i.e., Paradise), it was borrowed by other European Germanic and Romance tongues and also by the Turkish and Russian tongues. The term (Firdaus) is mentioned twice only in the Quran to describe Paradise: in 18:107 and 21:10-11. It pertains to Sunnite myths to assume that (Firdaus) refers to the highest level inside Paradise; it is merely another name synonymous with Paradise in general like any other names such as (the Chamber) mentioned in 25:75 and the term "Garden(s)" employed in several Quranic verses; of course, Hell has other names/synonyms in the Quran such as Saqar. In the Arabic tongue and other tongues, the term (Firdaus) refers also to orchards and fertile valleys.   





Quranic Sharia Legislations

Published in May 26, 2020




Question: … Dear Sir, … Are allQuranic sharia legislations applicable in our modern era? Any ideas? … Thank you …      


 You will find a detailed answer in our book about Naskh; as for applying all of the Quranic sharia legislations, this requires establishing a Quran-based country/State which applies direct democracy, human rights, and citizenship rights regardless of denominations as per the sense of Islam in terms of behavior (i.e., peaceful demeanor). You will find tens of subtitled-into-English videos about the true principles of Islamic/Quranic sharia and how to apply them, beginning with Episode No. 1005 which can be found on the following link:   

 We also refer you to our book, in English, titled "The Seven Principles of the Real Islamic Sharia and How to Apply Them" found on this link:          

 Of course, true monotheists/Quranists apply the Quranic sharia laws in their lives as best as they can without imposing them on others. As for the current, common meaning of the term "sharia", it does not pertain to True Islam (Qurnaism); rather, it pertains to the Sunnite Wahabi religion of Satan applied by the big criminals who hate the Quran and who are the archenemies of the Lord God.    





The Universality of Islam, Again!

Published in May 27, 2020



Question:  … Dear Sir, … I have read your previous fatwa about the universality of Islam in your replying to my question; I am not convinced; since Muhammad spoke in Arabic, his message is addressed to the Arabs only: "We never sent any messenger except in the tongue of his people..." (14:4).......... Any further ideas? … Thank you …      


 We have quoted to you Quranic proofs regarding the universality of Islam; maybe you do not believe them because you do not believe in the Quran in the first place. The Messenger remaining until the end of days is the Quran and not Muhammad the Arab man who died. The Lord God protects and preserves the Quranic text until the advent of the Hour. All non-Arabs can read the Quranic message translated into their tongues; thus, they can ponder and understand it. The summary of Islam is piety and monotheism; this can be sensed and applied by any people regardless of their races, regions, eras, cultures, and tongues; people are urged in the Quran never to deify things, mortals, or tombs. The Quran is addressed to Gentiles and the People of the Book and also to the jinn.   





Muhammad Was Not A Revolutionary Leader

Published in May 27, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … Some orientalists and Arab authors assume that Muhammad was merely a revolutionary leader and a visionary who revolted against corruption, injustice, and tyranny that spread in Arabia........This raises many other questions in my mind about Muhammad:...,...,....,....,...... What do you think?   … Thank you …   


 This is not true. Any leaders of such a type are warriors who seek power and their true colors as corrupt tyrants are shown once enthroned after their raising, at first, empty slogans and banners. Muhammad was the messenger of the Lord God. Muhammad was a peaceful man who immigrated to avoid religious persecution inflicted on him; he never led a revolt; his battles were within legitimate self-defense against the Meccan Qorayish aggressors who attacked the peaceful Yathreb city-state; the Quranic teachings include adhering to peace; most of the Arabs feigned a conversion to Islam, and once Muhammad died, the Meccans ruled Arabia and committed the atrocities of the Arab conquests which violate the Quranic higher values which match human rights. In the planet of the Muhammadans, all Quranic values are not applied; rather, they are fought against. If the Muhammadans would adhere to peace, they will be nearer to Islam in terms of demeanor even if they remain as polytheists who deify Muhammad and other mortals. As for your questions about Muhammad, you will find answers to them in our book titled "An Imaginary CNN Interview with Prophet Muhammad" found in English on this link:

 Our mission as a Quranist thinker includes to negate and refute the alleged divinity and infallibility attributed by force to Muhammad after his death; the imaginary deity named by the Muhammadans as (Muhammad) has nothing to do with the historical figure and messenger Muhammad whose true story is found exclusively in the Holy Quran. Any hadiths and laws of Satan ascribed by Sunnite authors to such a deity have nothing to do with Islam. The Quranist call is a peaceful one; we seek no political leadership or posts; we seek no wars or revolts; we seek only peaceful political and religious reform in the Arab world especially in our cherished former homeland: Egypt. 




Solomon and the Queen of Sheba (1)

Published in May 28, 2020




Question: … Dear Sir, … How come that Solomon has threatened the Queen of Sheba by waging a war against her kingdom as per 27:37? This would have been an aggressive war; this is against Islam in terms of peaceful demeanor, right?! I know that you have written before that sharia laws are never to be taken from Quranic stories, but we are commanded in the Quran to make no distinction among prophets/messengers of the Lord God and to follow their guidance: "Those are they whom God has guided, so follow their guidance..." (6:90)...........Any ideas? … Thank you …     


 Of course, we have written before that the Quranic stories overlook and disregard, on purpose, many details which we will never know since they are part of the metaphysical realm of the past known only to the Omniscient Lord God. Hence, we are not to pose such a question as the one in the message above regarding the Quranic stories. Quranic verses which mention sharia legislations contains dos and don'ts. To follow the guidance of prophets/messengers as per 6:90 means to follow the Celestial/Divine Books/Scriptures; of course, the Holy Quran contains what such ancient Scriptures had in terms of dos and don'ts (or laws) and the meaning of monotheistic faith: "Nothing is said to you but was said to the Messengers before you..." (41:43); "It was revealed to you, and to those before you, that if you adhere to polytheism, your works will be in vain, and you will be of the losers." (39:65); "He prescribed for you the same religion He enjoined upon Noah, and what We inspired to you, and what We enjoined upon Abraham, and Moses, and Jesus: “You shall uphold the religion, and be not divided therein.” As for the idolaters, what you call them to is outrageous to them. God chooses to Himself whom He wills, and He guides to Himself whoever repents." (42:13).






No Blame, But....

Published in May 28, 2020


Question: …  Dear Sir, … My friend has asked me to pose this question to you; he has no income but he feels ashamed of himself since he cannot afford paying charity/Zakat; he feels sad and anxious whenever he reads this verse: "And spend in the cause of God, and do not throw yourselves with your own hands into ruin, and be charitable. God loves the charitable." (2:195).......Want do you think? Any advice?  …  Thank you …        


 There is no blame on him since he cannot afford it and he has no real income, but he should dedicate his religion and acts of worship sincerely and exclusively to the Lord God; your friend should remember these Quranic verses: "The wealthy shall spend according to his means; and he whose resources are restricted shall spend according to what God has given him. God never burdens a soul beyond what He has given it. God will bring ease after hardship." (65:7); "There is no blame on the weak, nor on the sick, nor on those who have nothing to give, provided they are true to God and His Messenger. In no way can the righteous be blamed. God is Forgiving and Merciful. Nor on those who approach you, wishing to ride with you, and you said, “I have nothing to carry you on.” So they went away, with their eyes overflowing with tears, sorrowing for not finding the means to spend." (9:91-92).





Lottery Is Not Gambling

Published in May 29, 2020




Question: … Dear Sir, … My husband and I buy lottery tickets on a weekly basis where we live in the USA, but I wonder if it is a type of gambling which is prohibited in the Quran........Any ideas? …  Thank you …


  Lottery tickets have nothing to do with gambling; the gambling prohibited in the Quran is a game played indoors on a table by people who know one another and it causes them to bear grudges against one another. The Quranic command to avoid gambling means that gambling is strictly prohibited in Islam: "O you who believe! Wine, gambling, mausoleums, and divination are abominations of Satan’s doing. Avoid them, so that you may prosper. Satan wants to provoke strife and hatred among you through wine and gambling, and to prevent you from the remembrance of God, and from prayers. Will you not desist?" (5:90-91). As for lottery, it is done within mutual consent of all parties; buyers of lottery tickets never know one another, and equal opportunity is present here within rules known to everyone; this is OK and permissible as far Quranism (i.e., True Islam) is concerned.    





Determining A Wife's Dowry

Published in May 29, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … Please reply to me ASAP...Is there a minimum sum which is due to any wife as her dowry?.....The Sunnites in their books of traditions assume that a dowry might be as little as a bag of dried dates?! I can't believe this! ....... What do you think?......... …  Thank you …


 Of course, within valid marriages in Islam, it is the duty of a husband to pay a dowry for his wife upon writing the marriage contract; estimating or determining the sum of a dowry is up to both parties (i.e., the husband and the wife) to decide within mutual consent.





Glorified Be The Lord God!

Published in May 29, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … I sometimes wonder if God calls us to hate non-Muslims or not. Is racism part of Islam?! ............What do you think?  …  Thank you … 


  Of course not! Sadly, you mix between the Great Religion of the Lord God, which is Islam, and the terrestrial religions of Satan followed by the Muhammadans; such a mistake is common among those who never read about True Islam; you should read within our archive of writings and watch our YouTube videos of our show titled "Quranic Moments". You will find tens of subtitled-into-English videos about the true principles of Islamic/Quranic sharia, beginning with Episode No. 1005 which can be found on the following link:    




Solomon and the Queen of Sheba (2)

Published in May 31, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … One of the Quranist writers on your website assumes in his article, in Arabic, that the land ruled by the Queen of Sheba is inside the kingdom of Solomon! This is absurd!.......All books of history tells us that the Queen of Sheba lived in Yemen and Solomon lived in Canaan/Palestine!..........You should check what is being written on your website by some amateur writers!.........  …  Thank you … 


 There is no need to be so furious and hot-tempered, our son. Any articles published by Quranists on our website can be commented on by everyone; no one claims to own or monopolize the absolute truth; all views on our website (including our own views) can be criticized and/or corrected; any Quranist writers give their own personal ponderings and views, of course. As you know, history contains relative facts that never pertain to the absolute truth. The Only Absolute Truth is the Holy Quran. 





Refusing to Receive a Dowry!

Published in May 31, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … I've read your recent fatwa about dowries; I have a personal question that I would like to be permitted to pose. Years ago, when I married my American wife, she refused the idea of having a dowry; the (Sunnite) marriage registrar insisted that I should sign a paper that I must give her, as a dowry, one gold dinar coin, which I did not have at the time (and she died 5 years ago without asking me for it); the marriage registrar also insisted, though my wife refused again, that I should sign a paper that a sum of 1000 dinars should be paid in case of a divorce.........Now my question is as follows: the same marriage registrar insists that since my wife died, such a sum plus the golden coin are like debts to be settled by being given to the children who inherited their Mom! Is this true? Any ideas?     … Thank you …    


 It is very wrong that wives would reject receiving a dowry; wives may willingly cede some of it only as per the Holy Quran: "Give women their dowries graciously. But if they willingly forego some of it, then consume it with enjoyment and pleasure." (4:4). As for your case, since your wife ceded her dowry, you are not indebted to her or to her/your children. Since she died, your inheritance share of her money is one-quarter of her wealth and her/your children should have the rest of the money distributed among them as per this Quranic inheritance rule: "...the male receives the equivalent of the share of two females..." (4:11).






Death of George Floyd

Published in June 1, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir,  … On May 25th , 2020, George Floyd, an African-American man was killed by a white American policeman in Minnesota.......The video of Floyd's death went viral within the social media......What do you think of racism in the West, esp. in the U.S. where you live? ...... What about racism among the Muhammadans? Many of their online comments were negative when I wrote a comment containing the expression (R.I.P.) for the soul of this victim; many Muhammadans rebuked me online by saying that mercy and peace are not for the souls of non-Muslims (!); I replied to them that Islam is the religion of mercy and compassion for all human beings........ What do you think?  … Thank you …    


 We tend to think that Donald Trump is the worst U.S. president; he is both fanatical and racist; he sees that anyone is either with him or against him! Trump has caused the ugly face of the U.S. to resurface; Trump has re-ignited racism, white supremacy, fanaticism, and division inside the U.S. In such atmosphere, recently, some white American policemen (accidentally?) have killed some peaceful African-American citizens instead of protecting them. Of course, the powers of goodness and human rights inside the U.S. are revolting against such ghastly state of affairs and such grave injustice. For instance, on the CNN, we have watched the American actress Jane Fonda talking about Trump as the cause for the death of Floyd who was a good man. We tend to think that the likes of Trump are so many in the planet of the Muhammadans and within their terrestrial religions of Satan; the Muhammadans never know that Islam in terms of behavior/demeanor is to deal with others peacefully while adhering to the higher Quranic values: peace, justice, mercy, charity, tolerance, and respecting both religious freedom and human rights. Likewise, the Muhammadans never know that Islam in terms of faith means monotheism by dedicating one's religion and acts of worship to the Lord God only and that this means to believe in the Quran only; i.e., the Quran as the Only Discourse in Islam. This Islam in terms of faith/belief is only for the Lord God to judge on the Last Day: "Say, “Our God, Initiator of the heavens and the earth, Knower of all secrets and declarations. You will judge between your servants regarding what they had differed about.”" (39:46); faith inside one's heart is never to be judged by human beings as they should never interfere in people's monotheistic/polytheistic beliefs. In our peaceful Quranist call for the introduction of religious reform from within Islam (i.e. ,the Quran itself), we find rejection and hatred from two types of fanatics: those among the Muhammadans who hate our Qurnaism and those Quran-hating, Islamophobic persons in the West. We pardon all of them while seeking to gratify the Lord God Who will settle religious disputes and differences of all humanity on the Day of Judgment.        






May the Lord God Help you, our Son

Published in June 1, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a Quranist man with a degree in electronic engineering with 18 years of work experience.....I need your help to immigrate to the U.S., or to any other Anglophone country: the UK, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand, as I think I should leave the Arab country where I live; I suffer persecution because of being a Quranist man .......I am against religious terrorism and fanaticism and the so-called political 'Islam'.......  … Thank you  …  


 We cannot help you, our son. May the Lord God protect and help you. We, ourselves, cannot bring into the U.S. our Quranist extended family members and relatives who are persecuted and shunned/ostracized in the governorate where they live in Egypt. This was extremely difficult before the presidency of Trump; this is now impossible during his presidential term(s). We do believe that racism among the white Americans or the WASP (i.e., White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) has increased recently. When our Quranist nephew (i.e., the son of one of our brothers) was imprisoned and tortured merely because he is our relative (this is the only reason!), he immigrated to Vietnam once released from prison. We could not bring him to the U.S.; we could not offer him any help at all when he was in Egypt. We do advice you to seek to immigrate to any other country – not the U.S. – after the Coronavirus pandemic would end.





A Message from our Brother Mr. Ibrahim Dadi

Published in June 2, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … In one of your old articles within your archive, you mention that hadiths have been fabricated and invented (while being ascribed by force to Muhammad after his death) from the era of (the four wise pre-Umayyad caliphs) until the 10th century A.H. during the era of Al-Siyouti the historian and Sunnite author; I do believe that hadiths continued to be invented beyond the 10th century A.H.; what do you think?  … Thank you …


  May the Lord God bless you. The only wrong in this article you refer to is deeming the sinful, criminal, misguided four pre-Umayyad caliphs as 'wise'. They were never wise or guided. Of course, inventing hadiths continued after the death of the historian and author Al-Siyouti who died in 911 A.H.; among the authors of hadiths in later eras are (1) Ibn Hajar Al-Haythami who was born in 909 A.H. during the Mameluke Era and died in 973 A.H. during the Ottoman Era, and (2) Abdel-Wahab Al-Shaarany who was born in 898 A.H. during the Mameluke Era and died in 973 A.H. during the Ottoman Era. Inventing hadiths goes on until our modern era; for instance, during our youth in the 1970s, we read a book by a contemporary Egyptian author in which he wrote a hadith about Muhammad allegedly predicting the existence of the KSA and oil in Arabia! This is one of the silliest absurdities we have ever read! What is worse and more dangerous is the claim held by some Sufi authors of the Ottoman Era who wrote that they saw the Lord God and/or Muhammad in visions/dreams and hadiths were dictated in such dreams! May the Lord God curse such inveterate liars!  






Publishing our Books Is for Free

Published in June 2, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … I have the honor, dear Dr. Mansour, to request from you a written permission to publish your Arabic books, in paperback editions carrying your name as an author, of course, as our intention is to spread the Quranist line/school of thought.............  … Thank you …  


 Of course, the right to publish our Arabic books online, in PDF versions, or in print is allowed for everybody for free but without allowing anyone to monopolize such right. We readily agree to allow you to publish any of our books you choose. Thank you in advance. May the Lord God bless you.

اجمالي القراءات 3012

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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تاريخ الانضمام : 2006-07-05
مقالات منشورة : 5171
اجمالي القراءات : 58,734,426
تعليقات له : 5,479
تعليقات عليه : 14,871
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

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