Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Fifty

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2020-02-07

                           Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Fifty

Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy






Jesus Was Not Crucified

Published in January 28, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … We find in the following Quranic verse that the Israelites admit they knew Jesus was a messenger of the Lord: "And for their saying, “We have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of God.” In fact, they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them as if they did. Indeed, those who differ about him are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it, except the following of assumptions. Certainly, they did not kill him." (4:157); yet, why did they plot his being put to death by crucifixion?! Any ideas? … Thank you …


 As per the Quranic stories of ancient nations, some disobedient, misguided sinners among the Israelites killed some prophets/messengers despite the fact that they knew for sure that the Lord God has sent them; crucifixion was a common way at the time to put criminals to death; the Lord God has addressed some disbelievers among the Israelites in Arabia in the following verses: "...They were struck with humiliation and poverty, and incurred wrath from God. That was because they rejected God’s Verses and unjustly killed the prophets. That was because they disobeyed and transgressed." (2:61); "We gave Moses the Book, and sent a succession of messengers after him. And We gave Jesus son of Mary the clear proofs, and We supported him with the Holy Spirit. Is it that whenever a messenger comes to you with anything your souls do not desire, you grew arrogant, calling some impostors, and killing others?" (2:87); "And when it is said to them, “Believe in what God has revealed,” they say, “We believe in what was revealed to us,” and they reject anything beyond that, although it is the truth which confirms what they have. Say, “Why did you kill God’s prophets before, if you were believers?”" (2:91); "They shall be humiliated wherever they are encountered, except through a rope from God, and a rope from the people; and they incurred wrath from God, and were stricken with misery. That is because they rejected God’s Verses, and killed the prophets unjustly. That is because they rebelled and committed aggression." (3:112); "We made a covenant with the Israelites, and We sent to them messengers. Whenever a messenger came to them with what their souls did not desire, some of them they accused of lying, and others they murdered." (5:70).






Adding to the Quranic Prohibitions

Published in January 28, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, …  Why can't we use the Quranic legislations to infer that more items/deeds are prohibited; for instance, if copyrighted material (e.g., movies and TV shows) is stolen to be viewed for free via cyberspace, can this be deemed a prohibited theft? Any ideas? … Thank you …


 Monotheists never dare to add to the list of prohibitions mentioned in God's Word: the Quran. The Meccan verses show in general without details the prohibited items; e.g., see 7:33 and the Quranic Ten Commandments in 6:151-153. Details about prohibitions are found in Yathrebian verses; we refer you to our previous fatwas and articles about the same topic and also to our book titled "Meccan Revelation and Yathrebian Revelation in the Holy Quran". People can issue laws without ascribing imposed bans or things against such laws (e.g., illegal drugs) to the Quranic prohibitions or to the name of Islam at all. For more details about prohibitions and vice/sins, please watch our subtitled-into-English YouTube show titled "Quranic Moments" from episode no. 881 to episode no. 908.  





Funerary Processions

Published in January 29, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK in Islam (i.e., Quranism) or not that women join the funerary processions to bury the dead? No Quranic verses prohibit this, I suppose........... Any ideas? … Thank you …


 Funerals and their traditions and customs differ from one culture/country to the other and they have nothing to do with Islam at all. Such cultures, rituals, and habits are neither required nor prohibited in Islam. The only Islamic thing is to pray for the dead after the burial; this will not affect the deceased persons; this is beneficial to the living ones who do so as per the Quranic command so that they draw a lesson and heed the fact that life is transient and death is inevitable.





Extremism in the Quran?!

Published in January 29, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … Does the Quran mention the term (extremism) or not? Why? … Thank you …    


  The Quranic text does not contain that term; yet, its nearest meaning, exaggeration, is found in the following two verses: "O People of the Book! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain - it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him - that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a Sufficient Guardian." (4:171); "Say, “O People of the Book! Do not exaggerate in your religion beyond the Truth; and do not follow the opinions of people who went astray before, and misled many, and themselves strayed off the balanced way.”" (5:77).






Holding the Sky?!

Published in January 30, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … In the books of the misguided Sunnites, some fiqh scholars wrote that the masses feared that anytime any day the sky, perceived as a vault, might fall on their heads; the Sunnite authors link such myth somehow to this Quranic verse: "Do you not see that God made everything on earth subservient to you? How the ships sail at sea by His command? That He holds up the sky lest it falls on earth - except by His permission? God is Gracious towards the people, Most Merciful." (22:66); this is very insulting to the Quran; how such Sunnite idea (i.e., of the sky falling on heads of people) can be refuted by you within Quranism ? … Thank you …        


 The Quranic verse 22:66 indicates the fact that the Omnipotent and Omniscient Lord God controls the meta(physical) universe with it overlapping physical and Barsakh levels; we refer you to our two books, in English, titled "The Book of Barsakh" & "The West and the Miraculous Scientific Indications in the Holy Quran", found on the following two links, respectively:







About the Quranic Verse 11:114

Published in January 30, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … What is meant by the underlined words in this Quranic verse: "Perform prayers at the borders of the day, and during the approaches of the night. The good deeds take away the bad deeds. This is a reminder for those who remember." (11:114)?  … Thank you …      


 The word (borders) here indicates the two ends/extremes of something; hence, the underlined phrase refers to the dawn prayers (which mark the beginning of the day) and the sunset prayers (which mark the end of the day). Of course, to perform prayers means to adhere to piety, reverence, and fear of the Lord God during prayers and all day long; we refer you to our subtitled-into-English YouTube videos/episodes about prayers and to our book titled "Between the Quranic Prayers of Muslims and the Devilish Prayers of the Muhammadans".





The Quranic Story of Joseph

Published in January 30, 2020




Question: … Dear Sir, … Why does the Quranic story of Joseph seem so important that it is contained in an entire Quranic Chapter? Why is it so central in several cultures: Hebrew and others?… Thank you …      


 We urge you to read our archive before posing repeated questions; we advise you to use the search box on our website to find links to our writings and ponderings about the Quranic story of Joseph.





A Tyrannical Husband!

Published in January 31, 2020



Question:  … Dear Sir, …  Our female neighbor is a chaste, good wife and mother; she has five children in different stages of education. Sadly, her husband beats her severely almost every day (before her own children!) and verbally abuse her in the worst manner (again, before her own children!), and every time, she screams in agony. During one quarrel, he forced her to leave the house in her sleeping gown! She lived for some days in the apartment of her brother. Out of sorrow and despair, her eldest daughter attempted suicide during the absence of her mother but was saved; her father beat her severely to punish her for attempting suicide, and her arm was broken! The uneducated, penniless brother of the wife sued this cruel, tyrannical husband. The husband found out that he might be imprisoned if the wife would bear witness against him; he took his children to her brother's apartment (during his absence) and beseeched her to return home; she accepted to return home and to reconcile with her husband before consulting her brother; this is why after letting him down, this brother decided he'd never speak to her again for the rest of his life. Two months later, screams of agony of the wife show that the tyrannical husband began to beat her again! She has no other houses in which she can seek refuge since her only brother has boycotted her. I am one of her neighbors who can no longer bear her screams every night and all neighbors feel called upon to help and save this poor wife. What are we to do? All of us desire to avoid any clash with her mean, foul-mouthed husband who might take revenge by framing any of us; i.e., the neighbors who seek to help the poor wife! Any pieces of advice? … Thank you …      


 You should consult a good lawyer and inform the doers of good deeds with the plain facts of such a case, especially those who are highly connected and have acquaintance from among those of authority in your country. The neighbors can collect money to cover the fees of the lawyer to help the poor woman get divorced in court, in spite of the unjust husband, based on maltreatment resulting in life-threatening situations. Law, of course, will side with such a poor woman. It is a very good deed in Islam that good, pious neighbors, like you, would help this poor woman. May the Lord God reward and help you and may He deliver and save this poor woman and her children.





About the Quranic Verse 7:54

Published in January 31, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … What is meant by the underlined part in this Quranic verse "Your Lord is God; He who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then established Himself on the Throne. The night overtakes the day, as it pursues it persistently; and the sun, and the moon, and the stars are subservient by His command. His is the creation, and His is the command. Blessed is God, Lord of all beings." (7:54)? … Thank you …   


 This means that the Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Lord God is the Only Creator of everything in the universe; He is the Only Controller and Master of all (non-)human and (in)animate creatures. His commands linked to creation include how creatures live and move: "Your Lord is God, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then settled over the Throne, governing all things. There is no intercessor except after His permission. Such is God, your Lord - so serve Him. Will you not reflect?" (10:3); "Say, “Who provides for you from the heaven and the earth? And who controls the hearing and the sight? And who produces the living from the dead, and produces the dead from the living? And who governs the command?” They will say, “God.” Say, “Will you not be careful?”" (10:31); "God is He who raised the heavens without pillars that you can see, and then settled on the Throne. And He regulated the sun and the moon, each running for a specified period. He manages all affairs, and He explains the signs, that you may be certain of the meeting with your Lord." (13:2); "He regulates all affairs, from the heavens, to the earth. Then it ascends to Him on a Day the length of which is a thousand years by your count. That is the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible, the Powerful, the Merciful. He who perfected everything He created, and originated the creation of man from clay. Then made his reproduction from an extract of an insignificant fluid. Then He proportioned him, and breathed into him of His Spirit. Then He gave you the hearing, and the eyesight, and the brains - but rarely do you give thanks." (32:5-9); "God is He Who created seven heavens, and their like of earth. The command descends through them, so that you may know that God is Capable of everything, and that God Encompasses everything in knowledge." (65:12). His other commands are divine/Quranic legislations; the Lord Allah is the Only Legislator in Islam; He has created human beings as free agents who choose to (dis)believe and to (dis)obey and their choices will be judged on the Day of Judgment by the Lord God Himself without partners among prophets and non-prophets.





The Transient World

Published in February 1, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, …  Why are you using the term (the transient world) so often in your articles? What are the Quranic proofs that support such description? … Thank you …     


  The Holy Quran reminds us several times to take heed of the fact that the whole universe has a beginning and an end and this applies to everything on earth; our focus should be on the Eternal Life in the Hereafter. We would like you to ponder deeply on the following verses: "Have you seen what you cultivate? Is it you who make it grow, or are We the Grower? If We will, We can turn it into rubble; then you will lament." (56:63-65); "Have you not considered how God sends down water from the sky, then He makes it flow into underground wells, then He produces with it plants of various colors, then they wither and you see them yellowing, then He turns them into debris? Surely in this is a reminder for those with understanding." (39:21); "Know that the worldly life is only play, and distraction, and glitter, and boasting among you, and rivalry in wealth and children. It is like a rainfall that produces plants, and delights the disbelievers. But then it withers, and you see it yellowing, and then it becomes debris. While in the Hereafter there is severe agony, and forgiveness from God, and acceptance. The life of this world is nothing but enjoyment of vanity." (57:20).





About the Quranic Term (Thaboor)

Published in February 1, 2020


Question: …  Dear Sir, … What is meant by the Quranic term (Thaboor) and its derivations in the context 25:13-14?…  Thank you …        


 It means death and annihilation: "He said, “You know that none sent these down except the Lord of the heavens and the earth - eye openers; and I think that you, Pharaoh, are doomed.”" (17:102); Moses has assumed here that Pharaoh will die as a disbeliever whose fate is Hell. The Hell dwellers will long/wish for death, in vain, to get some relief from the Hell torment: "And when they are thrown into it, into a tight place, shackled, they will plead there for death. “Do not plead for one death today, but plead for a great many deaths.”" (25:13-14); "But as for him who is given his book behind his back. He will call for death. And will enter into Hell." (84:10-12).





Days of Hajj

Published in February 3, 2020




Question: … Dear Sir, … I came across your great Quranism website by chance when I was searched for interpretations of some hadiths in general and some hadiths about Hajj pilgrimage in particular......... I reject the Sunnite religion now;............. But what are the best days for Hajj rituals as per Quranism? …  Thank you …


 In contrast to Umrah (or lesser pilgrimage) which can be made any time all lunar year long, the rituals of Hajj (or greater pilgrimage) can be concluded in few days of your own choice only within the four sacred months of Hajj: (Zu Al-Hijja, Muharram, Saffar, & Rabei Awwal). For more details, we refer you to our YouTube subtitled-into-English episodes about pilgrimage and to our two books, in English, about pilgrimage, found on these two links:








Knowing about Islam

Published in February 3, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … I came across your website by chance; although I am a Christian man, I love getting to know about Islam and its messenger, Muhammad, and about the Quran itself  ...................... What you say differs a great deal from what others say............  …  Thank you …


  You are more than welcome to our Quranism website; thank you for your email message and please keep in touch to know more about True Islam (i.e., Quranism); please watch our subtitled-into-English YouTube videos (https://www.youtube.com/user/ahlalquran1/featured) and read more within our books, articles, and fatwas.





Lose, Loss, and Losers

Published in February 4, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir,  … The words (lose, loss, and losers) are mentioned several times in the Quranic text; why is that? Any ideas? … Thank you …     


 These words come only in the contexts of describing dwellers of Hell in contrast to the winners or successful ones who are the dwellers of Paradise. This following Quranic verses are about the loss of losers inside Hell: "...and every stubborn tyrant will lose." (14:15); "Faces will be humbled before the Living, the Eternal. Whoever carries injustice will lose." (20:111); "Moses said to them, “Woe to you. Do not fabricate lies against God, or He will destroy you with a torment. He who invents lies will lose.”" (20:61); "A loser is he who corrupts it." (91:10). "“But you can worship whatever you wish besides Him.” Say, “The losers are those who lose their souls and their people on the Day of Resurrection.” That is indeed the obvious loss." (39:15).






About the Quranic Verse 22:19

Published in February 4, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir,  … What is meant by this Quranic phrase: "Here are two adversaries feuding regarding their Lord..." (22:19) .… Thank you … 


  The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Here are two adversaries feuding regarding their Lord. As for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be tailored for them, and scalding water will be poured over their heads." (22:19). This means that monotheistic believers and disbelieving polytheists, in all eras, argue about God and religion, and each group defends its notions and stances; both parties are foes to each other on the level of religious beliefs; the party which is in the wrong, of course, is that of the disbelieving polytheists who will enter into Hell in the Hereafter.  





Never Permissible

Published in February 5, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, …  Is it permissible or not, as far as Quranism is concerned, that I'd create an application inside phones or a PC game (and it will be sold in return for money of course) using the Quranic verses; i.e., the verses will be lacking words and the player(s) will fill in the dots with the correct words......... Any ideas? …  Thank you …    


 This is never permissible; the Holy Quran is God's Book of guidance and a warning addressed to all humanity; monotheists engage into acts of worship which include reading, studying, and pondering the Quranic text. Disbelievers and polytheists take the Quran as a joke, a jest, or a plaything. You should never misuse or manipulate the Quranic verses for the sake of getting money regardless of the 'good' intentions. Those who undermine and ridicule the Quran by turning it into a game for amusement are sinners whose fate is Hell in case they do not repent sincerely before their death.   





About the Quranic Verse 74:4

Published in February 5, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir,  …  I feel very glad to read your article found, in English, on this link (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=19846) since I suffer from the problem of urinal incontinence; I agree with you that Islam is based on ease/facilitation. I've noticed that the purification verses in the Quranic Chapters 4 and 5 do not include the purification of clothes; yet, is this verse "And purify your clothes." (74:4) addressed to Prophet Muhammad only or to all believers? What do you think? … Thank you …    


 Of course, the verse 74:4 is addressed to both Muhammad and all Quran-believing people in general in all eras as is the case with verses with legislations and commands/prohibitions. The only verses about special laws for Muhammad only (and his household members) are found exclusively in the Quranic Chapter 33. Of course, 74:4 is about caring for the cleanness of one's outer garments and not one's underwear. This is inferred from the following verses: "They wrap their chests to hide from Him. But even as they cover themselves with their garments, He knows what they conceal and what they reveal. He knows what lies within the hearts." (11:5); they covered their faces so as not to hear and see Muhammad preaching the Quran. "Whenever I called them to Your forgiveness, they thrust their fingers into their ears, and wrapped themselves in their garments, and insisted, and became more and more arrogant." (71:7); this means they hid their faces with their outer garments so as not to listen to Noah and in order to avoid seeing him; their undergarments hid their nudity in such a case, of course. This is about garments of the Paradise dwellers: "Upon them are garments of green silk, and satin. And they will be adorned with bracelets of silver. And their Lord will offer them a pure drink." (76:21). Underwear is not mentioned or even implied in the Quranic verses we have quoted here.





Holy Land?

Published in February 6, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … What is this Holy Land, which the Israelites refused to enter after their exodus, as per the words of Moses in this Quranic verse: "“O my people, enter the Holy Land which God has assigned for you, and do not turn back, lest you return as losers.”" (5:21)?  … Thank you …  


  It is Palestine.





Mentioning Mortals during Prayers

Published in February 6, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK to mention or glorify the Lord God's prophets/messengers during my prayers after I pronounce the testimony found in 3:18-19?  … Thank you …


 This is not OK; prayers are for the remembrance, glorification, and mentioning the Lord God only.






The Scriptures of Abraham

Published in February 7, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … You've written before that some Arabs in the 7th century Arabia read the Scriptures of Abraham in Arabic. Yet, if they were originally in Hebrew or Aramaic, how were they translated into Arabic at the time?  … Thank you …        


 As per history, the Scriptures of Abraham were in the Aramaic tongue; both the Arabic and the Hebrew tongues are offshoots of one root; namely, the Aramaic tongue; they were two dialect of Aramaic and then evolved into full-fledged tongues/languages. This means the Scriptures of Abraham were translated by anonymous scribes into both the Hebrew and Arabic tongues since the People of the Book (mainly the Israelites) who lived in the 7th century Arabia mastered both the Hebrew and Arabic tongues. 

اجمالي القراءات 2999

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