آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2018-12-17
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Five
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Surrogate Mothers
Published in December 9, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK within Islam (i.e., Qurnaism) that a woman would hire another woman's womb to put inside it her ovum (inseminated by the woman's husband) so that she can give birth to her baby? This surrogate mother thing is done in the West, as you know … Thank you …
Yes; this is OK in our view; we infer this from the Quranic sharia legislations concerning breastfeeding and not to marry the sister/brother born of one's wet-nurse or breastfeeding woman who are like mothers to the baby breastfed by them: "Forbidden for you are...your foster-mothers who nursed you, your sisters through nursing..." (4:23). Hence, the surrogate mother who rented her womb to accommodate a fetus is like a second mother to the baby apart from his biological mother whose inseminated ovum has been used; this is not prohibited in Islam. As this baby grows up, he/she has as siblings the surrogate mother's children, of course.
No Jokes within Supplications
Published in December 9, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Within a playful mood and jesting, I invoked God's wrath to descend on my friend while laughing; he grew mad at me and vowed never to speak to me again! I said to him that I'm sorry and that God will not accept this supplication made as a joke; yet, he was not convinced! … What do you think of that case? … Thank you …
Not only have you offended your friend but also have gravely sinned against the Lord God; you should never use His Holy Name in vain or within joking, jesting, and playing; how dare you supplicate to Him while laughing and joking?! All acts of worship are to be performed within piety, reverence, and fear of the Lord God Who does not love transgressors: "Call upon your Lord humbly and privately. He does not love the transgressors...and pray to Him with fear and hope. God's mercy is close to the doers of good." (7:55-56). You must bear in mind that all those who use God's Name in vain or while joking, etc. are bringing perdition to themselves unawares.
The Awaited Mehdi Will Never Show Up
Published in December 10, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … What is the origin of the Shiite and Sunnite myth of the so-called awaited Mehdi? … Thank you …
The so-called awaited Mehdi or Mahdi (literally in Arabic: the guided one) will never show up; it is a mythical figure which never existed and will never exist. This notion is part of the earthly/terrestrial man-made Shiite, Sufi, and Sunnite religions and is never part of Islam. The origin of this myth is the Pharaonic story of the resurrected god Osiris, husband of the goddess Isis, after he was murdered within a treacherous plot by his brother, the evil god Set. With the return of the resurrected Osiris and the victory of his son, the god Horus, peace is restored and people gain salvation as they get rid of the rule of Set. Pharaonic mythology gave birth to (1) the lie known as the second coming of Jesus to defeat the so-called 'Anti-Christ' (another mythical figure) in order to restore peace, and (2) the falsehoods/hadiths about the awaited Mehdi who would be an imam/ruler or savior who shall establish justice and peace all over the globe. This myth of Mehdi is has remained popular today for centuries, and until now, because the weak, oppressed ones always dream of justice. There is nothing called 'savior' in Islam; the myth of Mehdi has been used in history by the Fatimids and the Abbasids and in recent times (e.g., in Sudan) within political intrigues and coups. We must remember that the Quran tells us that Muhammad never knew the future; hence, hadiths about Mehdi ascribed to him are mere lies and fabrications; in fact, this applies to any other types of hadiths. By the way, since the so-called Mehdi is 'awaited', there should be a known, specified time for his emergence; when and where will this happen? The hadiths of the Muhammadans never tell us! Why has the immortal Mehdi been hidden for 14 centuries?! Did he miss the train, plane, camel, or mule?! Only foolish polytheists who are as brainless as cattle believe in the Mehdi myth.
Democratic Transition
Published in December 10, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I fear that if a real democratic transition would occur in Egypt one day, the terrorist MB group might reach power once again! … Most Egyptian citizens, especially Coptic Christians, are passive and never trust or participate in elections … What do you think? … Thank you …
We have mentioned before in our writings that applying democracy in Egypt entails spreading and supporting the culture of democracy first for some decades; it will take several generations to establish this culture of democracy; it requires religious, legislative, educational, social, cultural, and political reforms. Absolute religious freedom must be established and protected; the dominance of the clergymen of any type within the social and political spheres must cease immediately. Freedom of thought, arts, creativity, and self-expression must be protected so that all idols are smashed and myths debunked in religion and within all fields. When the mind is liberated, no one can deceive it by earthly/terrestrial religions or by corrupt ideologies like Wahabism, nationalism, and communism. Thus, human rights must be maintained and applied after they are taught to citizens and students. Without all this, democracy is a mere façade, décor, or a fake slogan to cover corruption and tyranny of the affluent people of the deep-state ruling circles as the case of Iraq and Pakistan.
Terrorism and the Quran
Published in December 10, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I admire your writings very much and I spent weeks reading most of them, but I do believe that terrorism is rooted in the Quranic verses about fighting and jihad and about tormenting disbelievers in Hell; I fear that Quranists might turn into extremists one day......... … Thank you …
You are not telling the truth; you have not read (all) our writings; Quranic verses never encourage terrorism; read our archive of articles in English: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/profile.php?main_id=1), and we recommend to you to begin with these two articles: "Islam: religion of peace", found on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=6674) and "The Meaning of Islam and the Meaning of Taghut", found on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=14342).
How Long Clothes Should Be?!
Published in December 11, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … What is the recommended length of clothes for men (i.e., within trousers and djellabas) and women (i.e., within gowns) to cover their bodies properly? … Thank you …
This is not a problem; you can find answers here: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=16335); the problem is to attain and observe piety within monotheism and the fear of the Dominant Lord God. If men and women would walk in the nude in public, this is a minor sin or a mistake/mishap; the grave sin is to commit adultery/fornication. Many who wear long beards, hijab, niqab, djellaba, chador, etc. are sinful people who commit grave sins while assuming they will be forgiven; Satan and devils have deceived them.
About the Verse 37:107
Published in December 11, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … As for this verse: "And We redeemed him with a great sacrifice." (37:107), what was the animal sacrificed instead of Ishmael? Sunnite narratives/hadiths offer different views regarding this point, as you know … Thank you …
Within Quranic stories, the Lord God mentions some details and does not mention other details; this is not history written by men; the Quranic stories aim at making monotheistic, pious believers draw moral lessons. As for obsequious hadiths-fabricators, they eagerly invented countless myths to attract audiences and to brainwash people during the Umayyad and Abbasid eras to please rulers/caliphs. True believers never add any details to the Quran; no one is to guess and surmise about the type of sacrifice mentioned in the verse 37:107.
History of Muslims
Published in December 11, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is history of Muslims well-documented, authenticated, and verified? What is your own view about this topic? … Thank you …
The answer is no. No history of any eras and locations is 100% true; historical truths are relative and not absolute. The only true history is recorded by the angels who record the deeds of human beings; such Books of Deeds will be seen on the Last Day. As for history written by men, it is filled with biases, prejudices, whims, etc. and it suffers so many gaps and missing details. Besides, not all historians were contemporaries of events they have registered. Moreover, many historical accounts/narratives have many narrators who view things from different angles; history of rulers is filled with intrigues and secret plots; no historians dared to claim being omniscient. Yet, as a researcher and a historian, we have to analyze and deal with history books available to us. Research methodology, when applied to history books, may reveal contradictions and also some facts between the lines which can be inferred; this is what we have been doing in the last 30 years as per what you can read within our archive of writings on our website. Those who have different views regarding historical events and desire to try to refute our views are very welcome to do so.
Our Books Are Available for Free
Published in December 12, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I admire your great writings very much; I have rejected Wahabism and converted to Quranism … I work at Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies and I would like to buy your books in print or within PDF versions … Thank you …
All of our books in Arabic and in English are available for free on our website; anyone can publish, print, and distribute them without prior permission and without monopoly.
The PDF versions of English books are also available here:
Not Impure
Published in December 12, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Within Islam, are tears, swear, blood of wounds, saliva/spittle, and vomit pure or impure? … Thank you …
They are not impure; the same applies to anything coming from human noses and mouths.
Repentance of A Wine-Drinker
Published in December 12, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I've made a vow to God never to drink wine again as long as I live and I've assumed that I repented of this grave sin and the problem is over; yet, months later, I felt weak and drank! In fact, remorse and pangs of conscience are killing me now! I fear that I've incurred God's wrath and curse upon myself for breaking my vow! What shall I do? How sincere, durable repentance would be attained? Any advice? … Thank you …
Of course, one must never beak solemn vows made to the Lord God. Yet, the Lord God will accept your sincere repentance and will forgive and pardon you; repentance, of course, requires (A) correcting one's faith within monotheism and piety, (B) the intention, within a strong will, of never to return to the path of sin, and (C) performing many acts of worship and good deeds such as charity donations for the Lord God's sake especially within peaceful jihad endeavors or striving for His cause. May the Lord God forgive you.
Omniscience of the Lord God
Published in December 13, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I admire very much your articles and YouTube videos about the topic of the metaphysical realm of the past and the future; yet, does God's Omniscience, apart from preordained types of fates, include knowing (from the creation of humankind on earth until the Hour takes place) who the (dis)believers are and all things that will occur to all people and all their choices, etc.? What do you think? … Thank you …
We think that you have no right to question or cast doubt on the Omniscience of the Lord Allah; only polytheists do that. The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven." (3:5).
Worshiping the Lord God within Monotheism
Published in December 13, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Since the aim of religions is to worship God, is it OK for me to worship Him in any way I choose? … Would my worshiping Him suffice to avoid Hell? What about (not) following clergymen or sheikhs?! What is your own opinion? Any ideas? … Thank you …
Avoiding Hell and entering into Paradise is confined to the pious ones among believers; piety (or fear of the Lord God) includes monotheism; i.e., never to worship anything/anyone alongside with Him. Thus, you are to worship the Lord God only through ways explained in His Word: the Quran. You do must avoid following a sheikh, a 'saint', etc.; there is nothing called 'saints' or 'clergymen' in Islam (i.e., Quranism). Following the Quran is the only way to attain piety and enter into Paradise; the Quran is the Only Straight Path leading to the Lord God; you must adhere to the Quranic commands and avoid committing sins and injustices. In a nutshell, Islam is performing good deeds plus adhering to peace and the monotheistic faith within piety. You are not to follow your own whims/desires within acts of worship; you must worship the Lord God within the ways He has lucidly explained in the Quran. Thus, we have told you here briefly the steps you are to follow in order to attain the Lord God's mercy and enter into Paradise.
Wahabi Striving/Jihad!
Published in December 13, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … In my town, a new Wahabi phenomenon has emerged; namely, to urge deluded youths to forsake their homes, studies, and families to dedicate their lives to living inside mosques 24/7 where they sleep, eat, hear sermons, perform prolonged acts of worship, and get trained (for free) as preachers! ....... The Wahabi sheikhs assume that this madness is a form of jihad or striving for God's sake! I do believe that the ulterior motive is the brainwash the ignorant male youths in my country because Salafism/Wahabism has been weakened by fatal blows (at least since 2010) as the cyberspace has allowed more scandals to be known and self-expression for many Arab youths of all trends. ....................... What's your own view of this phenomenon of Wahabi 'jihad' inside mosques? … Thank you …
As you have said, our son, Wahabis in the Arab world fear that they are losing ground; they desire to go on propagating Wahabism and they are funded by the KSA to spread the terrorist Wahabi ideology of Satan. No one during Muhammad's lifetime in Yathreb left their houses to 'preach' anything to anyone or stayed in mosques for the rest of their lives. These Wahabi harmful/harm-causing mosques which must be avoided by monotheists and all peaceful people. We do believe that such deluded youths will soon receive military training to be prepared as suicide bombers and terrorists who will massacre the innocent civilians to serve the political ends of the affluent Wahabi sheikhs.
Not Prohibited
Published in December 14, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it prohibited in Islam (i.e., Qurnaism) or not that a living person would donate one (or more) of the organs of the body to any patient(s)? What is your own view of this? I know you approve of people writing a will and testament about donating their organs after their death....... … Thank you …
It is not prohibited as long as this is done within thorough medical supervision required to preserve the life of donors. The prohibition of anything must be mentioned within Quranic verses; since what you ask about is not mentioned at all in the Quran, it is permissible and legal within Islam.
The Body of Jesus Christ?
Published in December 14, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Within the documentary movie I've watched, titled "The Lost Tomb of Jesus" produced in 2007 and was first broadcast on the Discovery Channel, some researchers show three stone coffins or ossuaries discovered in Jerusalem and they assume that they contain remains of Jesus Christ, a wife (assumed to be Mary Magdalene), and a son … What is your comment on this documentary? … Thank you …
The Lord God says the following about the death of the mortal prophet Jesus: "Rather, God raised him up to Himself. God is Mighty and Wise." (4:158). This means that he died a natural death and his soul went to the earth's Barsakh level of the dead while his body was buried; this raising up to God is not for the mortal body, of course. All souls of all dead people return to Barsakh; this applies to Jesus and to all human beings like him. The earth receives dead bodies and these corpses decompose; all human souls will be resurrected from their Barsakh-level tombs on the Resurrection day after the Hour takes place and the universe (with its earth, heavens, and all of the metaphysical levels) is destroyed; the Lord God says the following about the earth: "From it We created you, and into it We will return you, and from it We will bring you out another time." (20:55); this applies to Jesus and to all human beings like him.
Devilish Myths and Balderdash
Published in December 14, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it possible that there are people among the Muhammadans who believe silly hadiths (which promise 'Paradise for everyone' in return for very little effort) such as these ones ........., ..............., ........., ............, ........... What is the aim of fabricating such hadiths, anyway?! What is your own view about the aim of inventing such narratives? … Thank you …
Within the earthly/terrestrial, man-made religions of Satan, clergymen (who are allies of the Devil) compete in attracting the gullible, naïve people by making them buying into myths of entering in to Paradise 'for free' or in return for little actions or money; e.g., through selling indulgences to them and donating money to build mosques; such myths/hadiths include assuming that (1) pilgrims return from Mecca with 'clean slates' like newly born babies in their birthday suits, (2) reading such and such Quranic Chapters/verses several times a day ensures entering into Paradise without being judged, and (3) on Fridays, about half a million men are offered 'salvation' (i.e., they will not enter into Hell however bad their deeds are!) for merely attending the Friday noon congregational prayers. Of course, when Egypt has entered since 1975 into the dark tunnel of Wahabi religiosity, such myths are repeated ad infinitum ad nauseam in the media, mosques, educational institutions, and Al-Azhar, this is not to mention the Salafist graffiti, posters, and stickers inside means of transportations and on walls within streets of most Egyptian cities which repeat the same myths. The polytheistic Muhammadans feel happy by such lies/myths/hadiths of polytheism as if entering into Paradise is 'guaranteed' for them through the blind belief in such mythology. In the Quran, the Lord God warns monotheistic believers against falling into such a trap of polytheism: "O people! Be conscious of your Lord within piety, and dread a Day when no parent can avail his child, nor can a child avail his parent, in anything. The promise of God is true. Therefore, do not let this life deceive you, nor let illusions deceive you regarding God." (31:33); "O people! The promise of God is true; so let not the lowly life seduce you, and let not the Tempter tempt you away from God. Satan is an enemy to you, so treat him as an enemy. He only invites his gang to be among the dwellers of Hell." (35:5-6); "Likewise, We have assigned for every prophet an enemy - human and jinn devils - inspiring one another with fancy words in order to deceive. But had your Lord willed, they would not have done it. So leave them to their fabrications. So that the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter may incline to it, and be content with it, and that they may perpetrate whatever they perpetrate." (6:112-113). When polytheists enter into Hell along with devils and Satan, Satan the Devil will disown them: "And Satan will say, when the issue is settled, "God has promised you the promise of truth, and I promised you, but I failed you. I had no authority over you, except that I called you, and you answered me. So do not blame me, but blame yourselves. I cannot come to your aid, nor can you come to my aid. I reject your associating with me in the past. The unjust ones will have a torment most painful."" (14:22).
Sacrifice of the Greater Bairam, Again!
Published in December 16, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Shall I slaughter cattle in the Greater Bairam as I used to do before converting to Quranism? What's your own view? … Thank you …
We have written before that no religious feasts of any type exist in Islam; you are not to celebrate any religious (Sunnite or otherwise) feasts at all. Sacrificial animals are offered (as a religious duty/obligation) by those who perform pilgrimage in Mecca. You can slaughter cattle within any times of the year to feed the poor as a type of charity donations: "Those who...give from what We have provided for them." (2:3).
Queries Answered Before
Published in December 16, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, …Is it OK in cold weather to wash one's feet (within performing purification/ablution before prayers) while having socks on? Within Raqas of all of the five daily prayers, shall I recite the Quranic Chapter One only or followed by some other Quranic verses or short Chapters as well? … Thank you for your time taken to answer me …
We have answered these queries before in several fatwas and within our YouTube videos; yet, for your sake, we repeat briefly here that in all Raqas, it is obligatory that one reads the Quranic Chapter One reverently, piously, and within fear of the Lord God; reading some Quranic verses after the Quranic Chapter One is optional; you can choose verses that contain (1) praise of the Lord God and (2) supplications offered to Him. What is more important is to attain piety through prayers and to adhere to piety all day long (by avoiding sins as much as possible). There is no such a thing as wetting one's socks; instead, you can avoid water in cold weather and perform Tayammum with a clean piece of cloth or a kerchief/napkin.
Salmaweih the Christian Doctor
Published in August 21, 2015
Question: … Dear Sir, … You have accused the Abbasid caliphs of being fanatics who were prejudiced against non-Muslims in general; as a historian, you have forgotten that in several stages during the Abbasid Era, Jews and Christians (not to mention scholars/doctors among them) lived in peace during the reign of several Abbasid caliphs … Thank you …
We have not forgotten, our son. You can read our article about tolerance in the Abbasid Era and how the Hanbali Sunnite scholars destroyed this tolerance and installed fanaticism and hatred after allying themselves to the Abbasid caliph Al-Motawakil. We have written about the tolerance of the Abbasid caliph Al-Motassim whose private medical doctor was Salmaweih, a Christian learned man who adhered to his Christian faith and had a high stature and exercised much power; no ministers/viziers dared to refuse commands issued and signed by Salmaweih who was trusted by Al-Motassim who took him as a close friend and sought his advice on all matters. When Salmaweih fell ill, Al-Motassim visited him at home and wept. When Salmaweih died, Al-Motassim was saddened a great deal and he decided not to consume food during the burial day of his close friend; he made his courtiers and retinue members attend the funeral of Salmaweih while wearing clothes of Christians and he made them carry candles and burn incense inside the church during the funeral mass service done for Salmaweih. Al-Motassim died in 227 A.H., 20 month after the death of his close friend Salmaweih. You are welcome, our son, to read our entire archive of writing published on our Quranism website.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5171 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,734,182 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,479 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,871 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
القاموس القرآنى عن ( الاستعجال )
الفصل الثانى : الاجتهاد فى التدبر القرآنى وفى الاسلام والكفر والعبادات
القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
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