آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2018-11-23
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-One
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
The Miraculous Birth of Jesus
Published in November 13, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Did Jesus remain inside the womb of Mary for nine months or not? Was he born in an ordinary manner? What is your own view? … Thank you …
It was a miraculous birth; we infer from the Quranic Chapter 19 that when the Holy Spirit Gabriel breathed the soul of Jesus inside the womb of Mary, soon enough, she gave birth to Jesus without waiting for the nine months of pregnancy; she carried her baby at once and showed it to her people.
Days of the Lord God
Published in November 13, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … What is meant by the Quranic expression (the Days of God) mentioned in this verse: "...and remind them of the Days of God..." (14:5)? Are these days the day of Resurrection, the Day of Judgment, and Doomsday? What do you think? … Thank you …
The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Tell those who believe to forgive those who do not hope for the Days of God. He will fully recompense people for whatever they have earned. " (45:14). Of course, the expression (Days of God) refers to stages of the Last Day: Resurrection, Gathering, Judgment, and Eternity either in Hell or in Paradise. The Last Day is the Day of Judgment when God will judge faith and deeds of all humanity; God has sent His Book, the Quran, to guide all human beings and decided to make them free to (dis)believe and to (dis)obey; the Lord God never made angels descend to force people to believe or to torment disbelievers; the judgment of humanity is postponed until the Last Day.
Sunset Prayers in Canada
Published in November 13, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I live in Canada; my problem is that I cannot perform the sunset prayers within my working hours; I typically perform them one hour later when my working hours end; I feel extremely worried and obsessed with fear lest I miss the sunset prayers! Any ideas?! May the Lord God bless and reward you … Thank you …
What you should care about is to observe piety, fear, and reverence during prayers and then all day long as the fruit of your prayers so that you attain purity within your soul/heart; if you miss any prayers, you have to perform them later on within their times in other days. Of course, you can pray within your working hours while sitting on a chair; you can perform Tayammum if you cannot reach water. You have to remember that acts of worship in Islam are based on facilitation and ease and not on hardships and burdens.
There Is a Very Easy Solution
Published in November 14, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I have tried in vain many times to convince my reluctant friend to (re)embrace Islam; he does not believe the fact that Islam is not centered on Arabs and the Arab tongue; I told him that Sunnite myths/hadiths of terrorism and violence have nothing to do with Islam; I told him never to judge Islam based on deeds/behavior of 'Muslims'/Muhammadans in our country; my friend assumes that Prophet Muhammad married too many women! I tried to explain to him many verses within the Quranic Chapter 33.......... Would you explain to me and to him some Quranic verses about............. … Any advice? What shall I do to convince him never to leave Islam? … Thank you …
There is a very easy solution and we wonder why it has never crossed your mind: why would not you leave your friend be?! You do not have to convince anyone about anything; all what you have to do is to advise him (only once) to read within our Quranism website (in Arabic or in English) if he is willing to know about Quranism as the Only True Islam. If he is interested (only if he believes in God and in the Hereafter), he can read our books, articles, and fatwas and watch our subtitled-into-English YouTube videos; of course, he can choose for himself; you are not responsible for his (mis)guidance or for anyone else's.
Addressing the Wrong Person!
Published in November 14, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … My name is.......; I'm 41 years old and I live in Tunisia and I've studied Islamic branches of knowledge at......, specializing in hadiths of Prophet Muhammad........ I've authored six books and about to finish 12 other books, covering topics such as............. within innovative ideas and unprecedented perspectives. I browse through the cyberspace in search of new Islamic knowledge........ My problem is that no one is willing to publish any of my books; I'm too poor to publish them at my own expense. Would you accept me as one of your disciples and allow me to publish my books for free online within your great website? … Thank you …
Sadly, we have to tell you that you are addressing the wrong person; what you specialize in is mere mythology and NOT Islamic knowledge at all; you have wasted your time learning devilish falsehoods/hadiths which are refuted and ridiculed in our website; we never allow nonsense/balderdash of Sunnites to be published on our website.
You Are Welcome, our Dear Son
Published in November 14, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm a thirty-year-old man; in the previous years; I have been fluctuating between imbibing Salafism, which is dominant in my country and as I listened attentively to sermons, and atheism, through the internet and the West people I contacted, as my English language is perfect … At one point in time, I felt as if I suffer a heartache because of too much information coming like an avalanche through the internet within all fields of knowledge; I felt that nothing is certain at all (including religion); how come that guidance would be available since there are countless hadiths and countless Salafist interpretations of the Quran?! … When I read about other religions which exist in today's world, I was not satisfied; each religion had its defenders and its detractors/critics; atheism is the dominant 'religion', past and present, on Planet Earth. I felt that I lost my faith in everything; I felt like a leaf driven in all directions by strong winds. I live alone in a house for 11 years; no one visits me; I severed all ties with my childhood friends; I rarely visited my relatives, but I told them about my depression because of lack of certainty; I frequented the clinics of many psychiatrists, but in vain; no one could help me. I worked for 8 hours and tried hard to be normal when I talk to my workplace colleagues. In fact, I lived like a Zombie. Life was brought back to my heart and body – suddenly like an electric shock – when I accidentally watched the YouTube video of you being interviewed by 'brother Rashid' who is a Christian TV channel presenter; I was intrigued and felt curious and enthusiastic to read your books, articles, comments, and fatwas on your Quranism website; I felt overjoyed as I regained certainty; I feel very glad as I have found the Only True Islam; I'm now a Quranist Muslim and the clouds of doubt/atheism are now gone forever; when I've preached Quranism to my relatives and folks, they told me that I am either crazy or an infidel/apostate! When I told them about your ideas, they screamed at my face! They spread the word within the Salafist circles/community in my country that I am a heretic who insults Prophet Muhammad and the 'holy' companions! My relatives have threatened to murder me if I ever contacted them again! Even their children insulted me and thrown small stones and pebbles at me! I felt depressed and remained hospitalized for more than a month, suffering severe physical and psychological pains; I fainted many times because of my shock. My Salafist boss seized the chance of my hospitalization to fire me and I lost my job; he hates my Quranism and hates the fact that I've refuted his views when he argued with me about Quranism and Salafism! My folks and relatives have decided they will never see me again unless I return to their religion (i.e., Sunnite Salafism); I barely cover my expenses as a freelancer via the internet. It is impossible for me to pretend that I've rejected Qurnaism to please anyone and lose my dignity and lose the Hereafter; I know that my life is in danger; any of the Salafist fanatics and bigots might murder me! Of course, I never ask for anything from you; I do not need any money or support; I only seek your pieces of advice; besides, I beseech you not to publish this rather long email message of mine in the fatwas section in your great website … Thank you …
You are more than welcome, our dear son, to our website; we apologize to you; we have decided to publish your email message (without mentioning your country and your name) because your case/problem is the problem of many Quranists in the Arab world who preached Quranism and were severely persecuted as a consequence. We typically publish their stories and our replies to them so that all Quranists would draw valuable moral lessons. All Quranists are following the Path of the Quranic Truth and strive/struggle for it; most of them suffer hardships, ordeals, and persecution; may the Lord God help and deliver all of them. Please do not feel angry because we published a part of your email message here; your suffering is typical of many Quranists in the Arab world. Many Quranists, including ourselves, faced severe persecution inflicted by haters of the Quran; the Lord God has told us in the Quran that in times of hardships, we are to rely on patience and prayers: "And seek help through patience and prayers. But it is difficult, except for the devout ones." (2:45). The Quranic Chapter 29 informs us about the fact that adhering to the Quranic Truth within real faith and monotheism is linked to religious persecution; the winners are those who adhere to patience and prayers, while relying on the Omnipotent Lord God: "Have the people supposed that they will be left alone to say, "We believe," without being put to the test? We have tested those before them. God will surely know the truthful, and He will surely know the liars. Or do those who commit sins think they can fool Us? Terrible is their opinion! Whoever looks forward to the meeting with God-the appointed time of God is coming. He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. Whoever strives, strives only for himself. God is Independent of the beings. Those who believe and do righteous deeds-We will remit their sins, and We will reward them according to the best of what they used to do." (29:2-7). When you perform prayers within piety, devoutness, and reverence, all cares and troubles of this transient world will appear to you as very small and insignificant; one's strong link with the Lord God will help one pass through this test of ordeals/adversity within success; you must implore and supplicate to the Lord God, within piety and reverence, to help you and grant you victory over your enemies who desire to inflict more harm on you. Please do not argue anymore with your relatives about Quranism; you have done your best in preaching the Truth, but this must cease immediately for your own safety; after preaching to stubborn deniers, one must move away from them, as per the Quran. Please do not waste your time with those whose evil deeds were made attractive to them (by Satan and devils) and they regard their sins and polytheism as something good. You must get busy; you should get a full-time job and keep reading within the Quranism website, as all true Quranists do, to increase your Quranist knowledge. One must make one's mind get busy with the Quranic Truth and not with falsehoods of this temporal world of illusions. Again, you are more than welcome, our dear son, to our website. May the Lord God bless and protect you.
Using Sunnite Testimony during the Daily Prayers!
Published in November 15, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … You have written in your articles (and said in your videos) that prayers are rendered void and nullified and are never accepted by the Lord God if one would utter the Sunnite testimony; what about those who prayed that way for decades? Would they have to repeat all these years of prayers?! … Thank you …
What we meant is that if Quranists do not use the Quranic verse 3:18 as the true testimony during prayers, their prayers will be useless if they insist on uttering the Sunnite, polytheistic testimony which mentions deified mortals. When true believers ask about anything related to Islam, they must not ask ignoramuses; rather, they must pose their questions to those who have deep Quranic knowledge who seek no money or possessions of this transient world. As for those heedless people who have blindly followed clergymen regarding how to perform acts of worship (and never used their minds to think and reconsider and to ponder the Quran), God will judge them on the Last Day. Those heedless ones are very attentive and alert when they purchase or sell anything; as regarding religion, they remove their minds as they remove their shoes when they enter into Sunnite/Wahabi mosques and seek the advice of ignorant imams.
This Is Undoubtedly Prohibited
Published in November 15, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it prohibited or not to stop paying taxes and water, gas, and electricity bills in a country ruled by a tyrant who is working against Islam? … What is your own opinion? … Thank you …
We have answered a similar question in our fatwas section before; we repeat here briefly that this is prohibited; money of the taxes is used to help the poor and better serve all citizens. Being ruled by tyrants is NOT an excuse to never pay for services you receive (e.g., water, gas, and electricity) even if their prices are exorbitant. The unjust ones will be punished by the Lord God (and NOT by you or by any other mortals) in this world and in the Hereafter: "...As for the unjust ones, they will know by what overturning they will be overturned." (26:227).
Advice Regarding Married Life
Published in November 15, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … My life with my wife has been very unhappy and miserable; I sighed in relief when she died years ago. I never thought of divorce so as to care for my only son; I never think of remarrying now; I dedicate my life to my son; he's been married two months ago; I'd like to give him pieces of advice to live happily with his wife within marital bliss and so that he would not live in misery within an unhappy conjugal life; yet, I do not want him to hate his late mother if I mentioned her meanness towards me and all the troubles and problems she has caused me! Please give me some pieces of advice, regarding married life, so that I would tell them to my son without tarnishing the memory of his mother … Thank you …
Of course, there are successful marriages and there are failed marriages. Some failed marriages might last for years, as in your case. Of course, we do not desire to know about the troubles between you and your late wife; this is none of our concern; we focus here on your son's married life. You should tell him that he should take his wife lovingly between his arms in the literal and figurative senses. Your son should never allow her to control him or to control his deeds; he is to treat her kindly, tenderly, and lovingly and to give her the sense of security; yet, most wives typically desire inwardly to fully control their husbands; he should set certain boundaries/limits in the conjugal relationship to protect the marriage and their mutual happiness and love from any whims. Of course, wives who fully control their hen-picked or laid-back husbands are never happy or satisfied; their expectations fail as they are unable to respect and esteem their husbands in that case. Husbands in that case are unhappy and the marriage may fail because of ensuing troubles. Happy wives and husbands are those who love one another within mutual admiration and respect.
Christian Feast of the Resurrection of Christ
Published in November 16, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK for Muslims to celebrate Christian feasts such as the Resurrection of Christ? … What do you think? … Thank you …
Of course not. These feasts represent faith tenets of an earthly/terrestrial religion centered about the pagan idea of deicide. All earthly/terrestrial man-made doctrines/sects/religions of Christians, Muhammadans (Shiites, Sunnites, and Sufis), Buddhists, Hindus, etc. are filled with feasts/celebrations because they take religion as jest and mere play, especially when their devilish acts of worship include deifying mortals and venerating 'saints'/gods and sanctifying their mausoleums. As for God's Religion, i.e., monotheism or Islam, it has no room for feasts, festivals, or celebrations; God's Religion of monotheism is all about worshiping the Lord God within submission to Him and within fear, reverence, and piety.
Time in the Quran
Published in November 16, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … What is the Quranic definition of time? How the idea of time is mentioned in the Quran? … Any ideas? … Thank you …
For details about the issue of (time) in the Quran, we refer you to our book titled "The West and the Miraculous Scientific Indications in the Holy Quran" and to the links of these two articles of ours in English:
Supplications and Prayers to Get Rain!
Published in November 16, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Some forests near where I live have huge fires now; the schools and universities have suspended their schedules; is it OK or not that I pray, implore, and supplicate to God to ask Him to make it rains so that the danger would be over? Sunnites have in their notions certain prayers to ask for rain, you know. What is your own view of this? … Thank you …
There is no such as thing as special prayers to get some rain; yet, it is perfectly alright to implore the Lord God and to supplicate to Him (in groups or individually) to request the relief/deliverance from any plight or plague in times of hardships and ordeals or (in your case) to request for rain.
Making No Distinction among God's Prophets/Messengers
Published in November 17, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … How come that the Quran commands us to never make distinction among God's prophets/messengers despite their belonging to different human races/tribes? Many non-Arab Muslims think that Islam is an Arab-centric religion! ........ I do believe that adding the phrase (Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah) to the testimony of (There is no God but Allah) is not polytheistic as you assume! … Thank you …
Within many articles, books, and videos of ours, we have covered this topic of making no distinction among God's prophets/messengers and not to place Muhammad as above them and that the monotheistic testimony of Islam, conveyed by all prophets/messengers, is (There is no God but Allah); polytheists add the name of Muhammad (and Ali) to this testimony as they deify mortals. We refer you to these articles of ours in English:
Friday Congregational Prayers, Again!
Published in November 17, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … No Sunnite books give us even a single Friday sermon uttered by Prophet Muhammad! Why is that? Are thereFriday congregational noon prayers in Islam or not?! Are they fabricated by Sunnites in later eras?! … What is your own view? … Thank you …
We have written many articles about this topic and we have referred to it in detail within our book on prayers and briefly within our book, in English, titled "The Quran: Sufficient as a Source of Islamic Legislation" found on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=92). Friday congregational prayers are implicitly referred to in the Quranic Chapter 62. There are no Friday sermons by Muhammad because he read Quranic verses in these sermons; he never uttered anything about Islam except Quranic verses.
Their Arab-Centric Religion
Published in November 17, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is Islam an Arab-centric, racist religion?! Jews consider non-Jewish people as Goyim and this is racist; Arab history is filled with racist attitudes against non-Arab Muslims! What is your own view of this as a historian and a Quranist thinker? … Thank you …
The Sunnite religion is the one which is Arab-centric and racist; Islam is a universal religion (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=16795) which has been descended by the Lord God in different tongues of all prophets/messengers; the last version of Islam (i.e., the Quran) is in the Arabic tongue because Muhammad spoke Arabic and lived in Arabia (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=17975). The Shiite religion is Persian-centric and racist; the Sufi religions/sects have several roots of so many pagan cults and religions predating the advent of the Quran. All humanity will be judged (as per the deeds, faiths, words, ideas, and thoughts of their souls/minds/hearts) by the Lord God on the Last Day using a universal language understood by all human beings, with no differences among the nations of any prophets/messengers of the Lord God who spoke different tongues.
A Muddy Swamp of Ignorance
Published in November 18, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Some laughter-inducing fatwas are issued by Al-Azhar recently in Egypt about the prohibition of uttering words of (platonic) love by a man to his fiancée! What do you think of such silly fatwas? … Thank you …
In fact, Al-Azhar isa muddy swamp of ignorance; its sheikhs are ignoramuses who serve rulers obsequiously and they have no time to read, think, study, or reflect; their creativity is centered only on trivialities. The Muhammadans of today suffer corruption, terrorism, bloodshed, and tyranny. Meanwhile, Azharite clergymen who hate the Quran are busy with issuing silly, laughter-indicting fatwas. Pharaonic enthroned tyrants of all eras need Al-Azhar to support their authority. Any religious, political, social, and economic reform in Egypt entails closing down Al-Azhar so as not to make Egypt remain as the muddy swamp of corruption, backwardness, and tyranny.Al-Azhar must return to its original status from its inauguration in 972 A.D. to about 1920 A.D.; i.e., a mere mosque or a house of worship, with no political or religious role or influence, maintained by donations and supervised by the government. Al-Azhar University must be turned into a civil, secular one annexed to universities which are located in Cairo, the Egyptian capital, after closing down Azharite faculties, colleges, and institutes that teach the Sunnite religion. Azharite secondary preparatory, and primary schools must be turned into State or public schools without religious education. All of the Cairo-based institutions or bodies linked to Al-Azhar must be closed down.There should not be in Egypt any official institution that controls religion; no clergymen have the right to assume that they represent God as His deputies on earth to 'guide' people.
The Progeny of Satan
Published in November 18, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Will the devils or progeny of Satan enter into Hell for merely being created as offspring of Satan?! I get this impression from the verse 26:95 … Are the progeny of Satan free to choose to (dis)believe and (dis)obey as in the case of jinn and human beings? What is your own view? … Thank you …
The Lord God has condemned Iblis/Satan because of his arrogance, pride, defiance, and disobedience; he is no longer an angel; he has become a jinn/devil; his progeny of devils (as we infer from the verse 26:95) have chosen to follow the footsteps of Satan in misguiding others and they deserve the same fate of Satan in Hell. Of course, God will judge human beings, angels, jinn, and devils on the Last Day and this implies their being free agents who can choose. Please ponder deeply on this general Quranic rule: "No burdened one can carry the burden of another..." (35:18).
There Is No God Except Allah
Published in November 18, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a twenty-year-old young woman and I seek your help; some devilish whispers sometimes control my mind and make me cast doubts on monotheism! Is there a possibility that there may be deified beings besides Allah?! Many questions persist within my mind in this respect! I'm afraid because I feel that my faith is lacking certainty! Any advice?! What shall I do? … Thank you …
When you ponder and reflect on the creation of the universe (i.e., the heavens and the earth, as per the Quranic expression) by watching documentaries about nature, animals, and outer space, you will feel the greatness and majesty of the Lord God and realize/feel with all your senses and your mind that there is no God except Allah Who is the Omnipotent Creator. This way, your belief in the Hereafter will be certain. Please read more within our Quranism website and your worries, fears, and doubts will disappear.
Tayammum Using Shampoo
Published in November 19, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Water pipes exploded in our house and we remained for a whole day without water until a plumber came along the next day … I performed the five daily prayers after performing Tayammum using shampoo to wash my face and hands; is this OK or not? What do you think? … Thank you …
Your Tayammum using shampoo is OK and the Lord God will accept your prayers. Tayammum is all about touching a clean surface or object to clean your face and hands in case there is no water.
With Might
Published in November 19, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … What is meant by the Quranic expression (take what We have given you with might) mentioned in the Quranic verse 2:63? … Thank you …
This means to take God's Word earnestly, seriously, and solemnly and to apply God's commands and to adhere to them firmly; this is repeated in many Quranic contexts regarding the Israelites and Moses: "And recall when We received a pledge from you, and raised the Mount above you: "Take what We have given you with might, and remember what is in it, that you may attain righteousness."" (2:63); "And We made a covenant with you, and raised the Mount above you: "Take what We have given you with might, and listen." They said, "We hear and disobey."..." (2:93); "And We inscribed for him in the Tablets all kinds of enlightenments, and decisive explanation of all things. "Hold to them with might..." (7:145); "Those who adhere to the Book, and practice prayers - We will not waste the reward of the reformers. And when We suspended the mountain over them, as if it was an umbrella, and they thought it would fall on them: "Hold with might to what We have given you and remember what it contains, so that you may attain piety."" (7:170-171). This is repeated here about John: ""O John, hold on to the Book with might firmly..." (19:12) and also here about Muhammad: "So adhere to what is revealed to you. You are upon a Straight Path." (43:43). Of course, real monotheists adhere to the Quran earnestly and firmly; i.e., with might, and they know the fact that the Quran is the Only Discourse in Islam and its Only Source; Quranists use the Quran as the Only Criterion to correct their faith and behavior and to judge inherited notions and traditions.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5169 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,609,101 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,478 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,869 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
الفصل الثانى : الاجتهاد فى التدبر القرآنى وفى الاسلام والكفر والعبادات
القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
الفصل الخامس : الاجتهاد الشيطانى العملى فى إضطهاد أهل الكتاب
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