آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2020-03-23
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Fifty-Five
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
About the Unique Writing Style of the Quranic Text, Again
Published in March 13, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … The same word is written differently in the Quranic Chapters; why is that? I wanna ask you about these Quranic terms:......... … Thank you …
Please wait for more articles under the title (Quranic terminology) which will cover the Quranic terms you ask about. The unique writing style of the Quran indicates the numerical miracles in the Quranic text; we refer you to our article in English about the fact that Muhammad wrote the entirety of the Quranic text in that unique manner as per the Divine Inspiration:
Being Realistic!
Published in March 13, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … Let's be more realistic; Muhammad spoke Arabic and the Quran is in Arabic; this means Muhammad is not a messenger for all humanity who have different tongues; his only people were Arabs of Arabia: "We never sent any messenger except in the tongue of his people, to make things clear for them..." (14:4). I know you will try to convince me with an opposite view; but how?! You won't refute or negate 14:4, I suppose! Que faire? … Thank you …
We have answered this question before; we recapitulate briefly here. Of course, Muhammad the human being spoke Arabic and was confined to his era and region; i.e., the 7th century Arabia, and yet, the Messenger which remains until the advent of the Hour and the end of days is the Quran itself; Muhammad made no mistakes in conveying the entirety of the Quranic text protected and preserved by the Lord God Himself until the Last Day; of course, human beings have different tongues; yet, they pass knowledge to one another though translation; the Quranic text is translated already to most tongues now. The mission of the Quran is to reform/remove the distortions added by polytheists to the monotheistic religion of Abraham; this means not everything in the Quranic text is new; many of its teachings were known to many human beings in other Celestial Books in ancient eras. Of course, the Quran addresses the reasoning human mind within the call to monotheism of (There is no God but Allah); Islam is a universal religion of all eras since Adam until the advent of the Hour; those who are inclined to direct themselves to guidance will believe in the Quran when they read it in any tongues within translation. Most Arabophone Muhammadans are heedless of the Quran and they reject it (while overtly claiming their belief in it) though it was revealed in their own mother tongue: Arabic; let us be more realistic!
The Quranic Parables about Insects
Published in March 14, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … Why is a mosquito mentioned here: "God does not shy away from making an example of a female mosquito, or something above it..." (2:26)? What is the intended meaning here? Any ideas? … Thank you …
Some Quranic parables are about insects and the miraculous scientific Quranic indications about them like mosquitoes, flies, spiders, ants, and bees. You will find our answer to your question about the mosquito parable in the following English article of ours found on the following link:
About Written Will and Testimony, Again!
Published in March 14, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK that I write in my will and testimony a sum of money to reward my friend (who is, of course, not among my inheritor)? Any ideas? … Thank you …
This is not OK; the people involved inside a written will and testimony are only among the inheritors (i.e., one of them, some of them, or all of them) and not anyone from outside their circle. You can give this friend of yours a money-gift or sell him (within a contract written by you) an asset while you are still alive. We refer you to our previous fatwas about the written will and testimony.
Quranic Verses as Decoration
Published in March 14, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … I am surprised to find in your videos that you use Quranic verses as a décor in the background; is this OK or not in Islam? And if this is OK, why? What about those who hang Quranic verses on walls of their houses as a form of decoration? Any ideas? … Thank you …
This is OK since there is no Quranic prohibition regarding this; of course, this is OK when the purpose or intention is to remind and preach others who look at them; in this case, one is rewarded by the Lord God.
About the Quranic Context 3:133-134
Published in March 15, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … One of my relatives was a treacherous ingrate who betrayed me though I was very kind and charitable towards him; I could have exposed and punished him, but I did not; I decided to pardon him; yet, I hate him very much; I avoid him and I will never speak to him again; yet, when I pondered 3:133-134, I began to think: Will (not) God reward me for pardoning him since I hate and shun this vile, mean, ungrateful man or not? Any ideas? … Thank you …
The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "And race towards forgiveness from your Lord, and a Garden as wide as the heavens and the earth, prepared for the pious ones. Those who give in prosperity and adversity, and those who restrain anger, and those who forgive people. God loves the doers of good." (3:133-134). Forgiveness and pardon does not mean to stop hating someone or to stop avoiding them; it means to refrain from retribution: "The repayment of a bad action is one equivalent to it. But whoever pardons and makes reconciliation, his reward lies with God. He does not love the unjust ones." (42:40); hence, retribution pertains to justice; yet, charity, which is a value above justice, means to pardon the guilty party and not to punish them. Of course, we think that you should restrain your anger and stop feeling rancor/hatred towards this guilty ingrate so as not to lose your reward from the Lord God.
Worse than Masturbation
Published in March 15, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a 50-year-old Quranist man who lives in Iraq; I come from a Sunnite background and my wife is a devoted Shiite who is very religious; she still thinks that I am a Sunnite and I have decided not to undeceive her because she is an extremist religious woman who might hate me more for being a Quranist ......... Problems between me and my wife never end, but I won't bother you with details about these problems; she sleeps in a separate room and refuses to have sex with me; even before that, our sex life ended years ago because of her refraining to allow me to have martial sex; I have no money to marry a second wife; I cannot divorce my wife or marry a second woman as my wife's Shiite tribe will cause me much trouble; she always threatens me with inciting sectarian violence against my Sunnite tribe and family if I ever dared to displease her too much! The Law in Iraq favors Shiites now, as you may know; Sunnites of Iraq are weaker now; let alone helpless Quranists like me .......... I have to masturbate every now and then; yet, I feel so guilty! Is masturbation, in my case, something sinful or not? Any ideas? … Thank you …
Masturbation is a minor sin/mistake or a mishap/lapse which will be forgiven by the Lord God when one avoids committing grave sins: "If you avoid the worst of what you are forbidden, We will remit your sins, and admit you by a Gate of Honor." (4:31); "Those who avoid gross sins and indecencies - except for minor lapses - your Lord is of Vast Forgiveness. He knows you well, ever since He created you from the earth, and ever since you were embryos in your mothers’ wombs. So do not acclaim your own virtue; He is fully aware of the pious ones." (53:32). The Lord God forgives and pardons those who are forced to do something unwillingly; this applies to your case, of course; you are a respectable man who is a victim of an extremist Shiite wife who does not fear the Lord God. Religious extremism is a grave sin, whereas masturbation is a mere mistake or a minor sin. Please do not feel guilty.
Not Prohibited
Published in March 16, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a young woman who lives in CA, the USA, and work as a preschool-stage teacher; within activities and celebrations, children are taught paper craft during; e.g., Christmas, Saint Valentine's Day, and Saint Patrick's Day. Recently, I refused to make the children use a certain plant symbolizing trinity (a notion which is an abomination in Islam, as far as I know) when I taught them how to do some paper craft for Saint Patrick's Day .... Such celebrations are strange; this Saint Patrick has nothing to do with American history, anyway ........... Is it prohibited or not that I'd allow the children to do paper crafts linked to Christianity? The children in my class (all of them are Chinese) are not taught any religious ideas of any kind at school, by the way. What do you think? … Thank you …
It is not prohibited to allow children to celebrate such events which are now more secular and no longer carry a religious meaning in terms of faith tenets and practices. Please let the children enjoy themselves.
About the Rebel Angel Iblis
Published in March 16, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … Was Iblis (created of fire) a jinn or an angel when he refused to obey the Lord God's command, addressed to angels only, to prostrate to Adam once life was breathed into him? Any ideas? … Thank you …
Iblis was the rebel angel in the Upper Realm who refused to obey the Lord God's command to prostrate to Adam; he was expelled from the Upper Realm and became among the jinn as he was transformed into Satan the Devil. You will find a detailed answer to your question in (CHAPTER V: The CNN Interview about Adam, Eve, and Satan between the Quran and the Old Testament) in our English book titled (An Imaginary CNN Interview with Prophet Muhammad – PART I) found on the following link:
A Detailed Analysis
Published in March 16, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'd like you to write to your readers a detailed analysis about how the Quran mentions the descriptions of men and women................ … Thank you …
Why do not you write such a research yourself and publish your article on our website; you can search the Quranic text online in tens of websites now; you can easily collect all the Quranic verses within the topic at hand and ponder them deeply to infer new, fascinating facts.
The Coronavirus and Friday Noon Congregational Prayers
Published in March 17, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … All mosques in Iraq, where I live, are closed down because of the epidemic known as the coronavirus, as you know........... How would I perform the Friday noon prayers now at home? Would they be 2 or 4 Raqas? Should I pray alone or not? Any ideas? … Thank you …
We have answered this question many times in our previous articles and fatwas; pious monotheists/Quranists must NEVER enter into the harmful mosques of the polytheistic Muhammadans who worship and deify Muhammad and other dead historical figures, propagate hadiths, profess the so-called dual or triple testimony (by adding names of Muhammad and/or Ali to the monotheistic testimony of [There is no God but Allah]), and insist on the sin of singing the Quranic verses. Quranists in all times, regardless of the coronavirus, perform all prayers at home within piety and reverence (including the 4-Raqa Friday noon prayers) while imploring their Lord God to accept their sincere, devoted prayers.
About the People of Aad in the Quranic Verse 41:16
Published in March 17, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … What kind of wind was employed by the Lord God to destroy the people of Aad as per 41:16? Any ideas? … Thank you …
It is a very cold wind with a screaming voice and storms/tornadoes which destroyed the people of Aad: "So We unleashed upon them a screaming wind, for a few miserable days, to make them taste the torment of shame in this life; but the torment of the Hereafter is more shameful; and they will not be saved." (41:16). For more details, we refer you to what we have written about the destruction of the Aad people/tribe in (CHAPTER VII: The CNN Interview about the Ancient Arabs) in our book, in English, titled (An Imaginary CNN Interview with Prophet Muhammad – PART I) found on the following link:
More about Shiite Balderdash and Nonsense
Published in March 17, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a Shiite man; I find that the Quran is filled with proofs to support the Shiite idea of Imamism or holy grand imams; for instance, God's covenant for imams is never attained by the unjust ones but by pious ones like Abraham who was an imam: "And when his Lord tested Abraham with certain words, and he fulfilled them....He said, “My covenant does not include the unjust ones.”" (2:124). What do you think? May Allah guide you....... … Thank you …
We will answer this question, along with other questions we have received recently from other Shiite male senders, in a separate article which will be published and translated soon.
To Send and to Dispatch
Published in March 18, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … Would you kindly tell me what the difference is between both verbs in these two Quranic verses: "It is He who sent among the Gentiles a messenger from themselves..." (62:2); "It is He who dispatched His Messenger with the guidance and the religion of Truth..." (9:33)? … Thank you for your time …
There is no difference at all between to (send) a messenger and to (dispatch) a messenger.
About Jesus Sensing Their Disbelief
Published in March 18, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … How did Jesus sense the disbelief of some of those around him as per this Quranic verse "When Jesus sensed disbelief on their part, he said, “Who are my allies towards God?”..." (3:52)? How would anyone feel/sense the disbelief of others since they feel 'guided'? Any ideas? … Thank you …
Disbelief/polytheism is shown in one's deeds and words; e.g., to deify mortals and things, to commit aggression, and to impose religious views on others by force and persecute them are things we can sense, see, and witness. Jesus witnessed/sensed that some Israelites are polytheists/disbelievers who deified items and mortals and he knew that clergymen of the Jews practiced the hateful compulsion in religion and persecuted those who oppose their views. Of course, there were some monotheists who believed in the message conveyed by Jesus and they, as per what we infer from 61:14, had to fight the aggressors who attacked them, and the Lord God supported the believers who defeated the Jewish aggressors. This is part of the unknown history of Jesus revealed only in the Holy Quran by the Omniscient Lord God.
Please ponder on the following Quranic verses: "A messenger to the Israelites: “I have come to you with a sign from your Lord. I make for you out of clay the figure of a bird; then I breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by God’s leave. And I heal the blind and the leprous, and I revive the dead, by God’s leave. And I inform you concerning what you eat, and what you store in your homes. In that is a sign for you, if you are believers.” “And verifying what lies before me of the Torah, and to make lawful for you some of what was forbidden to you. I have come to you with a sign from your Lord; so fear God, and obey me.” “God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a Straight Path.” When Jesus sensed disbelief on their part, he said, “Who are my allies towards God?” The disciples said, “We are God’s allies; we have believed in God, and bear witness that we are submitters.” “Our Lord, we have believed in what You have revealed, and we have followed the Messenger, so count us among the witnesses.” They planned, and God planned; but God is the Best of planners. God said, “O Jesus, I am terminating your life, and raising you to Me, and clearing you of those who disbelieve. And I will make those who follow you superior to those who disbelieve, until the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return; then I will judge between you regarding what you were disputing. As for those who disbelieve, I will torment them with a severe torment, in this world and the next, and they will have no helpers. And as for those who believe and do good works, He will give them their rewards in full. God does not love the unjust ones.”" (3:49-57); "O you who believe! Be supporters of God, as Jesus son of Mary said to the disciples, “Who are my supporters towards God?” The disciples said, “We are God's supporters.” So a group of the Israelites believed, while another group disbelieved. We supported those who believed against their foe, so they became dominant." (61:14).
The First Aad
Published in March 21, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "And that it is He who destroyed the first Aad." (53:50). My question is as follows: Was there a first Aad tribe/people which was destroyed and also a second Aad tribe/people which was not destroyed? What do you think? Any ideas? … Thank you …
There was a second tribe of Aad as the believers survived and multiplied and carried the same name of the tribe of Aad; there are two tribes named Aad: the first one of the arrogant, powerful disbelievers annihilated by the Dominant Lord God and the second one of the believing descendants of the believers who survived as they were delivered with Hud by the Lord God's mercy. This answers is found in (CHAPTER VII: The CNN Interview about the Ancient Arabs) in our book, in English, titled (An Imaginary CNN Interview with Prophet Muhammad – PART I) found on this link:
The Real Treasure
Published in March 19, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … I've converted to Quranism months ago and I admire your great writings very much; yet, I wish I knew any Quranist friends where I live in....... It is a sad fact that most Quranists hardly know one another in person. I am very weak and I need the help of a Quranist friend who would advise and encourage me; I need a Quranist friend to remind me to perform the daily prayers; I typically forget to pray and I miss many prayers now! Would you give any some pieces of advice? … Thank you …
Please do not blame Quranists for not being able to contact one another in person in any given Arab country; they fear being severely persecuted if found out as Quranists by their Shiite/Sunnite families and communities. Of course, you should always remember that the five daily prayers are the tie/relation between you and the Lord God; you can pray alone in your chamber; you do not need any persons as far as prayers are concerned; people will never be of any avail to you on the Last Day: "They will not help you against God in any way..." (45:19). Please, our son, do not be among those who are mentioned in this Quranic context: "He neither believed nor prayed. But he denied and turned away. Then he went to his family, full of pride. Woe to you; and woe. Then again: Woe to you; and woe." (75:31-35). Prayers must be performed within piety, concentration, and reverence while this must bear fruit in adherence to piety all day long (i.e., by avoiding sins as much as you can). Performing the five daily prayers regularly and on time is the real treasure for pious monotheists/Quranists who seek to pass the test of life and enter into Paradise. Please watch our subtitled-into-English videos about prayers; please read our book titled (Between the Quranic Prayers of Muslims and the Devilish Prayers of the Muhammadans). May the Lord God guide you and our person to the Straight Path.
Another Shiite Jackass!
Published in March 20, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … The Shiite religion is the Only True Islam; within Abraham's religion of monotheism, Abraham was among the Shiites or followers of Noah as per the Quran: "Peace be upon Noah among all people...Of his followers/shi'atehe was Abraham." (37:79-83). Since Prophet Muhammad is commanded in the Quran to follow the religion of Abraham, we conclude then that Prophet Muhammad was a Shiite and never a Sunnite ........... What do you think? … Thank you …
This Shiite jackass is warping, distorting, and twisting the meaning of the Quranic verse 37:83 to accommodate his erroneous view; shame on him! Muhammad and other messengers/prophets were never Shiites, Sufis, or Sunnites; they were monotheists.
A Message from a Respectable Shiite Man
Published in March 21, 2020
Question: … Dear Sir, … Peace be with you; I am a Shiite man and my name is..... I dislike very much that in your writings, you often declare Muslims as disbelieving, polytheistic Muhammadans and ignoramuses; why are you imitating the extremists and Al-Khawarij who assume that those who never follow them are disbelieving ignorant ones who deserve being robbed and/or murdered?! ..... Besides, I disagree with some of your views: intercession is not a myth as you presume; one can find intercession in the Quran; e.g., when the sons of Jacob requested from him to implore God to pardon them in 12:97.......One can find drawing benediction from items in the Quran since the Israelites in 2:248 draw benediction from the chest carrying the covenant brought to them by angels. ..... Many narratives/hadiths are about drawing benediction from Prophet Muhammad before and after his death....... … Thank you …
We respect you and admire your style in writing the above message; yet, we consider your Shiite religion as a form of disbelief like the Sunnite and Sufi ones. We never believe in hadiths or in deified mortals/objects; as for intercession, we desire to draw your attention to our book, in English, titled "Intercession between Islam and the Muhammadans" found on this link:
As for declaring others as disbelievers, we repeat here what we have written before in previous articles and fatwas: Declaring certain notions and practices as pertaining to disbelief is a basic, central idea in both the Celestial Religion of Islam (i.e., the Quran only) and the terrestrial religions of Satan. The most frequently mentioned words in the Quranic text are linked to describing polytheism/disbelief and sins. Such descriptions apply mainly to those who believe in other discourses/hadiths/narratives besides or instead of the Lord God's Discourse/Word: the Quran itself. Those who believe in hadiths are polytheists who believe in erroneous notions such as human omniscient intercessors, the existence of the so-called 'saints', and drawing benediction from tombs/mausoleums and relics and places. Such Quranic descriptions of polytheism/disbelief serve to raise awareness of people and to warn them so that they would reform/guide themselves through the Quranic Truth and correct their faith by rejecting the misguiding notions of terrestrial religions, and this is NEVER about allowing murdering or robbing any persons since religious persecution is prohibited in Islam: "There shall be no compulsion in religion; the right way has become distinct from the wrong way. Whoever renounces evil and believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy handle; which does not break. God is Hearing and Knowing." (2:256). Hence, Islam is the Lord God's Religion of peace, justice, mercy, and absolute religious freedom. As for those who reject the Quranic Truth, we respect their freedom of choice and wait for the Lord God's Judgment regarding them and our person on the Last Day. In the terrestrial/earthly religions/doctrines/sects of the Muhammadans, Christians, and others, those who never follow certain ideas and/or practices are declared as infidels or disbelievers. In many cases, such declaration means excommunication, ostracism, or putting the infidels/heretics to death since they refuse to be dominated by evil clergymen! Of course, clergymen of Satan among the Muhammadans feel threatened by those who reject their terrestrial Sunnite/Shiite religions as this undermines their control/dominance in a given society; this is why terrestrial religions need the support of enthroned tyrants to protect these religions of Satan against being discussed, questioned, and refuted.
We hope that a respectable man like you with a reasoning mind would read more within our archive of writing within deeper reflection and pondering; then, you can choose for yourself whether to convert to Quranism as the Only True Islam or not; we respect your freedom of choice and your religious freedom.
A British Husband Is Needed
Published in March 22, 2020
Question: Dear Sir, Your website has helped me a lot with my research on Quran and pondering over some of the Quranic verses. May Allah bless you for the work and the effort you putting through to enlighten people. I had lots of tragedies in my life yet I would never complain because Allah has guided me; indeed, His mercy is better than anything. I belong to a strict Sunni Muslim family. While growing up, I always thought that I am not on the right path and had lots of questions about the so-called rituals (Sunni) that I was following. One day, I have decided to do research, and started reading the Quran in different translations. I have realized how I was on the wrong track for all these years, and instantly felt sad for the majority of people falling in the trap of Satan. I have begun to think of my family and how I can guide them (I know that only Allah can guide an individual). I tried telling them that I do not believe in Hadiths, they told me: "You are a disbeliever and have to pronounce the Shahada (i.e., the testimony of Islam) again to be a Muslim''. I kept quiet on receiving this response from them. However, I tried later again by simply telling them that Quran is enough to be followed. Sadly, they did not even bother to listen and went on arguing with me. Whilst they always enjoy talking about Hadiths. I don't know how to convince them; they will never listen to me as I am the youngest. I always feel guilty on waking up in the morning and thinking that another chance has been given to me to convince my family. I feel burdened and so restricted. I even tried telling my mother yet she did not bother. My family is looking for a marriage proposal for me in the same community (i.e., the Sunni one). Here is my concern: I do not feel like getting married to a Sunni guy. I know that the majority of Sunni men are dominating as they tend to impose their religious views on their women to control them. I want freedom of religion and cannot bear if anyone would blaspheme against Allah and His messengers. I cannot imagine I would have to live my whole life with a Sunni man; I am not sure if I can even dare to try to convince him with the truth. I would be grateful if you can advise me regarding the right course; I know I should not be worried and simply rely upon Allah. He is the Lord of the universe, the Best Planner and the Controller. Do you know anyone who follows the Quran-only Islam and is seeking to get married within the UK? I am a 28-year-old female of Indian origin and is currently residing in the UK. My apology for this long email message. I sincerely appreciate and welcome your piece of advice which hopefully may ease my burden. Thank you.
We have the email of this young woman who lives in the UK; any Quranist man who is interested in proposing to her should contact our person by sending a message to our own email: mas5949@yahoo.com
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5169 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,612,987 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,478 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,869 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
الفصل الثانى : الاجتهاد فى التدبر القرآنى وفى الاسلام والكفر والعبادات
القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
الفصل الخامس : الاجتهاد الشيطانى العملى فى إضطهاد أهل الكتاب
دعوة للتبرع
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