Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy:
Fatwas: Part Twenty-Three

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-02-12


Fatwas: Part Twenty-Three

Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy


Nowruz Feast

Published in February 8, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … Some people in Iran celebrate the Nowruz Feast of the Persian new year in their calendar… Some consider it a sacred, holy feast that cannot be questioned … What do you think? … Thank you …  


 Feasts made 'holy' as part of religion is a feature in the earthly, man-made religions; real faithful believers never celebrate such pagan things and never witness them: "And those who do not bear false witness; and when they come across indecencies, they pass by with dignity." (25:72). We tend to think that this verse prevents real believers from attending any celebrations based on quasi-religious falsehoods, lies, and myths to which polytheists adhere and in which they practice certain rituals that sanctify and deify mortals and items/things (certain places or mausoleums/tombs, etc.), and such social activities and festivities that unite people in 'love' are based on polytheism and 'love' will turn into hatred and cursing one another in Hell; as this reminds us with the rebuke of Abraham to his people: "... "You have chosen idols instead of God, out of affection for one another in the worldly life. But then, on the Day of Resurrection, you will disown one another, and curse one another. Your destiny is Hell, and you will have no saviors."" (29:25).  





Nowruz Feast Again

Published in February 10, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm the young man who has asked you before about Nowruz Feast in Iran … You have told me, Sir, that attending such festivities is witnessing of indecent heathen falsehoods … Yet, you have forgotten that this applies to Christmas and other religious feasts of any denominations worldwide … What about national holidays of any given country? … By the way, the Nowruz Feast for some people has no religious connotations whatsoever …Thank you in advance …      


  We beg your pardon; we thought that the Nowruz Feast you ask about is a religious feast, as it is mentioned as such in history books of the Abbasid Era. Of course, any national holidays or non-religious feasts or celebrations are OK and never prohibited, as long as one does not indulge in deification and sanctification of items and mortals in them. Thank you for your good question.




Representative of Quranists in New Jersey?

Published in February 9, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … I've been searching for a representative of your IQC in NJ, where I live, but I could not find anyone … Could you please tell me about your representative in NJ, because I need to personally contact any Quranists … Thank you …     


 Why would not you be the representative of IQC in NJ? Until now, the IQC has no representatives or branches anywhere. Yet, we do consider all our fellow Quranists worldwide who write on our website their articles and comments as our representatives, and we would love if they spread news about the existence of our website and our IQC in their countries or in the American states they live in, so as awareness of religious reform would spread as much as we can. Quranism as a school of thought is never owned by or confined to someone; it is our peaceful intellectual reform/jihad by which we seek to gratify our Lord Allah, hoping to gain His reward on the Last Day by His Mercy. You are very welcome to join us.  




The Most Disbelieving

Published in February 9, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … Are all terrorists deemed polytheistic disbelieving persons to you? Why? … Are all those who believe in the book of Al-Bokhary, for instance, as part of Islam deemed polytheistic disbelieving persons to you as well? Why? … Thank you for your time …      


  Of course, those who believe in discourses/narratives and hadiths of Al-Bokhary or any other author like him or in the so-called 'saints' or deified mortals and creatures assumed to 'intercede' and 'mediate', and thus are being worshipped at tombs, are polytheistic disbelievers in terms of the faith of their minds and hearts, according to the Quran. But they are not polytheistic in terms of behavior of course, as long as they never commit acts of aggression, violence, and transgression. Terrorists combine polytheism in terms of both beliefs in their hearts and aggressive demeanor, and they are thus the most disbelieving persons in the Quran as they reject it, and this applies to leaders of Wahabi terror: Bin Laden and Al-Zawahiri of Al-Qaeda, leaders of Taliban, the terrorist MB group members, ISIS terrorists, etc. Of course, polytheistic disbelievers have other Muhammadan imams/leaders who theorize preach hatred, massacres, and violence to the masses, and they propagate Wahabis Sunnite sharia of compulsion in religions, such as Hassan Al-Banna, Al-Sharaawy, and Al-Qaradawy, as well as Al-Sheikh family members of Wahabi clergymen in the KSA, etc. Let us not forget that the four pre-Umayyad caliphs who committed the heinous crime of Arab conquests, imitated later on by Umayyads and Abbasids and others after them, are imams/leaders of polytheism/disbelief in terms of their aggressive demeanor (conquering, raiding, raping, looting, enslaving, etc.), and in later decades, theologians and scholars of the Sunnite religion had to include such crimes by justifying them in their Sunnite legislations and sharia laws (and thousands of Sunnite hadiths) fabricated and concocted by them, such as hadith authored by Al-Bokhary about Muhammad allegedly saying that all people must be fought until they convert! Muhammad is innocent of such lies and falsehoods, of course, and his only sayings and words are ONLY the ones included in some Quranic verses.      




Outer Ornaments for Women

Published in February 9, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … Can women show their outer ornaments while wearing them, like jewelry that contain gold and precious stones, to all men? …Thank you …    


  Yes of course. The outer accessories and ornaments differ from the inner ornaments, as the latter is related to women's bedrooms with their husbands (lingerie and so on), whereas the former are OK to be shown by women indoors and outdoors, this is apart from wearing one's best outer garments and ornaments before going to mosques (or any place fitting for worship and prostration: almost everywhere), and this divine commands applies to men and women. For further details, we refer you to our article on that subject (in English) found on this link:




They Disbelieve in Quranic Verses of God

Published in February 6, 2017



Question: … Dear Dr. Mansour, … In recent years, most clergymen of the Muhammadans in their sermons and TV shows call us, Quranists, as disbelievers and apostates who have forsaken 'Islam', and they never question for a moment how come that a Quranist, who adheres only to the Quran, could be regarded as deniers of Islam … In contrast, those clergymen never declare ISIS terrorists as apostates despite their heinous crimes and massacres … A famous clergymen named (...) tries hard to refute Quranism, while being unaware that he undermines Quranic verses themselves by his blasphemous words in his TV show … He takes few minutes from your videos to ascribe falsehoods to you that you never uttered at all … Gullible people blindly follow and believe in every word clergymen utter! They believe nonsensical notions such as hadiths supplanting the Quranic verses and that thousands of hadiths are infallible and irrefutable for them despite being written 200 years after the death of Muhammad! … What Quranists are to do facing such calamity? How could they convince millions of Muhammadans that true Islam is Quranism? … They never see how much you have been persecuted for years and how you had to exile yourself … I feel pained because of false accusations leveled at you in such TV shows of Wahabi Sunnites who seek to cast doubt on you and on Quranism … What are we do to? … Sorry for my long email message …Thank you …      


 May God bless you and reward you for your kind sentiments toward our person and Quranism. We want you, dear son, to ponder deeply on Quranic verses tackling the fate in Hell for those who deny and disbelieve in God's verses of the Quran. the Wahabi Sunnites disbelieve in the Quran because they support their fabrications and narratives of the Sunna hadiths. You can write an article that would group all the verses tackling deniers of eh Quranic verses and derive ideas from them linked to the reality you live in your country. The only real belief acceptable to God is to believe Quranic facts, and if you believe in the Quran and apply its teachings as much as you can in your life, you will feel relieved and all worldly, transient affairs of life will seem insignificant to you, especially the things worshipped by materialists (most people actually) who are followers of Mammon. Death makes worldly glory transient and insignificant, and one should not risk losing Paradise for the sake of worshipping mortals, items, tombs, and books. However wealthy, powerful, and mighty Muhammadan clergymen are, they repel people away from God's Path (the Quran), and this will make their fate, in the Hereafter, an eternity in Hell, if they do not repent before death and show people the Quranic Truth. Please do not be annoyed by their TV shows and do not watch them; let them bark and plot and connive, only to their downfall eventually, though they do not know. All of us will stand before the Almighty Lord on the Day of Resurrection, and we sincerely hope that Quranists will be among witnesses of their age and generations on the Last Day.       





Published in July 7, 2006



Question: …  Dear Sir, … Is circumcision of males part of the Islamic faith rituals? … Thank you …


  Of course not; circumcision of males and females has nothing to do with God's religion, Islam. It is a heathen rituals for thousands of years, and some Pharaonic murals show this practice in Ancient Egypt. Sadly, this pagan ritual has been adopted by the followers of the three Abrahamic religion, but God never commands that one would cut part of one's body for any reason; this is cruel and unholy. One's genitals are cleaned with water and this is enough in Islam; a non-circumcised Muslim male is NEVER deemed impure as backward clergymen may claim.   




One of the Worshippers of Ali

Published in March 22, 2016



Question: … Dear Sir, … I live in Iran and I've read most of your books … Could Muslims worldwide in the past 1400 years be in the wrong until you, leader of Quranism, emerged in the 20th century A.D.?! Is this reasonable? Does religion need 'reform' after 1400 years by Quranists?! Is it possible or logical that God would leave Islam distorted for centuries? … If so, it is because Arabs betrayed Imam Ali and wreaked havoc during his caliphate and never left him in peace! His holy children tried to raise banners of justice but they were killed … Sunnites are the cursed ones who ruined everything! … Now, what have you got to say to me in response? …    



  Could you not realize, sir, that Ali and his sons were never Shiites?! We are quite sure that his sons never deified him as you do! Ali himself never deified himself or proclaimed to be an immortal deity of any type. Please read again our analysis of the caliph Ali as a failure in terms of politics and how he caused thousands of people to lose their lives because of his greed and foolishness, in our book (in English) titled "The Unspoken-of History of the Pre-Umayyad 'Righteous' Caliphs" found on the following link:

Please stop deifying mortals like Ali and others; they are not even mentioned in the Quran at all; since God does not approve of people's deification of Jesus and Mary, as per the Quran, He will never accept deification of any other mortals like Ali and his progeny. If Ali were a good person who believed in the Hereafter, he would spare people's bloodshed for his sake, NOT to fight the leader of Umayyads and to lose everything, even his life, because of his foolishness and lack of political shrewdness. Read on within our archives and ponder on the Quran deeply, please. May God guide you to Quranism.     





Published in February 11, 2017



Question: …  Dear Dr. Ahmed Mansour, … I hope you are doing well and are able to continue on the good mission of yours to remind people of the Quran … Personally, I follow your videos and articles and I'm a big admirer of your views … I was wondering about what you have to say about ritual impurity, or Najasa in Arabic, in relation to sexual fluids of both genders … I know views of the Sunnite school on that topic, but I really wanna know Quranist views of yours … Does seminal fluid (i.e. come) prevents men from performing prayers? Is in impure? What about pre-come fluid? Are any sexual fluids of both sexes impure? What about urine and feces? Does the state of impurity during traveling entail bathing/showering (complete ablution), or just Tayammum in case there is no water available? Can you please illustrate such points further to me? … Thank you …     


 The Sunnite fiqh term Najasa (impurity) is never mentioned in the Quran, and therefore not part of Islam. The only impurity in the Quran is in relation to spiritual purity or lack of it because of polytheism/aggression that taints one's faith, as per the following verse about aggressive polytheists: "O you who believe! The polytheists are polluted, so let them not approach the Sacred Mosque..." (9:28); furthermore, things that are spiritually impure in the Quran include anything related to wine, gambling, and polytheistic notions and practices. Apart from this, nothing is impure about the human body; cleanliness is of course entailed for any healthy human beings, believers or non-believers, as innate instinct. Therefore, there is no need for special clergymen's or fiqh/jurisprudence rules about cleanliness at all. Sweat from skin and blood from mouth or wounds never prevent prayers or any acts of worship, and any person naturally and ordinarily cleans oneself after defecating and urinating. Menstruation or period in women never prevent prayers or any acts of worship; it only prevents having sex with their husbands. All prayers must be preceded by performing ablution as per the verse 5:6. Seminal fluid entails taking a shower, as per 4:43. Any other fluids from the penis are to be cleaned in the same way as after urinating. Tayammum in case of not finding water is not in dust or sand as Sunnites claim, but in any clean surface or a kerchief. Sunnite interminable details of cleanliness and (im)purity are like the ones in the volumes of the Talmud; and are quite needlessly cover sheets and sheets, and they are surely futile and useless. Sunnite have forgotten that the most vital thing in prayers and acts of worship is piety and concentration while performing them in the fear of God. By the way, please read the entirety of our archive of writings and fatwas to save our time; we have explained the above many times before.             




 Criticizing People of the Book

Published in March 31, 2012


Question: …  Dear Sir, … You have protested many times (and actually deleted) articles and comments of some Quranists on your website who have tackled criticism of the tenets of Jews and Christians. Why? … You always tell us to focus instead on reforming the Muhammadans by real Islam from within the Quranic verses themselves  … Yet, you forget, Sir, that the Quran criticizes some Jewish and Christian notions … You yourself have written (en passant) inside some books and articles of yours some severe criticism of some ideas inside the Bible and books of Christian theology … Why other Quranists are not allowed the same right?! We are not to stop telling what we deem as the Truth so as not to be cursed as per 2:159, right?  … We care for you and we do not wish to see you in the wrong; you should allow others to criticize tenets of the People of the Book and the Bible as well … The Quran asserts that the true Gospel and Torah are lost texts, right?! … Please try to understand me and appreciate my piece of advice to you … Thank you …        


  We thank you for your advice and critical notes of us; yes, we purposefully never dedicate whole articles or books ours to debunk Judaism and Christianity. The reason: we have no time to do this and we are not interested in that; others do that extensively (among atheists, Christians, and non-Christians who adhere to other religions). We only mentions sometimes some tenets of the People of the Book that are the source of some notions of the Shiites, Sunnites, and Sufis, to prove that these three earthly religions of the Muhammadans (i.e., the Sunnite, Shiite, and Sufi religions) have nothing to do with the Quran at all. The only book of ours that contains a long section about on the influence of Christianity on creed notions of Muhammadans and how Christian theological notions developed based on Pharaonic ancient religion tenets is the one titled "The Character of Egypt after the Arab Conquest", authored by us in 1984. By the way, we are working on a book that will compare and contrast the Quranic stories of prophets and the ones found in the Bible's Old Testament. Besides, we never like to dedicate our time to refuting other people's creeds; our time is entirely dedicated to refute and debunk creeds that their authors and adherents claim to be part of Islam. We are mainly defending God's religion, i.e., Islam/Quranism, from those who distort their tenets. Likewise, you notice that we focus more on Sunnite Wahabism and Sufism because of our specialty field; we dedicate little space for refuting Shiite notions because we know little about them (unlike our thorough knowledge of Sufism and Sunnite creeds and doctrines) and because Sunnite Wahabism is more dangerous and cause terrorism until now worldwide. We have no time to delve deeper into Shiite denominations; we know of them only what will serve our reformist endeavors by proving how Shiite, Sufi, and Sunnite religions contradict the Quran. The rest of our lifetime is not so many years; we must focus our research on topics of paramount importance as far as our specialization field is concerned; it is useless to spend our effort to debunk Christian doctrines or to debate with Christian theologians and clergymen. Let us focus on reforming the Muhammadans instead to make them be convinced to return to the Quran alone as the only source of religion. The fanatics who are focusing on reforming the People of the Book instead of reforming the Muhammadans are not seeing the beam in the eye of Arabs/Muhammadans as they see the mote on the eye of the People of the Book.          




Supplication during Prayers

Published in February 7, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … I've read your previous fatwas that non-Arab Muslims/Quranists can pray in their native tongues and not in Arabic, and about what is wrong and right in prayers and how to remove Sunnite/Sufi influences from our prayers … Yet, my question is as follows: Can we recite Quranic verses while prostration and kneeling? Can we also supplicate to God during both movements in daily prayers? Would you please explain this further to me … Thank you …      


 Of course, supplication and invocation of any type can be made while prostrating and kneeling during prayers, especially if this supplication includes Quranic verses, and one should also glorify God during prayers using the phrases taken from Quranic verses that have this meaning of glorification. But above all, adherence to piety during prayers is the most vital thing: by concentrating on prayers all the time and not performing it (like the Muhammadans) while thinking about myriads of worldly things. It is OK to pray in any other language apart from Arabic, but in that case, the testimony during prostration can only be the Arabic phrase (La Ilah Ila Allah) (i.e., There is no God but Allah). If piety and fear of God are not observed during prayers, one's prayers turn into meaningless movements. Prayers are to be revered inside our hearts as the daily contact/address between us and God, while observing piety and righteousness for the rest of the day between prayers. This is the true fruit of prayers in our lifetime, before we get their reward in the Hereafter.    




Quranists Deny All Sorts of Hadiths

Published in April 16, 2016



Question: … Dear Sir, … Why are you not dedicating articles to refute Shiite hadiths as well? Like the ones in the seminal Shiite book titled ''Al-Kafi'', which is like the many-volume book of Al-Bokhary to Sunnites? … Shiite hadiths are not true as well, right? … Thank you …     


  Of course, Quranists believe that there is no such a thing called 'hadiths' at all in Islam; we disbelieve in all Shiite, Sufi, and Sunnite hadiths and religious notions, but we focus more on the Sunnite ones because they are still revered by millions though such hadiths cause terrorism and fanaticism of Wahabis. We are 100% sure that Muhammad never uttered a single word found in all Shiite, Sufi, and Sunnite hadiths. Please read more within our archive of articles and books for more information.    




Sacred Months

Published in October 21, 2006



Question: …  Dear Sir, … Could you please tell me how the four sacred months are specified in the Quran alone? Indeed, the Quran never mention the 12 months of the lunar Arab calendar at all, except Ramadan in verses about fasting … Thank you …   


The four sacred months of pilgrimage to Mecca are Zu Al-Hijja, Muharram, Saffar, and Rabei Awwal. They are the ones referred to in the Quranic verse 2:197. These four ones are also inferred from the first ten verses of the Quranic Chapter Nine. Later on, we will publish our book covering the topic of pilgrimage, proving how we have deduced these four months as the sacred months of pilgrimage and how Sunnite legislations distorted pilgrimage rituals and timing.




Marry him and Accept our Congratulations

Published in June 11, 2016



Question: … Dear Sir, … Peace be with you … I'm a divorced woman with two daughters, and I'm a Moroccan, and I live in Spain … my ex-husband lives in Morocco … I actually live now in my married sister's house in Madrid and her husband provides for my needs, because I do not, and cannot, work … A divorced Spanish man, who has a son, proposed to me, asserting that he respects my religion and my veil, and he promised to let me bring up my daughters in the Islamic faith and I should respect his faith as well and the way he brings up his son … He agreed never to drink wine or to eat pork, inside the house before my daughters, if we get married … He respects all religions and he believes in God; he is not an atheist, and he believes that Jesus was a mortal human being and a prophet … But he does not believe in the Quran … Would my marrying him contradict Islam or not? … I feel he is a respectable gentleman and I should accept him … What do you think, Sir? Thank you …     


  We think you should marry him, and please accept our sincere congratulations in advance.




Language and Tongue

Published in April 30, 2016


Question: … Dear Sir, … You seem to make a distinction between the terms 'language' and 'tongue' … Are not both synonyms to each other … What is the difference in your opinion? … Thank you …    


   We tend to believe that the word 'tongue' (in Arabic) is better and more comprehensive in the linguistic/semantic denotation or the sense that we intend in our writings, while the word 'language' (in Arabic) refers to any dialect or idiolect, and it has the connotations of idle, useless 'talk'. In modern Arabic, both terms are synonymous no doubt, but we still prefer to use the word deemed 'academically right' as far as our papers, articles, books, and researches are concerned.   




Boyfriend for my Daughter

Published in October 18, 2015



Question: …  Dear Dr. Mansour, … I'm an American-Egyptian man who is married to an American woman and we live in the USA … My only daughter, an adolescent born in the USA, insists on having a boyfriend soon and she wanna lose her virginity! I feel guilty because I never taught her Islam … But she identifies herself as a Muslim … How could I prevent her from having extramarital sex?! I've talked to her about chastity in Islam, but she seems not to care  … What shall I do? As per American laws, I cannot interfere in her live once she reaches the age of 18, which is about to happen months from now… Any advice? Thank you …    


 Indeed, you should have taught her about the Quranic notion of chastity as well as other Islamic/Quranic teachings from her childhood. It is a mistake you did not. She should have been taught earlier that unlike the American permissible society, Islam make no one free to do with one's body anything he/she likes; rather, chastity is required by both genders and extramarital sex (i.e., fornication) is absolutely prohibited as well as adultery (i.e., cheating one's spouse). As far as you have told us, she lives in your house, and she should follow your rules, then. But it is true that once reaching the age of 18, you cannot control her. Your role is to give advice, and after that, you are not responsible before the Lord if she disagrees with you by having sex with a boyfriend or within casual relations.   




Guiding People of the Book

Published in September 9, 2007



Question: …  Dear Sir, … How come that we read in the Quran that some People of the Book (and non-Muslims, in the sense of not accepting or embracing the Quran) will enter Paradise as per 2:62? In other verses, 7:156-158, we read that God's mercy for the People of the Book among only the ones who embrace the Quran and believe in it. … Is that a contradiction?! … Could you please explain this topic further? … Thank you …    


 There is no contradiction in the Quranic verses at all; in fact, they explain and elucidate one another; the Quran in 2:61-62 shows that aggressive polytheistic ones among People of the Book whose faiths are distorted and died without repentance will enter Hell, while those who believed in true Scriptures of monotheism sent by God, before the revelation of the Quran, and performed good deeds will enter Paradise as true faithful believers who never deify anyone beside God. There is no contradiction here; and this meaning is repeated in 5:68-69, and these verses indicate that the true Torah and Gospel used to exist in Arabia in the 7th century A.D., even if they do not exist now; see also 5:43-47. Besides, true Islam (submission only to God and His commands + performance of good charitable, righteous deeds) is God's only religion/message conveyed by all prophets in different tongues. Of course, God in the Quran calls the Israelites to believe in the Quran that replaces the Torah; see 5:48 and 27:76-77. By the way, instead of your being so keen on guiding of the People of the Book, you should care more about guiding the Muhammadans who think of themselves as if they were 'Muslims'. It is a sad fact that the Muhammadans in Arab countries persecute and prosecute Quranists who call for the return to the Quran alone as the only source of Islam, and Egyptian laws accuse Quranists of blasphemy and showing contempt toward religion (i.e., Wahabism) to imprison them. In the West, there is absolute freedom of speech and religion, a Quranic principle applied there though most people in the West do not believe in the Quran. Cannot you see the vast difference here; the West whose most people are Jewish or Christian allow Muhammadans to build mosques and proselytize, while Christians in Arab countries cannot build new churches or proselytize at all.             




Death and What It Means

Published in November 9, 2013



Question: …  Dear Sir, … I write this letter to you while I cannot stop weeping; my dear father died two months ago, and Sunnite clergymen told me he is in Paradise as a martyr because he died of severe ailment in his stomach … But I am not sure if I ought to believe them or not, because he did not die on a Friday, and he was not buried in the direction of Mecca … But the undertaker assured me that his corpse, while being washed and prepared, seemed to smile and it oozed with a good smell … his corpse seemed to smile while being buried as well, they told me … People in our village are still remembering him and his charity works, and asking God to have mercy on his soul …  My question is, do you think that after what I've told you here, my father is in Paradise or not? … Thank you for your time …    


    May God have mercy on your father's soul. Allow us to correct your misconceptions and faulty notions written in your message. It is a Sunnite balderdash or nonsense that those died of stomach ailments or died on Fridays go to Heaven or be deemed martyr. The same goes to the notion of being buried in the direction of Mecca. All such notions are silly and untrue; they are fabricated falsehoods to condole the dead person's folks. It is an outright lie that dead corpses smell good; decomposition produces a foul stench that is unbearable. It is never to be believed that dead people smile; their lax muscles in their faces produce this false impression. Your late father is not that corpse, because his soul, like all souls of the dead, is in the metaphysical location called Barsakh in the Quran, in a state of timelessness and deep slumber. Paradise and Hell are not created yet, and no one enters any of them BEFORE the Day of Resurrection. The corpses are like clothes that the real self (i.e., the soul) used to wear, and they are decomposed into dust from which they have been created. Please read our archive of articles and books and stop believing in Sunnite myths. 




Not Prohibited

Published in August 7, 2012



Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm sorry if my question is not very polite; can a husband and a wife have oral sex and anal sex with each other? Sunnite clergymen deem such acts as sinful and prohibited …What do you think? … Thank you for your time …    


  What you ask about is not prohibited; prohibited items are the ones mentioned in the Quran as such, and no one is to add to the Quranic list of prohibited items at all. Any sexual act between a husband and a wife is OK provided that mutual consent is obtained. We infer this from 23:5-6. Another verse, 2:223, asserts the importance of sexual foreplay between a husband and his wife. Sexual actions within wedlock are never sinful. Please, let us have no more of this type of sexual questions that make us feel very embarrassed.      




This Is Not The Envious Eye

Published in April 24, 2014



Question: …  Dear Sir, … Is the envious eye, as a notion, mentioned in 68:51-52? … Thank you for your time …   


 God says in the Quran: "Those who disbelieve almost stab you with their glances when they hear the message, and say, "He is crazy!" But it is no less than a reminder to all the Worlds." (68:51-52). This shows that there is no such thing called an envious eye in Islam; it is a folkloric, traditional Pharaonic notion in Egypt. As for 68:-51, it shows how the looks of non-believers toward Muhammad were filled with deep-seated hatred, repulsion, and animosity, not envy. This is repeated elsewhere in the Quran; "And when Our Clear Verses are recited to them, you will recognize disgust on the faces of those who disbelieve...." 22:72. Please read our Quranist article about envy and how Sunnite notions about it are utterly wrong.   

اجمالي القراءات 5894

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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