Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy:
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Twenty-Three

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2019-05-03


Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Twenty-Three



Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy






The Arabic Tongue

Published in April 24, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, …  Most Arabs take pride in the fact that the Quran has descended in the Arabic tongue; yet, I do not believe that Arabic is a 'holy' tongue; besides, most gullible, naïve people around me deify and sanctify copies of the Quran instead of pondering its great verses and scientific indications! What do you think?  … Thank you …    


 Of course, you are perfectly right. Most of the Arabs, past and present, rejected and disbelieved in the Quran despite the fact that it was revealed in Arabic so that they may understand it: "We have revealed it an Arabic Quran, so that you may understand." (12:2). As for the contemporaries of Muhammad, most of them discarded the Quran and disbelieved in it. Proof: their unjust Arab conquests and the crimes and atrocities linked to such conquests; they insisted that they committed such heinous crimes in the name of Islam! they also engaged in civil wars in the name of Islam! Hence, they have tarnished the reputation of Islam; these verses apply to them: "Say, "He is Able to send upon you an affliction, from above you, or from under your feet. Or He can divide you into factions, and make you taste the violence of one another. Note how We explain the revelations, so that they may understand." But your people rejected it, though it is the truth. Say, "I am not responsible for you." For every happening is a finality, and you will surely know." (6:65-67). Of course, it is a polytheistic notion to deify or sanctify copies of the Quran; the Quranic verses are the source of guidance; in contrast, the polytheistic notions of the Sunnite, Shiite, and Sufi Muhammadans pertain to their privately owned terrestrial/earthly religions of Satan which have emerged in the Middle-Ages and are based on illusions, lies, falsehoods, and myths that exist until now. 







Gifts in Seasons as Zakat

Published in April 25, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … As per rural traditions in Egyptian villages, gifts of food, crops, fruits, clothes, etc. are given by male relatives to their sisters and other female relatives in certain seasons and feasts; if such female relatives are poor, could this be deemed as part of Zakat or alms? Any ideas? … Thank you …


 Yes, this may be considered as part of Zakat: "They ask you what they should give. Say, "Whatever charity you give is for the parents, and the relatives, and the orphans, and the poor, and the wayfarer. Whatever good you do, God is aware of it." (2:215). Yet, it is very sinful to deem such gifts as a replacement or a compensation for not giving sisters and/or female relatives their rightful inheritance shares; sadly, in many rural areas in Egypt, males deprive females from their rightful inheritance shares; this is a very grave sin which violates the Quranic legislations: "Men receive a share of what their parents and relatives leave, and women receive a share of what their parents and relatives leave; be it little or much-a legal share." (4:7). 







About the Quranic Verse 6:100

Published in April 25, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … What is meant by the Quranic verb/term (kharaq) mentioned in 6:100 and other Quranic verses? Any ideas? … Thank you …


 The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Yet they attributed to God partners - the jinn - although He created them. And they invented for Him sons and daughters, without any knowledge. Glory be to Him. He is exalted, beyond what they describe. Originator of the heavens and the earth-how can He have a son when He never had a companion? He created all things, and He has knowledge of all things." (6:100-101). Thus, the first meaning of (kharaq) is to invent and fabricate or to tell lies. The other, literal meaning is to pierce or make a hole into something or a surface, as we infer from the following two verses: "And do not walk proudly on earth. You can neither pierce the earth, nor can you match the mountains in height." (17:37); "So they set out. Until, when they had boarded the boat, he holed it. He said, "Did you hole it, to drown its passengers? You have done something awful."" (18:71).







Ramadan and Postponement

Published in April 26, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … From the Quran and from history, we know that Arabs before the descent of the Quran manipulated, changed, and postponed the days of some lunar months. The question now is as follows: How would we know that the timing of every Ramadan (the lunar month of fasting) is accurate?! What is your own opinion?  … Thank you …    


 We do believe in the fact that the timing of Ramadan is accurate. Besides, if not, this is the limits of the human knowledge as far as lunar months of the Hijri year are concerned; the Lord God will not punish us if the timing of Ramadan is inaccurate; the aim of fasting (and all acts of worship) is to attain piety while devoting it only to Allah while seeking ardently to gratify Him: "...Our Lord, do not condemn us if we forget or make a mistake..." (2:286).







Prayers Are Better than Sleep

Published in April 26, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … In your view as a historian, what is the reason of adding the phrase (Prayers Are Better than Sleep!) in the Azan (i.e., the call to prayers) of the dawn prayers in particular?! This phrase seems silly and useless to me! It's as if one is begging people to pray, right?! … Thank you …      


 Please watch our subtitled-into-English "Quranic Moments" episodes 640 – 650 about the Azan versions and how they have changed and developed. Of course, the phrase you mention harkens back to the Mameluke Era in Egypt; it is a very silly phrase indeed and was never part of the real, Islamic Azan during the lifetime of Muhammad. By the way, in the Mameluke Egypt, this phrase was ridiculed by many Egyptians who preferred to sleep instead of waking up to perform the dawn prayers.









The Quran as the Balance

Published in April 27, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … In the Quranic Chapter 42, the Quran itself is described as the Balance; what does this mean? … Thank you …      


 This means that the Quran is the Criterion which must be used by monotheists to judge anything: "We sent Our messengers with the clear proofs, and We sent down with them the Book and the Balance, that humanity may uphold justice..." (57:25). Each of the Lord God's messengers had but one Divine Book, except when several messengers emerged at the same time; i.e., Moses and Aaron had but one Divine Book: "And We gave them the Clarifying Book." (37:117). These three contemporary messengers mentioned in this context had but one Divine Book: "We sent them two messengers, but they denied them both, so We reinforced them with a third. They said, "We are messengers to you."" (36:14). This means that there is One Balance/Revelation for each of the messengers; they never had any hadiths/narratives; they never had several 'balances'. The Quran is the Balance and Final Divine Message before the Last Day: "It is God who revealed the Book with the truth, and the Balance. And what will make you realize that perhaps the Hour is near?"  (42:17). This is why the so-called Sunna hadiths are devilish revelations pertaining to Satan.






The Quran and History

Published in April 27, 2019




Question:  … Dear Sir, … Is it OK to quote Quranic verses to prove the occurring of some historical events which took place after the death of Prophet Muhammad? Any ideas? … Thank you …        


 In some Quranic verses, we see predictions of future events; e.g., about the Byzantines in 30:2-6 ( and about Arabs rejecting the Quran and their civil wars after the death of Muhammad in 6:65-67. There are predictions about the behavior of hypocrites in the Quranic Chapter 9. Of course, all Quranic descriptions of people (believers, disbelievers, polytheists, sinful persons, rejecters of the Quran, criminals, tyrants, those who ascribe lies to God,...etc.) apply to all societies (and several social and political events that took place) in all eras after the descent of the Quran. The Muhammadans, past and present, have committed the sins against which the Quran warns. The Quranic text contains also predictions about (1) the signs of the advent of the Hour, (2) events of the Last Day, and (3) pieces of information about Hell and Paradise as both are yet to be created.







The Friday Noon Congregational Prayers

Published in April 29, 2019



Question:  … Dear Sir, … Why do Muslims perform the Friday congregational prayers at noon and they cancel the noon prayers?! Why can't they perform the Friday congregational prayers in the morning and then perform the noon prayers as usual?! Christians attend the mass on Sunday mornings, as you know...... Is it OK to perform the congregational prayers in my day off (i.e., Sunday) instead of the Friday noon, when I work and cannot leave my office?! … Thank you …      


 This question came to us via email from an American woman who has converted recently to Islam; she asks why she cannot perform the Friday noon congregational prayers on Sundays instead. We assert here that Fridays are not days off within Islam; the Quranic Chapter 62 shows that people worked on Fridays before and after the noon congregational prayers; they are performed instead of the ordinary noon prayers as per the Lord God's commands in the Quranic Chapter 62, and not as per one's desires and whims. Within the Celestial Religion of the Lord God, monotheists obey Allah without posing any questions. In contrast, within terrestrial/earthly religions invented by men, their imams change and fabricate legislations as per their desires and whims.






The Pilgrimage of my Mom!

Published in April 29, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … My mom desires to perform pilgrimage to Mecca this year; I am ready to cover the expenses on her behalf. My question is as follows: Can I deduct such money from the Zakat money due from me? What do you think? … Thank you …   


 Yes you can. Of course, it is part of the rights of your mother to expect you to cover the expenses of her journey of pilgrimage if you can afford it.







You Are Welcome as a Writer

Published in April 29, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … I'd like to be able to post articles which are written by me on your great website.............  … Thank you …     


 You are very welcome to our Quranism website. In order to become a writer of article on our website, you must vow to adhere to the conditions of publishing/posting articles: (1) you must never ascribe any hadiths to Muhammad, and (2) you must never deny facts of Islam mentioned in the Quran. Of course, you should send us your CV (i.e., résumé) about your background, education, work, culture, etc., and we will create an account for you as a (reader) and you can write comments below articles, fatwas, etc. After some time, based on the quantity and quality of your comments, you may be promoted as a (writer) of articles.   







The Human Body and Impurity

Published in April 30, 2019


Question: …  Dear Sir, … I'm a 18-year-old man; I admire your videos and I will read your writings soon enough, but I have this persistent question that keeps disturbing me and I'd like you to answer me. The Quran requires us to perform ablution before prayers after we have defecated/urinated. My question is as follows: is the human body impure by its nature or not? Are human bodies deemed impure as long as feces and urine remain inside them and they become 'pure' once the body waste gets out?! If so, how would we pray if feces and urine remain inside our bodies without our having the urge to defecate and urinate?! I'm in a muddle; any ideas?!  …  Thank you …        


 Thank you for your good question which shows a promising mentality of a would-be Quranist researcher; you are very welcome to our Quranism website. Please wait for the coming episodes about ablution within our YouTube show titled "Quranic Moments". Of course, ablution before prayers (and complete ablution before prayers in case of men who have ejaculated with or without having sex) is a new legislation (in the Quranic Chapters 4 and 5 revealed in Yathreb) which was not part of the religion of Abraham; true monotheists obey the Lord God's Quranic commands without questioning them: "He will not be questioned about what He does, but they will be questioned." (21:23). The human body is not impure in itself; we can walk, pray, etc. with feces and urine inside our bodies since we have no urge to get them out and we never smell them. Inside the human body, there are entrails containing nauseating items which get out as body waste (i.e., urine and feces); the decomposed human corpse is an unsightly, nauseating thing which harms the eyes and noses of onlookers and must be buried. Of course, it is part of natural instinct since Adam to clean oneself after urination and defecation.      








About the Quranic Verse 85:10

Published in April 30, 2019




Question: … Dear Sir,  … The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Those who force the believers, men and women, [to reject faith] then do not repent; for them is the torment of Hell; for them is the torment of Burning." (85:10). Does this mean that the unjust ones burned alive believers who refused to deny God and reject faith, within the context of 85:1-9? Books of interpretation of the Quran mention different views............. What do you think? … Thank you …


 We never rely on books of 'interpretation' written by Sunnite or non-Sunnite authors; they contain nothing but lies and myths. We understand from the context of 85:10 and 85:4-6 (in fact, from the entire Quranic Chapter 85) that some unjust, tyrannical disbelievers threw believers (who refused to reject monotheism) into a bonfire inside a trench. 






Yes, You Can Marry Her

Published in April 30, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, …  Whenever I consult any Sunnite sheikhs about my problem, they get mad at me and order me to get out of their sight! I'm glad as they did not expose or scandalize me – yet! ........ I'm now an upright, pious 35-year-old man, but during my university years, I had a brief illicit sexual relation with a widow who had a small female child. Upon graduation, I left Egypt and worked hard in a foreign country; I have returned to Egypt to find a suitable bride in order to get married; I've repented and I feel deep remorse because of my previous sin. I fell in love with a very good-natured young woman who is about to finish her last university year; when I visited her house to propose to her, I discovered that her mother is the widow with whom I lost my virginity 20 years ago! This woman told me, in private, that it's illegal (as per religion!) that I'd marry her daughter! Of course, her daughter does not know about the sin of her mother and mine! I feel that the young woman is in love with me very much and I, myself, love her very dearly .............. In your Quranist view, is this a marriage (if it ever takes place) legal or not?! Sunnite sheikhs assume it is a forbidden marriage, though my sexual relation with her mother ended 20 years ago!  …  Thank you …


 Sunnite sheikhs are ignoramuses who base their fatwas on Sunnite fiqh books which are filled with nonsense and lies. Sunnite legislations have nothing to do with Islam (i.e., Quranism); of course, you can marry your fiancée; i.e., the widow's daughter.







Prophet and Messenger, Again

Published in May 1, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir,  … I love your great subtitled-into-English YouTube videos (, but I'm about to read your writings soon........ I admire in particular the video about the difference between the Quranic terms (prophet) and (messenger): the former is Muhammad as a mortal person and the latter is the Quran itself and is also Muhammad when he uttered/preached the Quranic verses and warned people with them. Yet, what about this verse: "Had they believed in God and the prophet, and in what was revealed to him..." (5:81)? I mean to say that the term (prophet) is used here instead of (messenger); why? … Thank you …     


 In few contexts, both terms are used interchangeably but the phrase (and in what was revealed to him) in 5:81 means the (Messenger): i.e., the Quran itself. For more information, we refer you to our book, in English, titled "The Quran: Sufficient as a Source of Islamic Legislation", found on this link:







Spouses as Relatives and Inheritors

Published in May 1, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir,  … I shall never understand why spouses would be among inheritors/relatives as per the Quranic laws; why would not inheritors be confined to relatives of blood only (i.e., parents, children, brothers, and sisters)? … Thank you … 


 Of course, male and female spouses are among relatives who deserve to be among inheritors as per the Quranic legislations. Yet, distant relatives are not included in the distribution of inheritance shares; the categories of inheritors are the ones mentioned only in the Quran. 







The Vilest Age

Published in May 1, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, …  What is meant by the Quranic term (the vilest age)? Is it the age of 70, 80, or above 90?! Any ideas? …  Thank you …    


 This Quranic term is mentioned twice without specifying a certain age-group: "God created you; then He takes you away. Some of you will be brought back to the vilest age, so that he will no longer know anything, after having acquired knowledge. God is Omniscient and Omnipotent." (16:70); "...And We settle in the wombs whatever We will for a designated term, and then We bring you out as infants, until you reach your full strength. And some of you will pass away, and some of you will be returned to the vilest age, so that he may not know, after having known..." (22:5). This means that the Quranic term (the vilest age) is not linked to a certain age-group; rather, it is linked to the (lack of) mental health, good/bad memory, suffering Alzheimer's disease or not,...etc.







A Forbidden Marriage

Published in May 2, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … Many years ago, I was married to two wives at the same time; I lived with the first wife and visited the second wife some days on a weekly basis (sometimes spending the night with her); she agreed that I never spend money on her children from a previous marriage; I gave money only to cover her own expenses. This second wife had a seven-year-old daughter at the time. This daughter is a divorced woman now; I myself divorced her mother 15 years ago. Am I allowed now to marry her divorced daughter or not? What do you think?  … Thank you …    


 This marriage is forbidden as per the Quranic legislations. You cannot marry this divorced woman who is the daughter of your ex-wife.







My Father, Sister, and Paternal Uncle

Published in May 2, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … I must narrate some lines of my life-story so that you understand my question ...... My father recently died; before his death, he was very rich (he had several buildings of residence and apartments/flats rented to others) but also very stingy and miserly; I as well as my mother and sister (who is more than 10 years my senior in terms of age) lived in abject poverty in his house; my mother was glad as she was more miserly and stingier than my father was. As a child, I felt deprived of almost everything and I saw other children at school enjoying their lives as their doting parents spent lavishly on them! My sister graduated from the Faculty of Law and she is a lawyer now; people say she is an evil person (and I can bear witness to this fact!), as she is suing everyone and making use of the loopholes of the Law to her advantage. At one time, my father forced me to leave his house forever; the reason is that he sent me for the first (and last) time to collect the rent money from some people; instead of giving him the money, I consumed a sumptuous meal inside a very expensive restaurant. My father got mad at me; he never understood how deprived and miserable I felt at the time. With my luggage in the street, I decided to go to my paternal uncle's house ....... I understood that my stingy father never spoke to his brother (and other relatives) as he felt that they coveted his fortune. I became aquatinted with my other paternal uncles and aunts. My paternal uncle helped me finish my high school, and later on, I graduated from the faculty of commerce; he knew that I fell in love with his daughter and I desire to marry her. Once I got a respectable job, I proposed to my paternal uncle's daughter and he readily agreed. When my parents and my sister (who is a 40-year-old spinster now) knew about the proposal, they refused to give their consent to such a marriage and never attended my wedding. I continue to live in a chamber (with my wife) inside the house of my paternal uncle; it's the same chamber where I lived all the time in the past years since the day my father forced me to leave his house for good. My father died suddenly, but he left all his fortune to my sister the spinster! He sold her all his possessions and he gave her all his money shortly before his death! My father hated me very much and decided that I and my wife (i.e., my paternal uncle's daughter) must never enjoy his money; yet, he made a written will that my evil sister must give me a small monthly allowance! I felt furious due to this gross effrontery! I dare not protest against such a grave injustice; I know that this wicked spinster cannot be prevailed upon to give me my rightful inheritance share; my mother sides with my sister and she told me she hates me for disobeying my father; i.e., her husband! My evil sister hates my guts; she hates my young, pretty wife, and she hates everyone else, as no men proposed to her after she refused the only man who proposed to her, as she doubted he coveted her money! ....... My question to you now is as follows: How shall I get my inheritance share from my wicked sister?! What am I supposed to do? Any advice?! … Thank you …  


 It seems that your paternal uncle took advantage of you within his enmity with your father; he knew that you should have inherited the larger part of the money of your father and your mother. Our only advice to you is to adhere to patience and to forget all about inheritance. Legally, there is nothing that you can do now. Depend on yourself and continue your financial independence. One day, your sister and mother will die and you will inherit all the money eventually.






A Vicious Circle of Backbiting and Filial Ingratitude!

Published in October 20, 2015


Question: … Dear Sir, … Despite my years of prayers, fasting,...etc., I never knew anything about True Islam until I came across your great Quranism website. Thank you for being what you are. Yet, my own problem (I'm a young woman in my late twenties) is that I'm very much depressed most of the time: my family members have refused to listen to my explanation of how Quranism is the Only True Islam. My frowning face is seen more often than not by my parents and siblings; they never guess why I am so cross; I am afraid lest this attitude of mine would be filial ingratitude against my parents! I know this is a sin! Another thing which is tormenting me is that I hear my family members backbiting one another all the time; I cannot help listening but I offer no response. I feel that I'm sinful because I no longer can advise them to stop backbiting one another; shall I expose them?! This is worse still because my family members live in an apartment in a building with other apartments for the rest of my paternal relatives: they backbite one another all the time! They have rejected and denounced my Qurnaism but never prevented my conversion to Quranism; they no longer bear my preaching Quranism and I stopped doing this! They hate my pieces of advice about not to backbite others! I feel sinful as I cannot guide anyone of them! ..... At one time, my father got mad at me; he said that I got brainwashed in mosques and I prohibit things and deeds as per my own whims! He made me stop attending sermons at mosques and I obeyed him; yet, when he told me to stop wearing my hijab, I refused to obey him. I began to avoid family gatherings! I consume food within the daily meals inside my own room alone now! Everybody seems to hate me and they hate my Quranism! Besides, I feel sinful because of my avoiding my folks and relatives, let alone my parents! They hate my pieces of advice and I hate being unable to talk against their sinning! What shall I do now?! Any advice?!  … Thank you …  


 Please, our dear daughter, do not take too much upon yourself; you are too harsh upon yourself for no reason at all. Islam is not about extremism and fanaticism; you do not have to offer pieces of advice to anyone: once is enough, and since they never listen, you must stop it. Each individual is responsible for their deeds on the Last Day. You are never in a state of filial ingratitude; you are not sinful for hearing backbiting inadvertently. Do not be too hard upon yourself. You must not exaggerate; you should not undertake the 'mission' of reforming anyone around you; do not feel pained or saddened. It seems to us that you are still negatively influenced by Sunnite notions which make small sins/mistakes (e.g., backbiting) seem as if they were grave sins. The so-called hijab, or any headwear, has nothing to do with Islam; your hair can remain uncovered indoors and outdoors before everyone else and also during performing the daily prayers. You should read a lot more within our Quranism website to know more about True Islam; get busy absorbing new knowledge and pondering upon what you read instead of focusing on mistakes of others. May the Lord God bless and guide you.  








About the Quranic Verse 27:82

Published in May 23, 2007


Question: … Dear Sir, … What is meant by this verse: "And when the Word has fallen on them, We will bring out for them from the earth a creature which will tell them that people are uncertain of Our Verses." (27:82)? … Thank you …        


 The Quranic verse 27:82 tells us about one of the signs of the advent of the Hour of the destruction of the heavens and the earth; i.e., the universe, before the Day of the Resurrection. More details about 27:82 will be in one of our books, about the miraculous scientific indications in the Quran, which we are re-writing and preparing so that it will be published on our website.

  N. B.: This book is found, in English, on this link:


A quotation from the annex of the above-mentioned book: (...The second one of the signs of the advent of the Hour is yet to come and it is ridiculed by Quran haters and deniers; one day, it will be witnessed by people and it will be a sign indicating the miraculous Quranic feature of prediction; this sign is the creature that will come out of the earth to speak and preach to people: "And when the Word has fallen on them, We will bring out for them from the earth a creature which will tell them that people are uncertain of Our Verses." (27:82). We infer that this is among the signs of the advent of the Hour (which will occur very shortly before the Hour) because of the next verse about the Last Day: "On the Day when We gather from every community a group of those who rejected Our Verses; and they will be restrained." (27:83). This creature in the verse 27:82 will be a moving one and it will have its own free will; the Quranic word "creature" covers all living organisms, from amoeba and human beings to ethereal beings we cannot see and creatures on earth unexamined and undiscovered yet by human beings. This creature in 27:82 will speak to all human beings despite their having different tongues/languages; this means it will speak to them using one language understood by all; namely, the universal language of numbers undisputed by all people; this guess of ours is based on the fact that the digital revolution is manifested in all inventions now.  Some scientific and documentary TV shows cover the topic of the discovery of (remains or footsteps of) strange semi-human beings/creatures which appear suddenly and then vanish out of sight after being photographed or videoed. Modern science has not allowed human beings to catch one of such creatures – yet. Traditions of some tribes and some travelers in the Middle-Ages record the existence of strange creatures that emerged suddenly and vanished. Their sudden (dis)appearance indicates they live beneath the crust of the earth. This asserts the existence of the creature mentioned in 27:82, and yet, the Quran-hating people who deny the Hereafter still ridicule 27:82...).

اجمالي القراءات 3569

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