آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-01-26
Fatwas: Part Twenty
issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Confined to Our House
Published in September 27, 2014
Question: … Dear Sir, … Have you ever met with Christians in the USA or Egypt who think Jesus was a mortal prophet and who discard notions of trinity, crucifixion, etc.? … Thank you …
Actually, we confine ourselves to our house, reading and writing all the time; our social life is very limited and marginal, and we are visited by few relatives.
Grief over My Brother
Published in July 10, 2015
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm overwhelmed with grief over my younger brother who died recently of cancer … I was his only sister, and he died in my presence when I was visiting him at hospital … Indeed, he suffered grave pains for long months … I was maddened by his loss and I blasphemed against God and kept asking why He took my only brother from me … I repented and asked God for forgiveness … I receive psychological help now … Sunnite clergymen tell me my brother is in Paradise now … Is that true? … Recently, I came across your Quranism website and I was convinced that you talk about true Islam … My brother uttered the testimony of (There is no God but Allah) before he gave up the ghost … Was that a good sign? Is he in Paradise? … Please tell me more about death … Thank you …
God is merciful, our dear daughter, and it is provided for repentant persons who do good deeds: be preoccupied and get busy with your own repentance and God will relieve your suffering of bereavement sooner or later. Perform additional prayers daily in piety and devoutness, and by addressing God, you will feel immense relief. We beg you to stop thinking of death and the dead; all of us, humans, are mortals, and each of us is bound to die someday. On the Day of Resurrection, each of us will move away from his relatives and will be preoccupied only with one's fate. Do not pay heed to false Sunnite notions about religion or about death. As far as one's death is concerned, all of us should work on performing charity and good deeds as much as we can, as well as many acts of worship, in order to be saved by God on the Last Day. Instead of spending your days in utter grief, read the entirety of Quranists' archive and all our books and writings, and read the Quran slowly to ponder it and to allow its meanings to sink deep inside your mind and heart. Please read our book on death, published on our website. May God guide you and us and have mercy on your late brother. You are very welcome on our website.
Entering Hell or Paradise
Published in December 24, 2006
Question: … Could you please shed more light on the Quranic verse 19:71? … Thank you …
This verse talks about entering Hell; let us examine its local context here. God says the following verses to Muhammad about polytheistic disbelievers: "By your Lord, We will round them up, and the devils, then We will bring them around Hell, on their knees. Then, out of every sect, We will snatch those most defiant to the Most Merciful. We are fully aware of those most deserving to scorch in it. There are some of you who will enter into it. This has been an unavoidable decree of your Lord." (19:68-71). This means that 19:71 refers to disbelieving polytheists among those living during Muhammad's lifetime, and later on refers to those in all eras who are like them. "Then We will rescue those who were devout, and leave the wrongdoers in it, on their knees." (19:72). God asserts that on the Last Day, Hell dwellers will enter it first, and then Paradise dwellers will enter paradise; see 39:71-73. Polytheists will enter Hell for eternity along with their mortal gods and deities, never to get out of it: "You and what you worship besides God are fuel for Hell. You will enter into it. Had those been gods, they would not have entered into it. All will abide in it." (21:98-99). Paradise dwellers are described in the very next verses as they will be away from Hell, abiding forever in Paradise: "As for those who deserved goodness from Us-these will be kept away from it. They will not hear its hissing, and they will forever abide in what their hearts desire." (21:100-101). Entering Hell is described also in this verse about Moses' Pharaoh and his people: "He will precede his people on the Day of Resurrection, and will lead them into the Fire. Miserable is the place he placed them in." (11:98). Those who enter Hell will never get out of it: "And We will herd the sinners into Hell, like animals." (19:86); "As for those who disbelieve, for them is the Fire of Hell, wherein they will never be finished off and die, nor will its punishment be lightened for them. Thus We will repay every ingrate. And they will scream therein, "Our Lord, let us out, and we will act righteously, differently from the way we used to act." Did We not give you a life long enough, in which anyone who wanted to understand would have understood? And the warner did come to you. So taste. The evildoers will have no helper." (35:36-37).
Acknowledging Muhammad as a Prophet
Published in December 30, 2007
Question: … Dear Sir, … In 3:86 and 63:1 in the Quran, we see the testimony that Muhammad is the Prophet of God … Does this contradict your stance of insisting that Islamic testimony is confined to the words (There is no God but Allah) while not uttering the second testimony (and Muhammad is His prophet)? … What do you think? … Thank you …
In 3:86 and 63:1 in the Quran, we read acknowledgement of Muhammad as a prophet of God, as hypocrites around Muhammad used to utter this by their lips and deny Islam within their hearts and lies to everyone by feigning being Muslims. The same meaning is found in 4:61-65. Thus, in all these verses, God exposes their hypocrisy and false polytheistic tenets and tells them to stop scheming and plotting against Islam and the prophet. As for us and the rest of Quranists, we insist that the Islamic testimony is confined to the phrase (There is no God but Allah) as per the Quran; we never differentiate among prophets and messengers of God as per God's repeated command in the Quranic Chapters 2, 3, and 4. Hence, Muhammad was not the best of prophets or differed from them as a distinctive or outstanding one. All of them should be the same to us.
Religion, Creed, and Tenet
Published in December 16, 2016
Question: … Could explain to me, Sir, the difference between the terms: ''religion'', ''creed'', and ''tenet'', in your own point of view? … Do they overlap sometimes? … Thank you …
The term ''religion'' is derived from an old term of ancient etymological root, meaning 'debt', 'due', 'connecting' or 'binding'. This refers to the fact that religion is a groups of teachings bound together and one is indebted to God to apply them as duty to our Creator. The terms ''creed'' and ''tenet'' are never found in the Quranic text; thus, they refer to how one applies religion and to (polytheistic, wrong, and faulty) notions added to it with the passage of time by clergymen of doctrines who distort the divine, celestial message to their advantage. Of course, this is not like the believing people who form their own notions individually based on their understanding of scripture, like Quranists for instance.
Soul and Spirit
Published in October 15, 2006
Question: … Dear Dr. Mansour, … What is the difference between the terms ''soul'' and ''spirit'' in the Quran? Does both exist inside living bodies? … Thank you …
The Quranic term ''spirit'' is confined to and refers exclusively to one thing: arch-angel Gabriel. Another term for Gabriel is Holy Spirit, as Gabriel carried divine commands executed on earth, and his missions included inspiring and helping prophets and messengers of God. The term ''soul'' in the Quran is the one controlling our body, heart, and mind, while wearing our body temporary, and it will leave it upon death, beside temporarily leaving it while sleeping. "God takes the souls at the time of their death, and those that have not died during their sleep. He retains those for which He has decreed death, and He releases the others until a predetermined time. In that are signs for people who reflect." (39:42). Souls of all human beings have been created in the metaphysical location called Barsakh in the Quran, and before one is born, one's soul enters the body in the womb at a certain point. The soul controls the physical body, mind, and heart and it chooses evil or goodness in this lifetime, to be rewarded or punished in the Hereafter as per faith and deeds. Please read our book titled "Death in the Quran", published on our website, for further details.
Those Who Disbelieve in the Quran
Published in January 26, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Firstly, allow me to thank you very much for your excellent website that I came across recently … just few weeks ago, and I'm very pleased to be reading now your entire archive … I hope I will be a good Quranist … Secondly, I'd like to be permitted to ask about the verse 41:41, as the fate of those who disbelieve in the Quran is not specified in it. Could you please explain 41:41 to me? … God bless you, Sir …
The local context of the verse 41:41 shows its meaning; the context begins with God warning those who are rejecting the Quran, God's Word, and disbelieving in it, against torment in Hell after the Day of Resurrection, and then 41:41 comes to assert the greatness and uniqueness of the Quran. "Those who despise Our revelations are not hidden from Us. Is he who is hurled into the Fire better? Or he who arrives safely on the Day of Resurrection? Do as you please; He is Seeing of everything you do. Those who reject the Reminder when it has come to them-it is an invincible Book. Falsehood cannot approach it, from before it or behind it. It is a revelation from One Wise and Praiseworthy. Nothing is said to you but was said to the Messengers before you: your Lord is Possessor of Forgiveness, and Possessor of Painful Repayment. Had We made it a Quran in a foreign language, they would have said, "If only its verses were made clear." Non-Arabic and an Arab? Say, "For those who believe, it is guidance and healing. But as for those who do not believe: there is heaviness in their ears, and it is blindness for them. These are being called from a distant place."" (41:40-44). A reminder: one is to understand verses as per context of its preceding and following verses. You are welcome to our website to learn more about real Islam (Quranism) and about how to understand the Quran on your own. God bless you.
The Quran and Arabic Grammar
Published in August 6, 2007
Question: … Dear Dr. Mansour, … Pardon me, but I'm beginning to notice how many Quranic verses disagree with grammatical rules of the Arabic language … such as in the following verses … … … … … What do you think? … Thank you for your time …
We will write in detail on that topic in coming articles; let us here briefly assert the fact that the grammatical rules of the Arabic tongue were written and expounded for the first time in history by Arab grammarians and founders of the field of Arabic syntax during the Abbasid Era, by studying how Arabs in Arabia talk in a 'pure' form of the Arabic tongue apart from the dialects influenced by Arabophone people residing in Egypt, the Levant, North Africa, Persia, etc. When those grammarians set rules, they differed among on another in many items that we have room to explain here. In a nutshell, their surviving rules derived from their studies (rules that are now being taught in schools in the Arab world) have nothing to do with the Quranic tongue related to the 7th century A.D. variety of Arabic. We assert as well that even the Quranic tongue differs I many respects from Arabic dialects that were spoken in the 7th century Arabia by Arabian tribes. Hence, one cannot apply grammatical rules, or even spelling rules of today's classical Arabic, to the Quranic words to text. Besides, you should bear in mind that Arabic grammatical rules, and their schools of grammar, have many exceptions and different theories and notions that persist until now. We cannot possibly use grammar of Arabic tongue of the past or at present to judge the Quranic text.
Ill and Diseased People in Relation to Zakat
Published in September 13, 2015
Question: … Dear Sir, … Quranic verses about zakat never mention the sick, the ill, and the diseased persons as among categories deserving alms money, why? … Can I pay and donate my zakat or charity money to the ill people who cannot afford treatment or surgeries and so on? … Thank you …
Of course, you can. The categories of the poor in the Quran among those who deserve to be given zakat alms include the ill, the diseased, and the sick who cannot afford prices of treatment or hospitalization and so on. They are even in dire need more than those ordinary poor who cannot afford to buy food.
Preordained, Predestined Ordeals and Calamities
Published in December 6, 2013
Question: … Dear Sir, … Why God has created us? … Was it to torment and torture us with calamities, catastrophes, and ordeals? … Why such things are sent by fate as tests for our fortitude and inner faith? Is that notion true? Thank you …
It is an undeniable Quranic fact that God has created human beings to test them, while granting them innate instincts and knowledge of evil and goodness, death and life, belief and disbelief, body an soul, obedience and disobedience, and the freedom to choose; this test remains throughout one's lifetime and ends when one dies. "We created man from a liquid mixture, to test him; and We made him hearing and seeing." (76:2); "Blessed is He in whose hand is the sovereignty, and Who has power over everything. He who created death and life-to test you-as to which of you is better in conduct. He is the Almighty, the Forgiving." (67:1-2). Part of the tests of being alive is ordeals and calamites as part of fate: "Every soul will taste death. We burden you with adversity and prosperity-a test. And to Us you will be returned." (21:35). It is part of human innate nature (and even some claim that it is ingrained inside our DNA) that God the Creator of the universe exists: "So devote yourself to the religion of monotheism-the natural instinct God has instilled in mankind. There is no altering God's creation. This is the true religion, but most people do not know." (30:30). Yet, social factors change such innate feeling about God's existence and some people are influenced by the cultural environment around them, leaning toward atheism (denying God and metaphysical realm and the Last Day) or toward polytheism (worshiping beings, mortals, creatures, items made of materials, etc. beside the Creator). This this a cover that distorts the innate instinct, and linguistically , the term ''cover'' (v. and n.) phonetically like ''Kufr'' in Arabic (i.e., disbelief). Hence, those who worship 'saints' or entombed 'holy' men or women seeking their help and thinking they were immortal, are indeed creating gods, associates, and deities to themselves beside God. God says to such polytheistic people who invoke their gods instead of, or along with, Allah: " When some adversity touches the human being, he prays to his Lord, repenting to Him. But then, when He confers on him a grace of His, he forgets what he was praying for before, and he attributes rivals to God, in order to lead astray from His way. Say, "Enjoy your disbelief for a little while; you will be among the dwellers of Hell-Fire."" (39:8); "When adversity touches the human being, he calls on Us. But then, when We favor him with a blessing from Us, he says, "I have attained this by virtue of my knowledge." However, it is a test, but most of them do not know." (39:49). Even the self-deified Moses' Pharaoh remembered the innate instinct about God's existence and might but when he was dying, when it is too late for him: "And We delivered the Children of Israel across the sea. Pharaoh and his troops pursued them, defiantly and aggressively. Until, when he was about to drown, he said, "I believe that there is no god except the One the Children of Israel believe in, and I am of those who submit." Now? When you have rebelled before, and been of the mischief-makers? Today We will preserve your body, so that you become a sign for those after you. But most people are heedless of Our signs." (10:90-92). Hence, ordeals and calamities not only test our patience, faith, and fortitude, but they help us remember and invoke God and resort to Him alone, and to thank Him for all bounties He granted to us: our shelter, our health, etc. Some people use their possessions, health, power, authority, and money to commit evil, and God says to those evil sinners: "Have you not seen those who exchanged the blessing of God with blasphemy, and landed their people into the house of perdition? Hell-they will roast in it. What a miserable settlement. And they set up rivals to God, in order to lead away from His path. Say, "Enjoy yourselves; your destination is the Fire."" (14:28-30). Those who pass the test thank their Lord for better or worse, and resort to Him without polytheism, and accept His preordained fate patiently without losing faith in Him, if they are really devout and pious people who remember, worship, and glorify only God all the time.
Stubborn Deniers
Published in September 7, 2011
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm not so good at memorizing the Quranic verses nor history of the Muhammadans, and I'm not very proficient in the classical Arabic tongue … This is why I cannot convince my Sunnite friends about anything related to Quranist topics like the fact that the five daily prayers were inherited from Abraham and his religion to all Arabs and so on … They defeat me in any argument or debate, despite the fact that I've read your entire archive many times for four years … Whenever I advise the Sunnites to read your ideas so as to discuss them together, they reject the notion due to laziness or lack of time, the usual pretexts to avoid facing Quranism … What am I supposed to do if I wanna preach and proselytize Quranism? … Shall I remain silent when I hear Sunnite myths and falsehoods uttered before me? … Any advice? … Why cannot I register on your website to have an account on it bearing my name? … Thank you for your time …
We open accounts/pages for those who sent us via email a request with attached CV with personal data and career/specialty and cultural backgrounds and recent photo. Do this and we will open an account for you soon. As for obstinate, stubborn deniers of Quranic facts, leave them be and stop arguing with those who are unwilling to listen. We are commanded in the Quran not to argue with deniers of the Quran. those who seek guidance will follow the Truth on their own accord; those who never think about their Afterlife do not deserve to waste your time and breath. They will know how wring they have been, when the Last Day comes. The best way to proselytize is to copy and paste the link of our website; you are not to feel concerned if people will read or not or their curiosity be piqued or not. You can talk/chat online only to those who really care to know more about Quranism. God bless and help you.
Moulids Again
Published in December 30, 2014
Question: … Peace be with you, Sir, … Can I celebrate Christmas as a secular feast without deifying or sanctifying Jesus? … What about moulids (street feasts and celebrations) of Sufis saints? What about the alleged birthday of Muhammad? …
It is OK to celebrate in a social, secular way any feast without deifying prophets of any other mortals, without religious rituals at all, of course, but by visiting relatives and friends and spending good times in lawful, permissible, and legal ways, as the way in rural areas in Egypt. One is prohibited to worship or even to get near shrines/mausoleums and to witness of falsehoods being proclaimed in public: "…So stay away from the abomination of idols, and stay away from perjury. Being true to God, without associating anything with Him. Whoever associates anything with God-it is as though he has fallen from the sky, and is snatched by the birds, or is swept away by the wind to a distant abyss." (22:30-31); "And those who do not bear false witness; and when they come across indecencies, they pass by with dignity. " (25:72).
Superiors and Dignitaries
Published in July 14, 2014
Question: … Dear Sir, … Please shed more light on verses 33:67-68 and how you should interpret them … Do they refer now to those seeking views of clergymen of the Muhammadans an accept their views blindly without thinking or reconsidering? …Thank you …
Certainly yes, these verses apply now to the case you mention. People usually re-examine, reconsider, and check anything related to news of politics, sports, etc. or anything related to daily life before believing that something is true. They rarely do the same regarding religion. Even when people buy an item, they haggle and examine goods carefully for fear of being deceived; yet, they rarely do the same with religious ideas spread in media and in mosques: they leave their minds with their shoes outside mosques before listening to Friday sermons delivered by the Muhammadan clergy. They accept willingly and readily any shit being poured inside their ears and minds by Wahabi preachers in mosques and TV channels. They never use their minds to reconsider and check the veracity of anything. This applies to the masses of the Muhammadans, be them poor, rich, cultured, ignorant, educated, uneducated, etc. hence, they follow their superiors and dignitaries blindly to Hell. God says in the Quran the following about Hell-dwellers utterings inside Hell:" And they will say, "Lord, we have obeyed our superiors and our dignitaries, but they led us away from the way. Lord, give them double the punishment, and curse them with a great curse."" (33:67-68). The Muhammadans are polytheists who deserve these verses that apply to them, about Hell-dwellers inside it: "Then they will be toppled into it, together with the seducers. And the soldiers of Satan, all of them. They will say, as they feud inside it. "By God, we were in evident error. For equating you with the Lord of the worlds. No one misled us except the sinners. Now, we have no intercessors. And no sincere friend." (26:94-101). Hence, the masses of the Muhammadans will enter Hell and blame their clergy who will be in Hell with them. We, Quranists, never feel sorry for them, because they have sided with the Devil during their lifetime by supporting earthly, man-made, fabricated religions and denying/rejecting the celestial religion of God: the Quran. let us remember that God never does injustice to anyone: "We will set up the scales of justice for the Day of Resurrection, so that no soul will suffer the least injustice. And even if it be the weight of a mustard-seed, We will bring it up. Sufficient are We as Reckoners." (21:47). Each individual must ponder deeply about the Last Day in the Quran and not to accept any human views on the subject and on all topics related to religion, except after careful consideration and using the Quran as the only criterion, after one's reasoning mind, so as to save oneself from entering Hell for eternity. By the way, please do not use the word ''interpret'' about Quranic verses; use instead the words ''ponder'' and ''ponderings'' or ''reflect'' and ''reflections'', because the Quran is clear enough and it does not need ''interpreting''.
Was Muhammad Illiterate?
Published in May 26, 2008
Question: … Dear Sir, … Was Prophet Muhammad illiterate? You seem to have expressed two contradictory views on that subject … Thank you in advance for your reply …
There is no contradiction at all; Muhammad used to be an illiterate person before becoming a prophet: "You did not read any scripture before this, nor did you write it down with your right hand; otherwise the falsifiers would have doubted." (29:48); and he became literate once he became a prophet. This does not contradict the verse 96:1 about the divine command addressed to Muhammad to read; the Quran was revealed to him wholly inside his heart in Sinai in Mount Tur, during the lunar Ramadan, when he made the Night-Journey from Mecca to this location, where Moses stood once centuries before him to receive the Tablets of the Ten Commandments. Muhammad recited the Quranic verses when inspired to do so in certain occasions, and God made him write the whole of it in that order of chapters and verses before his death. No authors of the Abbasid Era referred to the topic of whether Muhammad was literate or illiterate, and narratives about Muhammad cannot be trusted by Quranists; the only true account of him is inside the Quran. Muhammad's being a merchant before becoming a prophet does not prove or refute being illiterate or literate; we believe in the Quran that he was illiterate before being a prophet, and he became literate to write the Quran himself, with divine inspiration, in that order we know, as the Quran is protected only by God Himself. This verse shows that Muhammad was literate as a prophet; it tackles the accusations of disbelievers leveled against him and the Quran: "And they say, "Tales of the ancients; he wrote them down; they are dictated to him morning and evening."" (25:5).
Useful Hadiths?
Published in October 9, 2006
Question: … Dear Sir, … Cannot we just discard hadiths that contradict the Quran and tell tales and narratives of doubtful nature, but retain those hadiths about moralistic values and so on as part of Islam? … Thank you for your time …
Never. When it comes to faith, no compromise is allowed. The Quran must be the only source of Islam; no other discourse is needed. Any outside source will be contentious and doubtful, since it is man-made. Any narratives/discourses added beside the Quran as part of Islam is false indeed. The Quran is enough. It is no use to sift through endless volumes and pages to choose 'good' narratives and hadiths to believe in them; the Quran is concise and clear enough. It is insulting to Muhammad and to God to assume that Islam as a religion is lacking and Al-Bokhary or any other writer/author added notions to it. This is like accusing Muhammad of conveying the message of God partially and not wholly. Indeed, any human writings contain some pearls of wisdom, even the book titled "Mein Kampf" by Hitler; yet, no one would dare ascribe such human wisdom to the religion of God. the same applies to all writings of the Muhammadans in the Middle ages, and the pagan authors in the centuries before Christ, Asian philosophers etc. Hence, any man-made writings and history is never part of Islam as a religion; whether they agree or disagree with the Quran. Take care: some people's stances regarding the Quran lead them to be misguided: "We send down in the Quran healing and mercy for the believers, but it increases the wrongdoers only in loss. " (17:82). The Quran must be read objectively as much as you can to be guided with it. Quranic guidance entails that you believe that there is no divine message now but the Quran; the only true text/document/scripture in Islam coming from God, as the only source of guidance. Notions of the Muhammadans (Shiites, Sunnites, and Sufis) have nothing to do with understanding the Quran; in fact, such notions always lead to misunderstanding of the Quranic text, as per whims of fabricators of the earthly religions of the Muhammadans. The Quran does not contain any contradicting notions, unlike the case with man-made ancient books made 'holy' by the Muhammadans. The Muhammadans clergy make the Quran like a supermarket that contain almost everything to serve their myths, their evil purpose, their lusts, etc. by distorting intentionally meanings of Quranic verses. This way, their misguidance increase using the Quran. God made no angels to descend with the Quran to force people to believe in it. please our son, try to contemplate the Quran deeply on your own; read a lot on our website to learn more about how to approach the Quranic text the way Quranists do. God bless and help you.
I Want to Return to My Wife
Published in February 3, 2016
Question: … Dear Dr. Mansour, … I said to my wife, in a fit of anger, that she is thrice divorced! … Does this verbal expression means she has to remarry someone else?! We got divorced only one time by a marriage/divorce registrar with the presence and signature of two witnesses … She thinks she cannot return to me as a wife … All Sunnite clergymen subscribe to her view … she is eager to return to me, but she is afraid of having to marry someone else and then to get divorce from him to return to me … What shall I do? Any advice? … Thank you…
Verbal divorce from the part of the husband (by saying, for instance "I thereby divorce you!") does not count as far as Quranism is concerned. The only divorce that counts is before witnesses who sign divorce papers with the marriage registrar. Hence, you have divorced her actually one time, not thrice as both of you assume. You can return to her using a new marriage contract and a new dowry, after she spends three-month period to make sure she is not pregnant. Of course, mutual consent is a must; make sure she desires to have you back as her legal husband. If she does not desire it, leave her alone and let her be. No compulsion is allowed in marriages in Islam. Please read our book on divorce sharia laws between the Quran and the Sunnite religion.
Among the Muhammadans!
Published in March 16, 2015
Question: … Dear Sir, … I feel paned and my heart aches when I hear Sunnite Friday sermons filled with rubbish and myths … This sensation occurs when Muhammadans talk or discuss religion at family gatherings, workplaces, etc. … I feel guilty having to be silent and never to reveal to them the fact that I'm a Quranist and desire to correct their false notions about Islam … I'm afraid that 4:140 might apply to me: about disbelievers and hypocrites who hear Quranic verses mocked and do nothing and remain with the mockers who ridicule Islam! I cannot possibly find pretext to avoid seeing friends, relatives, work colleagues etc. when they talk about Sunna and hadiths … What shall I do? What do you think? … Thank you …
We have written before that Quranists should NEVER enter mosques of the Muhammadans and they must pray Friday noon prayers at home, alone. It is not your fault that you hide being a Quranist to protect yourself against possible persecution. Never talk or debate with them when they debate their myths; just smile and leave the in their prattle and nonsensical talk.
God Is Protecting the Quran
Published in October 25, 2014
Question: … Dear Sir, … I saw online parchment of Quranic verses discovered in Samarkand … The Quranic verses are written on them are written in a different way in comparison to copies of the Quran printed today … Could you please read and inspect them o this link and tell me your opinion? There are missing words and words written in different spelling … I am confused indeed …Thank you …
Of course, any enemy of the Quran, in the past or in the present, could have forged such parchments to undermine the Quran. God is protecting the Quran with its spelling and order until the end of days. Indeed, attempts and plots to forge the Quranic text were committed and foiled in the Abbasid Era and the Mameluke Era, and the criminals were discovered and put to death. Of course, such attempts are still being committed by modern high-tech tools now. Many electronic copies of the Quran contain errors and mistakes and spread within cyberspace. Yet, spelling of the Quranic text proves the numerical miracles of it that some Quranist researchers have discovered. Please read on that topic on our website. We ourselves have seen ancient manuscripts of the Quran in Cairo, while researching our PhD thesis in 1976, that contained errors and spelling mistakes; this proves that enemies of the Quran in every era try to forge copies of it. God forewarns those enemies: "Those who despise Our revelations are not hidden from Us. Is he who is hurled into the Fire better? Or he who arrives safely on the Day of Resurrection? Do as you please; He is Seeing of everything you do." (41:40). God tells us that He is protecting the Quran: "Surely We revealed the Message, and We will surely preserve it." (15:9).
Giving his Wife a Building
Published in May 24, 2012
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK that a husband should grant his wife a building, using legal contracts to make it her own property, so as to make sure his grown sons, from his late wife, will not harm their stepmother financially after his death? … Thank you …
It is OK, provided that this husband commits no injustice toward his sons, and to beware of God in pity and fear of him. This husband should reconsider and think deeply about the consequences of such decision and to make sure it is a just, fair one.
Have I Committed Fornication?
Published in March 4, 2012
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm a new Quranist and I'm married … Months ago, I used to know a young woman as a friend, but one day, she invited me home and we were alone … We snogged and made out, wearing only our underwear in bed … This lasted for at least 15 minutes … I ejaculated into underwear … I escaped her when she demanded sex by claiming that I must get out to the pharmacist's to get condoms … Once in the street, I jumped into my car and returned to my house, feeling happy to escape her … But I feel so guilty; I no longer know or see her now … Have I this way committed fornication?! I feel I've cheated on my wife … In fact, I snogged that woman because my wife is bedridden for two years and I did not have sex with her, of course, all that time … How should I repent? … Thank you …
We hope you will sincerely repent and atone for your sin, but we assure you that you have not committed adultery or fornication. Yet, your other sin must be atoned for or expatiated by performing many acts of worship and good deeds/charity with people. stop thinking about sex all the time, and you must avoid anything (action, movies, photos, etc.) that lead you to think of sex. Get busy contemplating the Quran, reading on our Quranist website archive, doing charity, praying, etc. If one is not pious and devout enough and filling his time with good deeds, the loneliness and much idleness will make one sin again and again. God be with you and help you.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5171 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,734,706 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,479 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,871 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
القاموس القرآنى عن ( الاستعجال )
الفصل الثانى : الاجتهاد فى التدبر القرآنى وفى الاسلام والكفر والعبادات
القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
دعوة للتبرع
حين تذكر لفظ الجلالة: شخص متدين عندما يتكلم فى أى موضوع يقول ( والله...
وصية العدل الواجبة: قرأت لك وجوب الوصي ة فى القرآ ن للوال دين ...
الحوت: ماذا يعنى ( الحوت ) فى القرآ ن الكري م ؟ ...
الربا والعقارات: قرأت بحثك ( معركة الربا ) وأريد تفصيل ا عن...
لا تعارض : (قُلْ سِيرُ وا فِي الْأَ رْضِ فَانظ ُرُوا ...