Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy:
Fatwas: Part Twenty-Five

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-02-23


Fatwas: Part Twenty-Five

Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy

It Is Not Prohibited

Published in February 22, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it prohibited or not to engrave Quranic verses on walls of mosques from inside or outside? In the mosque where I pray, they engrave the verse 12:99, it is OK? … Thank you …  


  It is not prohibited; it is OK.





Legislative Purpose

Published in February 22, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … I wonder about the difference between legislative purposes and legislative rules in the Quran; do they overlap? Some people do not understand the reason or logic behind some Quranic legislations; what do you think? … Thank you …      


  Of course, all Quranic legislations and commands (and this include all prohibitions, acts of worship, and orders in the Quran) aim at one general legislative purpose: attaining piety. One should not search for any human reason or logic behind any Quranic command, as one cannot question God.  




Between Prostrations

Published in February 20, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … Are we to utter anything between the prostrations during daily prayers? … What do you personally think? … Thank you …     


  A really pious believer who performs prayers devoutly should invest the whole time of prayers to glorify God and to indulge in the remembrance of Him in every way. Hence, it is OK to glorify God by one's mouth, or in silence within one's heart, between prostrations. 




A Question of Inheritance

Published in February 20, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … a man died and he is survived by his wife, three daughters, one son, and two sisters … How can his money be distributed among them as per the Quran? … Thank you for your time …      


  The wife gets 1/8 of the money, the daughters get 2/3, and the son the double amount of one daughter, the rest is for the two sisters.




Please Read our Archive

Published in February 19, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … I usually recite certain verbal supplications during prayers, and some are taken from the Quran and some are not, is it OK as far as Quranism is concerned? … Is it Ok during prostration to descend on one's hands first or one's knees? … Thank you …    


   As for your question about prostration, it is OK both ways; we have mentioned many times before that piety (leading to concentrating one's full undivided attention) is the element of paramount importance during prayers and within all acts of worship. Likewise, you can recite any verbal supplications to God, provided that piety and the fear of the Lord are maintained.




Why People Do Not Read our Archive First?

Published in February 19, 2017



Question: … Dear Dr. Mansour, … Some Sunnite sheikhs like the late Al-Shaarawy in Egypt think that it is OK to build mosques over tombs as per the Quranic verse 18:21, is that true? …  Why Mary's fasting included not to talk, as per the Quranic stories? … Can Quranic stories be the basis for legislations in Islam? … What do you think? … Thank you …      


  If you have read our archive of writings carefully, you should have known that in our view, Quranic stories are NEVER a source of Islamic legislations at all; besides, it is absolutely prohibited in Quranism to sanctify and revere 'holy' tombs whether they are inside ancient mosques or not. Please reread our writings and search them for possible answers to your questions before you send repeated ones to us.   




Cleanliness and Faith

Published in February 19, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … There is a proverb in Arab culture that goes as follows: (cleanliness is part of faith), and people idiomatically say that cleanliness is next to Godliness; is that truly part of Islam? Does this cleanliness include one's body, house, clothes, etc.? … Thank you …   


  We have written before about cleanliness and purification, and we refer you to our historical research about Sufism and religious life in the Mameluke Era in Egypt for more details about notions of purification and cleanliness that emerged at the time and are still revered now by Sufis and Sunnites. Idioms and proverbs are NEVER part of faith in Islam. Please read our archive of books first before posing repetitive questions that waste our time.  




Immortal Children

Published in February 18, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … In case when children die before puberty, are they to enter Paradise without being judged on the Last Day? … Thank you …    



  In our opinion, yes. Those children, we tend to think, may have this Quranic verse applied to them: "... nor do We ever punish until We have sent a messenger." (17:15). Hence, they will enter Paradise, and they might be the immortal children in Paradise mentioned in the Quran as serving drinks for Paradise dwellers.




  Friday Sermons of Quranists 

Published in February 22, 2017



Question: …  Dear Dr. Mansour, … How come you support the view about never to talk about political issues within Quranist Friday sermons? … What about sermons talking about injustice and tyranny against which the Quran warns? … How can certain topics be tackled in Quranist sermons without referring to elections or any other political issues in a given society? … Thank you …     


  One may tackle political issues in a brief speech after finishing sermon and prayers, provided that the preacher does not express certain propagandist sentiments so as not to turn mosques into pulpits or forums for political parties. Of course, one can talk then in general about how Quranic verses are against injustice and tyranny, and this can be expressed of  course by quoting certain verses during the Friday sermon and reciting them during prayers. The ideal Quranist sermon is only to recite the Quran to make people remember God's commands and take heed of them. Indeed, by just reciting Quranic verses, this will be an excellent sermon for those who listen attentively, reverently, and devoutly in piety. We mean by reciting is to read verses aloud, NOT to sing them (as Sunnites do) as this is indeed mocking them of. We refer you to our article about performing Friday congregational prayers.     




Hadiths Ascribed to Ali and Fatima

Published in February 21, 2017


Question: …  Dear Sir, … Why Sunnite books contain few hadiths ascribed to Ali and Fatima? In contrast, thousands of hadiths are ascribed to Aisha, wife of Muhammad, and to a man called Abou Hurayrah … I know you do not believe in hadiths, but what do you think of what I've just told you? Thank you …        


  Of course, all hadiths/narratives, without exceptions, are mere lies and fabrications and never part of the religion of Islam. Authoring such narratives was done mainly because of quasi-religious and political struggles and rivalry. Thus, it is normal to find countless hadiths ascribed to Ali and Fatima in Shiite books, as Shiites deify both historical figures, as you know, whereas Sunnite books mention few hadiths ascribed to them. Aisha has been demonized by Shiites because she participated in the war against Ali, and one can hardly expect any hadiths ascribed to her in Shiite books, whereas Sunnite books ascribe countless hadiths to her. Likewise, Abou Hurayrah was the propagandist agent no. 1 for the Umayyads, and he authored thousands of hadiths in return for money. The Sunnite-Shiite struggle went on within many levels that included fabricating hadiths to refute and contradict hadiths fabricated by people of the other party. It is funny that even some Sunnite scholars authored hadiths to reinforce their own views and refute and debunk those of their Sunnite foes. Series of narrators of the supposed hadiths were fabricated and this is made obvious by contradictions and ascribing hadiths to dead persons who never saw the interlocutors within the series of narrators. Please wait for our book coming soon online about the contradictions of such earthly man-made religions in relations to their hadiths.         




Why Are We Named ''Quranists''?

Published in February 21, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … The term ''Quranists'' is never mentioned in the Quran, and I think it is bad and elitist … It is of course an excellent idea to adhere to the Quran alone, but at the same time, let us call ourselves by one word: "Muslims". This is God's command in the Quran … This view of mine is based on this Quranic verse: "And who is better in speech than someone who calls to God, and acts with integrity, and says, "I am of those who submit"/Muslims?" (41:33)  … Hence, it is presumptuous to ascribe oneself to the Quran by using the term ''Quranists'', because this might lead to showing your views as representing Islam or the Quran in an absolute manner  … Most people err in their view, and their views must never be ascribed to the Quran, right? … What do you think? … Thank you …       


  We have not been the one to create or coin the terms ''Quranism'' and ''Quranists"; indeed, when we have been arrested and imprisoned in Egypt in 1987, along with friends the deniers of hadiths, the case was mentioned in the newspapers as "the case of Quranists", and this appellation is used by the Egyptian State Security Apparatus in the files of that case, and hence, other Egyptian media adopted the appellation that stuck to us. We thought that the name suits our trend or school of thought initiated by us. Ascribing oneself to the Quran is not presumptuous; we repeat that our views represent ONLY brains and minds of each of the Quranists, and NOT any absolute views regarding pondering the Quran. Yet, some people have emerged within cyberspace that adopted the appellation as well but they are not part of us as they deny the five daily prayers and other acts of worship. We hope to be regarded as real Muslims/submitters before the sight of God in this life and on the Day of Resurrection. We and our fellow Quranists call ourselves in our website in Arabic as "Ahl Al-Quran", which means literally "People of the Quran" in the sense that we ponder it and ascribe our views to ourselves and our brains NOT to God, and this is to differentiate us from other names like "People of the Sunna" (i.e., Sunnite Muhammadans) and ''People of the Book'' (i.e., the Quranic terms for Jews + Christians). We tend to think that Quranists are the real Muslims because they follow only the Quran, as God's Word, and not any other books made 'holy' by some people.         




Conversion and Testimony in Prayers

Published in February 20, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … When people convert to Islam, should they utter the phrase (I have submitted to the Lord of the Worlds) as per this verse: "When his Lord said to him, "Submit!" He said, "I have submitted to the Lord of the Worlds."" (2:131) … Is it obligatory to utter 3:18 in daily prayers  as the real testimony? Can I recite other verses instead if I like? … Thank you …     


  As for testimony during prayers, you can say (There is no God but Allah) and this is enough, and you can add verses that glorifies and praises God if you like. As for conversion to Islam, this has nothing to do with 2:131; it is enough to say, even alone, the testimony of Islam: (There is no God but Allah). What is important also in Islam is not just uttering words; one must sense with all one's heart, mind, and soul that deep faith in God alone without deifying and/or sanctifying mortals (prophets and others), and doing good deeds daily plus the performance of acts of worship.     




Do It Yourself

Published in February 17, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … I'm one of the writers in your great website … I feel that earlier articles that I've written are not so good, and that people might read them years later to find them wrong or be misguided because of me … I wanna ask you to remove my articles or to edit them yourself … Thank you …   


  We have no time for editing anything; you can yourself delete your articles and/or comments or you can edit them from time to time as per your intellectual progress in life. Besides, you should bear in mind that all views expressed in our website, including our own views as a person named Dr. Mansour, reflect our personal and individual ponderings, that might be true or wrong and susceptible to be refuted and commented upon freely. Thank you.   




Read our "Book of Death"

Published in February 17, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … Pardon me, for I'm a newcomer to your website … I feel bound to say that some Quranic verses about death seem to be contradicting one another… Shiite views of death differ from Sunnite ones and both parties quote the Quran as proof! … What do you think  … Thank you …     


  Please read our book titled "Book of Death", in which we tackle the notion of death in the Quran, and you will find answers to your questions and see that there are no contradictions in the Quranic text at all about death or any other topic.




Religion of Mercy and Religion of Blood

Published in February 18, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … Attending Friday sermons in my city, I was surprised that the preacher has cursed Quranists and deemed them as heretic apostates who must be made to 'repent' or to be put to death in case they refuse to 'repent' from the 'sin' of denying Sunna and hadiths … When I googled Quranism, I've discovered true Islam in your website, after long years of doubts and confusion in my life … Thank you for being what you are … I've read your archive of writings more than three times … I think that Sunnite hatred of us, Quranists, reminds me of oppressive powers that commit the sin of religious persecution we know about from these verses: "...''We will expel you from our land, unless you return to our religion''..." (14:13); "..."Kill him, or burn him."..." (29:24); "..."We will kill their sons, and spare their women. We have absolute power over them."" (7:127); "...Were it not for your tribe, we would have stoned you. You are of no value to us." (11:91). This shows that hearts of terrorist Sunnites are the same as hearts of disbelievers mentioned in the Quranic stories of prophets and their people … Why cannot Sunnites realize they are utterly in the wrong? They imitate attitudes of those who committed the son of religious persecution (i.e., fitna) … Yet the Quran tells people who have true faith to bear patiently, tolerate, and deal peacefully with such people who are in the wrong: "...peace be upon you; we do not desire the ignorant." (28:55); "...There is no blame upon you today. God will forgive you. He is the Most Merciful of the merciful." (12:92); "Pardon them, and say, "Peace." They will come to know." (43:89); "Tell those who believe to forgive those who do not hope for the Days of God..." (45:14). "...But keep them company in this life, in kindness..." (31:15). "...But pardon and overlook, until God brings His command. God has power over all things." (2:109). We conclude that earthly religions are private property to their adherents, and they are so blind that they could never understand the Quran at all, even partially … In God's True religion, God is the Only Judge on people's faith … You've made me, sir, realize how great Islam is … Thank you, Sir, for accepting me as a writer in your great website …


  May God bless and reward you; we implore the Lord to unite all of us, Quranists, in Paradise. You are welcome to our website as a writer whom we hope will add great articles to our Quranism website archive of articles. 




Written Wills

Published in February 15, 2017



Question: …  Dear Dr. Mansour, … My mother died before my grandparents; am I to inherit her share of inheritance from my grandparents when they die one day? … What do you think? … Can my children inherit my money while I'm alive by giving them their due shares to enjoy before my death? … Thank you for your time …    


  Of course, you can inherit your grandparents, and as for the other question, any money you distribute among your offspring has nothing to do with written wills of inheritance, and such wills will be executed only after one's death and not beforehand. 




Tyrants as Allies of Satan

Published in February 17, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, …  Tyrannical rulers in Arab countries seek ill-gotten wealth and maintain their power and authority by misleading people and deceiving them by propagating Wahabism as if it were Islam … This makes tyrants as allies of Satan who repel people away from True Islam; what do you think? … Thank you …    


  Upon one's death, angels of death that take one's soul tell one about the fate waiting for one after the Day of Resurrection: Hell or Paradise. Those who are allies of God are brought glad tidings of Paradise, whereas the allies of Satan are brought bad news of Hell. There is no medial or in-between position in the Afterlife after the Day of Judgment. One's book of deeds are shut forever upon death, and one's fate is decided as per one's faith and deeds. The worst of people are those who commit many injustices against others and against God. one type of such sinners are clergymen who repel people away from the Quran and distort and twist all religious notions to misguide people because clergy seek money and power by pleasing tyrants. Hence, clergymen are allies of Satan like tyrannical rulers. Rulers who oppress and torture people and steal public money are sinners, and they prevent others from questioning them, as if they were deities. God is the Only One not to be asked about what He does. A worst type of tyrants is the ones who massacre the innocent under banners of Wahabi jihad. It is legitimate to reach power and authority within democratic elections and to serve one's people, as we see within Western societies.        




God Is One

Published in February 16, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … I wanna ask you to explain to me the following verse: "Say, "If the Most Gracious had a son, I would be the first to worship."" (43:81)  … Thank you for your time …   


  This verse asserts the Oneness of God and that He has no progeny at all, and God here orders Prophet Muhammad to say that there is no 'son' to God to be worshipped at all. This verse is explained further if you ponder the Quranic Chapter 112 that contains only 4 verses as follows: "Say, "He is God, the One. God, the Absolute. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is nothing comparable to Him."" (112:1-4). Please contemplate the following verses as well: "We sent down to you the Book with the truth, so serve God, devoting your religion to Him. Is not to God that sincere faith is due? As for those who take allies besides Him, "We only worship them that they may bring us nearer to God." God will judge between them regarding their differences. God does not guide the lying disbelievers. If God wanted to have a son, He could have selected from His creation at will. Glory be to Him. He is God, the One, the Prevailing." (39:2-4); "God has never begotten a son, nor is there any god besides Him. Otherwise, each god would have taken away what it has created, and some of them would have gained supremacy over others. Glory be to God, far beyond what they describe. The Knower of the hidden and the manifest. He is exalted, far above what they associate." (23:91-92). 




Not Prohibited as You Think

Published in February 15, 2017



Question: … Dear Dr. Mansour, … Is it prohibited that a bookshop keeper would sell Sunnite books of hadiths and fiqh and so one? … … Is he/she thus harming people? …Thank you …    


   This is not prohibited; prohibition in real Islam is for certain items mentioned in the Quran, and one cannot prohibit something not mentioned as such in the Quranic text. Hence, there is no Quranic verse prohibiting anyone from buying and selling books of disbelief and polytheism. Islam knows no confiscation of books; besides, there are those who buy Sunnite books to refute them (using the Quran and using logic) after studying them, thus proving how authors of the Sunnite religion hate Islam and are its arch0enemies. Books in general are means of data and knowledge about anything, and keeping, selling, or buying them are no sins at all, as what is really sinful and polytheistic is to believe such nonsense in them as if it were part of the divine religion. The tool (books) are not to blame, but the user is. For instance, a knife is a good tool to cut fruits, vegetables,, etc. to cook them, but criminals use knives to kill. No one is to ban the use of knives because of that, we suppose. Likewise, you are not to prevent, ban, or confiscate books containing notions that spread the disbelief in the Quran, as there are those who use such books to propagate disbelief and those who use them to refute Sunnite religion by analyzing such books and comparing them to the Quranic verses as criteria. Hence, selling and buying books are never sinful prohibited acts in themselves. Thank you for your question.       




Burning Sunnite, Sufi, and Shiite Books

Published in February 14, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … After 25 years of studying Sunnite, Sufi, and Shiite books in search for true Islam, I've found true Islam in your Quranism website, and I'm forever grateful an indebted to you … My question is that I have now hundreds of Sunnite, Sufi, and Shiite books that I would like to get rid of them as soon as possible … I do not wanna sell them or give them for free to anyone so as not to misguide potential readers by their myths inside the pages … Am I to burn them all? … What do you think? … Thank you …   


  Burning books will never stop spreading false notions or fabricated narratives and hadiths; this is like demolishing mausoleums to force people not to worship tombs, and yet polytheists will go one worshipping tombs and built thousands of other mausoleums. Instead of burning books, ideas inside them are to be refuted using the Quran and one's logic and brain so that people would see the Truth and discard such corrupt ideas. God tells us beforehand that He allows bad narratives to spread as a test to people: "Likewise, We have assigned for every prophet an enemy-human and jinn devils-inspiring one another with fancy words in order to deceive. But had your Lord willed, they would not have done it. So leave them to their fabrications." (6:112). You are to leave people and their myths in peace and stay away from them, as long as you have shown them the Truth (Quranism) and they have rejected it; there is no confiscation or burning of books in Islam. You can use your books to analyze and refute their notions using the Quran or to sell them to get some money. Better still, of you have no ability, time, or desire to write Quranist articles, give such books to one of your fellow Quranists who can write articles to refute them on our website, and hence, you will see how your books are beneficial in the intellectual endeavors or peaceful jihad of Quranists for God's sake.     

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