“Black America , Prisons, And Radical Islam”:
CIP Issues 2nd 2008 Report:

اضيف الخبر في يوم الأحد ٠٧ - سبتمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً. نقلا عن: CIP

CIP Issues 2nd 2008 Report:

The Center for Islamic Pluralism (CIP) has issued to the public, and filed to the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Prisons, its new report, “Black America, Prisons, And Radical Islam.” A downloadable .pdf of the Report is attached to this note.

The Report examines the problem of Wahhabi Muslim chaplaincies and influence in U.S. prisons, and the response of the U.S. authorities to it. The text was written by CIP Fellow Imaad Malik in cooperation with CIP staff, and includes a Prefatory Note by CIP U.S. Southeast Director Jalal Zuberi, M.D., of the Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta , GA. It is also endorsed by Shaykh Kadhim Mohamad of the Ahlul Bayt Mosque in Brooklyn , NY , a prominent Iraqi American Islamic scholar who has been outstanding in the fight against Wahhabism in American prisons.

The Report is being released in Britain as well as the U.S., given recent attention to the problem of radical Islam in British correctional institutions.

“Black America, Prisons, and Radical Islam” is posted to CIP websites (www.islamicpluralism.org and www.islamicpluralism.eu), from which it may be downloaded for free. It includes illustrations and an index. Because U.S. correctional inmates do not have internet access, any incarcerated individual may order a printed and bound copy of the Report, which will be sent free by surface mail to a correctional institution address. Such orders should be mailed to the Washington street address at the head of this notice.

Print copies of the Report will be available to libraries and policy or academic institutions for USD20, £10, or €15, postage included.


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