Story that sparked Imbaba violence a "lie" says Sheikh
CAIRO: At least 10 people were killed and over 100 injured in clashes between Muslims and Coptic Christians early Sunday morning in the Cairo neighborhood of Imbaba. Some speculate the clashes were fueled by rising sectarian tension among Imbaba’s residents.
The trouble began when Salafis demonstrated outside St. Mina Church calling for the release of a woman they claimed was being held hostage by the church because she converted from Christianity to Islam.
Mohamed Ali, the Sheikh of al-Toba Mosque, said the story is a lie.
"A security leader called to tell me there was a demonstration in front of St. Mina Church because a Muslim woman was kidnapped and imprisoned in the church,” Sheikh Ali said.
Ali went to the church and met with the people who made the claims of the kidnap. There were a number of demonstrators who were in an agitated state.
"I asked the caller about the incident. He told me he is Muslim and married a Coptic Christian woman who converted to Islam five years ago. They lived together in Asyut. But her brothers kidnapped her two months ago, according to this man’s story. The kidnapped woman called her husband by phone and told him she was being held hostage in Abasiyya."
Sheikh Ali said the husband hesitated with his story, which didn’t logically make sense. “I asked him why he came to Imbaba,” said Sheikh Ali. “He said she called him again to tell him that she’s been transferred to Imbaba in a church in al-Etemad Street. One of the soldiers interrupted him to ask why he didn't file a complaint when his wife was kidnapped.
“There is something wrong with this so-called husband’s story," the sheikh added.
Sheikh Ali said there were attempts to ignite disorder in Imbaba but demonstrators chanted, "Muslims & Christians, united in one hand."
"I went to the church with an official from the Ministry of Interior and a number of Christians to reassure priests that the trouble was over, but the Coptic residents around the church thought we would inspect the church so they threw bottles at us and the events worsened," Sheikh Ali said.
Shiekh Ali blamed the media for provoking youth, who headed to another church, St. Mary Church, which as burned down.
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