Moussa calls on Qadhafi to reconcile with Libyans

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Moussa calls on Qadhafi to reconcile with Libyans

Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa called on Libyan leader Muammar Qadhafi to immediately engage in reconciliation with his people if he wishes to stay in office, while at the same time asserting that Libyans are unlikely to accept reconciliation.

Speaking to French media, Moussa said that prior to any international intervention to hold those who have committed violence in Libya accountable, the situation in eastern Libya must first be verified.

If violations are proven the perpetrators must be brought to justice, Moussa said.

Moussa said he has been in communication with the United Nations, the African Union and the EU to take necessary measures regarding the Libyan crisis. The UN Security Council hasn’t taken any decisions yet, according to Moussa, but quick steps should be taken as the situation in Libya now resembles a civil war.

Libyan diplomats have criticized the Arab League response to Qadhafi's use of violence against protesters, who have been calling for a the ouster of his regime since 17 February.

Libya's resigned Arab League representative Abdel Moneim al-Honi on Sunday sent a note to Moussa demanding Qadhafi's expulsion from the League.

Meanwhile, Ambassador Mohamed Murad criticized it for failing to take actions to protect Libya's revolutionaries despite threatening to impose a no-fly zone over Libyan territory. “As usual, the Arab League’s decisions are weak and late.”

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