اضيف الخبر في يوم الأحد ٠٢ - يناير - ٢٠١١ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.
Center for Trade Union and Workers Services “CTUWS”, 30/12/2010: The first founding conference of the Health Technicians Union was held yesterday (Wednesday 29/12/2020) at the Syndicate of Journalists.
Over 1200 delegates representing the 12 000 members of the new union attended the conference. The declaration which announced the birth of the new union stated that:
“ … today, and before we leave this year and receive the new year, we launched our valiant and brave initiative to overcome despair and disappointment. Today, we launch our union, the union for health technicians to organize their rank and file, develop their demands and movement, express their interests and negotiate on them”.
The health technicians deposited the credentials of their union on Sunday 26/12/2010 at both the Ministry of Manpower and Immigration and the Egyptian Trade Union Federation. Officials from the Ministry and from the Federation have received the credentials. This means that the new union is established according to the Egyptian Law of Trade Unions.
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