Yemeni Child Bride Tells Her Story

اضيف الخبر في يوم الأربعاء ١٧ - نوفمبر - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.

Yemeni Child Bride Tells Her Story

Just as one voice can often spark positive change in a community, you can make a difference by donating to Internews Network. Your donations support transformative voices like that of Nigood, a Yemeni child bride.

NigoodOne of 13 children, Nigood is a ten year old girl whose family arranged a marriage to an older man, a common practice in Yemen, where around half of girls under 15 have been married.

However, her family was outraged that her new husband immediately advanced a sexual relationship with Nigood, when it is customary and loosely written into law that young brides must reach an age of maturity before becoming a sexual partner.

This problem is not often discussed. Through media, taboo subjects such as child marriage can be addressed in ways they never have before.

Nigood and her mother told her story as part of "Yemen Talk," a radio show designed to address pressing community issues, produced by local Yemeni journalists with support from Internews. They shared her story in order to demonstrate the consequences of child marriage. Nigood's life is forever changed, but she has now returned to school. She hopes to someday become a lawyer and defend children's rights.

The need is great to put voices like Nigood's on the air, and so is our commitment. Together, we can provide open platforms to women and girls like Nigood to inform and enrich her community. Nigood shows us that change starts with one voice.

I invite you to invest in Internews' mission today to empower local media worldwide.

Best regards,

Jeanne Bourgault

PS – A donation in an amount meaningful to you has a direct impact on the lives of those empowered by Internews' programs. Visit us online to learn how to get involved.

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