Important event George Ishak, Samir Eliesh and Counselor Mahmoud Khudhairi‏

اضيف الخبر في يوم الأربعاء ١٩ - مايو - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.


Important event George Ishak, Samir Eliesh and Counselor Mahmoud Khudhairi

Important event sponsored by Egyptian Association for Change-USA
A panel discussion with George Ishak, Samir Eliesh and Counselor Mahmoud Khudhairi sponsored by Egyptian Association for Change-USA Moderated by Mr. Mohamed ElShinawai

Will be taking place on:
Wednesday at 7 pm on May 19, 2010.

Location: 2333 Hunter mill Road

                 Vienna, VA 22181-3005  

 To discuss what is going on in Egypt and what could change in the Egyptian political scene
Mr. George Ishak the founder of "Kefaya" the Egyptian Movement for Change, and on its General Coordinating Committee.
Kefaya represents a “new style” of opposition in Egypt <>, it is not a politicalparty aiming to achieve power, but a “national coalition
movement” united by the common goal of seeking an end to
President Mubarak’s rule.
Dr. Samir Eliesh the founder of My Voice is my request "Sawty Matlaby" movement, and the Secretary General of the movement.
Counselor Mahmoud Khudhairi former Vice President of the Appeal Court and Chairman of the Judges Club.
They all became a part and supporter of National Association for Change. Which is a loose grouping of the various Egyptian <> of all political affiliations and religion, men and women, including representatives of civil society and young people aims to change Egypt, under the leadership of Mohamed ElBaradei.

Will join us also, Mrs. Azza Balbaa, the Egyptian singer for change.

** Dinner will be served

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