whole Qur’an, and nothing but Qur’an:
a religion which Allâh has not ordained

محمد صادق Ýí 2009-06-03

Hell, blameworthy and rejected.&rdquo; 36:2 &ldquo;By the Qur'&acirc;n, full of wisdom.&rdquo; </p>
<p align="left">Anything that is not commanded in the Qur&rsquo;an, God left it up to our minds and intelligence to decide (5:101). 5:101 &ldquo; O you who believe! Ask not about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. But if you ask about them while the Qur'&acirc;n is being revealed, they will be made plain to you. All&acirc;h has forgiven that, and All&acirc;h is Oft-Forgiving, Most Forbearing.&rdquo;</p>
<p align="left">The prophet Abraham (PBUH)was the founder of Islam and a good example for us (22:78; 2:135; 60:4). Muhammad (PBUH) was the follower of Abraham (PBUH) (3:68; 16; 123). All religious practices; daily prayers, obligatory charity, fasting, and pilgrimage come through Abraham (PBUH) (21:73; 2:43,127-128; 2:183; 3:43; 20:14).</p>
<p align="left">We should not believe and follow vain hadith besides Qur&rsquo;an (45:6). &ldquo;These are the Ay&acirc;t of God (All&acirc;h), which We recite to you with truth, then in which hadith (sayings) after All&acirc;h and His Ay&acirc;t will they believe.&rdquo;</p>
<p align="left">There are those who use vain hadith to mislead the people, who posses no knowledge (31:6). We do not need fabricated hadith, because the Qur&rsquo;an is fully detailed (12:111). The best hadith is the Qur&rsquo;an (39:23) &ldquo;All&acirc;h has sent down the Best Hadith, a Book, its parts resembling each other and oft-repeated&hellip;..&rdquo;</p>
<p align="left">The only Sunnah (law) is God&rsquo;s Sunnah (33:38,62; 35:43). 33:38 &ldquo; There is no blame on the Prophet in that which All&acirc;h has made lawfull for him. That has been All&acirc;h's Sunnah since the early generations, and the Command of All&acirc;h is a decree determine.&rdquo; 33:62 &ldquo;This is God&rsquo;s eternal Sunnah, and God&rsquo;s Sunnah never change.&rdquo; 35:43 &ldquo; Arrogance in the land and their plotting of evil. But the evil plot encompasses only him who makes it. Then, can they expect anything, but the Sunnah of the peoples of old? So no change will you find in All&acirc;h's Sunnah, and you will find that All&acirc;h's Sunnah is immutable.&rdquo;</p>
<p align="left">Those who decree religious laws never authorized by God, and their followers, are idol worshipers (42:21). The Qur&rsquo;an is fully detailed, not vague (30:28; 41:3).The Qur&rsquo;an has been explained and detailed by God Himself (11:1; 75:19). God is the teacher of the Qur&rsquo;an (55:1). The Qur&rsquo;an is easy to understand for the believers; while it is impossible for idol worshipers (54:17,22,32,40; 17:46; 18:57).</p>
<p align="left">The Prophet Muhammad(PBUH), who was a good example, did not accept and follow any other source besides the Qur&rsquo;an (5:48-49; 6:114; 10:15). God guaranteed the preservation of the Qur&rsquo;an, not the hadith (15:9; 36:69; 38:87; 41:42;43:4; 56:78).</p>
<p align="left">Those who follow conjecture are diverted (6:112). Those who divide their religion into sects are not followers of Muhammad (PBUH) (6:159). Those who are not certain about the hereafter, are not satisfied with the Qur&rsquo;an, they want to amend it with other books (10:15). The complaint of the messenger in the hereafter will be about the desertion of the Qur&rsquo;an, not hadith (25:30).</p>
<p align="left"><u>The history repeated itself</u></p>
<p align="left">The Jews had received the Torah which was complete and fully detailed like the Qur&rsquo;an (6:154; 7:145). However, they were not satisfied with the word of God, and asked irrelevant questions. When they could not answers to their questions, they started to invent. This satanic attitude led them to produce Mishna (oral) and Gemarah (traditions).</p>
<p align="left">Just like the Jews, the Muslims fabricated many lies and attributed them to the prophet. It is significant that they called their fabrications hadith (oral) and sunnah (traditions). The ignorant people asked many irrelevant and absurd questions which have been criticized in the Qur&rsquo;an (5:101). For instance, which hand shall we use while eating ? Which side shall we lay while sleeping? Which foot shall we enter with into the bathroom? Which hand shall we start to wash for ablution? How long shall we grow our beards? Which sequence shall we follow when we cut our nails? Which vegetables are most holy?</p>
<p align="left">These foolish questions encouraged many hypocrites to fabricate hadiths and attribute them to the prophet (6:112-116). It is significant that the most reliable books, for instance that of Bukhary, was written at least two centuries after the prophet died. The qur&rsquo;an has named these fabrications &ldquo; Hadith&rdquo; Obviously, God knew that the idol worshipers would call those fabrications &ldquo;Hadith&rdquo;. It is interesting that they did not call their lies &ldquo;Aqwal&rdquo; = sayings , Akhbar &ldquo;=narrations, &ldquo;Hikam&rdquo; = Aphorisms, or any other word from the rich Arabic language. They unwittingly termed their inventions &ldquo;Hadith&rdquo; . This is fulfillment of Qur&rsquo;anic projection:</p>
<p align="left">&ldquo; This is not a fabricated Hadith. It is a confirmation of previous scriptures, detailing everything, and a guide and mercy for those who believe.&rdquo; 12: 111</p>
<p align="left"><u>Do we need other books beside the Qur&rsquo;an?</u></p>
<p align="left">They claim that the Qur&rsquo;an is not fully detailed ! They thus reject God&rsquo;s repeated assertion that the Qur&rsquo;an is complete, perfect, and fully detailed (6;19, 38, 114), and justify the creation of 60 volumes of Hadith, and thousands of nonsensical teachings that are supposed to complete the Qur&rsquo;an. By reflection on 12:111 above, one can see God&rsquo;s answer to those fabrications.</p>
<p align="left">God informs us that we do not need fabricated hadith; that the Qur&rsquo;an is all we need. Almighty God rejects both &ldquo;Hadith&rdquo; and the basic excuse for accepting it as a source of Islam. No excuse is accepted from the followers of hadith in this world, nor on the Day of Judgment. God asks them: &ldquo; In which hadith, beside God and His revelations, do they believe?&rdquo; 45:6 Their reply: &ldquo; We believe in Bukhary, Muslim,Tirmizy, Ibn Hanbel, Kafi, etc. besides God&rsquo;s revelations.&rdquo;</p>
<p align="left">God challenges: &ldquo; Let them produce a hadith like this. If they are truthful.&rdquo; 52:34 As a response, they slander the prophet in one of their holy hadith books (Abu Dawud): &ldquo; The prophet said, &ldquo; I was given the Qur&rsquo;an and a hadith like it. According to the Qur&rsquo;an, there is only one valid Sunna (law): God&rsquo;s law (Sunnatullah) 33:38,62; 35:43; 40:85; 48:23.</p>
<p align="left">In Sunni and Shiah sects the exact number of accepted hadith books is unknown. However, Sunnies generally agree on six hadith books from total 9, which are called &ldquo; Kutubi Sittah &rdquo; (six books). These are Bukhary, Muslim, Tirmizy, Ibni Majah, Nesaiy, and Abu Dawud. Additionally, they respect Muwatta, Darimy and Ibn Hanbel. Muslim scholars in many cases preferred Bukhary to the Qur&rsquo;an. So much so that Hanafy scholars claimed publicly that hadith can abrogate Qur&rsquo;anic verses. For example, according to them 2:180 and 4;24 have been invalidated by hadith. In fact, all other sects also do not accept the judgement of these verses but they are not so frank.</p>
<p align="left"><u>Their most Authentic hadith</u></p>
<p align="left">It is the alleged final sermon ( Khutba) of the prophet (Khutbat Al-Wadaa&rsquo;). This great and historic event is reported in many important books of hadith, including Muslim, Muwatta, Ibn Majah, Abu Dawud, Ahmed Ibn Hanbel. The big problem is: these books report three vastly different doctrines from this historic sermon which was witnessed by almost 100.000 witnesses ( most hadiths were supposedly witnessed by 1 or 2 people). In fact, the main topic in that all important sermon gives three contradicting commandments. Here is what the prophet allegedly said:</p>
<p align="left">1- &ldquo; I am leaving for you two things that you must uphold, the Qur&rsquo;an and my Sunnah&rdquo; (according to Muwatta 46/3). <br />
2- &ldquo; I am leaving for you the Qur&rsquo;an and my relatives (Ahl Al bayt&rdquo;) (according to Muslim 44/4, Nu 2408; Ibn Hanbal 4/366; Darimi 23/1, Nu 3319). <br />
3- &ldquo; I am leaving for you the Qur&rsquo;an; you shall uphold it&rdquo; (according to Muslim 15/9, Nu 1218; Ibn majah 25/84, Nu 3074; Abu Dawud 11/56, Nu 1905). <br />
As we see, the Last words of the Last sermon of the Last prophet which had been witnessed by the greatest number of his friends and followers, have been reported in three different versions.</p>
<p align="left">What did the prophet leave for us according to these three versions? Which one of the three is correct? What did the prophet leave for us according to the best hadith, ie., Qur&rsquo;an? 6:19,38,114; 5:48-49; 12:11; 39:23. How can we trust those hadith books which can change the most important words, though witnessed by thousands of people, and which hadith can we trust beside the Qur&rsquo;an? 45:6</p>
<p align="left"><u>Freedom of Religion and Expression</u></p>
<p align="left">The Qur&rsquo;an states in many verses that there is no compulsion in religion (2:256; 10:99; 88:21, 22). The Qur&rsquo;an gives perfect freedom of belief and speech (18:29). The basic law regulating relations with unbelievers are stated in 60:8,9. Apostates cannot be killed unless they fight against the believers (4: 90). But according to hadith and sunnah, a person who leaves Islam should be killed.</p>
<p align="left">The vicious laws that exist in hadith books altered Islam into a tyrannical religion. According to hadith and sunnah, if a muslim does not practice daily contact prayers ( Salat), he or she should be warned and if they still do not pray ; they should be put in prison or killed. The perfect , complete, clear, and fully detailed Qur&rsquo;an (6:19,38,114,115,116; 11:1; 12:111), nowhere commands us to punish those who do not obey this commandment.</p>
<p align="left">A careful study will show that all punishments decreed by God involve social and individual relations; not religious belief and practices. However, scholars produced many vicious laws and attributed them to God (6:21; 42:21). According to the Qur&rsquo;an, violence and belligerence are signs of disbelief (22:72).</p>
<p align="left">The greatest sin is setting up idols besides God (4:116), and those who commit such a sin cannot be forced to worship God alone (18:29). Daily prayers should be observed only for God (20:14). Is it not a fact that wherever such a tyrannical rule is practiced, hypocrisy, oppression and ignorance become widespread among the people?</p>
<p align="left">The Qur&rsquo;an mentions theft, slander, homicide, and other crimes and also decrees punishments for each of them. Why does it not command us to punish people who do not observe prayers, although prayers are mentioned 90 times in it?</p>
<p align="left"><u>Violating Qur&rsquo;anic principles</u></p>
<p align="left">1- God said in chapter 24: 1,2, translated as: &ldquo; A s&ucirc;rah which We have sent down and which We have ordained its laws; and in it We have revealed manifest Ay&acirc;t, that you may remember. The adulterer and the adulteress, flog each of them with a hundred lashes. Let not pity withhold you in their case, in a punishment prescribed by All&acirc;h, if you believe in All&acirc;h and the Last Day. And let a party of the believers witness their punishment. <font color="#ff0000">(This punishment is for unmarried persons guilty of the above crime, but if married persons commit it, the punishment is to stone them to death, according to All&acirc;h's Law). </font></p>
<p align="left">The profound two verses mentioned above, do not make any distinction between married and single adulterers. The translation of the meaning of these two verses mentioned above is from their books, we notice the last three lines in red colour, are been added to the meaning of these two verses and attributed to God and it is not in the Arabic text. Whether those who commit adultery are married or not, white or black, their punishment must be hundred lashes. The only exceptions are slaves, whose punishment is half of the free (4:25). This is the law of God, and is mentioned in the first verse &ldquo;&hellip;which We have ordained its laws&hellip;).</p>
<p align="left">After the death of the prophet Mohammad(PBUH), they fabricated ahadith and attributed them to the prophet and violated God&rsquo;s law. They produced lies to change the punishment to stonning till death for married adulterers. They adopt this law from the Jews. They fabricated hadith and claimed that prophet Mohammad(PBUH) stoned a couple to death. To support their fabrication, they declair the word of God to be vague and ambiguous, so they creat satanic theory of abrogation in the Qur&rsquo;an. Then, they moved on claiming that many verses of the Qur&rsquo;an had been abrogated by other verses or by hadith. Amazingly, they disagreed on the number of abrogated verses.</p>
<p align="left">According to their storey, the stoning verse was recorded in the Qur&rsquo;an during the time of Mohammad(PBUH), but just after his death, a goat entered Aisha&rsquo;s tent and ate the page on which that verse was recorded. This story written in Ibn Magah, section Nekah, as well as Ibn Hanbel. We can find a silly justification to this Goat incident in the book &ldquo; Solving the contradictions among hadiths &ldquo; of Ibn Qutayba , famous scholar said: &ldquo; the goat is a holy animal&rdquo; and he explained more by saying: &ldquo; why not believe in God&rsquo;s power as He destroyed the people of Aad and Thamud, He is also able to destroy His revelations by using even a goat&rdquo;. We must read what is written in Bukhary 93/21; Muslim section Hudud 1691; Tirmizi section Hudud 8/1431, as well Bu Dawud 41/1 section Itqan 2/34. We can read in Bkhary 63/27, the story of a tribe of monkeys arrested an adulterer monkey and stoned it to death.</p>
<p align="left">2- God clearly states in 6:145 that only four kinds of animal products are prohibited for eating: animals that die of themselves, running blood only, the meat of pigs, and animals dedicated to other than God. God informs us in 6:146, that such prohibitions are very specific, God prohibit s either the meat or the fat, or both, if He so wills. The verses in chapter 6:147-150 state that whoever prohibits other than those four items, is a follower of conjecture and human opinion. Qur&rsquo;an also states that those who invent prohibitions and attributed them to God, are idol worshippers. Those who idolize their scholars by accepting their opinions as a divine law are not aware of their idol worship. They will assert that God is the source of their idol worship by saying that these laws were from God. 6:23,148</p>
<p align="left">End of part one&hellip;</p>
<p align="left">&nbsp;</p>
اجمالي القراءات 16413

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
التعليقات (2)
1   تعليق بواسطة   محمد البارودى     في   الجمعة ٠٥ - يونيو - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Qur’an, and nothing but Qur’an

Dr. Mohamed,
Jazak Allah kol kheer, may Allah bless you and reward you for such a great article.
God has warned us from following the steps of the devil but unfortunately we don't learn and we don't think. We just follow what our parents brought up as.
Allah ordered us to think and study his words but we totally refuse to do so. Instead we followed some old tafaseer from few people.
We are too lazy to do anything ourselves. We need someone else to do everything for us and bring it ready.
Allah has created us different from other creatures and distinguished us from them with our brain and we will be held responsible on how we used that brain.
Allah doesn’t want you to be Muslim because you were born as a Muslim, Allah wants us to use our brain and make our decision to become Muslim. Allah wants you to think and decide your faith yourself, and to help you decide Allah has reserved to us his holly words which are the Quran to help us find the right path. And there are no other sources to reach the right path but Allah words alone.
[7-179] and surely, we have created many of the jinn and mankind for Hell. They have hearts wherewith they understand not, and they have eyes wherewith they see not, and they have ears wherewith they hear not (the truth). They are like cattle, nay even more astray; those! They are the heedless ones.

2   تعليق بواسطة   محمد صادق     في   الإثنين ٠٨ - يونيو - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Dear Mohamed Elbaroudy

Dear Mohamed, thank you for cutting from your busy time to read my article, and your strong words, which indicate your strong faith and dedication to Allah (SWT) and His Book - The Qur'an - God bless you and yours.
I agree with all what you wrote, it is the truth and reality, but as you said who listen and who wants to spend time to act upon God's words and reflect on it.
My best regards and be in peace with Allah.
Salam for now.

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تاريخ الانضمام : 2007-10-30
مقالات منشورة : 451
اجمالي القراءات : 7,369,696
تعليقات له : 702
تعليقات عليه : 1,407
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : Canada