Professor Dr. Abdelrazak Mansour Ali:
?Is water a living Organism

د. عبد الرزاق علي Ýí 2022-12-10

Is water a living Organism?
Professor Dr. Abdelrazak Mansour Ali

Water makes up about 60% of our body, and it plays a vital role in hydrating the body, transporting oxygen, eliminating toxins, and boosting metabolism. The water molecule takes the form of a broad “V” letter, where the two hydrogen atoms “H” are linked to the oxygen atom “O” by one covalent bond. The "slightly positive" hydrogen molecule is attracted to a nearby "slightly negative" oxygen molecule. Thus, the two molecules are linked together by a hydrogen bond, and this means that the water molecules line up in a polar way (one row of molecules is positive and the second row is negative), and this explains the
unique properties of water. '

The unique properties of water
Water is referred to as “the universal solvent” because it can dissolve a wide range of different substances. Almost all polar substances dissolve in water because water molecules are also polar.
Cohesion is the ability of water molecules to stick together. The polarity of water gives water a high adhesion force (the ability to stick to other surfaces), and the adhesive forces of water are stronger than the cohesion forces.
Water can exhibit acidic or alkaline properties depending on the pH of the solution contained in it.
- Have you ever wondered how fish can survive under frozen water?
The answer lies in the unique density of ice. Density is what determines the ability of the body to float, as solids are formed when strong forces between molecules cause atoms or molecules to stick together, and this includes bringing molecules closer to each other than they are in the liquid form, which leads to a higher density. For example, if you put pure gold into liquid gold, the solid form sinks down. Because of the shape of the angle that the water molecules take, it forms a unique crystalline structure with a large space between the molecules that makes the water in its solid state” Ice” would float.
Blessed water
1- Recently, scientists have added another unique feature, which is water’s retention of information, meaning that water could form and store memory, and this has been proven by physical and chemical experiments. I will try to simplify one of the laboratory experiments in which researchers test a chemical substance used to stimulate immune cells to produce antibodies. In one of the stages of the experiment, this substance was gradually diluted by dissolving it in high proportions of water until the dilution reached the point where the catalyst molecules were almost absent from the aqueous solution, and the result was shocking:
The diluted water solution, from which the stimulus particles were lost, still retains the effect of the stimulating substance, meaning that the water solution is still able to stimulate immune cells to produce antibodies, and the water behaves as if it lives on its memory, just as many of us live on the memory of his beloved ones.
Scientists worked on explaining this strange property of water, and they came to solve the puzzle by relying on quantum physics to report this effect that “one of the properties of particles is that they exist in two states at the same time, which are the particle state and the wave state. For example, light is electromagnetic waves, and at the same time, it is composed of minute particles called photons. Based on this theory, the substance dissolved in water leaves its wave part inside the water, and the water exploits it to perform the effect of the catalyst that left the water.
- So, one molecule of a substance dissolved in water can be reproduced hundreds or thousands of times. In the medical sense, this process can be described as reproduction, i.e., the reproduction of vital molecules such as cells and DNA. Hence the water can be described as "blessed". The Earth's matter is stated of being in a waveform, which led to the growth and multiplication of particles of the Earth's matter in its particle form. We can conclude this concept from the Holy Qur’an God Almighty saidو (And you see the earth lifeless, but as soon as We send down rain upon it, it begins to stir ˹to life˺ and swell, producing every type of pleasant plant) Alhaj-5. And said (And We send down blessed rain from the sky, bringing forth gardens and grains for harvest) Qaf-9.
By the way, I dedicate this miraculous scientific gesture to the atheists who slander the "Holy Qur'an" because of their Hatred and ignorance.
-2- The research team led by the French doctor Montagnier proved in 2009 that DNA produces electromagnetic signals (EMS). It can be measured when very diluted in water. And that this signal can be recorded, electronically transmitted, and retransmitted on another sample of distant pure water, where the DNA can multiply through the "polymerase chain" reaction even though the original DNA is not present in the new water sample. According to this amazing property of water, it is not excluded that we will be resurrected from the graves by the water on which our DNA is recorded. And now I remember our God Almighty says: (Allah ˹alone˺ caused you1 to grow from the earth like a plant) Noah -17
Fact: French doctor Montagnier won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2008, for his discovery of the acquired immunodeficiency virus” HIV”. in 1983
And by the way, he is the one who announced that Covid-19 is a laboratory-made virus.!
Purified water: We mentioned that the water molecules are arranged in a polar way, meaning the positive ions are in a row and the negative ions are in a row.
Fact: An ion is a molecule or atom that carries a charge (positive or negative) because they are supposed to be in a state of electrical neutrality.
The distinction of water with the alignment of positive and negative ions makes it able to neutralize stray ions or.” Free Radicals". So, water cleanses the body of these harmful electrolytes that cause cell oxidation and damage.
That is, water is not only with being an outward and visible purifier but also an invisible purification but “Spiritual Purification” is added to it. The Almighty God said (And We sent down purifying water from the sky) - Al-Furqan 48
Scientifically, water consists of hydrogen and oxygen, and it is polar, meaning that one of the atoms carries a negative charge and the other has a positive charge, like a magnetic bar. These molecules in the water are distributed randomly in natural water, and if we pass a magnetic field of specific strength in this water, these molecules will harmonize so that the positive poles are in a direction and the negative ones are in a direction and become regular in lines. The scholars said that when the water was first created, it was in this correct form, and then irregularity occurred to It later. Scientists call irregular water “dead water”, and regular polar water “living water”. Rainwater is considered living water in the application of this scientific theory.
1- It has been scientifically proven that liquids can absorb ultrasonic waves, and as an example, the Journal of Physics published in 2014, Research confirming that cold foamy liquids can repel ultrasounds of certain frequencies.
2- Experiments conducted by the International Institute of “Acoustics and Vibrations” in 2021 showed that nitrogen gas has the ability to disperse ultrasonic waves with frequencies of “21-40 kHz”.
From the results of research in 1,2, we draw the following conclusion: "Cold water saturated with nitrogen overcomes ultrasound and its effects. The God Almighty said (when He overwhelmed you with drowsiness security from Him and sent down upon you from the sky, rain by which to purify you and remove from you the evil of Satan and to make steadfast your hearts and plant firmly thereby your feet.) Alanfal-11. And said (And remember Our servant Job, when he cried out to his Lord, “Satan has afflicted me with distress and suffering. We responded, ˺ “Stomp your foot: ˹now˺ here is a cool ˹and refreshing˺ spring for washing and drinking) Surat Sad,41-42
Note: We had proven scientifically and Qur’anic ally, in previous research that the Jinn and Demons are created from ultrasound waves.
Rainwater is the best example of a liquid saturated with nitrogen.
Abstract: A living organism is defined as an organized building that needs energy, adapts to environmental changes, and could reproduce, grow, move, metabolize, and die... According to this scientific definition, water is not considered a "living organism" but rather the cause of life! And maybe a reason for resurrecting life after death. The Almighty said in Surat Al-Anbiya (And We made from water every living thing) God the Great is true.

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