be aware of God and seek a way to Him:
Those who believe and do good works

محمد صادق Ýí 2018-09-15

2:277 “Those who believe and do good works…”

What drives Man? In which He impeded a desires to assert himself, these basic needs, which God has deposited in man, make him a moving object, but this movement either to be in accordance with the rules and regulations of God, or to be a movement not disciplined by the approach of God.

Faith is inseparable from good work and good work is not separated from faith ... mated according to the law of pairing. Faith has its conditions and good work has its requirements.

المزيد مثل هذا المقال :

Before it is too late:We are in a race against time, at every moment there is a test, and we are busy with worldly life. When the appointed time comes, each one of us will escape from everything around him and think that his deeds were good and that his faith is strong and then he is surprised that this life was the goal and not the afterlife. Look at the words of God:

5: 35 “O you who believe, be aware of God and seek a way to Him, and strive in His cause; that you may succeed.

What is the means leading to success? Good deeds ... so it was the word of God Almighty:

18:30 “Those who believe and do good works, We do not waste the reward of those who have done well.

Dear brothers and sisters, each of us has one chance in this earth. If time passes and the time of Judgment comes, there is no return. Look at the words of Allah, what is he saying in such cases?

32:12.And if only you could see the criminals when they bow down their heads before their Lord: “Our Lord, we have now seen and we have heard, so send us back and we will do good work. Now we have attained certainty!”

23:99-100 “Until death comes to one of them, he says: “My Lord, send me back.” “So that I may do goodin that which I have left behind.”No, it is but a word he is speaking. And there is a barrier to prevent them from going back until the Day they are all resurrected.

What confirms the seriousness of your work in this life, is the extent of conformity to the approach of God, God Almighty says:

First: Deeds in this life:

103-106 “Say: “Shall we inform you of the greatest losers?” 104 “Those whose efforts in the worldly life were wasted while they thought they were doing good!”105“These are the ones who rejected the revelations of their Lord and His meeting. So their works were in vain, and We will not give them any value on the Day of Resurrection. 106 “That is their recompense, Hell; for what they rejected and for taking My revelations and My messengers for mockery!

Second: The belive:

7:29.  Say: “My Lord orders justice, and that you be devoted at every temple, and that you call on Him, while being faithful to Him in the system; as He initiated you, so you will return.” 30. A group He has guided and a group have deserved misguidance; that is because they have taken the devils as allies besides God; and they think they are guided!

   We always call the following:                                                       

46:15 “My Lord, direct me to appreciate the blessings You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and to do righteousness that pleases You.

When does God accept the workof His servant? What are the requirement in the work to be acceptable by God?

1-The work is not worship unless it completes two things: the perfection of love and the perfection of submission:

2:168 “…but those who believe love God more strongly        

21:90They used to hasten to do good, and they would call to Us in joy and in fear. And to Us they were reverent.

The Muslim does not accept his worshipunless he fulfills two basic conditions:

The first:is the sincerity of the intention to Allaah: He is to be the focus of the individual with all his sayings and deeds, both outward and inward, in order to seek God's face:

Say: “I have been commanded to serve God, devoting the religion to Him.”

The second: is the approval of the laws, which Allaah has commanded.  

The proof of these two conditions is:      

18:110 “So whoever looks forward to meetrding his Lod, then,


1- let him do good works and                    2-not set up any partner in the service of his Lord.”

Definition of Good Work:Any action, act or statement     

1- The purpose by the human to bring him closer to God Almighty,

2- Working according to the Qur'an, and all that corresponds to the law of God Almighty.

16:97 “Whoever does good work, be he male or female, and is a believer, We will give him a good life and We will reward them their dues with the best of what they used to do.

17:19 “And whoever seeks the Hereafter and strives for it as it deserves, and is a believing person,then to those what they have sought is given in thanks.

In this verse it combines the two conditions to accept good deeds; sincerity in saying (and who wants the Hereafter), and deedsin saying(strives for it as it deserves).



Sincere  love to God:but those who believe love God more strongly  

Total submission to God: And to Us they were reverent.

Sincerity of intention to God: devoting the religion to Him

The true believe:does good work, be he male or female, and is a believer

Intention for God sake only: not set up any partner in the service of his Lord

Work according to God’s law:A Scripture We have sent down which is blessed, so follow it



Allah always say the truth…

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