What do you know about God Almighty Lord of the heavens and the earth:
Has decreed mercy upon himself

محمد صادق Ýí 2018-04-07

Has decreed mercy upon himself

Introduction:What do you know about God Almighty Lord of the heavens and the earth, the Lord of everything....

The Compassionate has decreed mercy upon himself and made this mercy a door to repentance and this is the utmost justice and at the same time tortured to those who deserve a great punishment. It is fair that He gave you freedom of choice to obey or disobey, to believe or disbelieve.

The importance of giving thanks:                                                                                    

Between giving thanks and the disbelieve … Test

76:2,3 “We have created the human from a seed that is mixed, We test him, so We made him hear and see. We have guided him to the path, either to be thankful or to reject.

39: 7 “ If you reject, then know that God is in no need of you, and He dislikes rejection for His servants. And if you are appreciative, He is pleased for you.

Equation:Give thanks. Give you more.... Disbelieve ... you be punished.

14:7 “And your Lord proclaimed: “If you give thanks, then I will increase for you, but if you are rejecting, then My retributionis severe.”

4:147 “What would God want with your punishment if you were only thankful and believed?God is Appreciative, Knowledgeable.

The door for repentance:                                                                                            

6:54 “And if those who believe in Our revelations come to you, then Say: “Peace be upon you, our Lord has decreed mercy upon Himself, that any of you who commits sin out of ignorance and then repents afterwards and amends, then He is Forgiving, Merciful                                 

      Our Lord has decreed mercy upon Himself   

One of the most important qualities of mercy that God Almighty opened the door of repentance to all sevants on the terms of four, and left the option for them. In the Holy Qur’an, Allah has explained that repentance before all worshipers and all kinds of sins at all levels. This is the utmost justice and the reason for this is that“He dislikes rejection for His servants.”

How our Lord forgive us our evil deeds and remit our sins?      

   Details: 7: 156 “and My mercy encompasses all things …”               

42: 25 “And He is the One who accepts the repentance from His servants, and He forgives the sins. He is fully aware of what you do.


1-He wants the servants to repent: 4:26-28 “God wants to make clear for you and guide you to the ways of those before you, and pardon you, and God is Knowledgeable, Wise. And God wants to pardon you, but those who follow their lusts want that you would be diverted into a great diversion. God wants to make easy for you; and humankind was created weak.


2 - Calling people to repentance: 66:8 “O you who believe, you shall repent to God a sincere repentance. It may be that your Lord will remit your sins and admit you into paradises with rivers flowing beneath.

3- All kind of disbelievers: 11:3“And seek forgiveness from your Lord, then repent to Him; He will make you enjoy an enjoyment until a predetermined period. And He gives His grace to those who are of grace. And if you turn away, then I do fear for you the retribution of a great day!”

4-The hypocrites: 4:145,146 “The hypocrites will be in the lowest level of the Fire; and you will not find for them a victor.

Except those who repent, and amend,and hold fast to God, and purify their religion to God; then these will be with the believers. And God will grant the believers a great reward.

5- The transgressors:39:53 “Say: “O My servants who transgressed against themselves, do not despair of God's mercy. For God forgives all sins. He is the Forgiver, the Merciful.”

6- The Apostates: 3:68-89 “How can God guide a people who have rejected after believing, and they witnessed that the messenger is true, and the clarity had come to them? God does not guide the wicked people. To these the punishment will be that God’s curse will be upon them as well as that of the Angels and the people all together! Eternally they will abide in it, the retribution will not be lightened for them, nor will they be reprieved. Except those who repent after this and make amends, then God is Forgiver, Merciful.

                                                               God always say the Truth 

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